He’s unfit for office


unfit for office


He would topple a country with no plan for the aftermath. He is a chronic liar. He has a thin skin. He thinks he’s a king. He’s a narcissist. He has no regard for the Constitution. He does whatever he wants. His life is replete with excess. It’s either his way or the highway. He would use the IRS to target opponents.


No, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about barack obama. He was not ready for the office of the Presidency, he did not serve in anything other than the Choom Gang and his only major legal accomplishment was a disaster.

President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices.

As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other progressives pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans

He claims to be a Constitutional scholar but all he ever really taught was Alinsky and how to take from others.



Obama lied for years about the ACA. Obama lied to the country about the Iran deal.

It’s pretty audacious for obama to call Trump unfit for office.

“If you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him?” Obama said during a press conference at the White House with Singapore’s prime minister.

“There has to come a point at which you say, ‘enough.’ ”

Without a doubt obama has the best interests of the GOP at heart. If anything, being unfit has become a qualification to be President.

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Leftist projection.

Obama paid $400 million to Iranian thugs as ransom for 4 hostages.

Asshat liar Khan, who completely dishonors his son’s sacrifice, by not only taking down his website (claiming “there was too much traffic”) but by lying on national TV claiming “there is no such thing as shariah law” – despite his 1983 article stating that shariah is above all other law.

Hillary lies on national TV, and her media syncophants continue to belch out smokescreens, falsely claiming Comey said that she never sent or received any classified information on her illegal server.

Leftists and their islamic scum allies are pathological liars who cannot ever be trusted. Their lust for power drives them to destroy anything that shows the philosophical error and inherent evil of leftist ideology.

Kettle pot black!

Hold on! It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

The Liberals should be elbowing people out of the way to vote for Trump he is everything we conservatives bitched about for 8 years!
Oh NM he isn’t Hillary…

Approval polls seem to disagree with your minority viewpoint
His polls are three times as high as either Bush’s or the GOP majority Congress
Nov is looking better as we go under the 100 day mark
Hillary is looking at 75% chance of scoring the big win
I think tRump will totally jump the rails as the finish line gets closer and it looks like he will have to wear the big L loser shirt
And I think that Garland will withdraw his name after the election and give Hillary 2 or maybe 3 SCOTUS nominations

Speak for yourself Obama you lowlife reptile Go Away reptile Obama

@john: I dont know where those polls are taken, must be at the DNC convention, but none not 1 reporter for the press core is a republican he wouldnt want any real questions.

Why Donald Trump is unfit for office, reduced to a single issue by Lawrence O’Donnell: Imagine Trump with the Nuclear Codes

Take note of the FOX News poll question O’Donnell cites at the 2:35 time mark: “Who do you trust to make decisions about using nuclear weapons?”

The results warrant some serious consideration.

@Greg: Trump is a smart man. He would not use nuclear weapons in a fit of temper. That is just Leftist fear mongering. He needs to stay focused on the economy and illegal immigration and wait to destroy Hillary in the debates. It just takes the truth to destroy her.

Obama needs no defending. He wasn’t president when the recession began. Obama didn’t destroy America, as was shouted by many. He leaves it mildly better than he found it (a la Obamacare and pay equity) and he had no scandals. He created a few jobs and other countries like America again.

He was said to be unfit for office when he started. He’s done pretty good over 8 years.

@Songbird, #9:

Trump is a smart man. He would not use nuclear weapons in a fit of temper. That is just Leftist fear mongering.

I very much doubt that the FOX News poll question was only answered by leftists.

There seems quite a lot suggesting Donald Trump might not make a correct call under enormous pressure, given 6 minutes or less to think things through. He seems to make and stick with wrong decisions, even when he’s given days to consider the consequences.

It seems the US Nuclear codes would be Top Secret, and Hillary is extremely careless with that type of information, so she should not be entrusted with those.
But building a wall around Don until we figure things out might not be a bad idea 😉

Greg. I suppose you beleive everything said by Dan Blather,Tom Brokejaw,BABA WAWA ‘ Brian Gumbo, and Chirs Muttonhead Mathrews

forgot an additional issue-he is gay, and a terrorist. there is an interesting photo graph of him getting dry humped in a Chi. gay bar several years ago.

