Mr. President, you are a goddam liar.




Barack Obama is a fundamentally dishonest man. I have stated here repeatedly that I believe him to be a sociopath– not unlike Frank Underwood in House of Cards and I am more convinced of it every time Obama speaks. His endless lying about the ACA is the stuff of legend but what really stands out is his sheer audacious mendacity. When asked if he mislead the country about the ACA, Obama said unequivocally:

“No. I did not.”

Barack Obama is a bald faced liar.  And he just can’t stop. The other night Obama appeared on the TV show of his water boy Jonathan Stewart. In the “interview” Obama blamed Congress for the IRS targeting conservative groups:

President Obama last week blamed the targeting scandal not on poor management but on “crummy” legislation he said Congress passed that gave his employees confusing instructions, and on funding cuts. He said the IRS wasn’t able to do its best work as a result.

Moreover, he called them “stupid.”

Congress has passed a crummy law that didn’t give people guidance in terms of what they were trying to do. They did it poorly and stupidly,” Mr. Obama told “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart. Stewart sat there like a liberal bobble head.

Judicial Watch now has concrete proof that the IRS tried to cover up the IRS targeting of conservatives.

In one Nov. 3, 2011, exchange between Ms. Lerner and Cindy Thomas, a program manager in the Cincinnati office that was handling the cases and was involved in a back-and-forth with Washington, the IRS admitted to having hundreds of cases stacked up and awaiting action.

Afraid of congressional pressure, Ms. Thomas ordered one of the inquiry letters to be sent, just to prevent one of the organizations being held up from complaining.

“Just today, I instructed one of my managers to get an additional information letter out to one of these organizations — if nothing else to buy time so he didn’t contact his Congressional Office,” she wrote in the email released by Judicial Watch.

Ms. Thomas said she feared a judge would get involved soon and order the IRS to move the applications more quickly.

That email exchange did confirm that IRS employees in Washington were deeply involved in making decisions about the nonprofit groups’ cases.


Thing is, the IRS long ago admitted targeting conservative groups for the 2012 election. They IRS even went on to destroy emails after they had been subpoenaed. It takes a sociopath to lie in the face of facts on television. It takes a kowtowing pathetic canker blossom like Stewart not to challenge that screamingly obvious falsehood. When you consider this list of lies, one wonders how many truths Barack Obama has ever even spoken.

Noel Williams calls Obama lies “bad faith” lies:

Obama lies are an outgrowth of what French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre called “bad faith,” in which he not only deceives others, but also himself. In essence, he is choosing to not be free, but engulfed in bad faith. Over time, the habit of lying “divorces [Obama] further and further from reality, so [he] see less and less clearly the choices before [him] and what is at stake in them. Eventually, [he] may be unable to see what [he’s] really doing and how it is affecting others.”

Detached from reality indeed.Obama lies because no one challenges him. He lies because he gets away with it. He lies because he can. He knows his supporters will believe anything he says without so much as a thought and his lapdogs in the media swallow what’s put in their mouths. Some of us won’t swallow.


Mr. President, you are a goddam liar.



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If President Obola where to tell the truth no one who would believe him!! He lied about Obolacare regarding keeping or losing Health Insurance and/or Doctor “period”. He lied about his economic recovery plan, remember shovel ready BS? He lied about Benghazi being caused by an English Speaking video vs Radical Islamic Terrorism. He lied about the evil Muslim Terrorist who murdered our soldiers in Texas and had the gall to call this workplace violence!! He demonstrates his racist tendencies as he attempts to show favoritism towards the black man. He has attempted to grant amnesty to those who enter out country illegally and he has done this for political gain. He was not and never will be qualified to be President. Now he goes on a $6 million trip to Kenya where he gives them $1 billion dollars and then he blames Republicans for lack of resources. The most evil President our country has ever seen!!

The IRS didn’t look very hard for the lost emails.

Of course, Obama knows his stupidity-addicted sycophantic minions will just nod and swoon at the sound of his voice. Thank God I am not that abysmally stupid.

@Bill: Amen Bill

You haven’t endorsed Trump—-Yet

This is a great quote:

Obama lies are an outgrowth of what French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre called “bad faith,” in which he not only deceives others, but also himself. In essence, he is choosing to not be free, but engulfed in bad faith. Over time, the habit of lying “divorces [Obama] further and further from reality, so [he] see less and less clearly the choices before [him] and what is at stake in them. Eventually, [he] may be unable to see what [he’s] really doing and how it is affecting others.”

Just two examples.
1. Obama said the ACA (ObamaCare) would help the middle class.
It hasn’t.

