This is a perfect example of how liberals take a problem and make it yours



Identity theft is a crime. A serious crime. Social Security theft is a crime. A serious crime.

Identity Theft

Identity (ID) theft is a crime where a thief steals your personal information, such as your full name or social security number, to commit fraud. The identity thief can use your information to fraudulently apply for credit, file taxes, or get medical services. These acts can damage your credit status, and cost you time and money to restore your good name. You may not know that you are the victim of ID theft until you experience a financial consequence (mystery bills, credit collections, denied loans) down the road from actions that the thief has taken with your stolen identity.

Stealing a social security number is a felony.

Guadalupe García de Rayos is a convicted felon. She is also an illegal alien. She was convicted of identity theft in 2008. She made use of a stolen social security number to gain employment in the US. Read how this was characterized by AZ Central:

Garcia de Rayos has a felony criminal impersonation conviction. The conviction stems from a 2008 work-site raid carried out by then-Maricopa County Joe Arpaio’s deputies. The raid revealed Garcia de Rayos, among other unauthorized workers, had used a Social Security number belonging to someone else to illegally gain employment at Golfland Sunsplash amusement park in Mesa.

See how it was necessary to include Joe Arpaio, reviled by the left for enforcing immigration law.  Garcia de Rayos was finally deported and the MSM absolutely lost its mind over an illegally alien convicted felon being deported.

Scott Pelley:

One of the president’s recent orders prioritizes the deportation of illegal immigrants who have committed crimes. Well, Carter Evans found a woman caught by this order who had been allowed to remain in Phoenix under president Obama’s immigration policy.

Lester Holt:

In Arizona, an undocumented woman at the center of an immigration uproar has now been deported after 21 years living in the U.S., she was arrested yesterday and shipped back to Mexico today. Now the family she leaves behind is voicing their outrage and pointing fingers at the president.

Go to the link to read the rest of the sob story.

Identity theft is costly. Along with credit card fraud, identity theft is estimated to cost US consumers $16 billion in 2016. And it’s not just the money.

It’s been nearly three years since Brian Bateman’s identity was stolen, and he still finds it painful to talk about.

“Just the thought of doing this interview had me stressed all weekend,” says Bateman, a 38-year-old teacher in Morristown, New Jersey. “I don’t mind talking about it, but it’s just a reminder that every time I think I’m finished dealing with this, something else happens.”

Bateman’s identity was stolen in 2011 as part of a large East Coast identity theft ring that has landed at least seven people in jail. The ringleaders used stolen identity attributes to open credit cards in the victims’ names, then changed the victims’ address information to reroute their mail and hide the evidence. Although Bateman had no money stolen, the crime’s effects have lingered. “I still get collections notices,” he says. “I get 1099 forms for jobs I never held.”

Bateman is proof that even when there are no lasting financial effects, identity theft is far from a victimless crime. The emotional toll can be significant: between the hassle of changing bank accounts and passwords to worries of repeat crimes and lack of trust, being a fraud victim can lead to both psychological and physical distress.

Donald Trump promised to deport illegal alien criminals. The LA Times frets that felons will be considered felons for the purposes of deportation screening.

What drives some of crazy is liberal inability to accept consequences of one’s actions. If you or I commit identity theft, we would be prosecuted and jailed. Do you think Scott Pelley or Lester Holt would be crying about you on national television being “ripped” from your family and life because you committed felony identity theft?


Did either Pelley or Holt worry for the separation of Jessica Franklin or Jesse Ray Chitwood or John Townsend or Jeffrey Ihm from their families?


Liberals are dismayed to see a return to respect for the law after an eight year hiatus. barack obama made crimes by illegal aliens laudable, releasing 68,000 illegal alien criminals to the streets in 2013. Obama’s ICE released 36,007 illegal alien criminals convicted of 88,000 crimes- and not low level crimes:

The records show that more than 16,000 were convicted of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Over 9,000 had dangerous drug convictions, 1,075 were convicted of aggravated assault, 426 of sexual assault and 193 of homicide. Additionally, the records show that 1,160 of the freed illegal immigrants had stolen vehicle convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions and 303 flight escape convictions.


Right now democrats are clamoring to decriminalize identity theft by illegals.