@kitt: @kitt: Remember only Donald can build the wall. Maybe his kids will talk to him. They are the only my ones he can really trust.

Republicans better wake up. He is the nominee and if they try to get rid of him now there will be a Revolt and Hillary wins.They better start running some interference for him or Hillary wins. They finally have a chance at winning the election and they are blowing it. It’s not all on Donald.

The Republicans that are working against him are putting their own political careers ahead of this country. Their “Conscience”, my ass.

I am one angry Republican because those in office the past eight years have nothing to stop Obama. I will get my ass out in this heat and protest if they dump Trump. I will vote the sitting Republicans out of office.

I guess my word this morning is “ass”. I would like to kick some.

@Songbird: Working well together is NOT a standard Republican default.
We tend to bicker then tear one another up.

But we are being helped this election season by phony ”republicans” who are really Hillary PLANTS!

Tuesday Catherine Byrne infiltrated the Mike Pence rally in Carson City, Nevada.

Byrne, whose son is in the Air Force, demanded that Mike Pence denounce running mate Donald Trump for ridiculing Sharia supporting Gold Star dad Khizr Khan.

Catherine Byrne from Carson City, Nevada is a Hillary supporting Democrat activist.
She is NOT just some concerned military mom.

Catherine posted on her support for Hillary Clinton on facebook.
Her Twitter page is littered with support for the terrorist group Black Lives Matter and Hillary Clinton.

Confirmed=> “Military Mom” Protester Who Confronted Pence was Hillary Plant

We’ve got to do this research, folks.
If it looks good for Hillary, check it out.
She has no grassroots at all.
It is ALL astroturf!
And get it to the media just to see if they will be honest and balanced.

@Songbird: I had no idea this article on Clint Eastwood’s views was out there when I said I wanted to kick some ass. Clint and I are on the same vibe. He sums it up.

@Nanny G #16:

“Working well together is NOT a standard Republican default.
We tend to bicker then tear one another up.”

And certainly doing a fantastic job of it this time around.
And exactly how’s that working for y’all?

“But we are being helped this election season by phony ”republicans” who are really Hillary PLANTS!”

And the top Hillary-planted dog is DONALD TRUMP! The phoniest Republican of them all!

I’m giving you notice, Nanny, so you can start formulating your answer right now:
What will be your excuse in November when Trump gets beaten. Will your answer be as angry-childish as Donald’s always are, or will you reflect honestly and admit, FINALLY, that the GOP nominated the wrong candidate?

Hillary is a lousy candidate, full of extraordinary flaws, dogged by serious, unresolved issues and remarkably unlikable. Yet Trump is lagging FAR behind her in the polls, and is on track to lose almost as badly in November as Walter Mondale did almost 50 years ago.
Why do you suppose that is, Nanny? Hillary’s big-buck ads aren’t doing it. Trump is blowing HIMSELF out of the water. He is suicide-bombing his OWN candidacy.

I’m giving you three months to tell me WHY he’s doing that. After that, I expect he’ll tell us all himself in a ghost-written autobiography published by Random House in exchange for something on the order of $20 million. Not that he’ll tell the truth – doing that has gone completely out of style. But what he DOES make up will be the best fiction money can buy.


Imagine Trump with the Nuclear Codes

Or Obozo who would sell them for 400 million.

@MOS #8541: All the secrets about the Bath House Gang have been released. It wasn’t just dry humping going on, according to the folks that were there. Maybe the Rainbow gang could chime in.

Agree. ask whore bog billy where the “football” was for six months?

