An indictment is likely




What an interesting year. The Cubs won the Series. The FBI Director goes from the darling of the left to enemy of the State. Hillary claimed she was in New York City on 9-11. We could have a President-elect impeached before she is sworn into office.

Heck of a year, and it’s not over.

We now know that the obama DOJ obstructed the FBI investigation into both hillary clinton and her email server scandal:

When we learn that Clinton Foundation investigators are being denied access to patently relevant evidence by federal prosecutors in Brooklyn, those are the prosecutors — Loretta Lynch’s prosecutors — we are talking about.
Recall, moreover, that it was Lynch’s Justice Department that:

-refused to authorize use of the grand jury to further the Clinton e-mails investigation, thus depriving the FBI of the power to compel testimony and the production of evidence by subpoena; consulted closely with defense attorneys representing subjects of the investigation;

– permitted Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson — the subordinates deputized by Mrs. Clinton to sort through her e-mails and destroy thousands of them — to represent Clinton as attorneys, despite the fact that they were subjects of the same investigation and had been granted immunity from prosecution (to say nothing of the ethical and legal prohibitions against such an arrangement);

– drastically restricted the FBI’s questioning of Mills and other subjects of the investigation;

– and struck the outrageous deals that gave Mills and Samuelson immunity from prosecution in exchange for providing the FBI with the laptops on which they reviewed Clinton’s four years of e-mails. That arrangement was outrageous for three reasons: 1) Mills and Samuelson should have been compelled to produce the computers by grand-jury subpoena with no immunity agreement; 2) Lynch’s Justice Department drastically restricted the FBI’s authority to examine the computers; and 3) Lynch’s Justice Department agreed that the FBI would destroy the computers following its very limited examination.

Last night Bret Baier reported the following:

1. The Clinton Foundation investigation is far more expansive than anybody has reported so far and has been going on for more than a year.

2. The laptops of Clinton aides Cherryl Mills and Heather Samuelson have not been destroyed, and agents are currently combing through them. The investigation has interviewed several people twice, and plans to interview some for a third time.

3. Agents have found emails believed to have originated on Hillary Clinton’s secret server on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. They say the emails are not duplicates and could potentially be classified in nature.

4. Sources within the FBI have told him that an indictment is “likely” in the case of pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, “barring some obstruction in some way” from the Justice Department.

5. FBI sources say with 99% accuracy that Hillary Clinton’s server has been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that information had been taken from it.

Now watch the screaming from the left. You ain’t seen nothing yet. From RCP this morning:

Trump Is an Existential Threat Charles Blow, New York Times

James Comey Has Been Abusing His Power for Years Trevor Timm, The Guardian

Trump Can’t Just Lose–He Must Be Crushed Dean Obeidallah, The Daily Beast

No, Hillary Clinton’s Emails Aren’t Like Watergate Eleanor Clift, The Daily Beast

Don’t Let the FBI Decide the Election Adam Serwer, The Atlantic

You know that the Liar in Chief was going to weigh in and he did. barack obama warns us that the universe will end if Trump is elected:

“We won’t win this election, potentially, if we don’t win North Carolina,” he said during a campaign rally for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. “I hate to put a little pressure on you, but the fate of the republic rests on your shoulders. The fate of the world is teetering.”

Let me rephrase that for you:

“If you elect hillary clinton to be President you’ll be able to keep your plan and your doctor no matter what. You’ll save $2500 per year.”

I am still baffled as to why anyone continues to even listen to that liar. clinton, obama and their minions are in a panic mode and it’s understandable. Valerie Jarrett wants Comey fired. obama is channeling chicken little. The left is attacking James Comey from all corners.

It’s too late. Regardless of the outcome of the election the die is cast. The FBI is 99% certain that at least five foreign agencies. That means that foreign actors have not only the 30,000 emails clinton deleted and bleachbitted, they also have obama’s personal emails under the pseudonyms he used to communicate with clinton on her non-secure server. This means that our adversaries have the emails we are not allowed to see. They have a wealth on classified information on which to draw for “negotiations” with a future President clinton.

barack obama lied through his teeth when he said he learned of hillary clinton using a private server through the news. He routinely emailed clinton using various pseudonyms. clinton’s aides wanted to “clean up” obama’s comments as soon as he uttered them. Now he’s up to his ass in this as his emails are also presumably in the hands of adversaries as well. Consequently the obama regime is absolutely desperate to keep Trump from winning the election. He’s already fired a warning shot at Comey.

