To: All Dumbfounded Adherents of NYT, WAPO, and Facebook


All of you dear, astonished, and stunned, believers in everything that emanates from the NYT, WAPO and the like, and then resonates ceaselessly in the insulated and undemanding echo-chambers of your voluminous Facebook pages, . . . you were lied-to.  How could this have happened?  You were so sure of your victory.   You still have not woken from the shock.



Your preferred fountains of information fed you regurgitated  deceptions — deceits of centrally controlled propaganda.  Every bit of it was agitprop, carefully weaved to manipulate your minds.  Each of your so-called friends kept you in-tune with the latest assaults on facts and reality, and you, in-turn, forwarded-on the latest linked discoveries making sure all your Facebook friends were in tune with your own notions, feelings, and invented truths.  All of  your friends were up-to-the minute aware. After all, your President wouldn’t lie to you, would he?  Your NYT wouldn’t lie to you, would it? Your Facebook friends wouldn’t lie to you, would they?



You swallowed it whole.  The migraine inducing slurs that had originated from the White House and from the Clinton machine became your reality.  You lost all sense of who you were and are, as your new truth became a series of insults. “Racist, xenophobe, misogynist, homophobe, crazy, deplorable, uneducated, populist, or the world will end,” bounced off the walls of your sheltered and insulated psyches.  They became battle cries.  They became retorts in lieu of valid and pondered assertions.  And NO ONE dared to cross you.

Your retaliations were so violent, insulting, and demeaning, that fear permeated anyone who felt differently, or refused to believe the lies. Facts did not matter.  Your echo-chamber drowned out all disagreeable realities.

–  It did not matter that 11.5% of your fellow citizens were unemployed.

–  It did not matter that you were being manipulated by the too-big-to-fail banks and corporations.

–  It did not matter that new billionaires were being minted each day while the incomes of your fellow citizens had been flat for over a generation.

–  It did not matter what 1% in economic growth really meant.

–  It did not matter that Clinton was singularly responsible for the disintegration of Libya which resulted in tens of millions of refugees.

–  It did not matter that the lords of the new world order had manipulated interest rates and were tempering with international trade to their own selfish advantage, and worst of all, they did not believe in sovereign nations with borders.

–  It did not matter that the media you loved so much was still in denial about Brexit.

–  It did not matter that the two leaders of your party had consistently told you major lies — you knew it, but your echo-chamber said, “ignore it, but look at THIS shiny object over here.”  And ignore it, you did.

You were mesmerized by feckless swindlers, who charmed you to step into a parade, cheering for a corrupt, defective system, falsely preaching inclusiveness. You believed in the promise that you might share in the entitlement.  You and they, were so convinced of victory, that the evening of the election, your favourite media was already applauding a Trump-sendoff into a dark sunset, retiring to golf clubs and chintzy penthouses that would decrease in value because your preferred media had so effectively and irremediably destroyed his “Brand.”  That would show him, that upstart.

Your best applause and Facebook reposts were for those denigrating, vilifying headlines, maligning Donald Trump viciously, and defaming him worse than any candidate in recent memory.

Today and for many tomorrows, instead of demonstrating against your newly elected President, you should demonstrate against those who lied to you.  You should manifest outrage against your media which deceived you and misrepresented facts with zero balance in reporting and zero objectivity.  You should voice outrage against a media and talking heads who predicted mayhem in the streets if Trump won.

When you do, question what your favored media has done TO you. Quit depending on them. Step outside your comfort zone.  Most of you are reasonably well educated, do yourselves a favor and wake yourself from slumber by quitting Facebook, or whatever serves as your cocoon. Just because the NYT articles you stake your life on are written in a prose reminiscent of your college days, doesn’t NOT mean those articles aren’t filled with lies.

You were “had” by your very own favored and your Facebook echo-chamber re-enforced your deception.  Yah, you were had.

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What do political correctness, safe spaces, participation trophies, and social justice all have in common?
They are institutionalized ways of denying reality.
Babies have temper tantrums when they don’t get their way and pajama boy is just a big baby.
Being coddled well into adult age simply allows people to continue to react like babies later in life.
Try to imagine if this country were (God forbid) attacked and these full-grown babies make up the ”able-bodied” adults of the land.
We’d be screwed!

