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Gay commie muslim is perfect description for Ozero!

Brave words to post on THIS website Wordsmith

@ronnoyfb: The GOP is proud of ypur support Ronyo
We often chose the words that hurt US most to insult others: gay,commie,muslim which of these would wound YOU the most? I think most would guess the same word of the 3

He may not be a moslim but his administration is infested with the Moslim Brotherhood.

Almost every move he’s made in the ME has favored radical Islam including this preposterous “treaty” with Iran.

He’s importing 100s of 1,000s of moslims into this country and dispersing them to conservative states.

He’s refused to maintain our border knowing full well that radical moslims are infiltrating our country.

He has past known associations with radical moslims, men that advocate the destruction of Israel among other things, e.g. Palestinian anti-Israel radical Rashid Khalidi.

He has met a number of times with radical moslims with ties to the moslim brotherhood in the White House, e.g. Azhar Azeez, president of the Islamic Society of North America.

He’s lied numerous times about how moslims were instrumental in the building of this country.

He’s given millions to Hamas, an organization that was deemed terrorist.

He’s refused to even use the words, radical Islam and has repeatedly played down domestic terrorism by moslims.

He’s worked with the UN to undermine Israel at every opportunity-do you have the slightest doubt he hates Israel?

He supported a mosque at Ground Zero which to moslims signifies conquered territory.

I can list another 50 points of Obama favoring moslims over this country and Christians. The fact is one thing is certain – Obama has not been truthful with the American people. Based on the evidence presented from legitimate, credible sources including videotaped testimony culled from speeches and interviews given by Obama himself, it would be safe to draw the conclusion that he is not who he has presented himself to be. By his own words and actions, he is the most pro-moslim president in American history, and does seem to have a pro-moslim agenda.

You might want to read a little of Andy McCarthy or Frank Gaffney’s take on the in your face attitude Obama has with meeting with radical moslims-they can lay out the case much better then me rattling these points off the top of my head.

There’s a practice in Isalm that says it OK to lie to the infidel(that’s us). Now as you say, there are many things we can criticize this president for and lying about almost every damn thing is one of them. So maybe it’s just his MO and lying about his obvious favoritism to Islam is just another in an endless string of lies.

But you can not deny this favoritism.

“[T]hey need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

Basically, the comment was made in the context of a post 9/11 America when sentiment in this country was very negative toward people from the Middle East in general, Muslims specifically.

Wow, Wordsmith, you’ve really jumped the shark on this one.

Of course there was animus toward Muslims in the days following 9/11/2001. Nineteen men who hijacked four large commercial airliners had just killed almost 3,000 Americans and they all had one thing in common. Wanna take a guess what that one thing was?

Obama was making it clear that if things turned ugly, and there were murmurings of internment camps and such in late 2001, that he would stand with whoever was the target of the roundup, and rightly so.

And who was murmuring about rounding up Muslims in America? Certainly not anyone is a position of national leadership.

As a matter of fact, Americans, in the days following 9/11, acted with rational and good judgment. No burning of mosques; no rounding up Muslims; not even but a few attacks on Muslims themselves. So please, tell us who were guilty of those “murmurings.”

The truth of the matter is that is doesn’t matter that Obama has claimed to be Christian. His “Christian” church was based on the Marxist Liberation Theology, not Islam, that is true. But perhaps you would like to show us how he would do things any differently if he were a Muslim? Would he have been harsher toward Israel and more insulting toward Benjamin Netanyahu? Would he have supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt more than he did (he completely supported the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood)? Would he be allowing even more than the 100,000’s of Muslim into this nation that he is already doing? Would he have provided Hamas with even more money?

Obama bows to Saudi Prince

Of course he did. But he seems to have forgotten that like our American flag which dips for no other nation, our President bows to no man, or woman. We are the greatest, freest nation in the history of mankind and our president needs to act like it.

So while you try to dispel the theories, perhaps you would tell us how Obama would have acted toward Israel any differently, associated with Muslim Brotherhood any differently, supported radical jihadists in other nations any differently? It doesn’t matter what he said, it matters what he does and continues to do.

I will make the argument here at FA for the sake of the Party;

Which one?

Although I agree with your conclusion; that Obama is not a practicing Muslim (or Christian) I disagree with your historic look at his early schooling and how the girls and female teachers dressed as a proof.

This was all well before 1979.

In those same days, Egyptian women went to college without head covers, in normal Western-style dresses and in mixed classes with males.
Turkish women wore colorful paisley scarves as simple triangles allowing most of their hair to show, especially out the back.
Even Iran’s women who wore head covers had plenty of hair showing in the front and around the ears.

