The Week In Radical Leftism, 4/24/20



Welcome back, all! Relatively light post this week – lots going on in Bob World. Let’s get to it:

4/17 – Americans Revolt Against Outlaw Socialist Governors

Our Overlords are shocked! Shocked I say! that you can only push the peasants so far before they revolt

4/18 – WATCH: Bill Maher Warns Media “Trump calls you Fake News. Don’t make him right”

Maher makes one of his rare good points. Unfortuantely for him this ship sailed long ago.

4/18 – Land O’ Lakes drops iconic Native American maiden from package

Stories like this make me wish that we used Land O Lakes so I could stop using it

4/19 – COVID19 models – a lesson for those who trust climate scientists-Joe D’Aleo

This image says more than I ever could:

Is there a tax I can pay to stop Coronavirus, or does that only work for Climate Change?

4/20 – Rep. Dan Crenshaw politely destroys Bill Maher’s blame game against Trump

We need more Republicans who can calmly eviscerate Leftists like Crenshaw can

4/21 – Michael Moore Admits He Had No Idea Where the Juice to Power Electric Cars Came From

I actually appreciate when Lefties are honest about their ignorance.

4/22 – A Science Project in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day

Warning to any Lefties who may click the link: This Earth Day video contains actual “facts” and “science”, so be warned that it may cause you anxiety!

4/23 – AOC Has Reached A Level Of Batsh*ttery That Defies Every Rule Of Batsh*ttery To Date.

Once again, I find it refreshng that Democrats finally feel comfortable enough to publicly admit how much they despise half of America.

4/24 – The Democrats will lead America into Britain’s disastrous post-WWII economy

I’d call this the Law of Uniintended Consequences, but does anyone doubt that Democrats take joy in watching average Americans suffer?

ICYMI –  I dropped two quick posts this week. I pointed out a spectacular failure in distance learning with Fairfax Don’t Need No Education. I also asked deverybody if they Remember When the Press Didn’t Hate the American People?

Have a great weekend!

Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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4/18 – Land O’ Lakes drops iconic Native American maiden from package

Stories like this make me wish that we used Land O Lakes so I could stop using it

We’ve used Land O’ Lakes butters for decades and won’t switch.
The only as-good butter is a very pricy one from Europe.

4/23 – AOC Has Reached A Level Of Batsh*ttery That Defies Every Rule Of Batsh*ttery To Date.

Once again, I find it refreshng that Democrats finally feel comfortable enough to publicly admit how much they despise half of America.

Under the extra help (til July 30th) people who’ve been laid off get full unemployment PLUS $400 more/week or month (not sure).
It bucks up total unemployment in the South (for instance) from a paycheck of $16 or 17/hour to a gov’t check of $23/hour.
AOC is acting like she can extend this forever, but she can’t.
If people refuse to go back to the jobs they had before the shutdown, others will replace them.
Then they will be stuck scrapping for a job that’s much worse later when AOC’s promise proves hollow and their free gov’t money runs out.

4/17 – Americans Revolt Against Outlaw Socialist Governors

The vast majority of Americans reluctantly the restrictions intended to hold the spread of the virus to a manageable level. A combination of exaggerated models, the response to the epidemic put in place and the seclusion seems to have worked… exceptionally well. The reward to many of these people was a ratcheting up of the restrictions, often to absurd levels. The response is nothing but totally expected and correct. The same is happening with the left’s overreach on abortion and the reaction will be their own stupid fault.

4/18 – WATCH: Bill Maher Warns Media “Trump calls you Fake News. Don’t make him right”

I guess Maher started his seclusion far earlier than anyone thought. THAT ship has already sailed; nothing the media distributes should go without being verified, and that exposes the vastness of their lying. If Trump says it, they criticize it. If he doesn’t say it, they SAY he said it and criticize it.

4/18 – Land O’ Lakes drops iconic Native American maiden from package

I’ve been on the verge of rioting and burning buildings until that image was taken off the package. Finally, someone addressed an important issue of a respectful, lovely image of a Native American on a package. Whew. Next will come Native Americans complaining that they aren’t represented in advertising.

4/19 – COVID19 models – a lesson for those who trust climate scientists-Joe D’Aleo

When I see the inaccuracy in these important and influential models, I wonder if there is a “political bias” button the push to properly skew any model to project a desired result, or is that laboriously calculated in?

4/20 – Rep. Dan Crenshaw politely destroys Bill Maher’s blame game against Trump

I see Crenshaw as a force to be reckoned with very soon. No slight to him, but destroying the liberal argument is not all that difficult.

4/21 – Michael Moore Admits He Had No Idea Where the Juice to Power Electric Cars Came From

And they only do THAT out of ignorance.

4/22 – A Science Project in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day

Facts are not liberal’s friend.

4/23 – AOC Has Reached A Level Of Batsh*ttery That Defies Every Rule Of Batsh*ttery To Date.

No matter how stupid Sandy proves herself to be, she is always up to the task of exceeding expectations of additional stupidity. Apparently, being dependent on a government dole is “independence”.

4/24 – The Democrats will lead America into Britain’s disastrous post-WWII economy

Like any other crook, the first thing Democrats think of in any crisis is how to use it to their advantage to wreck this country.

This weeks numbers go out to the guy at yesterdays briefing

Better than the best Ninja move in the kung flu fighting.