Slaying The Left’s Demon: Why There’s Nothing Right About Fascism (Guest Post)



On New Year’s Eve 2015, around one thousand immigrants sexually assaulted hundreds of female revellers in the German city of Cologne. It subsequently emerged that mobs of immigrants in other European cities had also assaulted women in what are clearly organized attacks. You may remember the cathedral of Cologne turning off its lights to oppose the anti-Islamization protest group PEGIDA one week before the Charlie Hebdo jihad in Paris in January 2015. How misguided does that seem just one year later?

Following the news of the mass sexual assaults, PEGIDA organized a demonstration in Cologne on Saturday January 9th and immediately, the broadcast and print media went to enormous lengths to paint the organization as “far right”. Their devious aim is to associate people peacefully protesting against the Islamization of their countries and demanding the right for women to be able to walk the streets without being sexually assaulted by hordes of misogynist immigrants with the despised “far right” Nazis and Fascists.

Yes, you’ve read that correctly. Those who warned of what would happen if the West continued to import the rape culture of Islam and who support a woman’s right to live her life without being sexually violated are Nazis. It’s absurd! But the absurdity doesn’t stop there because there’s a dirty little secret leftists and liberals don’t want you to know about Nazis and Fascists. Because both of these totalitarian ideologies are anything but “far right” and it’s way past time for this mendacious red demon to be slayed.

The father of Fascism, Benito Mussolini was a prominent Italian communist who saw active service during The Great War. After seeing the European working class almost annihilate each other he realized international socialism would never work, mainly because he knew Marx’s claim of an “international working class” identity was mere fiction. Mussolini knew working class people identified themselves by nationality. So he asserted that socialism could only work within the framework of the nation state. His theories are an evolution of Marxism, taking socialism from an international to a national concept.

The political movement formed by Mussolini is called “Fascism” and he defined it as a merger of socialist state and corporate power – often referred to as “The Third Way.” Advocates include Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, Tony Blair and as the economic crisis of 2008 proved with state bailouts of failed corporations, the European Union. Under Fascism, Italy would be a single party, totalitarian socialist state as directed in Marxian theory. There’s no democracy in Marxism because opposition is not allowed and both Fascists and Nazis established what is termed in Marxism as a “dictatorship of the proletariat.” In the new Italy, all disparate groups – peasantry, church, workers, farmers, military and even industrialists would have a seat at the table and cooperate to build a new, united Italy under Fascist – Italian national socialist – rule. The logo of fascism shows how this works – sticks bound together by an axe, symbolizing strength through unity.

As is the case with all socialist totalitarian regimes, the individual must be totally subservient to the state. Fascism is a collectivist ideology whereby individuals sacrifice themselves for the “greater good” again in full accordance with Marxian theory. As Mussolini stated:

“The keystone of the Fascist doctrine is its conception of the State, of its essence, its functions, and its aims. For Fascism the State is absolute, individuals and groups relative.” – Benito Mussolini

Nazism is also a National Socialist ideology but it’s not Fascism. It is its own distinct socialist ideology based on purity of Nordic blood and Germanic supremacy. It is not, as many falsely believe, an ideology of white supremacy, but Aryan supremacy. The Nazis claimed supremacy over all non-Aryan races including non-Nordic white races, especially the Slavic races.

Nazism is an abbreviation for: National Socialist German Workers’ Party and they knew exactly what they were. They weren’t some kind of right-wing democratic capitalists trying to fool people into believing they were socialists and their ideology is firmly rooted in Marxist doctrine. One cannot understand either Nazism or Fascism without understanding Marxism along with how and why it evolved during the twentieth century.

Looking at the flag of Nazi Germany reveals why Nazism is rooted in Marxism. The predominant red symbolizes socialism, just as it does on the flags of the mass murdering socialist dystopias of the USSR and the People’s Republic of China. The white symbolizes the purity of the German nation and the swastika symbolizes the struggle for Aryan victory over world Jewry.