It wasn’t until 1979 (the year Obama graduated high school) that Iran’s Ayatollah claimed a scientific report proved that women’s hair emitted powerful rays that forced men to lose all self control.

After his claim, laws were passed and customs were changed with regard head covers for women and girls.

By edict some women were forced to completely cover every hair in Iran.
By slowly changing customs more and more Muslim women adopted this style of covering all hair completely.
Whether because their male guardians forced them or they chose to completely cover, this is a new normal today.
It was NOT even normal back when Obama was in grammar school.

Too bad all this false modesty is now required or Muslim men feel they have the right to rape.
It is based on a phony research paper that can not even be found on line.
And no other researcher can duplicate his conclusion that women’s hair is powerfully sexy.

Word Thanks—sure miss Aye Chi and Mata–learned a lot from you 3 Conservatives

I don’t think Obama is a Muslim. I don’t think he is Christian, either. Certainly he is not Jewish. He will be whatever benefits him. His primary goal is to make the United States weaker and less influential and, thus, unable to subjugate, oppress and harm around the world.

To accomplish this, he certainly favors Muslims and Islam. He absolutely makes himself LOOK like a Muslim, but he has no religion but for Obamaism. He attacks Christianity or allows their rights to erode simply because he has no respect for it and, as in other totalitarian regimes, worship of another deity interferes with worship of him or the State.

Over and over and over and over, Bush reiterated that the United States was not at war with Islam… we were at war with radical Islam and terrorism. One wonders how anyone could be more clear, yet Obama worshipers feel he turned America from a mob trying to lynch all Muslims to one more tolerant and rational.

Liberals take great pains to avoid facts and truth.

For over seven years I have felt and written that Obama suffers from a disorder called “Narcissism“.

Many have come to this conclusion while observing this President’s actions and listened to his words. His actions and policies have been the result of his distaste for all things ‘American’ rather than being the result of any religious bent.

A Narcissist is effortlessly capable of lying and of manipulation of others.
A Narcissist cannot feel or demonstrate humility.
A Narcissist can put on charming airs to achieve goals and self serving objectives.
A Narcissist is incapable of change. The disorder is set early in childhood and remains a permanent fixture.
A Narcissist cannot be ‘religious’ — regardless what form religion.
A Narcissist can imitate being religious, but cannot grasp religion or what it might mean.

Obama is not likely either Muslim or Christian or follower of any other religion.


As for that idiot ‘barker’ who shouted inane and brainless absurdities at Trump, I suspect that he was a plant. He is too stupid not have been one. The MSM is attempting to put those absurdities in Trump’s mouth, but anyone with 2 functioning neurons knows better.

Bill and James We got more than one FA’er who believe Obama a Muslim and not a U.S. citizen. You guys wanna take a moment to disavow those beliefs? Thanks

I’ve made it clear that I believe Obama is a sociopath and nothing disabuses me of that.

I found this second hand quote, of Reverend Wright while researching another project.

Alleged new Recordings of Jeremiah Wright cast doubt on Obama’s Christianity

“…the Reverend Wright told me on tape, that Obama came to him and said, ‘I need some spiritual advice; I don’t know exactly who I am’ and the Reverend Wright said… ‘Well we know your Islam background… but what you need now, is some coaching on Christianity.’ And I asked the Reverend Wright ‘did you convert him from being a Muslim to being a Christian and he said, ‘well, I don’t know if I could go that far but… I made it comfortable for him to accept Christianity without having to renounce his Islamic background.’”

Anything from reverend Wright is dubious at best and since it is second hand, the authenticity is questionable as well, but I thought it was interesting, since we currently have a president who seems to function as an apologist for Islam and is probably the most effective lobbyist for Islam in the history of our country.

Although, if he is a Muslim, he is not devout, with a taste for alcohol and other diversions, but even the fanatics enjoy some worldly pleasures, Including Osama.

Should we not question why we are importing Muslims with no particular skills at an accelerated rate when our economy is in the doldrums? Surely it isn’t a coincidence and the administration can’t offer a coherent reason for this flow of humanity that exists on welfare at over 90%.

Why does this same president refuse to name our enemy as Radical Islam?

Why does he worry more about the threat of our returning vets than the presence of terrorists in the masses that he is importing, when all the terrorists have been Jihadists?

There is an arrogance that is found in the rulers of totalitarian regimes that insists that they never need explain their decisions or motives. This president would do well to drop these pretenses of totalitarian leaders and explain his intent; unless his intent is nefarious and he can’t explain his actions.

