To: All Dumbfounded Adherents of NYT, WAPO, and Facebook


All of you dear, astonished, and stunned, believers in everything that emanates from the NYT, WAPO and the like, and then resonates ceaselessly in the insulated and undemanding echo-chambers of your voluminous Facebook pages, . . . you were lied-to.  How could this have happened?  You were so sure of your victory.   You still have not woken from the shock.



Your preferred fountains of information fed you regurgitated  deceptions — deceits of centrally controlled propaganda.  Every bit of it was agitprop, carefully weaved to manipulate your minds.  Each of your so-called friends kept you in-tune with the latest assaults on facts and reality, and you, in-turn, forwarded-on the latest linked discoveries making sure all your Facebook friends were in tune with your own notions, feelings, and invented truths.  All of  your friends were up-to-the minute aware. After all, your President wouldn’t lie to you, would he?  Your NYT wouldn’t lie to you, would it? Your Facebook friends wouldn’t lie to you, would they?



You swallowed it whole.  The migraine inducing slurs that had originated from the White House and from the Clinton machine became your reality.  You lost all sense of who you were and are, as your new truth became a series of insults. “Racist, xenophobe, misogynist, homophobe, crazy, deplorable, uneducated, populist, or the world will end,” bounced off the walls of your sheltered and insulated psyches.  They became battle cries.  They became retorts in lieu of valid and pondered assertions.  And NO ONE dared to cross you.

Your retaliations were so violent, insulting, and demeaning, that fear permeated anyone who felt differently, or refused to believe the lies. Facts did not matter.  Your echo-chamber drowned out all disagreeable realities.

–  It did not matter that 11.5% of your fellow citizens were unemployed.

–  It did not matter that you were being manipulated by the too-big-to-fail banks and corporations.

–  It did not matter that new billionaires were being minted each day while the incomes of your fellow citizens had been flat for over a generation.

–  It did not matter what 1% in economic growth really meant.

–  It did not matter that Clinton was singularly responsible for the disintegration of Libya which resulted in tens of millions of refugees.

–  It did not matter that the lords of the new world order had manipulated interest rates and were tempering with international trade to their own selfish advantage, and worst of all, they did not believe in sovereign nations with borders.

–  It did not matter that the media you loved so much was still in denial about Brexit.

–  It did not matter that the two leaders of your party had consistently told you major lies — you knew it, but your echo-chamber said, “ignore it, but look at THIS shiny object over here.”  And ignore it, you did.

You were mesmerized by feckless swindlers, who charmed you to step into a parade, cheering for a corrupt, defective system, falsely preaching inclusiveness. You believed in the promise that you might share in the entitlement.  You and they, were so convinced of victory, that the evening of the election, your favourite media was already applauding a Trump-sendoff into a dark sunset, retiring to golf clubs and chintzy penthouses that would decrease in value because your preferred media had so effectively and irremediably destroyed his “Brand.”  That would show him, that upstart.

Your best applause and Facebook reposts were for those denigrating, vilifying headlines, maligning Donald Trump viciously, and defaming him worse than any candidate in recent memory.

Today and for many tomorrows, instead of demonstrating against your newly elected President, you should demonstrate against those who lied to you.  You should manifest outrage against your media which deceived you and misrepresented facts with zero balance in reporting and zero objectivity.  You should voice outrage against a media and talking heads who predicted mayhem in the streets if Trump won.

When you do, question what your favored media has done TO you. Quit depending on them. Step outside your comfort zone.  Most of you are reasonably well educated, do yourselves a favor and wake yourself from slumber by quitting Facebook, or whatever serves as your cocoon. Just because the NYT articles you stake your life on are written in a prose reminiscent of your college days, doesn’t NOT mean those articles aren’t filled with lies.

You were “had” by your very own favored and your Facebook echo-chamber re-enforced your deception.  Yah, you were had.

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@Bill- Deplorable Me, #49:

I don’t recollect you answering my question of when Obama lied; when he said Hillary was a racist liar that would say anything to get elected or when he said she was the most qualified person on history?

There’s probably not a single human being on the planet having the power of speech who has never lied.

That fact does not justify the practice of lying, nor the election of a man to the office of president who lies so constantly, so compulsively, and so unthinkingly that the truth of what he says has become a totally irrelevant issue in the minds of his supporters.

Increasingly, the arguments of the right ignore the rules of logic. This one centers on the tu quoque fallacy. I think the increasingly wide acceptance of b.s. arguments might be part of the Trump baggage. America has turned a corner with this election.

@james raider: “The MSM and the Dems evidently still do not understand what happened in this election, or why. ” It’s not that they don’t understand what and why; they don’t understand accountability and responsibility for actions.

@Greg: “There’s probably not a single human being on the planet having the power of speech who has never lied.” So, in the context of my question, what you are obviously saying (stating the obvious) is that you have no problem whatsoever with liberals lying, as that is to be expected and is a natural function. However, you put your thespian on and pretend to be all swoll up at your own false accusations of a Republican lying.

Hillary lied with every breath, yet your wholeheartedly and unabashedly supported and defended her. Obama has lied at every turn, about every failure, about every scandal. Here, I present you two statements in direct conflict, one making the other the most blatant and obscene lie, yet all you can come up with is that “everyone lies”.

No, they don’t. When Trump said many illegal immigrants sneaking into our country are dangerous criminals, he told the truth… backed by FBI data. When Trump said that we need to be far more careful about allowing unvetted and unvettable hoards of Muslim refugees into our country, he told the truth…. backed by FBI and DHS data. Yet, you and the rest of the left turned these facts into lies, and then claim that all he does is lie. THAT is a lie.

What I’m saying that Trump is a habitual liar, and possibly a compulsive liar—something entirely different than a person who has told a lie on occasion, which is the normal imperfect human condition. He lies as effortlessly as he breathes, and seems to give it no more thought than that.

Months back, the Daily Wire—a conservative news outlet—presented a list of 101 Of Trump’s Greatest Lies for their readers’ consideration. Apparently nobody gave a damn. They voted for him anyway.

Hillary lied with every breath… Obama has lied at every turn…

Sure. See if you can run up a list of 101 items. I doubt if you can hit a dozen, and those will be claims, not demonstrable fact.

There’s still this obsessive focus on Obama and the Clintons, even after Trump has won the election. You’d better work up some new distractions. After January 20, the old ones will no longer work.


“What I’m saying that Trump is a habitual liar, and possibly a compulsive liar”

You’re only saying that because he’s against what your biased toward, or perhaps paid to promote.

Any by your distorted statements, everyone in the world can be “proved” to be a liar…logically.

Gotta use you brain, junior.

Every single politician is a liar…101 items reached easily, you twit.

@Greg: No, Greg, THIS is what you are saying:

You are saying that any lie a liberal tells is acceptable as it is just “business”. Obama lied about Fast and Furious, transparency, Benghazi, the IRS, Obamacare, ISIS, gun control,”stimulus”, green jobs, the economy, the VA… anything and everything. Hillary simply NEVER tells the truth; she makes Obama look truthful, she lies with such consistency and volume.

And you WORSHIP these people; you grovel at their feet in support and defense. You have no perspective from which to deem anyone else a liar. As to Trump, you simply deem anything he says you don’t like as a lie; just as the corrupt media does.

Rather childish, but to be expected from the party of sore loser cry-babies.