“National Socialism is based on the value of our Nordic German blood.”  – Heinrich Himmler

When it comes to Nazi Jew-hatred, there’s a skeleton in the Marxist cupboard few people are aware of that socialists are desperate to conceal. The Nazi drive to exterminate the Jews comes directly from the godfather of socialism Karl Marx. He accused the Jews of being avaricious hucksters who worshipped the God of money. He asserted the only way Jews could be emancipated from this affliction was for mankind to be emancipated from the Jews. Hitler’s Nazis didn’t call their wicked aim to make Europe Judenrein “The Holocaust”, they called it “The final solution to the Jewish question,” the solution proposed by Marx himself. Yes, you’re ahead of me here I’m sure, Marxism is most definitely a racist, genocidal ideology.

“As socialists we are opponents of the Jews because we see in the Hebrews the incarnation of capitalism, of the misuse of the nation’s goods.”   – Dr. Joseph Goebbels, “Those Damn Nazis”, 1929

Core to Marxism is for the socialist state to either own or control the means of production. Hitler’s Nazis controlled all means of production via the Reich Ministry of Economics who specified quotas, distribution, wages, prices and so on. Just as is the case with Fascism, Nazism is a collectivist ideology with the individual existing only to serve the state. You can read more about the socialist economics of the Nazis here.

Just like Karl Marx, both Mussolini and Hitler bore a seething hatred for Christianity and capitalism. In Fascist Italy, limited ownership of property was permitted – although the state could confiscate it at any time – and Mussolini even put aside his hatred of the church and allowed it a place in the new Italy. But the Nazis believed both capitalism and Christianity removed Germans from their natural healthy state. Christian symbols in public places were removed and replaced by Nazi symbols including portraits of the Führer Adolf Hitler.

When the Nazis came to power, they implemented a massive expansion of state welfare including free healthcare, free education and government programs to reduce unemployment. All unearned wealth was abolished with sky-high taxation of up to 80% of income. In Italy, universal suffrage was established with women given the vote. A minimum wage was introduced along with an eight-hour day for workers and high taxation on capital was implemented. All of these policies were gleaned from Marx’s Communist Manifesto.

In both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, opposition to the state was crushed, as happened in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the People’s Republic of China, North Vietnam, Cuba and North Korea. In Nazi Germany, communists (international socialists), political dissenters, Christians, the mentally and physically handicapped and of course, Jews were rounded up and sent to forced labour camps called KZs – Konzentrationslagers.

Why you may wonder did the Nazis send communists to the KZs? It’s because they believed communists were internationalist Bolsheviks and under the control of world Jewry. They were therefore deemed a threat to the German National Socialist state.

These diabolical crimes against humanity weren’t unique to the Nazis they also occurred in the USSR and China and on a much larger scale. It’s odd how people froth at the mouth about the vile atrocities committed by the Nazis yet are curiously silent about the equally despicable atrocities committed by communists in the USSR and China. Both of these barbaric regimes also used forced labor camps and here we see more evidence of the similarities between international and national socialism.

Above the gates to the dreaded Gulags, a sign declared: “Labor is a matter of honor, glory and heroism.” In Mao Ze Dong’s socialist China, prisoners were marched off to the Laogais under the mantra: “Reform through labor.” And as most people know, untermenschen entering the KZs would see a sign proclaiming: “Arbeit Macht Frei – Work sets you free.”

It is estimated that socialists in the USSR killed between 60-70 million people. In the People’s Republic of China, they killed almost 50 million. And in Nazi Germany, socialists killed approximately 20 million. In Italy, Mussolini’s Blackshirts deployed violence and torture to crush political opposition to Fascism and although Mussolini had around 2000 political opponents killed, Fascists didn’t kill on anywhere near the same scale as their socialist comrades in the USSR, China and Germany. Nor were race laws passed in Fascist Italy, in fact, race laws only came to Italy with the arrival of the Nazis in 1938 some sixteen years after Mussolini seized power. Despite the modern left linking Fascism with racism, Fascism was not a racist ideology.

Another interesting similarity between German national socialists and Soviet communists can be seen in their use of propaganda to win support from the masses. Both made extensive use of imagery depicting them as champions of the struggle of the working class and you can see a selection of their propaganda posters here and here including Nazi usage of the hammer and sickle.