This is ridiculous. It’s long been said “If you don’t want to do the time don’t do the crime.” Liberals are taking the problems created by their feckless policies and lax law enforcement and trying to make them ours. Then again, liberals have never been big on personal responsibility. Letting Garcia de Rayos stay sends the wrong message. It only incentivizes more illegal invasion and it incentivizes more identity theft.

It is not the fault of Americans that illegal aliens come across the border illegally.

It is not the fault of Americans that illegal aliens commit felonies.

It is not the fault of Americans that illegal aliens engage in actions that have consequences for them and their families. Garcia de Rayos’ children are upset:

“We don’t deserve to go through this,” her daughter, Jacqueline, told reporters. “No family deserves to go through this. It’s heartbreaking. No one should feel this much pain; no one should go through this much suffering.”

They may not deserve it, but that’s something one ought to consider before committing the crime, just as the rest of us US citizens must. Garcia de Rayos knew this was coming.

We are not responsible for this situation. Only one person is- Garcia de Rayos. I am sorry she chose to commit a felony. I am sorry that she wasn’t worried about the consequences her actions would visit upon her family.

She alone is responsible.

Here’s a little detail I have not seen in any other coverage of this event. In 2013:

Court documents obtained by ABC15 also show Garcia had previously been ordered to self-deport.

As for committing felony identity theft? She says she has no regrets.



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Stupid silly liberals want the so called refugees in america welcome with open arms then these pathetic fools get their throats slit becuae they have served their purpose as Useful Idiots I telling you there’s no cure for liberal stupidity

The left is stupid. There is not much more to say about it or any other way to term it.

Didn’t Obama say he was going to deport criminal illegal immigrants (think about THAT term for a moment)? Didn’t the left constantly cheer the (phony) stat that Obama was deporting more illegal immigrants than anyone else ever ever in history ever? NOW they have a problem with deportation?

Why, it’s almost as if they were not sincere all along.

Identity theft is a crime. A serious crime. Social Security theft is a crime. A serious crime.

So, whose identity did she steal? And what Social Security did she steal?

Nobody’s—at least so far as the various crimes normally associated with and enabled by “identity theft” are concerned.

Her crime was acquiring and using a fake SSN to get a job. That is, in fact, a felony, under Sec. 208. [42 U.S.C. 408].

The identity theft charge seems bogus, however. She wasn’t impersonating someone for the purpose of theft, credit card fraud, or to enable other activities that are criminal by their very nature. Most likely Social Security and Medicare taxes were withheld from her wages, with no likelihood that she would ever qualify for benefits. She could never establish ownership of an identity associated with the phony number. She provided a fake SSN to get a job, work, and support herself and her family. Period.

Apparently the politicized media feels a need to blacken her reputation by suggesting more than that, to render her situation less sympathetic. Otherwise, it looks a bit like the Trump administration has randomly selected an otherwise law-abiding undocumented mother who’s lived and worked in the United States for 21 years to make and example of, and send a frightening message to undocumented aliens. She cooperated by complying with the requirement that she report in each year, so they didn’t have to search too hard to find someone.

Somehow I suspect that will not encourage compliance with such instructions by others in a similar situation.

@Greg: Actually Greg, she did steal someone’s SSN. She was tried and convicted. Why do you not send the illegals your SSN. Maybe you can understand identify theft better. I pay hundreds of $s annually to protect myself from Identity theft. This is not a small crime. Post your SSN here, allow someone to assume your identity and see how difficult life can become.

@Greg: Post your SSN on line and see how much difficulty it costs you. She was convicted of stealing a real person’s SSN and convicted in a court of law. Obama chose not to deport her.

Actually Greg, she did steal someone’s SSN.

Really? Got a link? I couldn’t find a single reference providing such details, or find any claims concerning what identity theft crimes she supposed committed or contemplated using a false identity The only thing I could find was that she got a job using a fake Social Security number—something that likely is the case with most undocumented workers. That’s being conflated with the full array of identity theft crimes.

Why do you imagine the $10 billion in losses attributable to identity thieves each year involve undocumented aliens? Most undocumented aliens are trying to go unnoticed, work for a living, and avoid any legal complications that could put their entire situation at risk. Their use of made-up SSNs generally involves payment of Social Security and Medicare taxes that they’ll never receive any benefit from.

Identity theft crimes are most often associated with professional criminals. Stolen SSNs and identity information result from negligence by those having legitimate access to the information, and from professional criminal hackers that market such information on dark areas of the internet. Criminals who make their livings in such ways don’t tend to be the undocumented aliens working long hours for low pay doing the sort of work many Americans don’t seem to be willing to do for the same money.


