A Rose In The Outhouse

There are few realists who will argue that the MSM isn’t functioning as a propaganda bureau for Obama. There are a few operatives for the Left who complain with righteous indignation that media is in the “tank” for the GOP, but no one in touch with reality takes this outlandish diversion seriously. Most people are intuitive enough to recognize blatant dishonesty, especially when the subject matter requires the reader/viewer to ignore common sense to accept the premise of the deception.

Vogue is the medium, Asma al-Assad (wife of the Syria’s hereditary dictator for life) is the subject, and deception is the game, but deception for the sake of deception is little more than the musings of a pathological liar. No indeed, our propagandists are not pathological liars, they have definitive purposes to justify their lies and deceit.

Obama’s shiny objects [Reader Post]

World English Dictionary

zombie or zombi (ˈzɒmbɪ)

1. a person who is or appears to be lifeless, apathetic, or totally lacking in independent judgment; automaton

Obama supporters do not generally have much will. They lack independent judgment. They are automatons. They are easily distracted by shiny objects and Barack Obama has a host of shiny things he uses to distract them from the real issues facing the nation.

You can only contain your inner Lenin for so long [Reader Post]

The real Vladimir Ilyich Obama stands up

As part of his fantasy “deficit reduction” plan, Barack Obama proposed a number of new taxes. One of them was the so-called “Buffett Rule.” When it was initially proposed, it was part of the plan to reduce the deficit.

Black Teenage Homicidal Maniac Gets Life For Killing British Tourists, The Families Ask Obama Why He Ignores Them

Black Teenager Shawn Tyson found two White British tourists walking drunk through the wrong neighborhood, stripped them of their clothes, forced them to their knees, and had them beg for their lives before shooting them repeatedly.

Although their families have asked our president to respond to this senseless crime of wanton violence in three different letters, he has ignored their pleas and has focused on the Martin shooting; presumably, to gain political traction in the upcoming election, since the Martin shooting fits the template of Blacks being victims rather than killers.