John Nolte reminds us all that it was not a Republican who started the whole Obama-is-a-Muslim myth; it was HILLARY CLINTON back in 2008.

When called on the carpet Hillary said this:

FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton, “As Far As I Know,” Obama Is Not a Muslim…

Her ”as far as I know….” answer was far worse than Trump blowing off a question be a non-media person.

Yes, I agree with JR. He is a malignant narcissist and is loyal to his neurosis and the concept of America being a strong country because of imperialism and slavery.

Whether he knows that the entire world has existed with slavery in the some form of feudalism is doubtful; since he seems to be uneducated from a historical perspective. Of course the slave traders to the world were the Muslim slave traders. They sold every type of human being to whomever would pay. It’s this little inconvenient fact that is ignored by North American Black Muslims as they express their hatred of America and everything white.

Obama had the chance to generate goodwill in America and the world: what a wasted opportunity. He let his petty feelings and personal neurosis ruin a golden opportunity and now, America sits embroiled in racial and political strife. Whether he is a shallow version of a Muslim is secondary to the wasted years we have endured with this phony little man as our leader.

@Nanny G: “myth” Exactly

@rich wheeler: I believe I just did though it is obvious how someone critical of Obama (and not excusing his every jab at America) would draw that conclusion.

Gay commie muslim was an understatement on my part- he really is a lazy, demonic, irrational, sick, hoplophobic, murderous, crazy, moronic, illegitimate bastard, petty, sterile, bitchy, arrogant, un-educated, self-absorbed, narcisstic, treasonous, un-American, anti-American, shuckin, jivin, devil worshiping, race mongering, envy baiting, violence inducing, scamming, no class, divisive, islamo-blowing, scheming, indoctrinating, unscrupulous, devious, stealing, deceptive, indoctrinating, propoganda spewing, baby killing, child killing, envy bating, mud-slinging, hurtful, hateful, anti-white, anti-Christian, hypocritical, lying, slandering, cheating, deceitful, elitist, thieving, racist, sodomite, progressive, commie, marxist, statist, tyrannical, freedomphobic Hitler/Stalinesqe wanna be dictator, psychopathic affirmative action manchurian muslim, pedophilic bathhouse buttboy farie, sandal wearing Kenyan girlie-man.

@ronnoyfb: You realize this man was the post-racial president who was going to lead the country past the racism and into a new beginning of racial harmony and economic prosperity.

I remember those days. My liberal friends and customers were skipping through the tulips in the wonderment of it all. Now, they tell me they are voting for Trump. When I ask if they are becoming Republicans, they reply “Hellno,” but they are voting for Trump. Gone is the optimism, it has been replaced with the bitterness of a wretched performance by their godlike man child. America has come of age. Obama has showed us the results of true incompetence and why most of the countries of the world languish in the death spirals of incompetence and corruption.

Who cares whether Obama is a Muslim? We have never had a president who worked harder to advance the cause of the enemy and made sure his favored Muslim immigrants received care while our cherished vets commit suicide at a truly unacceptable rate. No, I don’t care whether Obama is a muslim, I am just counting the days until he retires with his bum buddies on Wall Street to enjoy the hundreds of millions he will receive for services rendered.

i am more bitter than you: I just lack your elegance.


Toothless goober is what one can use to describe you. Way to bring out the losers in your party. Just too easy, lol!


And yet it has consistently been the GOP who voted against every bill to raise benefits for veterans. Nice try, but turn off Fox News once in a while, goober.

@Reem: Sorry Reem, I haven’t watched Fox in two years, but I wonder how you are familiar with the content.

Our GOP traitors are disgusting and the faux Conservatives who spit the bit and stuck their toes in the dirt to forget their Conservative platforms before they drew their first paychecks are no better.

So try another tack or take a frigging hike. I got no time for rowdy dim wits from the peanut gallery.

Skook, I can’t help but quote from a 1994 book which epitomized the hypocrisy alive and pervasive in the decayed, self-righteous liberal mind:

In his 1994 biography of Ethel, “The Other Mrs. Kennedy,” Oppenheimer writes of her “uncontrolled rage” and the abuse that extended to her household staff. Her brother-in-law Peter Lawford was shocked when Ethel berated a new maid for going to throw out some old scraps of paper.
“You stupid n- - - -r,” Ethel yelled. “Don’t you know what you’re doing? You’re destroying history. Get out of my sight! You’re fired.”
One of Ethel’s secretaries, Noelle Fell, told Oppenheimer she was surprised by such outbursts.