This is why clinton must lose. obama’s Department of Justice has been actively obstructing the investigation into clinton’s emails and the Clinton Foundation. The good news is that these investigations have taken on a life of their own. That is why Comey notified members of Congress about the new information. He unquestionably had to do so as he knew had he not done so and this information came out afterwards he would fry. He also knew that if he did not act there would have been a full blown mutiny at the FBI by the good people there who would not tolerate suppression of justice any longer.

obama’s DOJ has been feeding information about the FBI investigation to the clinton campaign.  The clinton campaign conspired to bury the email scandal.

Kadzik shrugged off the Lerner-led conspiracy as mere bureaucratic incompetence, as opposed to the left-wing witch hunt it was, designed to curtail Tea Party movement activism.

The clinton gang was bent on circumventing campaign laws. This is corruption on a galactic scale. It is a coup on the part of obama and clinton. A coup to crush the Constitution and obama’s oath of office. A coup to crush the legal system of the US.

Now I believe that no matter what obama does, who he fires, what the DOJ tries to suppress- the facts are going to come out. The FBI is not going to lie down. If Comey is fired, if Comey is stifled, if the DOJ refuses the impaneling of more grand juries there will be a flood of leaks from the FBI like never before. That is sad- but it is a reflection of how wretched and lawless this regime has become and it is comforting to know that there still is some good- something to believe in- in government.


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Rumor has it a massive dump of emails the whole enchilada from wikileaks, might happen this week, . All to be confirmed by Weiners 650K as not altered and authentic. Obama stumping real hard as his chance to profit handsomely from his own foundation slips through his fingers. Who will pay for 3.5 million dollar golf outings OMG its the end of the republic!
Dr. John its called a patriotic coup, they have had apx 4 months to go through those emails and cannot allow her into the oval office and see the true destruction of whats left of our republic.

This is a snapshot of what a Hillary administration would look like. Unleash the IRS (again) while the DOJ runs interference for the administration. They can do whatever they like and have the media whitewash it.

Add to that loading the Supreme Court with liberal judges and all you have to do is get an issue before them and new law is made.

This nation did not grow strong and powerful on corruption and oppression; it succeeded due to free capitalism, freedom and justice. Count on that being gone under Hillary.

This Hillary thing is way bigger than I can unsee.


We are now learning the level of corruption and betrayal by mrs clinton and the clinton crime syndicate. It is now known those who previously were granted immunity have had that immunity revoked. Interviews are being conducted as we speak to those who lied(lying when having been granted immunity is a felony) are being told they can make their plight softer by now revealing what they had previously refrained from confirming. The rats are jumping ship, this is the titanic and it is sinking once more….

@July 4th American: The entire Clinton crime mob needs reservations in Levenworth, and Gitmo. I am sure there were those in the DNC that saw the Bernie thing reported it to officials I dont think they are all evil POS , the one computer guy that I think leaked all the DNC stuff to wiki is dead. You never read in any of the emails any concern for the country or the people.
Oh this morning listening to O stump said Hillary was undercover helping all these years I near wet myself!

Wikileaks has Obama’s ”pseudonyms.”
One of them is ”bobama.”
Gee, real deep cover.
I’d have never guessed.
I’m waiting for Melania on the new Trump Tube.
So many people have been messed with by You Tube that it is LONG overdue to have an alternative.
Louder With Crowder is only on You Tube for adults, not on colleges or in libraries.
And Right Side Broadcasting has had its feeds frozen a few times.
Has ANY Hillary news outlet covered the riots in Paris, the police resigning en masse in Sweden or the 78 crimes a day committed by Germany’s new guests?
Hillary wants to do away with Fox News, Brietbart, and every TEA Party activist.
Her ”box of deplorables,” grew from that to, “negative, dark, divisive, dangerous people who support Trump.”
Sounds real conciliatory, huh?

