Violent anti-Trump protesters only boost support for Trump


anti-trump protest
And wait until you see how the left wing media portrayed what happened.

Donald Trump held a rally in New Mexico yesterday. Protesters were on hand but simple protest was not enough. Exercising their rights was not enough. They decided they were going to suppress the rights of Trump and of those who attended the rally. They lit fires and threw rocks and bottles at police, some of whom were injured. They assaulted a wheelchair-bound Trump supporter while chanting “Stop the hate!” (video at the link)


There was violence both inside and outside the rally.

As far away as Pakistan it was reported correctly.

The primary victory brings Trump, the last Republican standing in the 2016 US presidential race, one major step closer toward clinching his party’s nomination.

But the success was clouded by violent anti-Trump demonstrations in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Chaos erupted outside a Trump rally when protesters threw burning t-shirts and bottles at police, and tried to storm the convention center where the provocative Republican candidate was speaking.

Horse-mounted police and officers wielding clubs used pepper spray and smoke bombs to try to disperse the crowd.

The protesters, several of whom waved Mexican flags, chanted expletives about Trump. Some also waved signs with expletive-laden anti-Trump slogans in Spanish.

In Spanish.

So how was this portrayed in the left wing media?


Trump Protesters Hit With Smoke Grenades In Clashes With Albuquerque Police

Talking Points Memo:

Donald Trump’s Campaign Rally In New Mexico Turns Violent


As you can see, these dirtbags were flying the flag of their home– the Mexican flag. They’re here illegally and they’re suppressing the rights of US citizens and flying the Mexican flag. Nothing says I want to assimilate and become a US good citizen more than that. The violence only vindicates and validates Trump’s position on illegals. It is entirely unacceptable for illegals to break into this country, make demands and sow violence. I lay all of this at obama’s feet. Some people will behave like animals when they’re allowed to behave like animals. When there is no disincentive for intimidation there will be intimidation. When there is no disincentive for violence, there will be violence.

At least, on the part of the left.

Over at DePaul University, Black Lives Matter assaulted a gay conservative while the security force paid for by Breitbart and the University refused to intervene.

Remember when Trump supporters lit fires, threw rocks and bottles at police and injured them at a Hillary rally or Sanders rally?

Neither do I.


For you Ajay




Trump wasn’t racist until he declared to be a Republican running for office.

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The protests in New Mexico should make every American disgusted by the activities conducted by this scum. Burning of the American Flag, rioting, and breaking our laws. The worst part of this is that law enforcement allowed this activity to escalate without intervention. I am guessing one of the issues here is that police unions especially in New Mexico are owned by demoncraps and they have elected to do nothing!! This will have dire consequences soon. If you think Trump supporters will now say oh I better vote for hilldabeast to avoid this is pure fantasy. In fact it will bet much much worse as our country continues to fail it’s citizens in favor of illegals!!

Well, on the other hand it could expose just how much Trump is disliked by Hispanic voters. I just don’t beleive there’s enough Klansmen to pull off a Trump victory in November. Makes you wonder how it will play out for John McCain et al who throw their support behind the racist.

Looks like that $10 million donated to the Libre Initiative by the Koch Bros to establish a relationship with Hispanics wasn’t such a good investment.

@Common Sense: yes the police are now all on the side of the Commies
How sweet is that!!

@Ajay42302: First of all your just an insolent fool if you think only klansman support Trump. If that is true there are a lot more klansman than you ever imagined. Secondly they all vote legally. It’s far past time to insure that only those eligible to vote do so. No more dead people, prisoners without eligibility, or illegals to vote!! Looks like Obola catering to illegals has caused a huge mess in our country. I assure you that the disgusting activities that took place in New mexico will only increase the number of Trump supporters. It’s time to make America American again!! I don’t expect a moron like you to have a clue though!!

I agree with the article. I will never, ever vote for Sec. Hillary Clinton, but I cannot see how I can vote for Trump either. My personal standards are such that I can’t support him. However, every time I see protests like this or see the MSM twist the news to give the election to Clinton and the cronies that own her, I’m forced to review my position.

These people cannot win.

@Common Sense: I thought you said you’d quit stalking me. Liar! @DrJohn: These folks are just a very few who let their anger get the best of them. Many others are sitting at home peacefully despising the racist son of a bitch. My point is that November will be the main day of reckoning, for Trump and those supporting him.

@Ajay42302: Day of reckoning is correct. I’m not stalking you, your not worth it but I have the right to call out your ignorant moronic ass anytime I want. Don’t like it, back to mommy’s basement in your pp jams!!