Let’s have one more inconvenient truth highlighting the Marxist ideology shared by the USSR and Nazi Germany to bring this piece to a close. Socialists insist that nationalism was the cause of the Second World War. This is an outright lie. In September 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, almost everyone knows this. What is forgotten is that the USSR also invaded Poland and at this time, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were allies. Nationalism didn’t cause the Second World War, socialist imperialism did.

So you can see Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao – and other socialist dictators such as Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot – are all red emperors who wear the same blood-soaked robes. All share the same socialist beliefs rooted in the ideology of Karl Marx and far from being right-wing ideologies, both Fascism and Nazism are socialist ideologies and belong firmly on the left slightly to the right of communism. Neither are right-wing ideologies because they reject democracy, free market economies and individualism.

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Well written essay. Thank you. It really is so tedious to listen to a poorly educated, historically illiterate leftists continually try to argue that the National SOCIALIST German WORKERS Party was right wing.

@Pete: What’s in a name–Democratic Peoples Republic Of China ??
When I think of Fascism–Nationalistic, racist, homophobic, militaristic–support intervention, pro-life, deeply religious, predominantly white middle class, support corporations
When I think of Socialism/Communism–Internationalist, atheist, pro-choice proletariat/lower classes, anti corporations
IMO more differences than similarities. They were bitter enemies in WW2 and Spanish Civil War.

Fascism in America comes in the form of the right wing lunatics.

Obama today:
We cant ALLOW politicians to insult Muslims.
He recently said the same thought in his last SOTU.

So, it’s here.

Their devious aim is to associate people peacefully protesting against the Islamization of their countries and demanding the right for women to be able to walk the streets without being sexually assaulted by hordes of misogynist immigrants with the despised “far right” Nazis and Fascists.

Odd isn’t it?
How speed-of-light quickly the Left, the ”Progressives,” threw women under the bus.

Well written. It is amazing how our “educators” and others on the left always leave out the atrocities committed by Stalin and (especially) Lenin. They also point out Hitler’s invasion of Poland and always leave out the fact that Stalin invaded from the east.

Given that the right advocates small government and the left advocates big government, a right wing extremist would be an anarchist (no government at all) and a left wing extremist would be a dictator (full government control). Now what describes Hitler and his ilk more- anarchists or dictatorship? The answer to that question will tell you if they were right wingers or left wingers.

This is an outstanding essay. This subject has always a point of contention among leftist ideologues; arguing against history and the truth is futile. Of course, I make a point of bringing up these inconvenient facts during cordial and not so cordial debates and discussions. This article will help me to be better prepared in the future. Thank you.

An absolutely fabulous essay! Echoing Skook, I learned a few things here I didn’t know so in turn not quite shooting form the hip when commenting on things.

You point out below something I’ve been arguing for many years, that being the use of the MSM and schools to promote the disaster that is in the making

“Another interesting similarity between German national socialists and Soviet communists can be seen in their use of propaganda to win support from the masses. Both made extensive use of imagery depicting them as champions of the struggle of the working class and you can see a selection of their propaganda posters here and here including Nazi usage of the hammer and sickle.”

The Democrats as well as the so called establishment and worse Republicans are using the very tactics described above as yet we who point out the fact are vilified for pointing out the similarities between the Nazis, Commies and our current political base. Yet it is fact.


anyone who thinks that Nazi Germany was socialist must also think that Henry Ford was a socialist since he was such a strong reporter
Anyone who thinks that the George Bush’s grandfather Prescott Bush ( who was almost indicted) and who supported Hitler was a socialist .
Any idiot who thinks Nazi Germany was socilaist must also wonder why the Ford companies in Germany FordWerks were never heavily bombed ( hint Ford factories in the USA were making the bombers)

@another vet:
sounds like another vet maybe should become a teacher.
Certainly I was taught about the German Russian invasion of Poland. I was also taught that American conservatives loved Hitler for being anti Communist. That the German American Bund here had 10s of thousands of supporters.
Maybe the books that another vet learned from also taught the Earth was 6000 years old
Conservatives are always bitchin about schools and leftists, why dont THEY become teachers if they think they could do a better job?
Any volunteers here to improve American schools ?
Don’t all rush forward at once