These people need to learn how to cope with reality.
They need to learn that life isn’t always fair.

The irony is that they are the very ones who would have laughed and pointed had Trump lost and then challenged the election!

These children in adult bodies all need to look around and identify the professional instigators who are leading them over this cliff.
(Let this photo essay be a teaching lesson for you. Yeah. You’ve got professionals leading you, too! )

Darn bunch of PC whining little snowflakes cant take the fact the american people have made their choice and they choose Trump if these whining little snot buckets cant take this then their free to leave any time they want to just they should never bother to ever come back becuase we don’t need these pathetic fools

I will post this article on my Facebook in the forlorn, imaginary hope that some of my liberal “friends” might read it and come to grips with what REALLY ails them.

Of course, the same cheerleading was going on for the right as well. I passed by hundreds of “This Just Cost Hillary the Election” articles as those I actually opened presented some fact I had been long aware of. The vast majority of this was wishful thinking and I knew that, end the end, wishful thinking would lead to disappointment. The same goes for the out of control polls; I got to where I could not trust any, especially those showing Trump ahead, as this contradicted the majority of the other polls.

Needless to say, I was shocked… happily so… Wednesday morning.

So it is no surprise Clinton supporters are shocked and dismayed. But, as the article says, they have only themselves to blame. Apparently, even Hillary had a clear idea of the outcome before the voting started and continued to mislead her followers. That is the price of a closed mind.

One thing Trump did during the campaign, he busted through the PC garbage. I have never been PC and will never be in the future. PC was developed by the liberals to try and control what people think and say. Think about it. A kid in his young 20s told me he was offended by a man standing next to me calling him a young person. The man was in his late 6os, the kid perhaps 21-22. He IS a young person. I asked him whether he preferred snowflake. ( evil grin). Regardless we have a chance to get our country back on track, and most of all make AMERICAN citizens the priority. It doesn’t matter your age, your color or creed; if you are an American citizen you will be number one . Obviously these clinton and soros (yep it was found they are funding the riots and protests) lap dogs are too ignorant to understand.

The PC nonsense like replacing BC and AD with BCE(Before Common Era )and CE(Common Era)as if the terms of BC and AD offends the snowflakes little delecate ears just like they flying of Old Glory offends they eyes of these snowflakes getting so fed up with PC idioticy

This is hilarious and it has all the factual elements of this election within it.

@James Raider:

“. . . our analysis is that Comey’s letter raising doubts that were groundless, baseless, proven to be, stopped our momentum.”

Stopped the momentum they had by exploiting a 10 year old recording and paid accusers. Well, ain’t that a shame.

A lot of people spent a lot of money to enshrine the liberal utopia in American government. Had they gotten their hands on the Supreme Court with a 6-3 activist, revisionist, liberal majority they could have steered the US directly towards socialism and made the Constitution nothing but a museum relic. So, they are pissed and the intentional provocation of violent demonstrations is not, I believe, the final note in the liberal swan song.



>In related headlines, Capone Blames Ness for Disruption of Business Empire.<


Perhaps the left will be a little more reluctant to swallow whatever the sycophantic press shoves in their faces.

@DrJohn: That would depend upon how badly they want to believe what the corrupt media is shoveling out. Currently, the bruised left wants to find some dirt on Trump and impeach him before he is even sworn in, so they will believe whatever the media wants to dole out.

I doubt they hold the media responsible for their huge (or, YUUUUUUUGE) disappointment or have learned a thing. It is always someone else’s fault.

Almost 14 million people have watched this video, perhaps Clinton and Co. should watch it as well and learn something.

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected

Thi is very good, and very much in line with what many others, including myself, have been saying-these kids have been hoodwinked and bamboozled for the last eight years by their government, their teachers, their society, even well-meaning parents and pastors, to believe lies. This is, of course, at the very heart of the LGBTQ movement-the complete denial of reality in favor of a personal reality, a fantasy life demanded by the individual and enforeced by everyone from Obama down. Now that reality has smacked them in the face like a 20 pound halibut, they can’t handle the truth. Don’t blame Trump or his supporters: blame those who have lied to you for the last 8 years.

