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I don’t believe Feinstein believed the accusation. She saw it and salivated at how useful it would be, but never for a minute did she believe it was even possibly true. How do I know? Because if she even suspected it could possibly be true, she would have put the FBI on it to solidify the shady parts. That way, she would have known long before the end of the hearings that it could not possibly be proven and by any measure, Kavanaugh looks completely innocent.

That would have been bad for Democrats, so she played it like she did.

Also, despite my original impression that she had been assaulted but was mistaken, the amount of lies involved to get the story this far rules that out. It was a hit job all the way.

Since Dems real goal was/is trying to put off the Kavanaugh vote until after the midterms (which might switch either the House or Senate) Sen Feinstein didn’t care one way or another if Mrs Ford’s allegations were true or not.
Sen Diane set up Ford.
She did hold onto the letter until the time was ripe for it to extend the time for the vote, she even set her up with a law team who had that as their main goal rather than caring about Mrs Ford!
Do Dems have yet another delaying tactic in their bag of tricks?
Stay tuned.

Oh, and note (video at link) that Obama excused his youthful actions that were far worse:

Obama on his adolescent years in a rare video of a 2001 interview:

-“I was a thug,” a “mischievous child”
-“I got into fights.”
-“I drank and did–and consumed substances that weren’t always legal.”
-“I might have drank a six-pack in an hour before going back to class”

@Nan G: #2
Of course it’s a delaying tactic. Witness her lawyer’s latest claim, that they would release her psychology records when the FBI interviewed her:
“They have yet to make an appointment for an interview.”
What would you like to bet that an interview couldn’t be scheduled until weeks from now?
Just another delaying tactic, not a search for truth.
As usual.

I’d say the GOP Kavanaugh travesty will long overshadow any arguments against Dems over Till. There’s even a good chance that investigations will proceed against him (mainly for lying under oath, being denied information, etc) should Dems take the House-which looks probable.

But I understand that trump lickers don’t see that just as they didn’t see that Kavanaugh demonstrated anger and partisanship in his last rant to the Senate, Americans, and the world. Many I talked to denied that happened. Now that he’s come out in an op-ed in the WSJ admitting, even apologizing for his demonstration of anger and partisanship, these very same trump lickers are inventing new nonsense in order to see what they want to see.

History will be less generous to trump lickers desired perceptions.

A usual, AJ, the consummate liberal, sides with scumbaggery. I’d ask what evidence supports the accusation against Kavanaugh, but you know how AJ is about questions.

cluck, cluck, cluck.

@Deplorable me: Ajs information sources are hiding the investigation into Feinstein and Fords lawyers already underway.
Perhaps he should check the polls McCCaskill in MO 10 under she isnt the only one that is doomed by the Kavanaugh effect.

Uhhh, no.

Tim Tyson is a rabid anti-white SJW who was a ringleader in the Duke Lacrosse circus

“The spirit of the lynch mob lived in that house.” He said at the time. He was unrepentant afterward. What a total joke to take him at face value about a racial matter.

Till assaulted Mrs. Bryant, in all probability. She’s not even the person who told her husband when he returned from out of town. This revisionist history is not credible. She was already in her mid 70s and in failing health in 2007 when you said the interview took place (I have read it took place in 2008) I’d be willing to bet that she has gone downhill over the years since then, leaving a clear path for revising of said interview. Not sure if that’s what happened but I would be inclined to believe it. Google Timothy Tyson and Duke Lacrosse–as well as other things that he has said and written over the years–taking his pronouncements at face value is ridiculous.

@Ajay42302: Hey, if you are so sure you should leave this site when you are proved wrong again.


Damn Randy, you cost me a bet. I said only 2 sockpuppets would clown rodeo DJ’s cowardly rant.

emmit till did not wink at a white woman. he tried to rape a white woman. of course you’ll never hear the real history of till. you’ll have to look hard to find the real truth.