So, whose identity did she steal? And what Social Security did she steal?

does it matter? If it was Social Security id theft, it was the theft of an American’s ID. Would it be ok with you if it were yours? We all know Barack Obozo is using a stolen SS number and has never had his own. I guess being an Indonesian citizen eliminates him from being eligible for Social Security. We also know he had a fake Draft card. So I can see why obozo didn’t want to deport someone for doing exactly the same thing he was doing.

She cooperated by complying with the requirement that she report in each year,

does that sound like a just punishment for id theft? If someone stole your ID, would it be ok with you that the only repercussion would be that they would need to ‘check in’ once a year? How about making you whole?

She provided a fake SSN to get a job, work, and support herself and her family. Period.

and that is ‘ok’?

Otherwise, it looks a bit like the Trump administration has randomly selected an otherwise law-abiding

Trump administration? It was the Obozo admin that was in charge when she was convicted, wasn’t it? What the hell, just as long as you only commit one or two crimes, just live and let live. Next time someone breaks into your house and they get arrested, be sure to go to court and tell the judge to just let them go, as long as they don’t do it again, live and let live. After all, it doesn’t matter that ‘you’ were the victim, you’re just a libturd and it’s okay if their stuff gets stolen. So if she commited one more crime, would it matter if it were another ID theft, suppose she just stole something from Wal Mart? That wouldn’t ‘really’ hurt anyone would it? I mean, the Walton’s have plenty, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.
I’m sure if you find some of Trump’s people doing something wrong, you’re going to stay with this ‘live and let live’ deal, right?

The POS broke enough laws to be locked up for a couple of decades and the pu$$y hat wearing leftist troll eargerly defends the indefensible.

Morons like this is why Trump was elected.


Really? Got a link? I couldn’t find a single reference providing such details,

If it were your SSN she stole, would you want someone posting a link to you? Would it be okay if they also said what the SS number was? You are an advocate of ‘punish the victim’ by revealing all the info you have on the victim? I find it unlikely that she would have been found guilty of stolen ID if she ‘in fact’ did not commit that crime. If she did not, then I would think most lawyers could get her off on appeal rather easily. I have not seen anywhere where she ‘claims’ that she did not commit the crime. If you have seen that claim by her, please provide a link.
So you are an advocate of persons having their ID stolen being identified nation wide by the press. interesting.

What’s the deal with comments being ‘rejected’ because the look like spam?

Authorities found Garcia de Rayos had been using a false Social Security number and she received a felony conviction.

In 2013, a court ordered her deportation.

Read more:

So ordered under the Obama Admin to be deported. Simply expedited by Trump.
But not so far Arizona is close to Mexico her kids could visit her often.
Where are all the stories of the gang member, drug dealers being deported, I guess the MSM wouldnt want to report on those cases where America would cheer, that would make Trump look good so that would be bad.

It Begins: Illegal Immigrants are Being Rounded Up and Deported by Trump Administration, as Promised

Throughout the presidential campaign, Donald Trump pledged to take action on a host of issues, as all candidates tend to do when running for election. Now that he’s president, Trump is actually following through.

One of those pledges was a promise to enforce existing U.S. immigration laws, including the deportation of those who entered the country illegally.

As reported by the Wall Street Journal, Trump “pressed ahead with his immigration crackdown” this week, “launching deportation raids across the U.S.”

The Independent was even more dramatic:

“Panic” and “terror” is said to be running through immigrant communities in the U.S. following raids carried out across at least six states as part of Donald Trump’s pledge to crack down on illegal immigrants.

The Daily Beast reported that Trump’s “deportation force” conducted an “enforcement surge” in multiple cities around the country:

Over the last five days, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents conducted what they call an “enforcement surge” in the Los Angeles area, arresting more than 160 undocumented immigrants.

Immigrants’ rights groups and lawyers told The Daily Beast that ICE also increased its enforcement activities—including, in some cases, in apartment buildings—in a number of cities around the country, including Atlanta, Phoenix, Charlotte, and Austin.

The Independent quoted Department of Homeland Security spokesperson Gillian Christensen, who said the “raids” conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), were part of “routine” immigration enforcement actions:

“We’re talking about people who are threats to public safety or a threat to the integrity of the immigration system.”