“She would say things like, ‘Those black people are stupid,’ ” Fell recalled. “I really don’t think she liked blacks or Hispanics. She couldn’t stand it if they didn’t speak English.”

I say “epitomizes” because throughout my travels, and I dare say you’re noticed the same, these sanctimonious liars have always done everything they could to make sure the poorest sectors of America remained suppressed and dependant.

. . . a little off topic, but not.

@James Raider: Thank you, for your thoughtful reply. Here in the eye of the storm, you wait to see what happens to your ship. Will the next wall of BS roll over you and send you to the bottom or are you going to fight the storm to the bitter end.

If you ever walked with me around one of the international horse shows, you might be surprised. Many nationalities of horse grooms will run out with big smiles and yell out, “Doctor, como esta, they know me from 30 years and they wave with smiles and affection.

It’s no secret, they like me because I treat them like human beings instead of dogs. They will tell you the same thing, if you ask them in Spanish, Portuguese, French, or German. To the liberals who hire them and ask to have their boots shined when they climb on a horse, they are little more than stray dogs to be hit with a riding whip if things don’t go right.

I laugh and ask about their families and make fun of them getting old and they love me. I wish I could hire some of them, but the Obama Recovery has not been kind to me. Hopefully I can die with my boots on while I am working on a horse, but I know I will never lack for pall bearers.

I spend time wondering why these Liberals can parade themselves as friends of the ‘colored people’ and yet the richest and elite among them have nothing but contempt for the little people of color or whites who are mired in poverty.

I keep my mouth shut and pay my respects, but the rich owners are never invited to the spicy little barbecues at night. I am sure you have worked for many of my customers and not all of them are aholes, but they are all Liberals and they all want to own people and magnificent wealth. Surprise, Surprise!

Have all my teeth and a MBA but rather be a goober than a Ozero syncopathic lemming going over the progressive cliff!

@Skook: #23
As I believe you and I have discussed before, I have rarely spent time with a wealthy (and I don’t mean rich but wealthy) individual who actually gave a crap about the bottom rungs of society — or even the middle rungs.

I don’t even think it its a ‘racist’ thing, I think it is a “don’t give ’em no mind as long as they don’t bother me,” kind of attitude. That’s why they applaud and vote for government support and welfare provisions for the poorest — not because they care or wish to see them have better lives, but because that takes the responsibility out of their hands.

The most willing to see others succeed, have always been conservatives I’ve known or met.

One the things I like about a guy like Trump is that he has a record of promoting people indiscriminately (any sex, any race), as long as they were competent executives. He was also no just a ‘builder’, he built a wide range of businesses. People like Clinton don’t even understand the concept, never having managed a lemonade stand.

@ronnoyfb: Don’t sweat the small stuff. Pull your hat down tight, sit deep in the saddle and get that faraway look in your eye, nod your head yes and just before the gate opens, yell out “Let her buck, Powder River, too thin to plow too thick to swim,” you’ll do all right.

We learn as we go and have fun along the way. Life is just a dance and some of the girls are prettier than others.

@James Raider: You never fail to enlighten and encourage the hungry mind. It is within these words that I find the subtle mark of wit and brilliance:

That’s why they applaud and vote for government support and welfare provisions for the poorest — not because they care or wish to see them have better lives, but because that takes the responsibility out of their hands.

The most willing to see others succeed, have always been conservatives I’ve known or met.

One the things I like about a guy like Trump is that he has a record of promoting people indiscriminately (any sex, any race), as long as they were competent executives. He was also no just a ‘builder’, he built a wide range of businesses. People like Clinton don’t even understand the concept, never having managed a lemonade stand.

We are branded as mouth breathing, knuckle dragging conservatives, but show me the Liberal who can express the same sentiments without worn out cliches and platitudes You restore my faith in the brand. Maybe, just maybe, we will live long enough for the country to recognize the the corruption in the sanctimonious BS of the Liberal brand, if they could know of our collective opinion and experience of these phony basttards, it would be a lot harder to sell the Clinton lies.

@Skook: #27

if they could know of our collective opinion and experience of these phony basttards,

Funny thing . . . . those have often been my own thoughts exactly. Too often.

Observing these Dem supporters over the years, it’s been a long road of frustration and “If only you guys knew what I know about those you are voting for . . . ” Sigh. I’m not referring to ideologically blind Dems but those Dems who believed the outright lies and platitudes fed to them with prejudice by their political leaders. Of course, in all fairness, I’ve also occasionally heard some insane shit from powerful Repub financiers – just not the same level of disdain for poorest in society.