@john: I’m glad you were taught that the USSR invaded Poland. I’m sure that was emphasized just as much as Hitler’s invasion from the west was just like they emphasized Lenin and Stalin’s atrocities as much as they emphasized the Holocaust assuming that was taught in any type of depth. In my HS American History text, Stalin’s name wasn’t even mentioned until after WWII. We were also taught about how those serving in VN were killing women and babies as a matter of practice. I am also sure your teachers also taught you about the American left’s support for Communism. You were no doubt taught about Harry Hopkins, Alger Hiss, and Harry Dexter White as well as FDR’s relationship with “Uncle Joe” as he called him.

Yes, there were people in this country who supported Hitler because he was anti-communist. One of the reasons Europe failed to respond to his aggression was because he was seen as a check to Communism which was based on Marxism which advocated worldwide revolution. People saw the carnage with Russia’s revolution and didn’t want the same for the rest of the world. And apparently there were others in this country who shared some of Hitler’s views who weren’t exactly conservative.

John Ryan, enjoy the rest of your day.

Right wing similarities to fascism/Nazi Germany 1) Nationalistic-militaristic interventionists 2) Religious 3) anti Gay marriage 4) anti illegal immigrants 4) led by middle class

Left wing/ Socialist similarities to Stalin’s Russia 1) Internationalists – non intervention 2) secular—many atheists 3) proletariat led

Off subject—The lemmings that follow populist Trump are more concerning than Trump himself—he reminds me more of Pat Buchanan than Reagan–he failed in his BHO birth certificate fiasco–now it’s Cruz—Is Rubio next?

@Rich Wheeler:

So “National SOCIALIST German WORKERS Party” wasn’t socialist? They just used that word in the name of the party to hide their true right wing nature, eh?

Perhaps.a.simple google search of.the Nazi party platform would shed some light on the true nature of the party.

@Rich Wheeler:

Left wing/ Socialist similarities to Stalin’s Russia 1) Internationalists – non intervention 2) secular—many atheists 3) proletariat led

1) Non-intervention: You mean like Poland, Manchuria, North Korea, Hungary, North Vietnam, Czechoslovakia, and Afghanistan?

3) Unless of course they spoke out against Stalin. Then they were murdered or sent to the gulags. Now, who exactly was in charge again?

Right wing similarities to fascism/Nazi Germany 1) Nationalistic-militaristic interventionists 2) Religious 3) anti Gay marriage 4) anti illegal immigrants 4) led by middle class

1) So Wilson, FDR, Truman, and JFK were right-wingers? Grant it, compared to the new left Truman and JFK probably would be classified as right-wingers.

2) So, religious people are fascists and the Nazi’s were religious?

3) So Stalin and the other Soviet premiers openly embraced gay marriage? Best re-check the history books.

4) So wanting to uphold immigration laws is fascist?

@another vet: What is your point A.V and Pete KISS.
Are you saying far right any better OR worse than far left? That Naziis better OR worse than Stalinists? IMO Extremism bad in all forms ,no matter it’s name. That would include the FAR LEFT and the FAR RIGHT here in the good ol USA.

Pete WHAT’S IN A NAME Democratic Peoples Republic Of China comes to mind. Real Democracy they got.
Pete– let’s bust DT and HRC–Can I get an AMEN?

@Rich Wheeler: My point is that the generalities you made don’t hold up to fact and seem to paint the leftists and Stalinists as “good”. Then you lump right-wingers in with the Fascists in order to make them look bad when in fact Fascism is in line with the left not the right. Those of us (now called conservatives but in the past were called liberals) who argue on behalf of the principles set forth in our Constitution, of which small limited government is one, are called right-wingers. Now , are you trying to tell me that Fascism supported limited government and promoted individual freedom?

@another vet: I certainly did not intend to paint the Stalinists or the Naziis as good. But neither are they exactly the same. One clear distinction–Naziism middle class—Stalinism proletariat Naziism professed religion Stalinism-atheism.–it goes on—They certainly were enemies.

@john: Almost indicted means essentially innocent, no? If there was enough evidence to bring an actual criminal charge, eg: indictment, there would be same.