@Common Sense: “your not worth it but I have the right to call out your ignorant moronic ass anytime I want”

But you do it so poorly with no regard to facts or even the issue at hand. You spew incoherent gibberish in your half baked inductive arguments.

And it’s “you’re” not “your” which actually makes you appear to be the ignorant ass.

@Ajay42302: Your an ignorant ass is a fact, just look at the crap you write!!

Eventually the antagonists will get their wish- another Kent State type response from the police so they have something to really exploit. The left has always used this tactic be it Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, or their beloved USSR. Of course, none of them will be on the receiving end of it because they’ll be hiding in the comforts of their own homes in their white, upscale neighborhoods.

@another vet: Anyone who thinks that the Nazis were left wing is living in bizzaro land and speaking bizarro
And it wasn’t the police who fired on students at Kent State it was the Ohio National Guard. Better reread that history

The national socialist left should listen to the cautionary saying ‘be careful what you wish for’…

Let’s be blunt about why those people are doing this – they want to reintegrate some western states into the dysfunctional nation of Mexico. Thus the reason they have their illegal invaders flood the zone in hopes that they can have this take place.

They also want the success form the American system that is sorely lacking in Mexico.

In other words, they want to covert the place they are fleeing to the place they fled from

Does that make any sense?

He isn’t George Wallace, but but he’s toying with the same sort of negative energies. His rhetoric and the tone of his campaign are producing the angry reaction. Like Wallace, he may think he can use this to his advantage; that he can gain support by making the law and order pitch. People can be frightened with images of disorder in the streets. This can be attributed to the target of his attacks and to the political opposition, and he can hold himself out as a solution.

It’s part of a recognizable pattern. People my own age have seen it before.


MYTH BUSTED: Actually, Yes, Hitler Was a Socialist Liberal
A favorite tactic employed by leftists is to describe the Nazis as “right wing,” with Adolf Hitler, their leader, as the grand leader of this “right wing” movement. Rewriting history is pretty common for leftists, as their history is littered with injustice (the KKK was founded by Democrats, did you know?). Injustices they claim to fight against today. Awkward.

Adolf Hitler wasn’t “right wing.” If you take nothing else from this post, just remember Hitler was a socialist. With terrible facial hair. There’s an easy way to remember it, too. NAZI stands for National Socialist German Workers‘ Party. Associate it with blunt mustaches.

What does National Socialist German Worker’s Party mean? Glad you asked. Is it different from “Democratic socialism”? Only in semantics. A Democracy is mob rule, which is why America is actually a constitutional, representative republic, NOT a democracy. A representative republic protects the minority from the majority, whereas a democracy is the rule of the majority. Leftists get caught up in words, getting tripped up over “National Socialism” as opposed to “Democrat Socialism.” But it’s just that. Semantics. So when Hitler ginned up hatred for the Jews, he could get the mob to agree with him. He could get the mob to believe him. There were no representatives to stop Hitler. He was one man helming the desperation of a majority of people. Spot the difference?

When we examine Hitler’s Nazi Germany through the lens of history, most, if not all of us, think of the Holocaust. In fact the holocaust might be the only thing we associate with Hitler’s Nazis. We’ve all been told of the Jews being marched off to death camps where they were worked, tortured, then gassed. We’ve also heard of the experiments conducted by Hitler’s Dr. Mengele. All terrible practices which we rightly find horrifying. Unless you’re one of those people who think Planned Parenthood is great.

What we don’t often hear or learn about is how Hitler ruled the rest of Germany, what his domestic policies were for the German people he didn’t march off to death camps. Hitler’s domestic, socialist policies will be the focus of this post. Trigger warning: they’re eerily similar to what American Democrats tout today. Double trigger warning? He initially had the support of the mob of people. So replace many of Hitler’s policies with something you hear from Bernie Sanders…
Employment for All
After that depression, Hitler made a huge promise to his people: employment for all. How did he do it?
So Hitler created jobs…through government. While at the same time, he criticized certain segments of the population, demeaning them, blaming the countries woes upon them. The rich, they just ruin everything. Sound familiar?
Big Education
If you haven’t seen it yet, go watch
The Police State
If you dared oppose the Nazis or Hitler politically, especially with your words, you better watch out.
In Conclusion

Hitler was a horrible human being. But aside from how he treated the Jews, aside from his monstrous ways, his policies were anything but “conservative.” He wanted big government, he wanted big education, he wanted thought control. He hated political dissidents. He loathed free-speech. He feared an armed citizenry.

So stop saying “Hitler was right-wing.” No, he wasn’t. If anything, he was a full-fledged left-winger. With a horrible mustache.