@retire05: Interesting comments 05, and I agree. First he uses factcheck. org for some of his ‘proofs’. That’s certainly no place to start when you are seeking truth. Kinda like Snopes. com
Word said” I’d say his slip up is due to putting his frame-of-mind in the perspective of the McCain/conservative camp- the ones who perceived him to be a Muslim.”

I wonder how many times Word has ‘slipped’ and said that he is himself a Muslim. I know I never have accidentally referred to myself as a muslim.

@rich wheeler: 10

Bill and James We got more than one FA’er who believe Obama a Muslim and not a U.S. citizen. You guys wanna take a moment to disavow those beliefs? Thanks

We don’t have to believe him to be a muslim, all we have to do is take his word for it. He has certainly referred to his muslim faith. I’ve never made the claim that he is not a US citizen, though it’s certainly possible that he isn’t. If he were born in Kenya, he’s not a US citizen. In either case he’s not a natural born citizen, which is a requirement for the presidency. As you well know, a natural born citizen is someone born of two US Citizens.

I don’t understand the reason for this post. Why is anyone trying to sell the idea that Obama is not a muslim when obama himself has stated that he is one.


Do I think Obama is a Muslim? No, not at least in the true sense of the definition. I also don’t believe he is a Christian. I think he is probably just an opportunist, who will use anything to project a desired image. His pastor, Jeremiah Wright, Jr., certainly falls into the category of more Marxist than Christian as a follower of Black Liberation Theology taken from the Marxist liberation theology as applied to black Americans by James Cone.

But there are two facets of Islamic belief; the religious and the political. It has been clear that Obama is [at least] sympathetic toward Muslims and Muslim nations. And we, as Americans, can only judge him on what he does, not what he says. Only the very blind, or the very ignorant, will deny that his failure in Iraq has caused a vacuum that has allowed ISIS to march across the Middle East. And while we see his importation of 100,000 Muslim “refugees”, the Middle Eastern Christians languish in desperation just hoping to be able to seek refuge here, or in Europe, before they are slaughtered.

Is Obama a Muslim? I cannot see in his heart and only can see his actions and his actions scream “Malignant narcissist.”

Muslim. Christian. Atheist. Agnostic. Black. White. What difference does it make? What matters is that he is a self-centered narcissist who has contempt for this country especially Americans who oppose his left wing agenda. And that is beyond dispute as demonstrated by his words and actions both before and during his presidency.

@Skook: While I thought Obama was nothing more than a advertising product, and empty suit, when he stated his goal to be bipartisan and work with Republicans, I was impressed. I had hope. However, in my view, telling Republicans , “I won, you lost, do as I say” is not bipartisan.

Then, in 2010 he took a beating. More came in 2012, losing his majorities. Again, he appeared to me to have leaned and grown and was willing to work with Republicans. Not so… just words, with about as much integrity as “if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance”. No matter what, he would be executing his agenda… his HIDDEN agenda… to weaken, disgrace and emasculate the United States.

@Reem: And yet it has consistently been the GOP who voted against every bill to raise benefits for veterans. Nice try, but turn off Fox News once in a while, goober.

You might also look at how badly the VA deteriorated under Obama and Democrats… even as Obama campaigned on improving VA provisions. The bill above opposed by Republicans would have added additional burden on the VA all while administrative incompetence kept veterans waiting (and dying) in line.

You are the victim of (probably a willing victim) of left wing propaganda. Democrats routinely attempt legislation, not to serve a public need, but to serve a political purpose. I can recall Rep. King trying to get Rep. Wiener to put the bill for 9/11 responders’ health care to an up or down vote, but Wiener insisted on following the procedure that would assure the bill’s failure… so he could trumpet Republican opposition.

@James Raider:

That’s why they applaud and vote for government support and welfare provisions for the poorest

Liberals denigrate the obvious solution for poverty… a strong, robust economy that provides true opportunity for self-reliance… in favor of mailing a check. The conservative solution is not instantaneous; it takes time to develop and, for those in poverty, it could take a generation for the children in poverty to exploit those opportunities for benefit. Liberals would rather send a monthly check, which they know goes right down the drain, but serves to keep those in poverty dependent upon those who will keep the the checks coming.

No, beyond caring that these people keep voting Democrat, they do not give their personal distress and suffering one thought.


And while we see his importation of 100,000 Muslim “refugees”, the Middle Eastern Christians languish in desperation just hoping to be able to seek refuge here, or in Europe, before they are slaughtered.