@Ukulelemike: #15

these kids have been hoodwinked and bamboozled for the last eight years by their government

Ukulelemike, . . . . and it is now very evident the even the socialist leadership, from Obama to Schumer with ridiculous comments and insults since the election, still don’t understand.

A scramble to assess the dangers of President-elect Donald Trump’s global business empire

…because they didn’t bother to do it before the election—despite the fact that NYT, WAPO, and others pointed out that they needed to do so. Every warning sign was ignored, and most continue to be ignored. They let a candidate with more potential conflicts of interest than anyone could shake a stick at get away with not even making his tax returns public—the most obvious map that would have revealed where all potential conflicts of interest might be found. It’s as if they didn’t want to know. Looking at the personal financial disclosure list alone should have raised eyebrows, and that only included what they wanted to reveal. There’s no reason to believe it was a full disclosure, or that the interests listed don’t have significant connections elsewhere.


or that the interests listed don’t have significant connections elsewhere.

Oh, like the millions upon millions of dollars given to the clinton foundation while she was SOS, clearly a pay to play. And now we learn the donations are down this year 37%. Wonder why that is…..

Could it be because the Clintons no longer are in a position to effect certain policies?


A scramble to assess the dangers of President-elect Donald Trump’s global business empire…because they didn’t bother to do it before the election

Have you noticed what the Markets and the dollar have been doing since Trump was elected? Now, think back to all the times you liberals have touted the rising stock market as a clear indication that Obama was working miracles (puke, choke, spit…) with the economy? So, despite all your various flailing about, trying to create this vilification and that, what do you think THAT indicates? Fear and worry in the markets cause them to plummet, not soar.

Give us some of that imaginative liberal spin, Greg.

Have you noticed what the Markets and the dollar have been doing since Trump was elected?

Trump hasn’t done anything yet. As a matter of fact, he hasn’t been elected. The Electoral College hasn’t voted. They don’t start casting their ballots until December 19, 2016, and the ballots aren’t required to be submitted until December 28th. They’re counted on January 6, 2017, at which time a new president is announced. As you never tire of pointing out, the popular vote doesn’t really count for much. It doesn’t matter that Hillary Clinton won it by over a million-and-a-half votes. The Electoral College vote will determine the next president.

We’ll see what the market does once Trump starts acting on his intentions.

@Greg: Well you have been wrong about everything else. I can not wait to see what excuses you have on Jan 21!

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Don’t get carried away with your market analysis-up over 150% during Obama tenure—up about 3% since Trump election–long way to go.

Today’s news–Trump not going to investigate or prosecute HRC.
Trump Foundation admits it broke the law re use of doations.

Wall? What Wall?

@Rich Wheeler: I don’t think the market is the ultimate barometer at all. However, the predictions of economic crash and disaster appear unfounded. Of course, Trump’s economy will have to endure the end of quantitative easing and forcing the economy to stand on its own two feet. The facade of Obama’s failed economic non-recovery will have to fall and I sort of wanted it to happen on Hillary’s watch, but I expect Trump will be far more capable of correcting the event.

Up 3% over a period of two weeks is nothing to sneeze at and it is due SOLELY to the fact that Trump, not Hillary, was elected. He has not enacted a single policy yet.

These widdle snowflakes are worried about being able to break the glass ceiling? Are you kidding me? If THIS is their response to election results that didn’t go their way, they will have a hard time getting out of the GLASS BASEMENT. Their tender sensibilities make them completely unprepared for Real Life University and Hard Knocks Grad School. I could understand this behavior if it was an elementary school and they were first graders but these are ADULTS who presumably finished high school completely insulated from reality. That’s some TERRIBLE parenting–and it has produced these useless women who can’t cope with anything more intimidating that puppies and rainbows. A cold beer and a thunderstorm would KILL most of them and reduce the rest to sobbing lumps of protoplasm. They give REAL women a bad name.

@Teri Newman: #24

I could understand this behavior if it was an elementary school and they were first graders but these are ADULTS who presumably finished high school completely insulated from reality.