An English Lawmaker Called Hitler a Socialist. After the Arguing is Done, the Audience is Cheering.
In this speech, posted on December 9th of this year, Hannan sets out to prove how the infamous German fuhrer Adolf Hitler was not a man of the right, but a different type of socialist.
Mr Hannan opens, “Ladies and gentleman, who said this? ‘I am a socialist. And a very different kind of socialist from your rich friend Count Reventlow.’
Among the points that back Mr. Hannan’s point is the official Nazi platform; particularly, its economic policies:

9. All citizens must possess equal rights and duties.
10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. No individual shall do any work that offends against the interest of the community to the benefit of all.
Therefore we demand:
11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished. […]
14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.
15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.
In bold letters, the Nazi platform summarizes:


As Hannan points out, while socialists and fascists, two different kinds of authoritarian collectivists, fought one another for power, both groups were hostile to the classically liberal true “right” – which stands for individual freedom.

Later on in the video [5:30], a questioner asks: “How is it freedom to not have your daily bread, to not go to a reasonable school, to not have any opportunities to develop yourself as a young person…?”

Mr. Hannan replied, “Let’s leave aside whether or not one means positive freedom or negative freedom. If you want those opportunities, if you want decent schools, if you want a rise in living standards, would you go to North Korea or South Korea?” Much of the audience applauded in approval.

In a related article in the Telegraph, “So total is the Left’s cultural ascendancy that no one likes to mention the socialist roots of fascism,” Daniel Hannan points out how uncomfortable it makes people to recite basic historical facts about history:

One of the most stunning achievements of the modern Left is to have created a cultural climate where simply to recite these facts is jarring. History is reinterpreted, and it is taken as axiomatic that fascism must have been Right-wing, the logic seemingly being that Left-wing means compassionate and Right-wing means nasty and fascists were nasty. You expect this level of analysis from Twitter mobs; you shouldn’t expect it from mainstream commentators.

It is astounding to see how one political faction can so thoroughly dominate discourse as to condition the cultural terrain whereby any opposition is considered “hate,” “racism,” or “bigotry.” But much like with the Democratic Party in the United States, the first rule of polite, politically correct conversation is to never drag the skeletons out of the left’s closet.

English Conservative MEP:Hitler Was A Socialist

It’s you who is reciting revisionist history. Hitler and Mussolini were recognized as right wing extremists from day one. Did you somehow miss the part about Hitler abolishing all trade unions and outlawing all leftist political parties and organizations? The Nazis sent socialists and communists to concentration camps.

This “Hitler was a left wing extremist” bullshit only gained currency a few years ago, when the political right felt need to create distance between itself and right wing movements of the still-too-recent past.

Stalin was a left wing extremist. Mao Zedong was a left wing extremist. Hitler and Mussolini were at the other extreme.

@Ajay42302: These folks are just a very few who let their anger get the best of them.

The invitations to attend this protest was sent by the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) who also printed the signs and had gathering to create a few handmade signs.

We all saw them holding those PSL signs on TV last night on the news.

And who pays the rent for PSL?
George Soros.

Just like those six or seven guys who say they are Vets against Trump and stand in front of Trump Tower are paid by Hillary, these in NM were astroturf paid protesters.

If some of these paid protesters pretended to be angry it was to get air time.

That guy who threatened Milo Y. at DePaul along with his BLM female (I assume) partner who threw a punch at Milo Y. were paid.
The guy is an ex-homeless guy that Chicago liberals were useful idioting. He had been told he was being groomed for a state representative position, but the truth was he was being groomed for last night’s takeover at DePaul.
He’s toast politically.
When the money dries up he’ll be back on the streets.
Just like Cindy Sheehan, when her money was gone the Left threw her under the bus.

@Ajay42302: Well, on the other hand it could expose just how much Trump is disliked by Hispanic voters.

well, if you actually read the comments on the articles from that incident there were a lot of people who said they were hispanic or latina and were on trumps side because these people are diluting their ability to earn and ruining their reputations in the eyes of their fellow americans

my family is mostly immigrant or refugee, and most of them are not happy either and are not as racist as you to think that they should side with their own color no matter what.

after all, isnt THAT what your saying in your post?

@Greg: Stalin was a left wing extremist. Mao Zedong was a left wing extremist. Hitler and Mussolini were at the other extreme.

Greg, you have no idea what your talking about as the term right and left is not from the french revolution, its from the soviet revolution and the soviets.

in the early days, the russians and the germans had the same hand signs (yes, there are posters with Stalin putting up his hand in a hitler salute)… but the problem was how to distinquish international socialism, from national socialism.

the soviets had divided their concepts by right opposition, left opposition, and centrist.. guess what? Stalin and Lenin were the centrists… Trotsky was the left opposition, and Bukharin was the right.