But Cristina Jimenez, executive director of United We Dream, has a different take:

“This is clearly the first wave of attacks under the Trump administration, and we know this isn’t going to be the only one.”

Sarah Owings, an immigration attorney in Atlanta, sounded a similar alarm:

“The muscle to do this kind of stuff is here — it’s just that the leash has been taken off. They’re out and they’re hunting. They’re picking up and rounding up anyone they can get.”

Listening to the critics one would think that America is a police state, with a Gestapo-like force rounding up panicked and terrorized innocents in the middle of the night, rather than a country attempting to enforce its immigration laws — not only for the protection of its indigenous citizens, but for its legal immigrants as well.

Trump should deport his head from his rear end.

Maybe we should revoke Melania Trump’s citizenship for lying about criminal activity on her application. It’s been determined that she worked illegally in the United States for several weeks after her arrival here. This has been documented, and was actually reported by Fox News. If this had been discovered, she could have been deported with restrictions on reentry. At that point, in 1995, she would in fact have been considered an illegal immigrant.

Regarding comments by others that she didn’t use another persons social.
In fact she did:

It was a serious crime but I also think intent matters. The fact is our immigration system is broken when it comes to Mexico.
Most people like this lady have no chance of immigrating from Mexico, without doing illegal things like this.
I think it’s good that we build the wall and keep criminals out, but we should also be making it possible for regular Mexicans that just want to come and work and not be criminals, to do so.

And while her crime was serious – I think since she her original intent was to just get a job and work, not to steal from other people – that she should have been given community service and a regular path to citizenship.


Maybe we should revoke Melania Trump’s citizenship for lying about criminal activity on her application.

Sorry Gregos, once you get that citizenship, only treason can be used to remove it. Nothing else. Sorry. you lose.

It’s been determined that she worked illegally in the United States for several weeks

you did note, I’m guessing that they did NOT report that she had stolen someone’s identity. Right?

its getting worse, every post is a challenge

then this is in response to above comment.

And while her crime was serious – I think since she her original intent was to just get a job and work, not to steal from other people – that she should have been given community service and a regular path to citizenship.

I’m a little sympathetic to her position, but I’m not so sure I would be if it was my SSN that she stole and used. If a person robs a bank to get the money for his kids to go to college, should we just write it off as ‘good intentions gone wrong’? Does a person driving drunk that kills one of your children deserve a pass because he didn’t really ‘intend’ to hurt anyone? I can see some leniency, but not completely ‘overlooking’ crimes.

Maybe you should check your Social Security earnings record to make certain no one worked using your number, paid taxes in for earnings you never had, and increased your estimated benefit to a higher level than you deserve.

That would be the consequences of the “theft” you describe. That doesn’t justify what she did, but she hasn’t engaged in the sort of criminal activity people generally associate with identity theft—the entire point of which is generally to steal something from someone that leaves them without what properly belonged to them before the robbery.

My objection is to the right’s need to make her seem like some sort of criminal predator. She’s a mother, who worked to support herself and her kids. Her crime is that she came here, and used a bogus number to get a job. If Trump wants to deport undocumented aliens, he should prioritize like Obama did, and work down through the criminals who pose a serious threat first. It’s idiotic to do otherwise, and it’s inhumane to terrorize people like this particular family just to make a damn point.

@Greg: Greg, for those of us who never used LSD, 1+1 still equals 2. I know from your posts you have lost the power to reason, so please go to HUFPO so intelligent people can converse.

@Greg: How does a 5 year old check their SS number ?
something tipped off the agents to raid the business. Perhaps they figured out either an 8 or 80 year old wasnt working the water park. Or that money was coming into an account from 2 states. The employers of illegals need to have to pay such a cost as it is not worth the chance. Landlords need to also be made to suffer a severe penalty. If I try to illegally immigrate to Mexico its 2 to 10 years in prison if caught.
The law that attract Baby tourism and anchor kids must be changed.

She broke the law(s).

Either throw her ass in jail or deprt her back to the hell hole she came from, period.

There is no ambuguity here…..


Has it become a felony yet to hide Jews in the attic?

The Jews were legal residents and they were actually facing danger. See the difference?

The only thing I could find was that she got a job using a fake Social Security number—something that likely is the case with most undocumented workers.