@Nanny G:

And this, her campaign slogan, stronger together, goes back to a mussolini era slogan:

The FBI’s impetus for a Clinton Foundation investigation turns out to have been inspired by Peter Schweizer’s anti-Clinton book CLINTON CASH, which is little more than an author’s exercise in speculative slander for profit, and by secret recordings of comments about the Clinton Foundation made by someone who has no inside connection with the Clinton Foundation.

An anti-Clinton faction in the FBI has done very serious damage. They have affixed an official FBI seal to an accusation supported by nothing more than hearsay and rumor days before a presidential election, with the specific intention of influencing the outcome of that election. The lasting damage they’ve done is to the reputation of the FBI. They’ve cast serious doubt on the impartiality of the nation’s highest and most respected investigative body.

I think Comey has been doing everything he can to prevent this, but he’s been put in a position by forces internal and external to the FBI that have made maintaining any appearance of balance and impartiality almost impossible.

@Greg:The FBI’s impetus for a Clinton Foundation investigation turns out to have been inspired by Peter Schweizer’s anti-Clinton book CLINTON CASH….

You say, ”Turns out….” like it had been proven.
Got a link?
An unsourced NYTimes allegation?
“according to several law enforcement officials briefed on the case.”

Sometimes a coincidence is just that.
So the book’s expose’ coincides with the wrongdoing uncovered by the federal investigators.
That doesn’t mean ”cause and effect.”

Nobody went on record.
Sounds like an weak attempt at guilt by association.

People are running around looking for a rope because they heard something about an FBI investigation—the details of which are virtually nonexistent. The assumption seems to be that this verifies whatever manure has been shoveled by the right’s full-time army of manure shovelers.

This, hopefully, will lead to the installation of a man into the Oval Office whose list of qualifications could be written on the back of a postage stamp, with enough room left over for a short grocery list. Were you to make a list of his characteristics and traits that should be considered instantly disqualifying, you’d require a blue essay test booklet, a couple of sharpened No.4 pencils, and half-an-hour or so to think things through, which is more time than anyone on the right seems to have given to the matter at this point.

Trump has already done serious lasting damage just running a campaign. What sort of damage to you think will follow if he suddenly finds himself made the most powerful individual on the planet? Do you think this fractious egomaniac is going to usher in some new era of peace, prosperity, national harmony, and domestic tranquility? If so, I’m curious about the medications you’re taking.

Hillary Clinton is still the lesser evil. By far.

@Greg: I really hope most of what is, not leaking but oozing out about the Clintons and those around them is nothing but manure, I hate to think there would be such a level of evil in our species it makes Josef Mengele seem not so bad. NYPD special victims division was none too happy what they found on Humas hubby laptop.

DrJ, although this is a serious slam on the unethical Clinton machine, there’s a strong likelihood that between the FBI and WikiLeaks, the degree of corruption of the Obama/Jarrett duo will be revealed after this election. These two may be making a big mistake slandering the FBI. It will come back to haunt them.

The FBI will be left with no choice but reveal what they find. We’re in for some really ugly months ahead as we witness the disintegration of an Administration AFTER it leaves office.

Not the first time Clinton crime mob attempted to destroy evidence Bill Clinton’s National Security Advisor Sandy Berger stole and destroyed classified documents in October 2003 from a National Archives reading room prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission.

In April 2005, Berger pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material from the National Archives in Washington.
Patterns patterns patterns everywhere


Wow Greg, you must not be looking at the real news that is out there. Your candidate is immersed in currently two criminal investigations that are not make believe.

They are real and some serious shit is about to drop. I would say you are on some serious drugs but that would only excuse your tin foil approach to current events. You need some help to get your head straight dude…

So, you believe Hillary Clinton is about to be indicted for some unspecified crime because five days before the presidential election FOX News claims an unnamed source inside the FBI told them so?

Maybe you need to loosen up the adjustment a bit on that one-size-fits-all Trump hat.


The FBI’s impetus for a Clinton Foundation investigation turns out to have been inspired by Peter Schweizer’s anti-Clinton book CLINTON CASH, which is little more than an author’s exercise in speculative slander for profit, and by secret recordings of comments about the Clinton Foundation made by someone who has no inside connection with the Clinton Foundation.

Yet it appears they are finding substantiation of those accusations, doesn’t it?