The Right Opposition (Russian: Правая оппозиция, Pravaya oppozitsiya) was the name given to the tendency made up of Nikolai Bukharin, Alexei Rykov, Mikhail Tomsky and their supporters within the Soviet Union in the late 1920s. It is also the name given to “right-wing” critics within the Communist movement internationally, particularly those who coalesced in the International Communist Opposition, regardless of whether they identified with Bukharin and Rykov. Note that the designation “Right Opposition” refers to the position of this movement relative to the other Communist movements on the traditional spectrum. Relative to contemporary political centrism, the Right Opposition is still very firmly on the Left.


The Left Opposition was a faction within the Bolshevik Party from 1923 to 1927, headed de facto by Leon Trotsky. The Left Opposition formed as part of the power struggle within the party leadership that began with the Soviet founder Vladimir Lenin’s illness and intensified with his death in January 1924. Originally, the battle lines were drawn between Trotsky and his supporters who signed The Declaration of 46 in October 1923, on the one hand, and a triumvirate (known by its Russian name troika) of Comintern chairman Grigory Zinoviev, Communist Party General Secretary Joseph Stalin and Politburo chairman Lev Kamenev on the other hand. The troika was supported by the leading party theoretician and Pravda editor Nikolai Bukharin and by Sovnarkom Chairman (prime minister) Alexei Rykov, who would later be branded the Right Opposition by Stalin

why not look at the poster of hitler and stalin?

remember, hitler and stalin were team mates when they had their people meet and come up with a secret protocol to not attack each other as they cut apart europe… it was called the moltov rippentrop pact

The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, (also known as the Nazi–Soviet Pact), named after the Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and the German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, officially the Treaty of Non-aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a non-aggression pact signed between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in Moscow on 23 August 1939.

The pact remained in force until the German government broke it by launching an attack on the Soviet positions in Eastern Poland on 22 June 1941 contrary to the supplementary protocol of the German-Soviet Frontier Treaty dictating the new European spheres of interest

now, in the US, the schools full of communists attempted to hide the fact that their system was pretty much the same as the nazi system… i can show you pictures of Russian soldiers turning jews over to the nazis during the war before hitler decided to try to beat stalin…

its very sad to hear ignorant people like you spout such trash..
well you see my family is Latvian, and in our history, we created the soviet union for lenin as the latvian rifle men.. later, we were betrayed and executed.. then during the war, stalin moved in, then hitler, then stalin… each had purges and mass executions..

so its kind of hurtful that western idiots have no idea of the terms they use, the side they are siding with or much else other than some foolish ad copy and the belief that the truth is a myth.

heck… the swastika is common in the pacific, but by it original meaning… and hitler said he made his flag red for the socialism, like russia…

hitler was not right wing other than in the small universe of communisms.
since the left in the west likes to think that this is the same, they use the same terms, but they do not teach idiots like you to know, nor do idiots like you learn it, as you just pick what you think sounds good that is self serving to your ideals

As far as the colours are concerned, Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf that the red stood for the social idea of the Nazi movement; the white, the national idea; and the black swastika represented “the mission of the struggle for the victory of the Aryan man, and, by the same token, the victory of creative work.”

Hitler may have publicly denounced Marxism, because of his war against the hated Soviet Union, but privately he always admitted that he was at heart a left-winger. He once said to Otto Wagener that the problem with the politicians of the Weimar Republic was that they “had never even read Marx.”

“I have put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun.” He stated plainly that “the whole of National Socialism” was based on Marx.
[his killing of jews and such was an answer to marx “jewish question”]

[My task is to] “convert the German volk (people) to socialism without simply killing off the old individualists” – A Hitler

the major difference was that Stalin and Lenin seized the property of the capitalists, sent them away, and arbitrarily appointed others to run things who didnt know how… you know, like dems and detroit

hitlers idea was to keep the capitalists running the companies, but instead control them, and the companies, and confiscate the money with high taxes. ergo, schindler still could make bombs, but not much else… as was the same with IBM who made punch clocks or Krupps, the company that makes coffee machines now that made weapons for the germans (or AG farben which made the gas)

We must “find and travel the road from individualism to socialism without revolution”. – A hitler

you see, his idea was to work off of the crazy liberalism of the weimar republic which allowed great freedoms, and gave women the vote. Hitler appealed to the ladies even saying how the body politic is like a woman. the women outnumbered the men cause of the massive deaths during WWI… hitler thought the full revolution as a way to marxist socialism was destructive and put the state at a disadvantage so he came up with a way to slowly move there using the rules of the state he was a part of and lots of the kinds of things the left in the US uses while assigning hate towards others who are not that way