Oh, Greg, you ARE a laugh riot. Where do you think those numbers come from? If a job applicant gives an SS# and it turns out to be not a registered number, what do you suppose happens? Now, you have confessed that the majority of illegal immigrants are identity thieves, which means they should ALL be deported. Finally you come to your senses, somewhat.

Most undocumented aliens are trying to go unnoticed, work for a living, and avoid any legal complications that could put their entire situation at risk.

Is that why so many file tax returns and receive billions of dollars in returns though they pay nothing in? To keep under the radar? You’ve left your senses again.

Identity theft crimes are most often associated with professional criminals.

Sigh. Silly and weak. Unless you believe the Democrats that continue to support illegal immigration despite the hazards and harm to citizens this creates are professional criminals… you could be back to your senses.

It’s been determined that she worked illegally in the United States for several weeks after her arrival here.

No, it was “determined” by liberals, which is to say some liberal THOUGHT this was the case and several other liberals decided they could lie about it and make it an issue because THEIR candidate was a piece of sh!t. In fact, this was put to rest by examining the chronology of when she arrived (legally, with a green card) and when she started working.

Maybe you should check your Social Security earnings record to make certain no one worked using your number, paid taxes in for earnings you never had, and increased your estimated benefit to a higher level than you deserve.

Because it doesn’t work that way? Here’s an example; where my wife works, a few years ago she got a phone call from a woman looking for someone who’s name she provided. My wife verified that person worked there. Well, this person, in California, was the REAL person and had been trying, for years, to straighten out the mess of TWO people filing tax returns with the same name and SS#. So, my wife took the information to her boss (a liberal that cannot afford Obamacare for all his employees, so he pays the penalties instead) who simply went out and fired her, leaving her to continue to create misery for the poor CITIZEN in California. THAT’S the real world, Greg… not some liberal alternative reality where everyone steals and commits crimes but no one else suffers loss or harm. Liberalism is stupidity at its finest.

My objection is to the right’s need to make her seem like some sort of criminal predator.

Uh, the right is not making an issue of this. It is the LEFT that has made her infamy.

If Trump wants to deport undocumented aliens, he should prioritize like Obama did, and work down through the criminals who pose a serious threat first.

That’s exactly what he is doing. Identity theft IS serious, if it is YOUR identity and finances that is being stolen. Like ALL liberals, you seem to only worry about it if it affects YOU personally. How about caring for others for a change?


What the hell, just as long as you only commit one or two crimes, just live and let live.

How else could liberals support such corrupt liars as Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, Reid, Warren et al? They have completely abandoned respect for the law and replaced it with the ends justifies the means. See the 9th Circus.


something tipped off the agents to raid the business.

Ever hear liberals claim they want employers of illegal immigrants held responsible for employing illegal immigrants? As usual, this is proven to be something they just say but don’t mean, like deporting criminals. No doubt, the raid was to find illegal immigrants and they found this one with a stolen SS number.


Not deporting her would send a message that it’s just fine to commit felonies here.

Well… isn’t it? Can’t we all commit perjury before Congress, sell government influence, distribute classified information to our enemies and run for President? Can’t we all use fake ID’s, vote illegally, file for tax refunds when we pay no taxes and illegally receive taxpayer funded benefits? Can’t we all use the IRS as a political sledge hammer to attack our political opponents?

If, knowing it is against the law, I decided to be a tax cheat and suddenly found out that Trump was going to crack down on tax cheats, would I deserve sympathy and support because I am now tense and anxious that I might be caught and punished for doing something I KNEW was illegal and punishable? Would you hear my wails and dry my tears?

@DrJohn: Laws are laws. If laws are not enforced, then they are not laws. Stealing SSNs is a felony crime. Voting is a felony crime when the voter is not a citizen of the US. So Greg and his liberal buddies believe that laws are only applied to some people, not all people. When all people are not deemed subject to the law, then there can be no protection under the law for anyone. That is the definition of lawlessness.

When the Democrats held both houses and the presidency, they could have provided procedures for illegals to be legal and others from Mexico to immigrate from Mexico to find a better life as DK sympathized with. The Democrats failed to do this when they held all of the cards. Why do you suppose the legislation was never passed and signed by President Obama? The answer is simple. If illegals were tolerated in the US but not promoted to a legal status, then the Democrats could control them, encourage them to vote for Democrats all under the threat of arrest and deportation. The Democratic party has not progressed much from their slave holding days of the early 19th Century. Only the slaves are now brown skinned instead of black.