The FBI has been damaged… by Obama. First, Holder’s DOJ indicted a journalist because they wanted to tap his phone. Now, Lynch’s DOJ laid out every definition of the violation of the laws for handling classified information, then turned around and said no prosecutor would, in Comey’s opinion, take the case. Obama’s IRS harassed law abiding citizens, then the FBI “investigating” it never interviewed any of the victims… or conducted an investigation. Yes, severe damage has been done to the FBI, DOJ, IRS, VA, HHS, DHS. But, anyone that believes Hillary is the CURE, they are, well, idiotic.

@james raider: The Clinton campaign is desperate and things will much nastier between now and November 8th. Hillary KNOWS if she loses and cannot continue corrupting the DOJ as Obama has been doing, she WILL be prosecuted. Likewise, Obama needs a Hillary administration to prevent the facts about the width and breadth of Obama’s massive failure PLUS Obama has his exposure to Hillary’s disregard of the rules and laws. For people that the ends justifies the means, there is no predicting how deep into the gutter these people will go in order to try and salvage this election.

Before it is over, we will ALL see what scum has been running this country for the past 8 years.

@Greg: Every 4 years Hannity tries to push the Repub to victory with fawning adoration and bashes the Dem. opponent with over the top negative commentary.
Looks to me like 0 and 3 for pretty boy Sean

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #16:

Yet it appears they are finding substantiation of those accusations, doesn’t it?

I haven’t heard that FOX’s unnamed source inside the FBI has mentioned any other evidence. What I’ve heard is that they couldn’t come up with anything that justified further investigation. It’s another fabricated news announcement of the arrival of a box that turns out to be empty. How many times to they think they can get away with this stunt?

@Greg: Actually, the reports state an indictment is likely.

Looky here.

State Department emails that Hillary did NOT turn over are found on Weiner’s computer. Oops. Another lie revealed.

Oh… remember you stating repeatedly that Hillary’s secret, private, unsecured server was never hacked? The FBI says it is 99% certain that it was hacked by 5 separate entities. Uh-oh. Perhaps Hillary was Wikileaks’ primary source!

Why wouldn’t the DOJ want a full investigation of the Clinton Foundation’s suspicious activities long before the campaign in order to try and clear the Clinton’s of all the suspicions? Instead, they tamped it down. Why? What were they afraid of seeing exposed?

Bad news, Greg. Bad news.

Track record of just a few verified Obama/Clinton lies:

1. “I learned about the server from news reports.”
2. “If you like your doctor and your plan, you can keep them.”
3. “My plan will decrease annual health insurance premiums for the average family of 4 by $2500 a year.”
4. “It is not a tax.”

1. “It was a spontaneous protest over a video.”
2. “There were no classified emails on my private home server.”
3. “I turned over all relevant emails, and only deleted emails about Chelsea’s wedding and about yoga routines.”
4. “I was recovering from pneumonia.”
5. “Victims of rape should be believed.”

These are just a few of the bald-faced lies from the Clinton and Obama camps. Only leftist fools and criminals accept the current lies coming out of the demofascist administration mouthpieces.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #19:

Oddly, when I read that article the only thing I take away from it is that additional emails have turned up, that it isn’t known how many if any are relevant, and that it isn’t known if any that are relevant will have any actual significance. That, after all, is what the article actually says.

Nor does this necessarily suggest Clinton withheld relevant emails. It’s been known from the start that she was under no regulatory obligation to retain personal emails, and that emails that were considered personal had been deleted from her server. It’s entirely possible that the newly discovered emails on Wiener’s laptop are copies of that deleted personal material. After all, when you delete emails from your own computer or server, you aren’t deleting the copies on the computer or server that the emails were originally sent to or received from.

Why wouldn’t the DOJ want a full investigation of the Clinton Foundation’s suspicious activities long before the campaign in order to try and clear the Clinton’s of all the suspicions?

What they didn’t want was the sort of partisan politicization of their investigative processes that the “unnamed sources” in the FBI have now taken it upon themselves to create—in violation of the Hatch Act. Those sources have damaged the credibility of the FBI as an impartial law enforcement and investigative institution to pick up a few polling points or votes for their political candidate. There’s a story of totally improper behavior, if you really want one.