Hitler argued that the problem with Russian Communism was that they had chosen their path as a revolutionary one. If individualism was to be destroyed, revolution was the most painful and difficult way to destroy the capitalists. Marx and Lenin had the right goals in his mind, but simply chose the wrong tactics

by the way, this was theidea of the social democrats… ie, the menshiviks

“Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings.” – Hitler

this was why he took over the schools, and why modern leftists here in the US did the same… dewey was a communist, bella dodd was head of the cpusa and the teachers union… and the model fo the school was copied from the soviets incuding forcing the public to bring their children under the force of a gun (do some research in the early days of the centralized school system in the Us)

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions” 1927 Hitler

and since he read marx, he read the jewish question where marx equated capitalism with the jews and made it their invention. and so, to their eyes, necessitated getting rid of the people whose idea this was or else the idea would not die out

now, i can go on a lot more.
but i am sure your going to start yelling names at me and not do any research
cause that is what the american leftist who was and is uneducated in this stuff always does, as their teachers give them clever ad copy and talking sentences but never teaches them the substance and they are too lazy to learn it themselves.

@DrJohn: No amount of simple dislike would compel any civilized person to commit violence. These are not civilized people.

the worst killing in history came by the civilized who made it into a factory type operation…

@another vet: Eventually the antagonists will get their wish- another Kent State type response from the police so they have something to really exploit.

you realize that today they know that someone shot a gun off which is what set the national guard off

Kent State tape indicates altercation and pistol fire preceded National Guard shootings

A noisy, violent altercation and four pistol shots took place about 70 seconds before Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on antiwar protesters at Kent State University, according to a new analysis of a 40-year-old audiotape of the event.

Four distinct shots matching the acoustic signature of a .38-caliber revolver then ring out, according to a review by New Jersey forensic audio expert Stuart Allen.

Earlier this year, Allen and colleague Tom Owen examined the recording at The Plain Dealer’s request and determined that Guardsmen were given an order to prepare to fire moments before they unleashed a 13-second fusillade of rifle shots at a May 4, 1970 demonstration that killed four students and wounded nine others.

today they think its a student of the left named Terry Norman

Norman was photographing protestors that day for the FBI and carried a loaded .38-caliber Smith & Wesson Model 36 five-shot revolver in a holster under his coat for protection. Though he denied discharging his pistol, he previously has been accused of triggering the Guard shootings by firing to warn away angry demonstrators, which the soldiers mistook for sniper fire.


Shortly after the Guard gunfire on May 4, a reporter and camera crew for Cleveland’s WKYC TV saw and began filming Norman as he ran down Blanket Hill toward a cordoned-off area where Guardsmen and police officers had gathered. Norman was being chased by two men.

One of them, a graduate student named Harold Reid, yelled, “Hey, stop that man! I saw him shoot someone! Stop him! Stop him! He’s carrying a gun.”

its a dead end from there since he wont ever admit it (no statute of limitations on what happened), and thats that…

Greg, you have no idea what your talking about as the term right and left is not from the french revolution, its from the soviet revolution and the soviets.

Right and left are the at opposing ends of a political spectrum that English-speaking historians and political scientists have used to classify political leanings since long before either of us was born. They’re nothing more than terms of convenience, that refer to an assortments of identifying political beliefs or characteristics that are typically found occurring together. They’re tags. Wikipedia summarizes that useful categorization quite well, I think:

Amongst published researchers, there is agreement that the Left includes anarchists, communists, socialists, progressives, anti-capitalists, anti-imperialists, anti-racists, democratic socialists, greens, left-libertarians, social democrats, and social liberals.

Researchers have also said that the Right includes capitalists, conservatives, monarchists, nationalists, neoconservatives, neoliberals, reactionaries, imperialists, right-libertarians, social authoritarians, religious fundamentalists, and traditionalists.

Slapping a different tag on a thing doesn’t change its nature. All it does is confuse terminology. That, I suppose, might be exactly what some people want to do.

Some people want Jesus to be viewed as pro-capitalism. I’ve actually heard that argument made.

@Greg: Carl Sagan’s admonition was that: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”
Trying to pretend a Socialist Worker’s party WASN’T a Socialist Worker’s party is an Extraordinary claim.

Where is your extraordinary evidence?

For starters Please explain why they were a ‘Socialist’ ‘Workers’ party:

German Nationalsozialistische [deutsche Arbeiter-Partei] (National Socialist [German Workers’ Party])
The American Heritage® Abbreviations Dictionary, Third Edition

And do try to be creative – you can dispense with the tired and shopworn ‘Propaganda’ excuse or the Red Herring ‘North Korea’ dodge.