Yet, how long did it take to finally clear the Afghan villager that saved the life of Navy Seal Marcus Luttrell? How much effort did Obama put forth to affect the release of Marines Hammar or Tahmooressi?

@rich wheeler: I need to add, respectfully, that the birther and Muslim myths have always served the liberal cause much more than the conservative. It’s like when someone says to me that Bush blew up the Twin Towers…it’s hard to listen to, and I”m not inclined to think this person is mature enough to vote. Same with birther/Muslim.

While I don’t believe Obama was born outside the US, the long-form cert. issued by the WH is worthless. I only say this because I opened it in Adobe Illustrator, and it had over seven layers…anything could have been done to it. It would not hold up as evidence in a court. My lib friend merely told me it was a bad polish, but not a forgery (he’s biased, yet a master of Illustrator and design, so I was open-minded).

Regardless, my issue with Obama’s propaganda team has always been the questions: always something to question. But the genius is that you can’t actually prove anything…not after the long battles and inquiries. People stop listening, stop caring (like Hillary and the emails).

The fatigue makes their opponents question their own sanity, and their supporters regard these folks as “looney”. You can break the law, as long as you are ready to shine the flashlight in everyone’s eyes for as long as it takes for them to give up…or worse, be ignored.

All around, I find it immoral, as Obama (moreso his handlers) used smoke and mirrors, and it took years for the “proof”.

That will always make this issue anything but settled, in my mind. And Obama will never be a real person to me…only a construct, a demagogue.

As our kids are now being programmed, erroneously, to challenge Jefferson’s presence as a noble American figure, I’ll be there…next to the Obama statue…the library….the park….making sure the kids know this…in the face of the false legacy his acolytes are struggling to build:

*points thumb to Obama statue*

“Not so much”

My point: In a the most powerful, advanced culture in the world, a medieval tactic was used to win an election: demagoguery. Find a un-tested, un-known prop to feast on the fears of your supporters, generate more fear, and win…out of fear.

Obama is anything you want him to be: rich, poor, Christian, Atheist, Muslim, celebrity, working class…it’s shameful.

Both parties should reject this kind of manipulation from either party.

@Skook: Seriously question if your “liberal” friends and customers are gonna vote for Trump–reminds me of when Repubs. thought Dem. women were gonna vote for Mac when he picked Palin for Veep–big mistake.
IMO content trumped Trump has the red meat right and few more. He CANNOT secure a majority of the E.C.
For the record I didn’t like Trump any better when he was a Dem. or an Indie.

@rich wheeler: You always leave out one important detail; the corrupt liberal media plays the Democrat tune and provides the blocking for the DNC. So, the foolishness of campaigning Palin as “stupid” (this from the mob that declares everyone else engages in a “war on women”) was carried onward and downward by the media to benefit Obama.

@Nathan Blue:

While I don’t believe Obama was born outside the US, the long-form cert. issued by the WH is worthless.

I certainly agree that is the case. Think about this. Obama claims to have attended Columbia Univ in Political Science. He was elected president of the US. Not one single living human has ever seen him in a classroom at Columbia. Not another student, not any professor that taught any class, especially Political Science. So, is he a ‘created’ person? I’m not going to speculate who he really is because I have no idea. In fact, I bet I could make a safe bet that Obama can not accurately state where his dna came from.
E-verify has repeatedly said his SS number is not legitimate. Why does no one care?

@rich wheeler:

For the record I didn’t like Trump any better when he was a Dem. or an Indie.

Which one of his policies do you not like? Do you want the border closed? Do you want more jobs? Do you want better taxation system? Which of those are you against? others?
Or maybe it’s his hairdo you don’t like? Or that he might not be a muslim?

Gee Wordsmith, I guess the Hillary campaign shouldn’t have opened up that can of worms and started the birther movement, huh?

Re: What the media gets wrong about Donald Trump’s Obama-Muslim flap

“You know what?” Santorum snapped. “People are entitled to their opinions. We have a 1st Amendment for a reason.”

Reporters kept pushing, asking if Santorum would at least agree that Muslims were offended by Trump, or say that Obama is a Christian.

“The president says he’s a Christian,” said Santorum, running out of patience. “Look, ladies and gentlemen — I’m not playing this game. The president doesn’t need me to defend him. He’s got you doing that very well. So cut it out.”

The really important thing is that Obama is a narcissistic sociopath and devout Alynski trained Marxist dead set on doing as much as possible to bring this nation down to third world status. What religion he pretends to be doesn’t change that.