The FBI has found emails related to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state on the laptop belonging to the estranged husband of Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, according to a U.S. official.

These emails, CBS News’ Andres Triay reports, are not duplicates of emails found on Secretary Clinton’s private server. At this point, however, it remains to be seen whether these emails are significant to the FBI’s investigation into Clinton. It is also not known how many relevant emails there are.

(Excerpt) Read more at …

Is it true that the Federal prison at Lewisburg, PA is ordering orange pants suits?

@July 4th American, #22:

Very good. Now, can you explain to me the meaning of what you’ve just copied and pasted? I don’t see where it contradicts anything I’ve said. Maybe I’m missing something.


ITEM…..when Huma exited the State Dept, she was required to signoff on form OF-109….a separation agreement that states she understands when leaving the US government that she is maintaining no classified information. That she understands her legal obligation to protect further classified information and safeguard any potential disclosures……

ITEM—Two special agents of the FBI interviewed Abedin on April 5 noted the details in the summary of their interview, which took place at the FBI’s Washington field office and, notably, was attended by the chief of the FBI’s counterespionage section.

ITEM—–On page 3 of the FBI’s 11-page report, federal agents detail how a classified paper on Pakistan, sent from a State Department source, that Abedin inexplicably forwarded to her personal Yahoo email account….. an obviously unclassified, unencrypted, unsecured and unauthorized system. Not an isolated event, but a common practice with Abedin. “She routinely forwarded emails from her account to either her or her account,” the agents wrote. Why? “So she could print them” at home and not at her State Department office.


ITEM—– The cover story the Hillary team concocted…..Huma was only forwarding the emails home so she could print them, b/c Hillary wanted it that way, even though it’s illegal.

ITEM—-Tens of thousands of classified emails are housed, not only on Hillary’s secret basement server, but at Huma’s home as well….. on devices held by Huma’s unemployed husband.

ITEM—-Investigating his sexting, the FBI found thousands of classified emails on Anthony’s devices. Abedin’s sex-obsessed husband, Anthony Weiner, liked to brag of how easy it is to earn big money in private-sector consulting. Yeah sure……if you’re selling US ntl security secrets.


This underlines Judiciary Chair Sen Grassley’s point that Huma Abedin may have been collecting political intelligence gleaned from unsuspecting State Dept officials that was then sold….. for a price.

Recall that Huma was a govt employee at the State Dept. Then Hillary facilitated Huma having several other jobs simultaneously. (a) Huma working for Teneo….the powerhouse company that is purported to be the vehicle foreign entities use to get access to the Clintons. (b) Clinton Foundation employee. (c) State Dept employee.

Sen Grassley wrote in a June 13, 2015 letter: It appears that one of Abedin’s clients, the Clinton-connected Teneo Strategies, may have been compensating Ms. Abedin for gathering information from US government sources for the purpose of informing investment decisions of her consulting clients – or in other words, political intelligence.

This raises important questions about whether Abedin’s dual role was adequately disclosed to government officials who may have provided her information without realizing that she was being paid by private investors to gather information.

Grassley’s letter recounted in detail:

Abedin allegedly sent or received more than 7,000 emails on her US government account that involved her employer, Teneo’s head Doug Band, a close confidante and travel companion of the globe-trotting Bill Clinton;

one email exchange involved Teneo’s Doug Band pressuring Abedin to encourage her State Department boss, Hillary Clinton, to facilitate a White House appointment for one of his clients. Judith Rodin, then-president of the Rockefeller Foundation, “donated hundreds of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation,” Mr. Band allegedly noted in his email to Ms. Abedin.

email evidence allegedly suggests that Ms. Abedin and another Hillary aide, Cheryl Mills, colluded to find a way to ensure the US govt paid for Ms. Abedin’s travel to and from New York.

multiple allegations received by Sen Grassley’s Judiciary Committee indicated Abedin had actually taken leave during her time as a govt employee, casting doubt on whether Abedin should have been paid $33,000 in taxpayer money while on leave. Huma later said her husband handled the couple’s finances, so she did not know she had been paid the $33,000.

@Greg: You always miss what you do not want to see.

Perhaps I lack your imagination.