Please include Plenty of EXCERPTS and Links from authentic reference sites to bolster your assertions.

You could write a term paper filled with BS about propaganda or the North Korea red herring but if that is the extent of your ‘evidence’ it falls way short of being ‘extraordinary’.

The same holds true for conflict amongst collectivists dodge – Did the treatment of Trotsky somehow prove the USSR wasn’t socialist?

Then there is this quote:

In certain basic respects – a totalitarian state structure, a single party, a leader, a secret police, a hatred of political, cultural and intellectual freedom – fascism and communism are clearly more like each other than they are like anything in between.
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Associate Professor of History at Harvard New York Times Magazine

@Artfldgr: Some of your very good points at bolstered by this video:

The Soviet Story 2/9 legendado

Warning, it is somewhat graphic in content.

The National Socialist German Workers’ Party included “socialist” because the word had strong populace appeal when the party was founded. That, as any serious and unbiased historian will tell you, was pretty much the only reason. The party had little or nothing to do with actual socialist political philosophy. They broke the heads of socialists and other leftists on the streets at every opportunity. The Nazi Party was an extremely nationalistic, fascist, totalitarian organization. Consider the definition of socialism:

socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Can you imagine even for a moment that Adolf Hitler was all about the community owning and regulating itself? Hitler was the extreme opposite. He was all about one man—der Führer—embodying and ruling the State. All was for the State. The well-being of the community didn’t even run a close second. His final instructions as the end approached was to burn the community to the ground. Germany was to end in a flaming Götterdämmerung, with old men and children fighting to the death.

@Greg: Can you back up your asseverations with real facts as we have done instead of baseless opinions?

I believe my statements are fact. They’ve been recognized as such for over 80 years.

Hitler was not some leftist community organizer bent on giving the community as a whole ownership and control of the means of production, distribution, and exchange. All control was the State’s, and der Führer was the state personified. Industry and agriculture were for the good of the State.

These are not socialist ideas.


I believe my statements are fact. They’ve been recognized as such for over 80 years.

Then it should be EXTREMELY EASY for you to back them up.

Please include Plenty of EXCERPTS and Links from authentic reference sites to bolster your assertions.

And please don’t bother with calling for others to prove YOUR points for you. It is entirely incumbent on YOU to back up what you are asserting

Simply saying something is a fact does not make it so, it has to be grounded in the afore mentioned excepts and links.

If you cannot furnish them, your asseverations are USELESS.

@Tor: Good luck with that my friend. I have asked Greg to prove himself on numerous occasions with NO response. Greggie will change the topic and often just fall back into his customary blame Bush mode for everything!!


you realize that today they know that someone shot a gun off which is what set the national guard off

Never heard of that one. I believe the same was true of either Lexington or Concord. Allegedly, a gunshot from a nearby hunter caused both sides to open fire.

@Common Sense: You beat me to it. Do you think he ever figured it out that Patrick Henry didn’t write Agrarian Justice as he “proved” here three or four years ago given that his own link clearly had the true author’s name in the byline?


It’s you who is reciting revisionist history. Hitler and Mussolini were recognized as right wing extremists from day one.

By who? Liberal history professors?

The key difference between the left (of various different stripes) and the right (also of varying kinds) is that the left favors statism and the right does not. And while individual parties and politicians might get corrupted, these are the core differences between their philosophies.

Nazis were very much leftists, because they inserted the state into everything. They did not believe in state ownership of production assets – which sets them apart from communists – but but they told businesses what to make and how, handing out favors (winners and losers). They were classic progressives, who wanted to improve society by getting rid of the undesirable people in it. Namely Jews, the mentally handicapped, gypsies, blacks, etc. They were simply more brutal about it than American or British progressives.

You can go down the list and provide numerous policies that make the Nazis leftists. I can’t think of anything that makes them “right wing”. Please tell me what, in your opinion, makes them right wing.

@another vet: Greggie has never proven any of his wild assertions. He will not even admit that Obola lied when he told America they could keep their health insurance and/or doctor period. He still believes hilldabeast that slick was the subject of a vast right wing conspiracy and that’s why he got a hummer in the whitehouse. He is totally off there reservation!!

I suggest you do your own research, since you’re not going to believe anything I say.

I’ve been aware of the major events of the 20th Century throughout my life, and didn’t stop paying attention or learning once my formal classroom and lecture hall education ended some 40 years ago.

I have a copy of Mein Kampf on a shelf 3 feet away from where I’m sitting. It is not a socialist screed, no matter how many times Hitler uses the word socialist or claims to be one. It’s a tedious book. It’s been summarized here in a few short paragraphs at the top of the page. The summary is worth reading.