Teri Newman, in discussions with ‘high school’ and ‘university’ students over the years, I’ve been amazed that they’ve consistently taken at “face value” whatever their teachers/professors have fed them — with absolutely zero push-back. Most of these teachers/professors have no experience in either the business world, or in any other ‘hard work’ environments.

I suppose the fact that these instructors are in positions of authority explains some of this undue influence, but the lack of independent analysis is depressing. Students seem to clutch Marxism much too readily.

@james raider: That’s the part I just did not understand until I realized they were no longer teaching any kind of civics or government class. I loved 9th grade civics SO much. It was interesting because the teacher was AMAZING and a total patriot and he made it SO INTERESTING because he taught not only WHAT was in the Constitution, but WHY the Founding Fathers thought that it was important to put it in there. For example, the Constitution doesn’t have much criminal law in it BUT it very CLEARLY spells out what constitutes treason AND WHAT DOES NOT which is one of the VERY FEW actual LAWS in the document. Most people have NO IDEA why, so I get a lot of mileage out of telling them. Now they don’t even teach Civics at all and apparently haven’t for some time. Home schooled kids know and private school kids know but the public school unions have adjusted the curriculum to where it’s total leftist indoctrination.

@Randy, #21:

I guess your president elect is backing off on his campaign promise that Clinton will be prosecuted. What a surprise.

Maybe you should start keeping a checklist, so you’ll know on how many points you’ve been duped.

@July 4th American, #18:

Oh, like the millions upon millions of dollars given to the clinton foundation while she was SOS, clearly a pay to play.

The Clinton Foundation is a charitable organization with records going back for years that are available for public inspection, operated by public figures whose personal tax returns for the same years are also available for public inspection—-NOT a multi-billion dollar multi-national family business empire owned by a president elect who will neither reveal the particulars of that empire, nor let his own tax documents be seen. You think that turning it over to the kids somehow eliminates any possibility of impropriety.

So, compare and contrast.

Pay to play is a propaganda meme. The standards that you demand of the Clintons are not even remotely similar to those you apply to the Trumps. In Trump’s case, with warning flags flying from every window, you don’t even want to consider the possibility of conflicts of interest. I’ve never seen sheep so willingly led in my entire life.


The Clinton Foundation is a charitable organization

That is just laughable. No one thinks they are truly charitable. Give some examples of their charitable works. And, not paying for Chelsea’s weeding.

@Greg: So, do you think he should pursue prosecution or can you possibly appreciate a magnanimous gesture to Democrats to generate good will? I am not surprised by your reaction, Greg; no matter what Trump does, liberals will hate it because THEY no longer have the power to determine what rights the rest of us deserve to keep.

Personally, I disagree; I think the investigation should go forth and innocence or guilty determined without Presidential interference. But, I didn’t vote for him to prosecute Hillary; her guilt is pretty much a matter of record. I voted to keep the Supreme Court out of Hillary’s corrupt hands. No telling what she would have sold one of those for.

Since the Clinton Foundation is going such great work, I wonder why Haiti remains such a poverty-stricken hell-hole?

Once again, you’re dodging the matter of Trump’s conflict of interest issue. In the past, any person who was the subject of so many serious unanswered questions wouldn’t even have made it to the primaries.

Thoughtful people are in shock. They didn’t believe there were enough idiots in the country to make it possible for such a thing to happen.

@Greg: In the past, someone with no accomplishments whatsoever, who keeps his personal history locked away from prying eyes, would not get a nomination. Nor would an amateurish President who PROMISED to improve the economy in 3 years or he didn’t deserve the job… who DIDN’T improve the economy AND lied about every aspect of Benghazi have gotten reelected. Nor would a corrupt liar that had proven herself incompetent and incapable of handling a position of responsibility gotten a party’s nomination.