You’re a retard who is not worthy of another syllable spent. Enjoy your mom’s basement and drool happily into your shirt pocket. For the love of all that is holy, please cast not another vote.

@Rich Wheeler: How does your keyboard still work after all the Gerber pap you’ve spilled upon and through it? To you and the rest of the left, fascism has come to mean “any Ideology with which we disagree.”

Nifty that, you can redefine your adversary as you like. Unfortunately, there is a clear historical antecedent to your definition. The right in America does not comport with your definition of Fascism, and in fact is virulently opposed to it.

You, and those who accuse such are guilty of projection of the most vile sort. For the sake of all you hold dear,please shut off the bilge pump which is your keyboard.

@Me: What hole did you just crawl out of mini me?
Fascism founded in Italy during WWI to combat Socialism—an authoritarian and nationalistic right wing system of government-intolerant views and practices .Would you say America’s far right is known for it’s tolerance of gays and other minorities? Crawl back in your hole mini me.

Liberal farters are all on flameout. It’s hard to find an article with so many good points those days. However, one thing is still missed: an European mindset. It is so deeply leftist that even opposition factions offer nothing but Great Wise Leaders and Aryan-esque utopia to solve the problems. Let alone their not-so-secret affairs with moscow, in which they perfectly match with their liberal rivals, no matter how fiercely they are b#tching on public. There seems to be no sight of sanity amongst modern Europeans…

@RichWheeler seems not to have understood the essay. To clarify:

Fascism & Nazism: REVOLUTIONARY NATIONAL socialist ideologies: Both dictatorships of the proletariat, (working class) both controlled all means of production, both COLLECTIVIST with individualism stamped out. Both anti Christian ideologies, both fought with Communists (international socialists) to gain control of the left in their nations and then power.

USSR and Nazi Germany were allies before Operation Barbarossa. Jews who fled to USSR were sent back to Germany by Stalin along with grain all while Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians to death.

That people cannot look at Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, USSR, People’s Republic of China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, Cambodia and not see how evil Socialism
is beggars belief. The commonalities and the brutality are obvious and ALL of it is rooted in Marxist ideology.

It should also be noted the US media and liberal intelligentsia admired both Fascism and Communism, believing both would bring about a new order and do away with the old, antiquated traditions. As Soldzenitsin stated: The allies defeated one evil socialist empire but failed to defeat the worse evil socialist empire of the USSR. This lead to the creation of a third evil socialist empire, Red China. Lenin, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Hitler and other mass murdering disciples of Marx knew what they were better than you do and they knew exactly what they were doing.

Communism, Fascism & Nazism all belong on the left of the political spectrum, the latter 2 slightly to the right of Communism. And all of them are evil – just as Karl Marx, the monster who spawned them, was.

“And all of them are evil – just as Karl Marx, the monster who spawned them, was.”

Amazing how a bit of truth can send the leftists reeling, isn’t it? While I’m not a scholar by any stretch of the imagination, this premise has been something I have studied up on to a point and yet could not put it into words per say.

You nailed it Chris. One only needs to look at the actions taken by the Nazis, compare them with others and the conclusion is clear.

As you said earlier, “So you can see Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao – and other socialist dictators such as Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot – are all red emperors who wear the same blood-soaked robes.”

How many, millions have been murdered by scum like this and how many more will follow if we keep ignoring history. There is one fact here that is crystal clear but the “we can do it right crowd” (I’m being civil here) refuses to face up to, as their own power lust is much more important to them.

The policies followed by those cited above have consistently destroyed countries and civilizations. It started in ancient times (let’s not forget Rome and the start of the welfare system as an example) and it keeps coming back in some sick form. Never once has a country survived in the end if they go down the path the leftists espouse.

Agreement—Stalinism/Marxism/Communism far left wing
Fascism–far right wing–formed in Italy to combat the far left.
Naziism –formed in Germany–elements of far right and far left. rejected Marxist “class struggle”–opposed ideas of class equality–sought to defend private property and privately owned businesses of Aryans. Nationalistic and interventionist

Common downfall Totalitarian leadership of Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler.
“Power corrupts——-

@Rich Wheeler:

I certainly did not intend to paint the Stalinists or the Naziis as good.

I understand that. Perhaps to clear a couple of things up- Do you consider someone who supports small, limited government and who believes our Constitution should be adhered to as someone who is a left winger or a right winger? Second, you call fascists intolerant(which they are) and but do not make the same claim about Communists. Do you think that Communists are tolerant?

@another vet: I’ve got nothing good to say about Fascists or Communists. Strict adherence to Constitution and small/limited govt. would be right wing but not reactionary–far right.

@Rich Wheeler: So, if small limited government is right wing then would the extreme view of it be no government at all, i.e. anarchism, or would it be fascism which believes in anything BUT small, limited government and as you point out in your #19, an authoritarian and nationalistic system of government?

And this I believe, is the point of Chris’s post.

@another vet: To me far right/reactionary is support for a social hierarchy, extreme nationalism, anti immigration– the opposite of egalitarian–extreme left.
I consider myself a moderate—-English when working Irish when partying. lol 05

@Rich Wheeler:

To me far right/reactionary is support for a social hierarchy, extreme nationalism, anti immigration–

So you believe that one should not have pride in their own nation (nationalism) or that they should not believe in sovereignty, and to establish borders are a bad thing? “Anti-immigration?” Who is anti-immigrant? Or do you not subscribe to the belief that nations have a right to control who crosses over their borders?

You also need to define “hierarchy”, especially the social kind because we don’t have a monarchy in the U.S.

the opposite of egalitarian–extreme left.
I consider myself a moderate—-English when working Irish when partying


And what exactly is that supposed to mean?

We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” –Adolf Hitler

(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)

Hard to consider the racist socialism of the nazis as “far right” with quotes like that from the nazi leader….

@Pete: Hmm… We need these discussions more often.

RW looks at this as the blind men described the elephant. I think that the responses to this article showed just how little our lefty posters here understand the difference between conservatives and liberals.

@Rich Wheeler:

Communism is orthodox Marxism.

You are 100% wrong about Fascism. It was formed by sociaists who rejected Marx’s internationalism as it was to quote the ex-Communist Mussolini “a luxury only the rich can afford.” It wasn’t formed to combat the left it was an evolvement of Sociaism and fought to take over the left and then win power and impose national socialism.

Nazis did NOT reject class struggle and bragged that they united all Germans something previous governments had failed to do. Hitler also got the idea to exterminate Europe’s Jews from Karl Marx.

The fact is any ideology rooted in Marxism as both Fascism and Nazism are cannot ever be on the right of the political spectrum it is simply impossible. There is nothing right wing about either of them, the claim is utterly absurd.

@Christopher J Green: You say fascism “wasn’t formed to combat the left”–then you say it “fought to take over the left.”–sounds the same.
Nazii traits—ardent Nationalism, oppression and even genocide against groups on the basis of their inferiority, chauvinism, xenophobia ,racist, anti-immigration, anti Semetic, anti Communist–considered by MOST to be FAR RIGHT on the political spectrum

@Rich Wheeler:

You say fascism “wasn’t formed to combat the left”–then you say it “fought to take over the left.”–sounds the same.

Not one and the same. It refers to a tactic. Instead of openly “combating” the left who supported Communism, Fascism instead strove to convince those on the left who supported Communism that Fascism was superior to Communism.

Nazii Fascists traits—ardent Nationalism (Stalin was radically Nationalist), oppression and even genocide against groups on the basis of their inferiority (Holodomor), chauvinism, xenophobia ,racist, anti-immigration, anti Semetic, anti Communist–considered by MOST to be FAR RIGHT on the political spectrum (all of these can be applied to Fascism so basically, you’re saying Stalin was far right while you miss the boat on what the differences between Nazism and Fascism actually were.)

Right wing…what exactly does that mean?

If right wing is defined as conservative, which is how I personally define it, then it is a political philosophy which believes:

1. In small, limited government bound by the defined powers of the Constitution and the consent of.the governed.

2. That the government has no business defining salaries for private employment, forcing people into an extremely low ROE government-controlled retirement scam, taking over medical care, nor pretending to provide charity through forced taxation which takes from those who earn and produce to buy the votes of those who do not produce.