AAF research found that Obamacare has reduced the wages of small business workers (offices with 20-99 employees) by $22.6 billion annually and cost those small businesses 350,000 jobs.

The ACA has also led to workers’ hours being cut. As Nate Silver’s 538 site wrote this past January.

Yes, Some Companies Are Cutting Hours In Response To ‘Obamacare’

2. Obama said raising the minimum wage would help workers.
It hasn’t.
In 2013 a $1 increase in the minimum wage was associated with a 1.48 percent increase in the unemployment rate, which amounted to 747,700 jobs. States with minimum wages above the federal standard are lagging behind their counterparts by a full percentage point. The increases will lead to fewer jobs for those who need them the most.
The jobs lost from minimum wage hikes are almost entirely low-wage jobs.
The last time the federal minimum wage increased (from $5.15 to $7.25), employment among those earning less than $7.50 decreased by 8% nationally. That amounted to 1.7 million fewer jobs. As a result, average monthly income fell by $100.

@Nanny G: Would you suggest we lower the minimum wage to $5hr? Would this help? How’s your gold doing?
Do you think Obama is lying about his place of birth?

When you have nothing on your resume and zero experience lies are all you have. His loyal followers know he lies but simply don;t care. They prefer and excuse his lies but will immediately point out any perceived lie that an opponent may tell. Politics is a profession of lying. He is one of the best. Sadly the media has chosen sides and do not question him with any curiosity as they would a republican.

We seem to prefer liars and hate those that tell the truth.

@rich wheeler:
It isn’t a false dilemma, Rich.
You don’t have to even have a minimum wage.
Some states don’t.
Utah’s is very low and thus everyone has a job if he/she wants one.
The cost of living here is lower, too.
So, there is plenty of money to go around.
Some few people here still refuse to work…..they are homeless.
They literally have to try to beg right in front of Help Wanted signs!
Must be tough.

Jon stewart is one of obama’ s butt boys.

As if the political right has been completely truthful about much of anything…

Obama “lies,” and we get health coverage for millions of Americans who previously had no access to it.

Bush “lies,” and we get a body count of over 4,000 American soldiers, $6 trillion in past and future war-related costs, the collapse of Iraq as a foil against Iran, and ISIS.

@Greg: Well, Joe Wilson sure told the truth, didn’t he?

Obama lies and 6 million people LOSE their insurance. Obama lies and the insurance we are MANDATED to have gets more expensive (with less benefit) than ever before.

Meanwhile, Bush DIDN’T lie (or even “lie”) and it is a lie to say so, especially when you KNOW it to be a lie.

@Bill, #10:

Obama lies and 6 million people LOSE their insurance.

Six million policies were discontinued by insurance companies because they didn’t measure up to the minimum acceptable standards required by the Patient Protection and Affordable Car Act. That would equate not to 6 million people who were subsequently without insurance, but to 6 million people who were faced with the need to find better coverage than they had previously, in a new environment where they can not be denied the right to purchase it.

I’m sure the auto industry could sell millions of dirt cheap automobiles, if they were allowed to disregard all basic safety and quality standards in their dirt cheap products.

Meanwhile, Bush DIDN’T lie (or even “lie”) and it is a lie to say so, especially when you KNOW it to be a lie.

I suppose Cheney did much of the lying for him, if you want to get technical about it.

Bush’s “spreading mushroom cloud” imagery was a damned lie, if ever there was one. It was used to heighten the fear that was needed to sell the invasion of a nation that had not attacked us and had no capability to do so. No such threat existed, nor was there any prospect that it would at any time in the foreseeable future.

@Greg: hex
The collapse of Iraq and the rise of Isis is all Obama’s fault
The 6 trillion you quote is bs of the highest order and the cost of fixing this and yes going to war against radical Islam which will happen regardless of the lefts ass kissing will now be more expensive just like letting Hitler do his grabs cost us more than taking care of it initially
BTW name one general, military official or intelligence force that indicated Bush lied
Because ecpected results weren’t found doesn’t mean there was a lie
On the other hand their are numerous officials in this admin and intelligence and govt offices who have acknowledged purposeful lying and denial of facts by Obama and his admin
Still waiting on your comparison why your sycophantic liberal butt isn’t a communist


BTW name one general, military official or intelligence force that indicated Bush lied

Do you require some symbol of authority to tell you what is true or not, when all of the information is now out there, allowing anyone to draw a conclusion of their own?

Perhaps you would prefer that the word “lie” not be used. Instead, I suppose we could say that the Bush administration was tragically mistaken and very assertive about their wrong headedness, with highly unfortunate consequences.