Trump is President-elect. Get used to it.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: The one thing that makes us safe and secure in being Americans is this: Our faith in the Rule Of Law and that NO ONE is above the law. It is why being a AMERICAN citizen is a sacred and precious thing: We are all secure in the knowledge that NO ONE who harms us in any way will get away with it because NO ONE is above the law–even the President of the United States is NOT ABOVE THE LAW. It is what gives us peace of mind and glues our culture and social fabric together. James Comey told us that HILLARY CLINTON IS ABOVE THE LAW–plain and simple. No matter how much she lies about how she didn’t break any laws, she isn’t convincing anyone and she is piling lie after lie on top of a FOUNDATION of lies.
Every single federal employee knows she is now above the law because every single one of them would be in PRISON right now if they had done ANYTHING even remotely close to this. Mere POSSESSION of a SAP file is all that is needed to convict of espionage–ESPIONAGE!! Do you think that ANYONE in America doesn’t realize that if the rule of law is no longer honored then NONE OF US are safe and secure with our homes, property and families?? James Comey is a PATRIOT who did America an tremendous service by telling us IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that the corruption in Washington has reached the point where the rule of law is no longer honored. That is the tipping point for almost every American–NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. We say this about our country when we travel overseas and the people we meet are in awe of how wonderful life must be in America because of the RULE OF LAW–and James Comey slapped ALL OF US in the face with the 2×4 of reality that our government is corrupt beyond salvation and that our most sacred right–and the glue that binds us as a NATION was no more because HILLARY CLINTON IS ABOVE THE LAW. This cannot be and cannot stand. No one can be above the law in America.

You’d best get as much gloating in as possible before reality overtakes the reality show.

Trump has backed off his assertion that he would support the prosecution of Hillary Clinton. He now acknowledges there’s “some connectivity” between human activity and global warming. He’s not going to round up and deport 12 million undocumented aliens. The wall may become a fence. Balance the budget? Nope. We’re going to have a military and infrastructure spending binge. ISIS will be dealt with. (ISIS was already being dealt with. ) The swamp will be drained. (Oh, please. Big business is moving directly into the White House.)

@Greg: Hillary did NOT get to load the Supreme Court with liberal, activist judges. That, to me, was a massive threat to the health of this country. Obama has wrought terrific damage to our nation, at home and abroad; Hillary would have compounded that while turning the federal government into a criminal enterprise… just as she did the State Department.

Not gonna happen.

Obama was a liar and a failure. Hillary was a liar and a criminal. Trump has the experience and knowledge to actually repair the economy Obama has allowed to stagnate. If he turns out to be a liar, then we are no worse off than we would have been, for he could never be near as corrupt as Hillary or incompetent as Obama.

@Greg: Now says N.Y Times is a national treasure. Says Obama is a great guy Praises Romney
Flim flam man What’s next?

@Rich Wheeler: Yep, as usual it looks like you guys were all wrong… again.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: J’ve been saying for 40 years that Trump is a carni act– been right
You newcomers only know his recent sleight of hand performance.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Amen–and terrific observations as well. Trump is trying to smooth the road and be nice to everyone, but I guarantee the FBI is still investigating the phony Clinton foundation and a Trump administration and a Sessions DOJ puts the corrupt wench in prison.

@Greg: Here, let me explain it to you since inductive reasoning isn’t one of your accomplishments. Trump, ever the master strategist, is trying to prevent a pardon of Hillary by Obama. If Trump says he isn’t going to appoint a special prosecutor, the Obama admits she’s guilty by issuing her a pardon and looks foolish doing it–and he cannot pardon himself and he’s in this whole phony foundation cr@p up to his jug ears. It’s a brilliant move by President Trump and it doesn’t stop the Fibbies from continuing the investigation. Duh.

@Greg: Still getting your paycheck from Soros troll-boy? I’d recommend you HAMMER them ASAP because I’m pretty sure your boss is in violation of a lot of campaign laws.
To the rest of the board:
I’d suggest we cut trolls out of the loop. Not replying and marking them as spam posts en masse should make them disappear as well. I’m done with this Soros @$$ licker, let’s ignore it.

@Rich Wheeler: They are all carnival acts to one extent or another. Obama was a carnival act, barking his health care “reform”, transparency, honesty, “post racial” and bipartisanship. Once you get inside the tent you find, just like the “Man-eating chicken”, it was all a scam. Hillary’s was more of a soap opera, with all the intrigue, villains and suspense and the plot finally being revealed through leaked emails.