The Democrats failed to do this when they held all of the cards. Why do you suppose the legislation was never passed and signed by President Obama?

True, the Democrats prefer illegal immigration as a political issue rather than to solve the problem. In 2006, Obama and Shumer joined together to wreck immigration reform and, again, in the Obama administration, the left make demands, such as amnesty, that kills any hopes of reform, blaming Republicans all the while, of course.

This is why they hate the idea of a wall; that would pretty much make immigration reform moot.

@Randy, #24:

Do you know how much private property and money is stolen annually by U.S. law enforcement entities through civil forfeiture, without ever charging the targeted individual with a crime, providing due process, or providing an opportunity for legal defense in court? Try $12 billion per year. You’re punished without charges, indictment, or conviction, and presumed guilty unless you can prove yourself innocent—except that there’s never any trial where the opportunity comes up to state your case.

How does that total compare with the damages illegal aliens allegedly by way of “identity theft?”

Do you know who supports this robbery? Donald effing Trump. I suppose that was only to be expected, given his support of eminent domain as a means for government to seize a person’s property to the benefit of private corporations—such as his own.

Bullshit like what’s been done to Guadalupe García de Rayos is just part of a program of distraction, to keep his rally rubes amused while he sets up an administration that’s going to orchestrate the biggest shakedown of the public in American history. You obviously think his little cabal of millionaires and billionaires is being brought together to rearrange things to the benefit of regular people. Why on earth would you think that? Look at their personal histories. They’re a party of alligators getting ready to remake America to their own greater benefit, and they’re telling you whatever you want to hear to get you to smile and shut up as they do so.


How does that total compare with the damages illegal aliens allegedly by way of “identity theft?”

It doesn’t. Because it isn’t identity theft. It isn’t theft by people who, were the laws enforced, would not even be here. No comparison, really. Don’t know why you brought it up other than to redirect attention away from the REAL problem you leftists would prefer to ignore, since it happens to anonymous “other people”.

When Trump’s anti-immigration tactics double or triple the price of U.S. grown fruit and vegetables because produce is rotting in the orchards and fields with no one to harvest it, that won’t be related to the topic either. Maybe we should simultaneously slap some tariffs on imported Mexican produce for good measure. That will be helpful to the average American family.

The right has inflicted a nincompoop on the nation. He’s only just getting started.

Oh, I get it. If an American citizen breaks the law, is caught, and sentanced to lets say prison for tax evasion, the resident troll(greg) would be fine with that.

But, an illegal alien gets caught breaking the law and the law does not matter.


When Trump’s anti-immigration tactics double or triple the price of U.S. grown fruit and vegetables because produce is rotting in the orchards and fields with no one to harvest it, that won’t be related to the topic either.

Anti ILLEGAL immigration, Greg. That would be enforcing the laws, Greg. That would be what EVERY President PLEDGES to do when he takes the oath of office, Greg.

What is so difficult to understand about that, Greg?

@Greg: You always miss the point. The fact that others do something illegal does not mean it is right. It is obvious you and your lefty friends have no clue what the difference between right and wrong.

Right and wrong comes down to more than a set of rules. What matters are actions and their actual, real world consequences. A person can stay within the letter of the law while being a totally evil bastard. Don’t try to lecture me about the right’s “superior morality.” Not after putting an unenlightened, self-absorbed philistine like Donald John Trump in the White House.


Right and wrong comes down to more than a set of rules.

Indeed. For the left, it comes down to enforcing and abiding by the rules they like and ignoring those that get in the way of the liberal agenda.

Illegal immigration is illegal. By law, regardless of how sweet an illegal immigrant they are, every single one SHOULD be deported out of the country. But that is not practical or possible, so what CAN be done SHOULD be done. When illegal immigrants are CAUGHT in criminal activity, they should ABSOLUTELY be deported or imprisoned.

Identity theft is a crime… a SERIOUS crime. It HURTS people.

It is not Trump that is the culprit here; it is Obama. HE is who ignores these laws while encouraging illegal immigration and, along with it, the serious crimes which cause financial hardship, threats and violence to befall US citizens.

Why do you leftists disregard the pain and suffering of those who pay for liberals to make all these mistakes that hurts so many people?


Not after putting an unenlightened, self-absorbed philistine like Donald John Trump in the White House.