@rich wheeler: Earlier today, I had a customer tell me she had no other option. I didn’t catch the exact wording; because, I was busy and started laughing almost immediately.

Coincidence or divine providence? I have no idea, but I thought of you when she made the remark.

I have an effect on people; they talk and open up to me, while I work on their horses. Some things I wish I’d never heard, but people are extremely frustrated about the failures of the president and the congress ( I will assume you have noticed). Many Democrats are ready to look to the Right on the next cycle and since most of my customers are affluent coastal Democrats I can get a pretty good feeling for the pulse of the Left. It ain’t good.

They have no one to look up too. Hillary might be looking at a criminal prosecution, Bernie is a Communist, and skinny dipping Joe doesn’t have all his marbles. Leftists will need to check their common sense to vote a straight party ticket during the next election.

Corruption is rampant and possibly Trump can avoid the pitfalls of corruption. I hope so. I believe he wants to bring back the America we knew and believed in as young men and I think he is catching the attention of many frustrated Americans with this refrain. An appeal similar to, but with more substance than ‘Hope and Change.’

You can doubt my anecdotal responses from Leftist friends and customers, but ask yourself what options do they really have.

@rich wheeler: For the record, up until a few weeks ago I didn’t like Trump either, but his enthusiasm and general concern for the country and the welfare of Americans is catching on. It doesn’t take much to grab hold of the American public’s imagination, Obama made that clear enough.

@Skook: Very well said Skook.

@ #43
I never said he was a moslim, your obfuscation notwithstanding. He’s lied about almost everything so why are you going to believe him on this one point? Whatever pal.

I said he has obviously favored the actions of radical moslims, both in this country and in the ME. That is undeniable.

And you have to be some kind of special idiot to believe that Islam is a religion of peace. Tell that to the 1,000s of Israelis and others murdered in the name of Allah.

@Skook: They would no more vote for Trump than they would for Palin–That’s a fact Skooks.

@Wordsmith: Sorry to hurt your Conservative cred Word but that was damn impressive. I wonder if the tag team will even respond?


Golly, retire! Whatever could that be?

The one thing they had in common was they had all sworn bayat to OBL and were members of al Qaeda. Oh, and they were also all men. Not all were Saudis…..I think they all probably had a hatred for America…..Hmm….I’m sure there are probably a few more things they had in common. What am I missing here, retire?

Perhaps your snarc is appreciated by others. Not by me.

And who was murmuring about rounding up Muslims in America? Certainly not anyone is a position of national leadership.

At the time, concerns were real even if the likelihood was and is not. I would hope if there ever was a call to “round-up the Muslims”, you’d be one of the first to defend them, as you seem to be doing here.

I have no problem with “rounding-up” (a term generally used by Democrats when they are pandering for Hispanic votes) those like Nidal Hassan, or the Boston bombing brothers. None at all. Round them up, ship them out. End of story.

However, over the past several years, how can you not acknowledge that there is such a thing as Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bigotry out there?

According to federal government stats on hate crimes, Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bigotry is much lower than anti-Jewish bigotry. CAIR, and ISNA, has done a bang up job of convincing those like you that Islamophobia is actually a larger problem than it actually is.

The truth of the matter is that is doesn’t matter that Obama has claimed to be Christian. His “Christian” church was based on the Marxist Liberation Theology, not Islam, that is true.

And the main thrust of this post before you steer and veer it off to the peripheral issue is what again? Why yes, the myth that President Obama is Muslim. Glad you agree that he is not. That shows you are in the camp of the 57% Republicans (or are you an independent fed up with the GOP?) who live in the really real world where President Obama is a Protestant and not a practitioner of Islam?

You see, Wordsmith, I don’t even believe that Obama is a Protestant. I think he is an opportunist that would be what ever would benefit his public image. If there was street cred in being a Muslim, he would be a Muslim.

But perhaps you would like to show us how he would do things any differently if he were a Muslim?

Aside from reading the Quran, praying in the direction of Mecca 5 times a day, etc., probably nothing much different. Policy-wise, unless you believe that all presidents govern through their personal theological beliefs ( for instance, BDSers conspiratorial claim that Bush thinks God told him to invade Iraq), he’d carry out the same mainstream Democratic, progressive agenda he’s already doing.

I believe that Obama holds Marxist views. Are you saying that Marxist views are now “mainstream Democratic, progressive?”