@Redteam, #19:

The return of $400 million of Iran’s funds held by the United States since 1981—with calculated interest—was part of an agreement reached through negotiations between the two nations in the Hague last January. It was considered a good outcome for the United States, as Iran was pursuing a judgement involving additional billions in international courts. The deal was announced by the White House and covered in the news, as this Reuters article dated Jan 17, 2016 demonstrates. It coincided with an announcement of the release of U.S. prisoners held in Iran, which also resulted from a reopening of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The nuclear deal—which has, in fact, eliminated Iran’s capability to produce and assemble nuclear weapons on a very short time frame—was yet another outcome of the reopening of diplomatic relations. Without that agreement, Iran would likely be ready to assemble nuclear weapons in a matter of months, or possibly have them already.

I see Eastwood’s gotten the little snowflakes upset and leftists run university like DePaul has banned him well here’s just another leftists run university that need to be totaly defunded by 100%


Approval polls seem to disagree with your minority viewpoint

The surprising thing about that poll is that Obama’s approval rating is not 100%. After all, the media buries his mistakes (no economic growth, record low labor participation rate, unprecedented racial tension, cratering foreign policy, introduction of ISIS to the world, failure of Obamacare), his crimes (using the IRS as a political weapon, running illegal guns into Mexico, resulting in US and Mexican deaths, ignoring immigration laws) and his lies (you can keep your insurance, transparency, create jobs) and airs nothing but fluff pieces. I would regard his 52% approval as a failure.


Imagine Trump with the Nuclear Codes
Or Obozo who would sell them for 400 million.

Or Hillary with any classified information whatsoever.

@Songbird: Republicans are deathly afraid of the media, and for good reason. However, they are not paying attention. Trump is proving the media can be defeated, but while they (mainstream Republicans) side with the corrupt media, Trump is losing ground.

Take note of the fact that the media is planning the debates to be at times when viewership will be low. They and the Democrats are deathly afraid of Trump getting to the people via the MSM; the media would rather give the ignorant masses their interpretation of Trump’s statements, as they have been doing.

@Nanny G:”HILLARY PLANTS”–LIKE John Kasich and Ted Cruz. How bout Paul Ryan and the entire Bush Family
George posits that Trump himself may be a plant. Having fun with this.
Are you really a Repub? What do you think of the Party’s support of LGBT Rights?

Oh hell Blame it all on the Lamestream Media

@Redteam: No, No! Hillary will sell them@Redteam: Naah, Hillary already sold them.

@Greg: 22, Greg, your attempt at sugar coating doggie doo is not very flattering to you. There was an aircraft sitting at the airport with the engines running, but it could not take off. Why? The passengers were told they were awaiting the arrival of another plane with money aboard and that they would be allowed to take off once that plane arrived. Now you can try to sell your sugar coated doo to some people, but likely only Obozo followers would be buying. It is a violation of Federal law for the US government to pay ransom for anyone. Someone violated the law. It wasn’t Trump..

@Redteam, #27:

People who bother to check the facts will understand that the U.S. government didn’t make a secret $400 million ransom payment to Iran for the release of 4 U.S. prisoner. They most knew that already, since the story was in the news back in January, when it all happened.

They’ll also understand that the cash payment was made because there were no channels between the United States and Iran through which an electronic funds transfer could be made. All such channels had been shut down as part of the Iran sanctions process. That’s part of how you freeze funds and lock things down to prevent forbidden financial transactions.

You’re free to believe whatever you want.

By passing US banking laws to pay 400 million to a country we have sanctions on. No way to wire the money because it was not legal. Cash transfer, not in dollars almost like they did not want it traced. Money owed with calculated interest what rate? did that investment take a dump like our retirement funds?

@Richard Wheeler:

of LGBT Rights?

Tell us un-informed what a LGBT ‘right’ is? What right should a Lesbian have that you shouldn’t have? What right should a Gay have that you shouldn’t have? What right should a Bisexual have that everyone shouldn’t have? What is a Transgender? And what right should ‘it’ have that you shouldn’t have? Should you be allowed to use women’s restrooms in public? You okay with a sexual pervert male in the restroom with your 8 year old daughter? See how stupid it is when you start trying to make rights fit round pegs into square holes? Are people really that stupid, or is it just those you associate with?