You’ve had plenty of time to get an answer for this. Name one thing illegal that Donald Trump has ever done?

Right and wrong comes down to more than a set of rules.

Hmm, so you’re saying ‘laws’ should not be set down in writing, that they should only be legal or illegal based on what liberals feel on a particular day.
Why do I get the feeling that you don’t think stealing someone’s SSN is a big deal? Why don’t you post your number here on this site, after all, even if someone were to use it, it would actually ‘benefit’ you. Wow, gotta admire the thinking of libs.

We’ll see what comes of the republican right having control of the House and Senate, with Donald Trump in the White House. Trump’s job approval rating is dropping rather than rising, and he started out at a historical low.

Blame shifting is predictable. They’re already blaming the Judicial Branch and media.

@RedTeam, #34:

You’ve had plenty of time to get an answer for this. Name one thing illegal that Donald Trump has ever done?

Somebody put together a list of Trump’s illegal activities, with links, back in July of last year.

His lawyers do tend to settle out of court, somewhere short of a trial that could result in a guilty finding. That one of the advantages of having a few billion dollars to throw around. If intimidation fails, you can always buy people off, or buy your way out.


Trump’s job approval rating is dropping

Really? everyone I know thinks he’s doing a great job. But then they didn’t ‘poll me’. Did they poll you? Did you give a ‘thumbs up?’, if not what do you think he’s doing that you don’t approve of?

Somebody put together a list of Trump’s illegal activities, with links, back in July of last year.

Don’t know if you actually read the list, but there is not one illegal act listed on that page. It’s not illegal to declare bankruptcy.

His lawyers do tend to settle out of court,

and of course you’re referring to civil acts, not criminal acts. Right?

I’m afraid you’ve wasted your time. You did not list one single criminal act amongst your items. Want to try again?

I’ve noticed that our resident idiot ‘Greg’ still hasn’t had the gonads to post his SS#. Hey Greggie, what are you afraid of. You write reams of garbage, are totally repudiated but I will give you credit for one thing, consistent stupidity, or you’re being paid by the word. So tell us ‘Greg’ which is it? Oh and give us your REAL SS# I’ve know some illegals that would be happy to use it. I mean, it’s no big deal right?

Just a few days ago CA was considering a general tax strike to prevent the feds from getting the taxes it should collect from there.
A state congressman even stood up proudly and proclaimed that half his family cheated on taxes by having phony ids, papers and working “under the table.”
Then the dam in Oroville broke.
All of a sudden Jerry Brown has great respect for the US gov’t and all it does to aid our failing infrastructure.
I wonder how President Trump will deal w/ CA.
He’s very considerate and kind to those hit by tragedy.
But the state isn’t people.

IF CA’s workers and earners refuse to pay Fed taxes can they really make this problem yours and my problem?

@Oblamo binLyen, #38:

Hows that promised repeal of Obamacare coming?

Maybe more would be getting done if Trump wasn’t wasting so much time on the golf course. What do you think?

Umm, President Trump(don’t cha just like hearing that) will never elcipse the record number of times barry soetero wasted his presidential time on the golf course.

I would take Las Vegas odds that will never happen….

Let’s break this down a bit….

We have an illegal dirtbag scum alien who on any logical leagal account has committed numerous felonies and other violations of law.

Then we have the resident alt-left troll(greg) emerging from the nearest telephone booth shirt buttons popping off in every direction revealing a large red ‘S’ on its chest.

Defending this law breaking illegal alien at every turn declaring it is not a violation of the law to break the law when one is providing for ones family and her childrens future.

Why, so noble this indigent illegal alien who fraudently obtained a SSN, she is illegally working but, she is paying taxes. Taxes she will never in turn benefit from in terms of post illegal work carreer services.

In summary, she has become a victim of asset forfeiture, having paid all of those taxes never to receive benefit from what she has paid in….

So, our residet alt-left troll(greg) would, as a self proclaimed legal scholar take his case right to judge robart of the 9th circuit, pleading this scumbag illegal aliein has broken no laws because the Constitution has no law against providing for your familyand she is due compensation for future asset forfeiture in the way of taxes paid and no benefit derived from those payments.

Judge robart will find for the illegal alien and issue a TRO against President Trump for being president.

Liberals Viciously Attack Joy Villa

It was only a matter of time before the hate of some would pour out onto social media. Already people are calling for Joy Villa to be killed for wearing a Make America Great Again Dress.

