More Liberal Lunacy From Hollywood And The War On Women

A fading actress and empty vessel has exposed more than her genitalia to the public, Cybil Shepherd known for her appearances in “The Last Picture Show” and for a nude photo session in Playboy, launched into a semi-coherent rant on straw men and GOP bullies who plan to take away her “Constitutional” right to abortions and condoms, during an appearance on “CBS This Morning”.

Say What? April 17, 2012 Edition [Reader Post]

Economic genius President Obama: “What drags down our entire economy is the growing gap between the ultra-rich and everyone else.”

Press secretary Jay Carney: “[N]o one ever suggested that implementing the Buffett Rule would contribute in large measure to reducing the deficit.”

Obama’s shiny objects [Reader Post]

World English Dictionary

zombie or zombi (ˈzɒmbɪ)

1. a person who is or appears to be lifeless, apathetic, or totally lacking in independent judgment; automaton

Obama supporters do not generally have much will. They lack independent judgment. They are automatons. They are easily distracted by shiny objects and Barack Obama has a host of shiny things he uses to distract them from the real issues facing the nation.

You can only contain your inner Lenin for so long [Reader Post]

The real Vladimir Ilyich Obama stands up

As part of his fantasy “deficit reduction” plan, Barack Obama proposed a number of new taxes. One of them was the so-called “Buffett Rule.” When it was initially proposed, it was part of the plan to reduce the deficit.

Live from New York – It’s The Hunger Games! [Reader Post]

Sometimes even a 24/7 news cycle can get so heavily dominated by a handful of stories that everything else seems to disappear. Just as we started to wind down from the tale of a future 1 percenter complaining that a religious-affiliated school should pay for her birth control, we’ve jumped into the Trevon Martin case becoming the focal point of the left’s “Keep Hate Alive” campaign for 2012, along with leftist leadership starting to launch pre-emptive attacks against the Supreme Court for potentially committing that horrific act of judicial activism known as striking down an unconstitutional law. In this hurricane one story sadly got buried in the mix.

Say What? April 9, 2012 Edition. [Reader Post]

President Obama: “My entire career has been a testimony of American exceptionalism.”

President Obama: “[Ronald Reagan] could not get through a Republican primary today.” And yet, nearly every Republican candidate speaks of his affection for President Reagan.