Obama’s Concern For Big Bird Overshadows Concerns For Diplomatic Security

Obama Frets Over Big Bird, But He, His Administration, and the Obama Media Lie About Benghazi And The Deaths Of Americans

Tomorrow congressional hearings commence on the Benghazi attack; consequently, the State Department decided to tell the truth, everything the administration reported on the terrorist attack in Libya has been an outright lie. President Obama, Ambassador Susan Rice, White House Spokesman Jay Carney and the president’s news service, the Main Stream Media, told the American public and the world, nothing but lies.

The day Obama jumped the shark [Reader Post]

This could be a really simple post. All I have to do is post Drudge headlines. First, these three:

Libyan president: ‘No doubt’ was ‘preplanned’ starting months ago…
Video Purports To Show US Ambassador Dragged, Cheers From Crowd…

Shock! Gay Rights Advocate Is Racist

After enduring charges of racism for being skeptical of Obama’s competence, authenticity, sincerity, intentions, ability, and intelligence, we Conservatives can now visualize the true meaning of racism through the thoughts and emails of one of the Left’s leaders of the Gay Rights movement.

Colorado Burning [Reader Post]

Ten years ago on Jun 8th, carelessness by a forest service worker started the most devastating forest fire in Colorado history known as the Hayman Fire. The burning of a relatively healthy but dry forest covered more than 133,000 acres and destroyed more than 550 buildings and charred the ground with such heat is was said to sterilize the soil. Colorado has the potential for a fire 30 times as devastating as the Hayman fire.