The Obama Drama And The Mystique Of High Noon

Is this a serious discussion of raising the debt ceiling or the opportunity for a failing president to gain control of center stage in a desperate attempt to assert his authority and relevance before the 2012 election?

Obama seems to be playing the role of Marshal Kane straight from the movie High Noon, arguably one of the best films ever made. Filmed in 1952 at the height of Senator’s McCarthy claims of Communist agents within government and the entertainment industry, claims that were proven to be correct by the Verona Cables and declassification of KGB files, it is a movie that emphasizes the ideals of the strength of the individual in standing up to evil.

A Movie with True Grit

I finally got around to seeing True Grit. Since Flopping Aces is a conservative blog with a western theme, I find it fitting to do a movie review on a genre that Hollywood has all but forgotten about in recent years.

The Hoax Of Global Warming is Spawning Fascists

The Global Warming Scam Artists Are Willing To Resort To Murder To Promote The Great Hoax The Global Warming Hoaxsters are willing to become fascists to frighten and intimidate children …

Daily Distraction- Happy Twenty Ten!

From 2001 to present, here’s a movie that I feel is under-rated: WordsmithA former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith …