Trump’s Billionaire Cabinet

The “end of world” meme angrily percolating from the media, has found energy in Trump Cabinet announcements. During the past election campaign this deplorable media has exhibited its Marxist leanings, as is willfully exhibited by the crowd at CNN which might as well be called the Communist News Network, led by the likes of Zakaria, and which has given a show to Maoist agitator Van Jones. It will never approve, but can this media ever come close to understanding Trump’s Cabinet choices?

Obama’s Incomprehensible Vision

America resoundingly rejected the Obama agenda, handing the Republican Party the strongest presence and power in government across America it has had since the Depression, and yet Obama travels the world in denial. Denial and blame. Denial, blame, and a bewildered vision. Seemingly oblivious that he was standing at pulpits in foreign sovereignties, Obama has continued his divisive rhetoric. Apparently incapable of introspection, denying realities weighing on middle Americans, accepting no responsibility, blaming Clinton for a historic political loss, agitating for a new breed of community organizer, and blindly promoting globalism, he continued his attack on America.

THEY Are Determined To Destroy America – Not A Chance

The “scorched earth policy” has been used in conflict as long as mankind has been arguing. Russians burned their own nation against Napoleon and Stalin used the strategy again during Hitler’s invasion. Since the night of the Presidential elections we have witnessed the left and the Democratic Party invoke a hard “take no prisoners, torch the land and poison the wells,” retribution against the Nation. The vengeance is not only against all who voted for Trump, but is reprisal and recrimination on all of America, which Democrats are convinced is not listening well enough.

Hollywood Socialists Selling Out To Chinese Communist Party — Go ALL-IN With Blinding Greed

Hollywood hypocrisy has been evident whether you have dealt directly with any of its many influencers, or have observed from a distance. Hollywood has consistently and sanctimoniously forgiven itself and its money-makers whether it was on mistreatment of women, or minorities, or the abuse of those too young to defend themselves, or the sexualization of young women. No levels of immorality, or depravity have been too low for consideration as long as cash was in the offing. Hollywood has for a century played impresario to American culture, or what Hollywood decided was American culture. Presented often enough, repeated often enough, and delivered through giant theatre screens of televisions, whatever “it” was, became so. We became accustomed, or we became numb, as the powerful, unequalled Hollywood PR machine sold us whatever socio-political poison could entertain us, successfully parting us from our cash. Now Hollywood is going All-In on the cash sell-out.


The Fed Is Your Enemy, And The Elite Is In-Tow

Envision yourself on the Mount Everest ice field called the Khumbu icefall. You are with a group negotiating a crossing of the ice field on your way to the summit of Everest. You are almost at Camp One, having left base camp and are struggling through the most difficult acclimatization portion of your climb. You are part of a team, the first team up the mountain in this particular expedition, but in this endeavour, you feel alone. You are fighting nature’s forces, all of them — gravity, extreme cold, violent winds, blinding snow storms, thin oxygen, your own contracting blood vessels, cramps, and one step at a time you cross ladders, and you clip onto and off ropes that have been fixed in the ice. You worry each time you unclip your carabiner. Each might just be the moment when ice moves and disaster hits. And then it happens.

Obama Capitulates

Obama and Your FREEDOM: Obama Capitulates, Gives Away America’s Control Of The Internet’s Core

Today, no one seems to be paying attention to another Globalist-Obama American Freedom shrinking program. In breech of America’s constitution, Obama is handing off America’s control of the Internet. The MSM is asleep at the switch on this capitulation. A capitulation no-one is imposing on him — so why the rush? And yet, serial capitulator Obama will make this his final major act. It’s your freedom. You should care. We should all care. Why?