Some even changed her name on Wikipedia to Joy Angela Villa Trash.

“Scum” is not a legal term; it’s a character assessment.

The circumstances of many illegal immigrants are akin to exceeding the speed limit in order to rush a loved one to the hospital.

Illegal? Yes.

But “scum”? There’s a reason we have different words for legal and moral assessments. After all, would you drive over the speed limit if your kid were bleeding in the backseat, and had stopped responding to your questions? Are you “scum”?

@Kevin Kirkpatrick: Scum harm others for their own benefit. No one has any confusion about the fact that identity theft is a crime and that every case causes some other unsuspecting soul pain and misery.

How about “criminal”? Is that acceptable?

Lets just focus on this woman who in 2013 was told to get out, lets not look at the gang members and drug runners that are also being deported. Those that in a way have also stimulated the economy, with wonderful small businesses like child prostitution, sex slavery, heroine and cocaine. They spend a lot of money on cars jewelry, houses and tattoos. I wish they would move next door to all the people that work so hard and protest to keep them in the country.

@Bill – Deplorable Me

Words mean things.

The identity thief:
* Acquires a social security number that is *known* to be attached to a decent credit rating (this link is crucial to the success of the crime)
* Uses that information to garner one or more loans they have no intention to repay
* Sticks the poor sap with a mess of a credit rating and, once the jig is up moves on to the next social security number on the list.

I’ve not seen any evidence that the “scum” did anything more than make up a number for a mandatory SSN field on an employment form she needed to fill out in order to get a job in order to make an income in order to feed herself and her family. Working to feed ones family?? SCUM!

In direct contrast to the identity thief, this “scum” would be motivated to pick a non-active social security number, and use it in a way that broad no hardship to anyone so as to evade detection. If the number she chose was, by happenstance, that of a legal tax-paying citizen, then the said citizen would be notified of a discrepancy in their tax return (unfiled-W2), would have a 3-month opportunity to respond that the claimed income was not their own (49/50 chance it was not even from a state in which they resided), and IRS would begin investigating the fraudulently claimed income post-haste. Not a good long-term strategy for a fly-below-radar immigrant.

@Greg: Actually, Trump was playing golf with the PM of Japan rather than just playing like Obama did. I always thought you were just ignorant, but you actually have showed how stupid you are.

First, a correction: I did fail to note that Guadalupe García de Rayos was convicted of using somebody else’s social-security number (not a made-up number); which does alter my description of her actions. Nevertheless, barring any evidence that she used the information to steal from the original individual, I stand by my assessment that – from a character judgment perspective – “scum” is pure hyperbole.

How about “criminal”? Is that acceptable?

Yes. It’s also tautological (adds no new information). Illegal immigrants are already criminals by definition. It’s like saying, “I don’t mind bachelors, but I do think there’s something sleazy about men who aren’t married.” There is a discussion to be had on how the US ought to respond to those who commit the crime of immigrating here illegally (and commit further “illegal-status-masking” crimes as necessary to put a roof over their heads and food in front of their kids). That discussion is not aided by drawing misleading equivocations between these “illegal-status-masking” crimes – made most effective by ensuring there are no victims who might complain and draw unwanted attention – and the classes of crime perpetrated with the direct and malicious intent to steal property of (or otherwise harm) innocent victims.

Identity thieves, by conventional definition, ARE scumbags. But – crucially – that character judgment follows directly from examination of the elements of the crime being committed (which I listed); not from the mere fact that the activity itself was against the law. Put another way – even if all laws against identity theft were wiped from the books, anyone engaging in those behaviors would be no less a scumbag. Just as crucially: NONE of the “scum-worthy” elements of the crime of identity theft are present in the case of Guadalupe García de Rayos. She did NONE of the things that typically lead the crime of identity theft to cause misery and suffering of unwary victims.

We draw misleading equivocations and dehumanizing rhetoric when our fundamental arguments are weak. Greg’s invocation of Trump’s recent golfing stints… that was a bit cringe-worthy. I didn’t see much weakness in the overall point he was making, so I’m not really sure where it came from. But, at least on the surface, it seemed like a misleading equivocation between the recreational golfing of Obama and the (plausibly) diplomacy-driven golf outing between Trump and the PM of Japan. I think Randy was spot-on in calling him out for it.

You have a problem calling scum, scum?

Go pound sand…..