Trump is picking a real potpourri of appointments, seemingly trying to mend fences and reach out. I disagree with some, but if he can quell the riotous tendencies of the spoiled brat left (I don’t think it will… we can see that right here on these pages), good for him. I am more interested in his Supreme Court appointees.

Trump is showing a far greater interest in reaching out and inclusion than Obama ever did. I also remember Obama illegally offering jobs to people in order to get them to run against Democrats (Sestak vs. Specter) to benefit his agenda; let’s watch and see how many crooked acts Trump tries (no doubt the media will not cover any of those up).

Also, this:

Obama and Hillary support those who promote killing cops, Trump calls and sympathizes with the victims. What do you find more Presidential?

IF any of the media (who supposedly were covering the Trump campaign) or any of the Leftists (who act like they know what Trump has said) had actually listened to him on the campaign trail, or read his position papers, they would know:
Trump does NOT telegraph what he’s going to do.
Not with ISIS.
Not with Iran.
Not with Hillary.
Not with ObamaCare.
Not with Romney.

Obama, otoh, warned ISIS he was coming into their ”main town” four months ahead of when he did it!
Does anyone think the leaders of ISIS were still there?
You’re idiots if you do.

Nor did he telegraph any of his intentions to the people who voted for him. They’re still well hidden.

The claim that Obama has telegraphed his moves against ISIS is ridiculous. It was no secret that coalition ground forces were going to go to the ISIS strongholds, because that’s where ISIS is. To do so unobserved was impossible. That troops arriving at such locations were moving into position for battle was obvious to anyone watching. The claim reflects Trump’s utter cluelessness about the nature of the conflict.


Here Greg, this should make your day…..

Clinton’s Lead Passes The 2 Million Mark

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Obama had Gates and Hagel in his cabinet. I like Haley pick

BTW Did you see where Mattis told Trump he didn’t like waterboarding–said give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers. Love that guy

Mr Raider, all true, but alas, you’re preaching to the choir.
As long as tenured professors STAY tenured, the mind, heart, and soul of these students will belong to the socialist/globalists instructing them.

If only a few states had the guts to withhold state funding to state schools that make “white privilege” classes mandatory, safe spaces, encouraged, and only liberal speakers and speech allowed, you’d soon see this scourge dissipate.
It’s been 50+ years since colleges were entities of free speech…for ALL.

Perhaps your very fine article will surreptitiously find it’s way into some darkened hallways at these so-called institutions of higher learning, for reading it in the light of day might cause severe distress to the weak minds whose mommy and daddy pay $50k+ a year for their child’s programming.

you were lied-to

That’s an interesting comment, given that Trump’s count of outright lies has already become so great that people have not only ceased counting them, but have ceased even commenting on the fact that lies like a dog. He has absolutely no compunction about lying. He lies so habitually and naturally that he does it when there’s not even anything to be gained by it.

You will never, ever know if this man is telling you the truth about anything, and you have placed such a person in the highest office in the land. You have devalued that office, and made us look to the rest of the world like a nation of idiots. Much of the discussion on the right now seems to serve as a continuing distraction to avoid confronting that realization. I’m hearing virtually nothing in the way of discussion about where Team Trump is going from here—because nobody has a frickin’ clue what they’ve actually elected.

And you’re insulting the kids for their reaction? They’re smart enough to recognize a line of complete bullshit when they hear it, which is something many of their elders can’t say. We’ve given idealistic kids a president clearly displaying an obvious lack of discernible ideals and principles. We’ve given them a reality television host for a role model. Why wouldn’t they be upset?

@Greg: I don’t recollect you answering my question of when Obama lied; when he said Hillary was a racist liar that would say anything to get elected or when he said she was the most qualified person on history?

@IMAWriter: #47
IMAWriter, the more that political correctness as practiced by the nation destroyers persists, particularly on campuses, the more we will have incursion of eroding forces such as what is occurring in Europe.

Sanctimonious censorship, which has exploded with the Obama Admin’s fertilization, institutionalizes ‘ignorance’. It also instils ‘fear’ in society, and as we witnessed, half the Nation remained mostly silent until it was time to vote.

The MSM and the Dems evidently still do not understand what happened in this election, or why. Most telling is that they were really surprised.

Ignorance is bliss and they seem determined to remain there.