If you believe his loyalties to Muslims if he were a Muslim would influence his presidential leadership, perhaps he’d expand the GWoT and send boots on the ground on behalf of Muslims beings slaughtered by the global jihadists and militant Islamists? Or perhaps you’re thinking he’d be the “other kind of Muslim”- the wahhabi-influenced, salafist, puritanical strain of Islam, radical, infidel-hating. Islamic extremist?

Greg, our resident radical leftist, uses the word “perhaps” a lot. I am not dealing in hypotheticals, you should not, either.

Would he have been harsher toward Israel and more insulting toward Benjamin Netanyahu?

As it relates to the post, it has nothing to do with the myth that he is a Muslim. You can find any number of Democrats (and some anti-Semites from the right) who are not fond of Israel and Jews.

Actually, I know of no “anti-Semites from the right” and would not tolerate them if I did. But the “myth” that Obama is Muslim is, in reality, fueled by his actions toward Israel. Deny that, and you are denying reality.

Would he have supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt more than he did (he completely supported the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood)?

Perhaps if he belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood as a Muslim.

Wrong, Wordsmith. You do not have to “belong” to a group to be sympathetic toward them.

Do you think ties to the Muslim Brotherhood infecting our government is exclusive to President Obama’s administration and governership?

No, and I think that was a major mistake on G. W. Bush’s part.

Would he be allowing even more than the 100,000’s of Muslim into this nation that he is already doing?

Do you believe his desire to allow for these refugees has anything to do with him being a closet stealth Muslim? Or more to do with his bleeding-heart liberalism?

Have you ever asked yourself why we are seeing an increase in Muslim refugees being allowed into the U.S. while the Christians from those war-torn nations languish in camps not being allowed entry when they are truly the ones being persecuted? If not, perhaps you should.

Would he have provided Hamas with even more money?

Well, if you think he were a Muslim, would it matter if he were Shia or Sunni? Would a president who practiced Sufi Islam also be disagreeable to you? Would you think that would influence his governance as an American?

No. And I have already told you, repeatedly, that I do not think Obama is a Muslim. I think he is nothing religious unless it is for political expediency.

Obama bows to Saudi Prince

Of course he did. But he seems to have forgotten that like our American flag which dips for no other nation, our President bows to no man, or woman. We are the greatest, freest nation in the history of mankind and our president needs to act like it.

You’re moving goal posts and missing the point of the inclusion within this post.

Nope. It is part and parcel of the whole. The “myth” you are attempting to dispel, for what reason that escapes me. Why would you go to such great lengths to defend Obama?

So while you try to dispel the theories,

I don’t have to try. It’s easier than dispelling the convoluted reasoning of 9/11 Truthers.

Who is moving the goal post now?

perhaps you would tell us how Obama would have acted toward Israel any differently, associated with Muslim Brotherhood any differently, supported radical jihadists in other nations any differently?

I see where your thinking is at; but in your desire to lay down a challenge, you seem to be setting up your own strawman and arguing with yourself.

Your opinion that you are entitled to. It doesn’t make you correct.

It doesn’t matter what he said, it matters what he does and continues to do.

His actions, however, do not make him a Muslim. Having a progressive agenda and political ideology is not one of the 5 pillars of Islam.

Are you saying that two ideals cannot be melted together? You cannot take from one, take from the other and blend them for a political ideology? That’s a bit naïve.

By not calling out the idiots in your midst, the liberal media and political opponents on the left will be more than happy to take advantage of that.

Why should I call out a man who I do not know, have never met and have a 1 in 314,000,000 chance of meeting? Am I responsible to call out every idiot that opens his mouth?

Assuming I have a responsibility to call him out (providing you can find out who he is), which I don’t, is a tactic used by the left with regularity. The left insists that all Republicans/conservatives “call out” the morons on our side of the aisle, but never their own. Why are you trying to create a trap that is purely a left wing, Saul Alinsky tactic?

I will make the argument here at FA for the sake of the Party;

Which one?


Republicans don’t defend the worst president in the history of our nation. Perhaps you should reevaluate your political loyalties. And when you start garnering compliments from left wingers on your opinions, that should be a clarion call that you are doing something wrong.

@retire05: Word wasn’t defending Obama- I believe-he was saying that “conservatives” who consider him a Muslim or question his Presidential legitimacy are hurting their own cause.

@rich wheeler:

are hurting their own cause.

If their own cause requires that they not believe that Obama only has the worst intentions for this country then their own cause is not worth having anyhow. If I have to believe that Obama is a ‘good person’ to be a Repub or conservative, then I won’t be in that ’cause’.
I fully believe that Obama’s sole intent is to do all the damage he can do to this country in his final year. And he’s off to a good start at that.

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