@Bill, #29:

One of the Americans released by Iran on the same day $400 million in cash was paid by the U.S. government to the Iranian government says the plane they flew out on was held up for several hours waiting for another plane to land first.

Pastor Abedini wouldn’t have had a clue what was actually going on behind the scenes. He was a prisoner; a pawn in a game he had control over. He went where they told him to go and stayed there until they told him to go somewhere else. His captors told him whatever they wanted to tell him.

@Redteam: Ask Trump and the Repup. Party They made a big deal about LGBT rights at the Convention—my guess was Melania was pushing for it knowing her girl on girl photos were coming out.
I thought both girls looked outstanding–didn’t you?


You’re free to believe whatever you want.

whew……thank goodness, you had me worried there. It takes a very naive person to believe those prisoners were not released only because the 400 million ransom was paid. Even Obozo can’t say that with a straight face. Now a simple yes or no. Was the 400 million a ransom?


Pastor Abedini wouldn’t have had a clue

Must have been a dimocrat. Well, other than the fact that they told him specifically why they were held up til the other plane arrived. But you may be right, he was probably trying to get the truth from some Dimocrats and there sure wasn’t any chance of that.

@Richard Wheeler:

Ask Trump and the Repup. Party

So it’s important to you but you don’t have a clue?

I thought both girls looked outstanding–didn’t you?

Don’t know which two girls you were referring to. Are you saying you don’t have a clue what a LGBT right is? That’s what I thought.

@Richard Wheeler:

I thought both girls looked outstanding–didn’t you?

Oh, now I know, you’re talking about Obama’s daughter and that other girl twerking on stage. Well, I don’t know about ‘outstanding’.

@Redteam: Yeah Malia looked good twerking in her clothes. But the naked shots of MELANIA and her gal pal–OUTSTANDING

@Richard Wheeler:

Yeah Malia looked good twerking in her clothes.

with her skirt pulled up above her waist. I didn’t see the one of Trump. Darn I miss all the good pics. You figured out which rights you want LGBT’s to have that everyone doesn’t have?
Maybe JFK could help you out on that. He might be going to call them up to serve in Viet Nam.

Trump for president Ted Nugent for Dept of the Interior

@Rich Wheeler #25:

“George posits that Trump himself may be a plant.
Having fun with this.”

The REALLY sad part is that when I get down to brass tacks and ask point-blank questions about what is going on here, our more or less rational FA folks on the “right” abandon their effort to make sense of it. Note that Nanny G didn’t bother to answer my #18, and elsewhere, Kitt threw in the towel when asked similar questions by me. They obviously lack the conviction that Trump is headed anywhere but to the head of the losing column of November’s results. And in Nanny and Kitt’s place have risen the likes of Redteam and Spurwing Plover, like the froth in a sewage treatment vat, with Red musing over LGBT nonsense and fantasizing over twerking Trump children, and Spurwing, God knows what. NONE of these Trump supporters really believe that what they are saying will play out. They’re just pissing into the wind because the tactile sensation that results is better than the depression that the reality of Trump throws them into.


Pastor Abedini wouldn’t have had a clue what was actually going on behind the scenes. He was a prisoner; a pawn in a game he had control over. He went where they told him to go and stayed there until they told him to go somewhere else. His captors told him whatever they wanted to tell him.

And why would the captors want to make up some story of not allowing the plane with the hostages to leave until another plane arrived? Just to take a jab at Obama? I figured they would have far too much respect for Obama to do something so cheap and petty.

No, once again, Obama’s sneaky secrecy is working against him. There is NO WAY anyone cannot see the amazingly stark coincidences involved here… hostages held on the tarmac until a planeload of money arrives and deny the suspicious appearance of the episode. Then, all we get from the White House is nothing but a bunch of weak, silly excuses for why it looks this way. “Old news”… apparently because it happened a while ago and they thought they got away with it, no one should discuss it when it is discovered.

Hey… wasn’t this to be the “most transparent administration in history”?

