ObamaCare Survives…Obama & Democrats Now Own The Largest Middle-Class Tax Hike In History!

Chief Justice Roberts opinion is that the mandate violates the Commerce Clause but since he believes it is a tax, and that it was within Congresses power to tax, the violation of the Commerce Clause doesn’t matter.

Welcome to Canada folks, and the ever increasing tax rates.

‘They’re Lying and Hiding Something’ – Latest Operation Fast & Furious News

Brian Terry’s parents: “‘They’re Lying and Hiding Something”

And here is just one reminder on why Obama and pals started the operation in the first place:

Documents obtained by CBS News show that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussed using their covert operation “Fast and Furious” to argue for controversial new rules about gun sales.

Obama’s Unconstitutional Acts

So let’s go down the list. He began with ObamaCare…which very well might be ruled unconstitutional quite soon. Most recently he bypassed Congress and enacted The Dream Act all by his lonesome after stating a year ago that he didn’t have the power to do that. Oh, lets not forget that he refuses to defend DOMA, a federal law passed in 1996 and signed by President Clinton. And now this:

His Majesty…King Obama, Does End-Run Around Congress And Enacts Dream Act Himself

How wonderful it must be to be King eh?

Our Royal Highness, The King of the United States of America, has decided himself to bypass Congress and issue a executive order stopping all deportation of those here illegally, not all here illegally but only those who were brought here as children. It’s not formal legalization, it’s de facto legalization.