The man was not a socialist, by any stretch of the imagination. Hitler viewed socialism as part of an international Jewish-bolshevist plot. Nazism was not socialism.

@Common Sense: I’ve found that people like that usually can’t back up their asseverations, but it’s always fun to show how vacuous they are.

Most of the time they will respond with something along the lines of ‘everybody knows’ trying to pretend repeating something a number of times somehow makes it true.

Or they use infamous Go google it yourself routine since it easily gets them off the hook because if the evidence if hard to find something that doesn’t exist, much less report on this fact.

@Greg: NO, YOU are the one making the baseless asseverations, so YOU are the one who has to back them up.

Did you miss the part where I stated:

And please don’t bother with calling for others to prove YOUR points for you. It is entirely incumbent on YOU to back up what you are asserting

Don’t expect others to prove your asseverations for you – I note that your latest response is bereft of facts… Repeating the same baseless opinion Does little to prove it’s validity.

You need to try again, and come with FACTS backed up by EXCERPTS and Links from authentic reference sites to bolster your assertions.

Save it for somebody else. What I’ve found is that people who don’t know as much as they think they do often have very little insight into that deficiency. I’m aware of those areas of which I know very little. 20th Century History isn’t one of them. Alternate history has never appealed to me.

If you want an accurate picture of the world’s past, it’s possible to get one. The first rule is to avoid any sources that have a current-day political agenda.

@Greg: As STILL you cannot manage to produce any factual backing to your baseless asseverations…

BTW, you stated previously:

Greg I suggest you do your own research, since you’re not going to believe anything I say.

That’s two falsehoods in one sentence – very impressive.

Did you skip past my previous postings? Perhaps it would do you well to read over that material, you may learn something.

@Tor: Greggie is so easy to corner and so predictable when you do it!! He will change the topic because you called him out and he can’t prove his position.

Are your ears the only thing that keeps your Trump hat from falling down over your eyes? There’s probably an adjustment in the back. Possibly you can find instructions somewhere on the internet explaining how it works.

You’re entirely free to believe any damn fool thing you wish. Just don’t expect people who know better not to think you’re a damn fool.


Nazis were most certainly leftists! They just weren’t as far left as the Communists.
NAZI = National Socialist….remember, Mr Historian?


So, Greggie, what is it that “you know better”? You don’t seem to know much to begin with. But you believe much that simply isn’t true. Why, I bet you believe that all 33,000 emails Hillary deleted were about weddings or yoga, amirite?

@Common Sense: Yes, he keeps on proving that with every post.

@Greg: One should be careful in tossing off such childish vitriol. After all, we can back up our position with facts, you have FAILED to accomplish that feat.

As I said before:
Carl Sagan’s admonition was that: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”
Trying to pretend a Socialist Worker’s party WASN’T a Socialist Worker’s party is an Extraordinary claim.

Where is your extraordinary evidence?
Please include Plenty of EXCERPTS and Links from authentic reference sites to bolster your assertions.

You could write a term paper filled with BS about propaganda or the North Korea red herring but if that is the extent of your ‘evidence’ it falls way short of being ‘extraordinary’.

The same holds true for conflict amongst collectivists dodge – Did the treatment of Trotsky somehow prove the USSR wasn’t socialist?


Well, on the other hand it could expose just how much Trump is disliked by Hispanic voters.

And why DO they hate Trump? Well, because the corrupt liberal media takes his comments about criminal illegal immigrants (an FBI backed fact) and reports it as Trump says all immigrants are criminals. In other words, they are the useful idiots of lying liberals using violence to attack a political opponent. Hillary and Bernie take up the same theme, having to lie in order to keep from speaking too much about how their ideology has failed this nation and all around the world and how they want to deliver more failure upon the United States.

Violence is a tool of the left and, desperate to keep a grasp on the power they are rapidly losing, they have decided to drop the pretense and expose themselves as the fascist socialists they truly are.

The left IS violence; it is their lifeblood. The left is totally to blame for this violence, the Ferguson violence, the Baltimore violence and the Occupy Wall Street violence. It is small wonder they want everyone else disarmed.

@Bill: Well said Bill, illegals do hate Trump because he’s going to do his job as President!!


and freedom exists between two totalitarianism?
sorry greg. i am old enough to remember when those terms were not used, and when they started being used.. I really dont care if people have picked it up and wrapped it in lots of ideas and information, i still remember the origin, and my family remember Stalins orders in its history and so on.

there are lots of similar other things that became, as in Stalins words, “normalized”… (normalized in databases is something else completely)

After Zinn the communist dominated history with his “peoples” history, among other things like Dodd, and other socialists, the more they did their stuff, the more things changed to the party line and the old lines were forgotten.