When Richard Madcow breaks down into tears and screams foul, then Greg will believe or maybe when PBS whispers about it.
We hated this thing in 08 and 12


Oddly, when I read that article the only thing I take away from it is that additional emails have turned up, that it isn’t known how many if any are relevant, and that it isn’t known if any that are relevant will have any actual significance. That, after all, is what the article actually says.

No wonder you still whole-heartedly support the most corrupt, incompetent and dishonest candidate ever to run for office. What the story says is that State Department emails were found on the Weiner’s computer. What it further says is that, because the FBI is eliminating duplicates of the emails they already have with their search software, they are finding State Department emails not previously turned over to the State Department. So, this verifies yet ANOTHER lie of Hillary’s… that she turned over all State Department emails.

Now, there’s the question of WHAT was Huma doing with them and WHAT was security clearance-free Weiner doing with them on his computer?

With the hacked emails and the FBI investigations we see the widespread culture of corruption and disregard for laws and the Constitution and, in addition to exposing yet another lie of Hillary’s, this revelation shows Huma learned her disregard for the law well from her master.

What this shows us is that all the suspicions are not only justified, but they are substantiated. Hillary REALLY tried to avoid FOIA requests into her dirty dealings and illegally deleted (she thought) thousands of emails. We also know the Obama DOJ colluded with the Clinton campaign to try and quash the investigations… for some reason.

Dirty business, through and through.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #30:

“Emails related to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State” does not actually mean the same thing as “State Department emails.” This ambiguity was deliberate on the part of the writer. It deliberately blurs the distinction between work related emails and entirely personal emails.

An email Clinton sent about a Girl Scout cookie sale while she was Secretary of State could be said to be an email related to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State. It could not truthfully be said to be a State Department email, however.

This is one of the ways that bare facts that say little or nothing are spun into stories that seem to mean what the writer wants them to mean. They don’t really present news. They present propaganda disguised as news. They’re fundamentally dishonest.

Charles Krauthammer—he can’t bring himself to come right out and say you should vote for Clinton. He just points out that you’d be crazy to vote for Donald Trump:

Final days, awful choice

In a normal election, the FBI and WikiLeaks factors might be disqualifying for a presidential candidate. As final evidence of how bad are our choices in 2016, Trump’s liabilities, especially on foreign policy, outweigh hers.

We are entering a period of unprecedented threat to the international order that has prevailed under American leadership since 1945. After eight years of President Obama’s retreat, the three major revisionist powers — Russia, China and Iran — see their chance to achieve regional dominance and diminish, if not expel, U.S. influence.

At a time of such tectonic instability, even the most experienced head of state requires wisdom and delicacy to maintain equilibrium. Trump has neither. His joining of supreme ignorance to supreme arrogance, combined with a pathological sensitivity to any perceived slight, is a standing invitation to calamitous miscalculation.

Two generations of Americans have grown up feeling that international stability is as natural as the air we breathe. It’s not. It depends on continual, calibrated tending. It depends on the delicate balancing of alliances and the careful signaling of enemies. It depends on avoiding self-inflicted trade wars and on recognizing the value of allies like Germany, Japan and South Korea as cornerstones of our own security rather than satrapies who are here to dispatch tribute to their imperial master in Washington.

It took seven decades to build this open, free international order. It could be brought down in a single presidential term. That would be a high price to pay for the catharsis of kicking over a table.

That, from a guy no one is going to mistake for a liberal, or even for a moderate republican. That from a guy who clearly doesn’t even like Clinton. If you’re missing the point, read that last paragraph again.

From The Guardian, November 3: ‘The FBI is Trumpland’: anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaks, sources say

Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy – Trump supporters with strong ties to the agency kept talking about surprises and leaks to come—and come they did.

An informative article. Rudy Giuliani appears to be the connection between the Trump campaign and an anti-Clinton faction inside the New York branch of the FBI responsible for a series of carefully timed releases and leaks calculated to damage the Clinton campaign. These guys are way the hell out of line.


So, greg, why did mrs clinton put a home brew server in her private residence to conduct government business? Answer that one……

People Googling Hillary Clinton Really Want To Know When She’ll Be Indicted

The top questions potential voters are asking Google about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton are how old she is, how much money she has, and when she’ll be indicted by federal law enforcement authorities.

