The Democratic Party – A Picture America can do without…[Reader Post]

Sometimes when we look at events in isolation we see them as tragic or despicable or just lamentable. When we look at them together as a group however we come away with a completely different impression. They can seem to form a pattern or a picture that was hardly discernible when seen in isolation. The following is a collection of just such events.

The Obamas, Movin’ On Up

Corruption and Lies seem to be a tradition in the Obama family.

Every family has a “Black Sheep,” someone who embarrasses the family by getting drunk and in trouble. It’s possible some of us have relatives who are illegal aliens on the public dole and have repeatedly defied deportation orders: thankfully, not many of us fit into that category. However, not many drunk relatives tell arresting officers to call the White House, presumably before they do something stupid.

“Omar” or Onyango Obama is the long lost brother Kenyan half-brother of President Obama’s father. The same Uncle Omar mentioned by Bill Ayers in the best selling autobiography “Dreams From My Father”, the life story of President Obama as portrayed by the unrepentant terrorist, Bill Ayers. Although he was mentioned in the book, our president is wishing his drunken uncle would behave himself or live in the shadows.

Marxist Ideology, Obama’s Personal Demon

We who walk the earth struggle with personal demons throughout our lives, if the demons devlop obsessions, we are then consumed by strange passions that control and ultimately destroy our lives and those around us.

In Melville’s Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is consumed with his obsession to kill the White Whale, Moby Dick. His inner demon is pure madness and vengeance. Obama, by not recognizing his personal failures and the failures of his policies, is displaying signs of a mental imbalance: consumed with Narcissism, driven by an obsession with Capitalism, and the inner demon of Marxism, he is not capable of seeing alternatives or making rational decisions. The mental imbalance within both Ahab and Obama becomes or was more apparent as their voyages progress. Obama’s Presidency and Ahab’s voyages were both scheduled to last four years.

Wild Socks With Big Feet

It’s true I have snow on the roof year round, but the sap stays up year round. The young girls in diners and coffee shops smile and call me sir: oh, how I miss the days when they’d smile and wink. Yes, I am a senior citizen and I try to accept the sentence of life without parole with as much grace and dignity as possible. Despite my advanced years and a raven haired young beauty for a girl friend, I still admire the feminine form; just because you are on a diet doesn’t mean you can’t read the menu.

Scott Walker has a messaging problem [Reader Post]

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker has a problem. It’s not the smelly, indian sitting – Kumbaya singing activists who are turning the statehouse into Woodstock ’11. Although they are a problem – it’s primarily to the olfactory system. Nor is it the union thugs who are harassing reporters, people who dare to voice their support of the Governor and representatives on their way to their offices.

Unions- that’s where the big money is [Reader Post]

Ken Vogel at Politico, who seldom misses a chance to bash conservatives, does his best to convince us that the effort to eliminate collective bargaining is the result of a long term right wing conspiracy.

The conservative assault on public sector unions that seemed to explode out of nowhere in Wisconsin and spread across the Midwest was in fact months – if not years – in the making, the result of methodical polling, lobbying, messaging, grassroots organizing and policy crafting by a coterie of well-funded conservative groups.

The face of unions [Reader Post]

The loss of collective bargaining does not bust unions. It does not remove their ability to bargain for wages, contrary to the stupidity we’re all seeing.

At one time unions served some kind of purpose, but they are irrelevant today other than serving as a means of guaranteeing mediocrity. Unions brought the auto industry to its knees and Obama has pinned the bill for their legacy costs on our futures.

Obama’s Marxism Disguised As Unionism

Please people, email this video to all your Conservative friends around the world. We can be the impetus that makes this video become viral. The people of the world should realize that the new unionism is selling the new Marxism as unionism; people are buying into unionism who would have never considered supporting Marxism and financing it with billions of dollars. Our president is using his position of president to facilitate this March of Marxism around the world. The regular activities of his office don’t concern him: he is only concerned with advancing the union cause or those who are allied with the unions, including minority dupes, Islamists, and Communists.