@Richard Wheeler:

But the naked shots of MELANIA and her gal pal–OUTSTANDING

It must be a good sign for Trump that the left is now so worried about him that they, once again, viciously attack an innocent woman simply because she will not comport to what their liberal version of what a woman is supposed to be. I won’t even ask if you have any shame… I know the answer.

@George Wells:

like the froth in a sewage treatment vat, with Red musing over LGBT nonsense

Georgie, your buddy, the liar about ‘being called up by JFK in 1967 to serve in Viet Nam, is the one that brought up the LGBT issue. I just asked him to explain why or what rights they were entitled to that other citizens are not entitled to. What are ‘gay rights’? You, I think, may be better qualified to answer that than a certified liar about who called him into military service. He hasn’t responded to that, as I suspect he doesn’t want to answer that ‘all Americans’ are entitled to the same ‘rights’.

and fantasizing over twerking Trump children,

Ohhh, wouldn’t you like that? but I haven’t seen any mention of them doing that but have seen the one of Obozo’s daughter actually attempting to show her butt.

Note that Nanny G didn’t bother to answer my #18, and elsewhere, Kitt threw in the towel when asked similar questions by me. They obviously lack the conviction that Trump is headed anywhere

That’s a situation that you and most are guilty of. Ignoring uncomfortable questions and asking one in return which invariably doesn’t get answered either. Wheeler may be the worst about that. He attempts to never answer anything while demanding answers from others. You, yourself, only answers ‘comfortable’ questions. Most people are that way.
You can’t possibly be for a candidate for president that has proven an inability to properly handle top classified materials can you? Or one that will not attempt to prevent the murder of Americans working in embassies throughout the world? And what did you think about RW attempting to say he was not lying about ‘being called up to serve by JFK to serve in Viet Nam? Yep, most have things they prefer to dodge.

@Richard Wheeler:

Most Americans, myself included, think the First Lady a beautiful classy lady.

You think you are qualified to speak for ‘most Americans’? She/he/it is damn sure not beautiful. Butt Ugly kinda fits. “it” may be one of those ‘T’s” you are referring to.
I’m not sure why you and other’s are so worried about her entry into the US when you have a president that is not likely to even be a US citizen and you’ve never shown any concern over that.

@Richard Wheeler: I happen to thing Michelle is a bitter, scowling horse-face with a gigantic ass, but it has nothing to do one way or another with Obama’s incompetency.

@Bill: You said that right. But it does reflect on Obama’s judgment.

@Redteam: We all know Kennedy was assassinated in Nov. 1963—I went to V.N in Nov. 1967–I certainly wouldn’t say Kennedy sent me.
I said Kennedy’s speech in Jan.61 was a major reason I joined The Marines in late 62 about 3 months after my 18th birthday. You seem unable to comprehend this rather simple scenarie. Instead you start ranting and foaming at the mouth calling me a liar. wtf

RT and Bill You’re politics show in your crass derision of The First Lady’
You two are poster boy Trumpeteers

@Richard Wheeler:

I said Kennedy’s speech in Jan.61 was a major reason I joined The Marines in late 62 about 3 months after my 18th birthday.

Well, you tried to pretend that’s what you said later, after I called you out about it. Remember, I saved your words.

I certainly wouldn’t say Kennedy sent me.

Ah, well actually that is what you did say “called to service by JFK..”

foaming at the mouth calling me a liar. wtf

funny how you’re all wound up about it now, but at the time you were laissez faire.

RT and Bill You’re politics show in your crass derision of The First Lady’

crass derision? but the truth. You wanna kiss ass, have at it. I believe in the truth.

Trumpeteer? What does that mean? When did I ever say I support Trump? This lying business is getting easier with practice, isn’t it?

@Redteam: C’mon RT “called to service” means joining The Marines in 62 not getting sent to V.N in 67. It’s really pretty simple.

Your TRUTH about Mrs. Obama does not coincide with the majority of Americans
Her approval rating at 65%+ HRC and DT as well as BHO can only dream of numbers like that.

BTW–Are you too ashamed to admit you support Trump?