Data compiled by Google Trends reveals many people are concerned about what will happen if Hillary Clinton runs into trouble with the law for keeping a private, unsecured e-mail server during her tenure as secretary of State.


From The Guardian, November 3: ‘The FBI is Trumpland’: anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaks, sources say Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy –

Wait… what? Are you trying to imply that political affiliation might sway the judgement of a government official? Or, more likely, do you mean that nasty old G-men that value law and order (and, thus, are disgusted by Hillary’s seemingly immune criminal enterprise) would be biased while leftist directors of the DOJ, IRS, EPA, DHS, VA and HHS would never allow ideology to cloud THEIR judgement, though we have ample evidence it has?

The evidence is there, Greg. The proof is there, Greg. Hillary is a lying criminal.

@Greg: More likely you lack intelligence to analyze facts.

@Bill- Deplorable Me: Greg can not conceive of a person who may be honorable because he is so immersed in the liberal ideology.

@Greg: ,#22

So the emails that are on wieners laptop are not duplicates of those on the private home brew server. Did not that woman, mrs clinton tell everyone she had turned over all emails? If she did, what praytell are these?

And, if some many of the emails were destroyed following the subpoena request by congress, does that constitute obstruction of justice?

Also, if the lawyers involved had not been read into security interests, having access to classified info is a felony.

Finally, we know that huma advised the White House each and every time that woman, mrs clinton changed her devices, of which she had no fewer than 13 as SOS. We know now the boner in chief communicated with that woman, mrs clinton on her private home brew server and likely communicated information of a classified nature. So the boner in chief himself may be guilty like that woman, mrs clinton of espionage.

@Reem: Wait, help me out here. Is it a good thing or bad thing to use the justice system as a political weapon? You crybaby liberals all whine about Hillary facing scandal after scandal yet celebrate a woman who, 22 years after the “fact”, suddenly remembered she got raped or an indictment against Rick Perry that was for such a horrible deed that, once he dropped out of the Presidential race, you just said, “Oh, never mind” and dropped it.

Oh, and there was NO retraction; Baire clarified what he said by stating the the agents that told him an indictment is likely do not make that decision. So, the position by those SEEING the evidence is STILL that an indictment is warranted and likely.

Did not that woman, mrs clinton tell everyone she had turned over all emails? If she did, what praytell are these?

No, she did not say that. It was stated from the beginning that her intention had been to retain official State Department correspondence, as was required by the Federal Records Act. She was under no legal or regulatory obligation at the time to retain personal correspondence to turn over to anyone. That was the law during her entire term of office. Her personal correspondence was deleted. She was under no legal obligation to turn that material over to her political enemies, whose entire focus has been upon figuring out some way to destroy her, by fair means or foul.

The reason she decided to use a personal server in the first place was to keep these frickin’ idiots from gaining access to her private communications. She has succeeded in doing so in large part, despite their repeatedly having the assistance of Putin’s Russian hackers, Julian Assange’s corrupted Wikileaks, and the illegal actions of Rudy Giuliani’s contacts inside the FBI.

Fox News apologizes for falsely reporting that Clinton faces indictment

“Fox News anchor Bret Baier apologized Friday for reporting that federal investigators had determined that Hillary Clinton’s private email server had been hacked and that an investigation would lead to an indictment of Clinton after the election.

“In fact, Baier said, after checking with his sources, there is no evidence at this time for either statement.”

Since when has no evidence stopped people from saying whatever they wanted to say, or believing whatever they wanted to believe? The horse is out of the barn. The false report was picked up by every right-wing blog and news outlet in the country. The retraction will most likely be noted by none of them. That’s the way this crap works. That’s why people thing Hillary Clinton is a crook, and Donald Trump—a billionaire snake oil salesman with mob connections in his past and Vladimir Putin in his present—is the savior of the nation.


The reason she decided to use a personal server in the first place was to keep these frickin’ idiots from gaining access to her private communications. She has succeeded in doing so in large part, despite their repeatedly having the assistance of Putin’s Russian hackers, Julian Assange’s corrupted Wikileaks, and the illegal actions of Rudy Giuliani’s contacts inside the FBI.

Really, 33k emails personal. You are a poor used care salesman, hope you are on government assistance, guffaw…..

