Sunday Funnies


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OH NO! I got to the Funnies before Pookie!

It seems like that Southern Roots lets just wait a while


Was in VA visiting my son & family…just got back to NJ…

Those idiot with their LET THEM IN signs just wait until these so called regugees break into their home and steal everything they have go to San Francisco during their Gay Pride Day and throw gays off the tops of tall buildings and force Sharia Law upon them at the point of a sword and the threat of beheadings and stonings

@pookie18: Wasn’t chastising you, just got here earlier than normal (DST?). Actually, it was kinda nice to do a double header of toons today. Thanks for the extra rounds.


Thanks. Wasn’t feeling chastised, but it led me to explain why I posted so much later than usual…glad you commented!

Liberals are too out in left field to hear the umpire tell the sames posponed becuase of the rain of stupidity

Have you heard the latests about Racheal Maddow? said she had trumps 1014 tax returns but ended up eating crow Silly Pathetic liberal old yammering hen cant match wits with this defiant old shorebird