Your post goes to france as i said it would having to do with the way the court was set up, but that usage went out and was reused by the communists in their factions and changed post WWII…

to quote your source
The terms “left” and “right” were not used to refer to political ideology but only to seating in the legislature. After 1848, the main opposing camps were the “democratic socialists” and the “reactionaries” who used red and white flags to identify their party affiliation

and this was the even the way the soviets talked and used it, and then they more or less were the ones to make it the whole spectrum, not just the left part of the spectrum with the left being zero point communism, fascism being a marraige of socialism and capitalism (which is not the same as democracy, mob rule), then farther to the right would be less and less government till there was none and anarchy…

their use of it the way it is now and always presented is that you ahve only a choice between two totalitarianism. and you not only went left of self government established by the people, but are farther left than socailist germany, and near communist russia… (soviet means council. how many councils in the US make law despite the fact that power of the people cant be delegated? among lots of other things that people dont notice as they dont know what its like to live under it and its not matching movies or ideas)

This switch (like how we say chairperson, not chairman, or personal access ways instead of manhole cover, and thousands of others ending up with the state now making 31 genders in nyc… some of them being synonomous, and i dont know how its going to pan out in software and legal issues if software does not carry the pro noun set du jour)

other similar games is the false idea of adornos authoritarian personality, which claims that such sides in the spectrum are biological, which is contradictory to other ideas like equality but was an attempt to make modes of thought a disease, and so, force treatment to the “norm” they defined. but the test to this day doesn’t work and the ones they been trying endlessly have not panned out either… they usually come out backwards to the desire, finding the left is more totalitarian and authoritarian…

The word renegade means something quite different today than it meant a while back too… nothing is static… it used to mean something other than the cool idea we think of today

heck… while the terms for race and other similar terms were used and known, the term racist was not coined till trotsky said it in the history of the soviet revolution in 1935 talking about slavic people who loved their culture and were slavophiles not wanting to adapt the new soviet one.

you can find lots of sites claiming this not to be true.. but then again, when has socialism or communism told the truth unless it was beneficial to them?

you can read the text of the russian revolution and read it… you will find most of the debuking started post 2000… but to people who came from there, well, they had to read it
here is the section
[notice its the marxists, but you can find it in the original russia too]

Chapter 1
Peculiarities of
Russia’s Development

Slavophilism, the messianism of backwardness, has based its philosophy upon the assumption that the Russian people and their church are democratic through and through, whereas official Russia is a German bureaucracy imposed upon them by Peter the Great. Mark remarked upon this theme: “In the same way the Teutonic jackasses blamed the despotism of Frederick the Second upon the French, as though backward slaves were not always in need of civilised slaves to train them.” This brief comment completely finishes off not only the old philosophy of the Slavophiles, but also the latest revelations of the “Racists.”

the terms race and such are old… but the “isms” came later…

heck… didnt you notice who was printing up posters and giving them to the protestors? you know, like the 1930s during communisms peak in the US before the back and forth of the war and its revealing the population wasnt much in agreement with socialism, redistribution, eugenics, euthanasia, totalitarianism, etc. the wealthy loved it and wrote all kinds of fantasy uunreal books about how administration would make the world perfect like some machine..

thanks for not yelling at me, and giving a cogent answer
but its not valid to the usages and the sides the way its used
the soviet one and orders of stalin and commiterm, changed that..
even that was a subject of discussion before history became social studies
and personell departments changed to human resources..
(remember those changes? or you didnt notice?)

@Old Codger: Yep. Conservatives in this country are referred to as the “right”.

So let’s see here, the right advocates small government. The left advocates large, intrusive government. The Nazi’s advocated large, intrusive government, therefore they were right wing.

The right frequently refers to the principles of our Constitution. The left bemoans our Constitution. The Nazi’s bemoaned our Constitution, therefore they were right wing.

The right favors traditional liberal economic policies of minimal government intervention in the economy. The left favors massive government intervention in our economy. The Nazi’s favored massive intervention in the economy, therefore the Nazi’s were right wing.

The right believes capitalism is the best economic system. The left believes socialism/Marxism is the best economic system. The Nazi’s believed in socialism, therefore the Nazi’s were right wing.

The right are staunch believers in the right to keep and bear arms. The left has long sought to ban the right to keep and bear arms or to at least regulate them to produce the same effect. The Nazi’s did ban the right to keep and bear arms, therefore the Nazi’s were right wing.

There are plenty more similarities, but I think we all understand now. Aren’t you in awe at the left’s interpretation of history?

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