I have well over 2,000 personal emails on my gmail account, and I’m not an internationally known public figure. I’m about as private as a private citizen gets. The 33 thousand number has no relevance whatsoever, other than demonstrating that it’s an enormous haystack that a few mixed-in work related messages could easily become lost in.

I trust you saw that the “an indictment is likely” claim turned out to a load of horse manure. Here’s a video clip of Bret Baier retracting the false claim. But the damage has been done. The lie has been launched. It can’t be called back—just like an ICBM carrying a nuclear warhead that some twitchy idiot in the Oval Office might let fly.


Did she conduct official state department business on her private unsecured server?

By the way, the two criminal investigations are still underway.

Trump is currently involved in 75 pending lawsuits, one involving the alleged rape of a 15-year-old child, and another involving multiple counts of fraud. Clinton has not made any of that the subject of her campaign speeches. Do you not see some difference in that?


Hillary Deleted Email Showing She Forwarded Classified Information To Her Daughter

Just a personal email, nothing to see here…


I have well over 2,000 personal emails on my gmail account, and I’m not an internationally known public figure.

Did you sign an acknowledgement that improperly handling classified information was a violation of the law? Hillary did, and she maliciously mishandled our classified information anyway.

And the only part of the story about a pending indictment was that the agents were voicing an opinion of an impending indictment; they do not indict. However, their view is that, in light of the evidence, an indictment is forthcoming.

Trump is currently involved in 75 pending lawsuits, one involving the alleged rape of a 15-year-old child,

who only suddenly remembered she was raped 22 years later. I wonder how much SHE is raping reaping from her accusation? Talk about believing crap, Greg. Sheesh.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #48:

Apparently what she has been reaping are multiple death threats that have forced her back into hiding.

I didn’t say I believed her accusations. What I said is that the Clinton campaign has refrained from making any of Trump’s pending lawsuits the subject of her campaign speeches.

In contrast, unproven accusations of criminal conduct have been all that Trump has been yammering about for weeks—even when prolonged, multiple investigations have been conducted and no evidence has been found allowing charges to be filed. He just stands there in front of his crowds in his goofy hat fizzing like a rabid raccoon, mindlessly repeating the same propaganda memes over and over, like it was some sort of Hillary Clinton hate fest. You don’t hear a damn thing in the way of detailed policy intentions.

@Greg: #45 The person said she was 13 at the time, and the case has been dropped so no conviction he is innocent

Rape Case By Anonymous Person Against Trump Dropped Again

Why does Chelsea wear an upside down cross?A little spirit cooking family thing?


Apparently what she has been reaping are multiple death threats that have forced her back into hiding.

You mean to say the reason she never brought this up since 1994 is because she has been in hiding? I wonder why, when you will not buy that Hillary has illegally put national security at risk when the evidence is clear and available, you believe THIS? You liberals have a history of fomenting court cases to affect elections.

In contrast, unproven accusations of criminal conduct have been all that Trump has been yammering about for weeks


Greg, Greg, Greg.

It is PROVEN Hillary had a secret, private, unsecured server on which she conducted ALL State Department business. It is PROVEN she lied about not having, sending, receiving classified information… sometimes HIGHLY classified… using that unsecured server. It has been PROVEN she lied before Congress about her emails. It is PROVEN she lied about Benghazi and LIED to the bereaved. Damn, Greg. This is all in the can. Done. Definite. No one even questions it anymore.

Hacked emails now show a subterranean link between the DOJ and the Clinton campaign. Why is this necessary when there is no guilt? What are the Clinton’s worried about when they’ve done nothing wrong? Emails show the scrambling within the campaign to dump emails and develop stories to answer the questions they are being informed are coming their way? What’s wrong with the truth? Oh… that’s right. In this case, the truth is INCRIMINATING.

Then, there are the very disturbing things that look almost definitely true. Her pay-for-play activities. Her peddling government influence. The illegal activities of the Clinton Foundation. The suspicions there are well founded and the reasons are clear. It all warrants a more thorough investigation (which the DOJ for some reason blocks) and anyone considering voting for Hillary for reasons other than the moth-drawn-to-light reasons of she’s a woman and a liberal should WANT to know the facts.