Nanny Bloomberg's War Against Obesity

“This isn’t about government telling people what to do. What we know we need to do is give parents, community, families, the tools and information they need to make choices that are right for them and there’s no one size fits all solution.”
-First Lady, Michelle Obama

If you can’t dictate choices, place a cap on them.

Mayor Bloomberg might not be advocating a “one size fits all” soda consumption solution…but the choice selection on sizing will soon be limited. No more Starbucks Trenta and Venti; or 7-11 Big Gulps, Double Gulps, and Super Big Gulps…

Dangerous Distracted Pedestrians!

Avid texters beware: Fort Lee, N.J. police said they will begin issuing $85 jaywalking tickets to pedestrians who are caught texting while walking.


the borough, which is home to approximately 35,000 residents, has suffered three fatal pedestrian-involved accidents this year. He hopes his crackdown on people who display dangerous behavior while walking will make his town safer, but not everyone is on board with the idea of issuing $85 tickets.