3. That legal, controlled immigration of foreigners who come to assimilate and participate in the American dream is good, but that illegal immigration and the bringing in of 3rd world thugs and terrorists should not be tolerated.

4. That taxation should be fair and not punish those who are successful through a “progressive” tax scheme designed by Karl Marx for the express purpose of collapsing an economy to bring communist rule.

5. That science should not be politicized but follow where unmanipulated data leads.

6. That political correctness is a cancerous threat to liberty and free expression.

7. That humans in the fetal, embryonic and zygotic stage of the human life cycle have the right not to be killed in the womb.

8. That it is good and right to be proud of our nation.

9. That the most effective means of sustaining peace and protecting our nation is to have the strongest, most powerful military force in the world.

10. That it is cultural suicide to allow the idiocy of the PC statement, “Islam is a religion of peace” to be taught to our children.

11. That our federal government must function under a balanced budget.

12. That we should get back to being a nation of laws, rather than making exceptions for lawbreakers who are politically connected.

13. The right to bear arms is not based on being able to hunt, but (per the clear description in The Federalist Papers) on ensuring the people can stand against tyrannical government.

Conversely, left wing ideology seems to consist of the belief that:

1. The government should ensure that everyone has food, shelter, medical care, and a government provided pension, and should have the power to take whatever is necessary from those who have earned to give to those who have not. (See Marx’s Communist Manifesto)

2. That the government has the right to confiscate privately owned firearms from law-abiding citizens.

3. That the US should take in everyone who wants to come here, regardless of the cost to those already citizens.

4. That money that has already been taxed should be heavily taxed a second time when you die, rather than be passed on to one’s descendents.

5. That the way to achieve world peace is to shrink our military, so more money can be spent on socialist government handouts.

6. That no nation or culture is better than any other, regardless of evidence to the contrary.

7. That every change in the weather, including massive blizzards, is caused by AGW and that it is legitimate to alter, adjust or manipulate raw data to support preconceived (and incorrect) conclusions so that government can impose crushing regulatory control on the country.

8. That people should be forced to have their tax dollars used to pay for extermination of those in the womb, regardless of their religious or philosophical beliefs against abortion.

9. That the government should impose crippling fines and possible jail time against those who believe that regardless of whether a particular genetic and phenotypic male identifies as a woman, that individual is still a man. (See New York’s recent legislation on this topic)

10. That the concept of imposing racial quotas in hiring and college admissions is somehow not racist.

11. That military effectiveness should be subordinated to the ridiculous PC notion that differences in physical strength between men and women have no impact on combat performance.

12. As kitt so succintly described on another thread, how a leftist feels about something is more important than the actual results and consequences of following leftist ideology.

@Rich Wheeler:

It’s not the same at all. Nazis & fascists wanted to control the left & take the fight to the hated capitalists. Their socialism would be national as they rejected internationalism. Nazis esp rejected Communism as it was Jewish controlled.

Marxism is racist, preaches hatred against Jews and Slavs. Communists were just as intolerant of those they deemed unfit to be the “new man” as Nazis were, in fact they were far worse. Ho Chi Minh fought for a National Socialist Vietnam. To claim he would be “far right” is once again absurd.

That most believe Nazis and Fascists are “far right” doesn’t make it true. Most still tolerate Communism but that doesn’t make it a moral ideology. Typical of the left who desperately try to deny their own diabolical history. Truth will out and the truth about Marx and the brutal, inhumane history of Socialism shames the left.

All false flags including migrations into Europe and U.S., are part of “Western” White” Nazi agenda,..including thousands of disinfo agents and their perverse comments on social media. Pass along.
-Paris Attack Witness Describes Gunmen As White
-Juan Hernandez about the 3 athletic white shooters in the San Bernardino shooting
-Former CIA Agent Says Craft Intl Mercenaries Carried Out San Bernardino Shooting
-Paris Terrorist Attacks: RT Interview Just Destroyed the CIA and Fake U.S. News in 10 Minutes (Gearóid O’Colmáin).