Of course, you folk do seem to like to throw around the words “lie” and “liar” a lot, at least in connection with other people. That tends to set the tone of the debate.

Name the evidence hmmm
Our intelligence along with British,French,German and others all supported this claim during the prewar days
But Greg needs to judge Bush even though myriads of others supported these same findings because that’s his little left wing sycophantic talking point
You can say he was in error the intelligence was bad but the only one with actual proof he lied is Barak, Hillary and this admin


BushObama “lies,” and we get a body count of over 4,000 2,000 American soldiers, their flag draped caskets ignored by the lame stream press, $6 trillion in past and future war-related costs the national debt almost doubled from the $10,656 trillion it was when Bush left office and in less than 7 years and the collapse of Iraq as a foil against Iran, and ISIS.

There fixed it for you, Greggie Goebbels.


Six million policies were discontinued by insurance companies because they didn’t measure up to the minimum acceptable standards required by the Patient Protection and Affordable Car Act. That would equate not to 6 million people who were subsequently without insurance, but to 6 million people who were faced with the need to find better coverage than they had previously, in a new environment where they can not be denied the right to purchase it.

Exactly what part of “If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. PERIOD.” did you have the most trouble understanding? 6 MILLION PEOPLE that had doctors and policies they liked had the rug pulled out from under them. Many had ongoing treatments with doctors they not only liked but NEEDED. But, you don’t care; you don’t care if Obama lied, you don’t care if elderly people had their policies cancelled because they didn’t have the newly-required maternity coverage. 6 million people got F***ED by this awful law and all people like you can do is lie about the lies.

OK, 6 million were screwed out of their insurance… how many were counted as having GOTTEN insurance? 8 million? You think that is a success? What am I saying… you voted for Obama… TWICE. Of COURSE you call that success.

I suppose Cheney did much of the lying for him, if you want to get technical about it.

Why don’t you provide those lies, then? You seem to revel in your ignorance, even though you have been shown the vast number of high-ranking Democrats (including Bill and Hillary, Kerry and Gore) that were ringing the alarm bells on Iraq’s WMD and nuclear threats long before Bush and 9/11. Did they lie?

As you complain about the lives and treasure lost, do you complain about how, after the fight was won, Obama simply threw it all away and allowed a MUCH WORSE condition to grow? No, you don’t. There you cling to more lies.

Stop forcing yourself to be so stupid for one cannot become so stupid without great effort. I am not being needlessly rude; it’s simply that you have been shown , BY MYSELF, for one, the facts and truth of the matter and yet you cling to Media Matters-type worthless lies.


You have to understand; Greggie Goebbels is willfully stupid. He knows the truth, but he is so indoctrinated in the progressive talking points that he comes here, day after day, to play the part of the Obama sycophant and useful idiot.

You see, Greggie Goebbels has bought into the Socialist utopia dream hook, line and sinker. As I told him before, he would have made an ideal Nazi.

Lois Lerner was appointed to her post to oversee those not for profits that were supposed to be apolitical by George Bush
Dr j always seems to neglect mentioning that

@Bill, #16:

6 MILLION PEOPLE that had doctors and policies they liked had the rug pulled out from under them.

How many of those were unable to replace their sub-standard policies with better coverage? Got a number for that?

The improvements that have resulted from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act greatly outweigh the problems involved in making the transition. On the whole, Americans are better off with respect to healthcare access after than before. Republicans aren’t going to repeal it because they realize that would immediately become apparent. They’re going to talk about doing so, however, for however long there’s negative energy to be harnessed and votes to be had from keeping the “issue” alive.

I prefer people in government who actually accomplish positive things for the nation to those who only appeal to public anger and fantasies while doing absolutely nothing.

ACA basically put more people on Medicaid which is shown to provide same benefit as those with no coverage
Throw in the fact cost went up and coverage was reduced for everyone else and it’s more Greg BS
How compassionate you little Marxist
Still waiting on that comparison by the way


It’d be great if you could stop with the “Bush lied” assertions. Word has done a fabulous job of putting the lie to them.



He also appointed John Roberts.

Can’t all be home runs.


As you have been told multiple times, Bush did not lie about Iraq, no matter how much you leftists continue to cling to the delusion. Democrats like Hillary and Kerry saw the same intelligence that Bush saw, and voted to go to war. Iraq collapsed AFTER Obama stupidly pulled our troops out prematurely.

The over 20-30 videos of Obama lying about keeping your doctor and your insurance, as well as the lies about decreasing medical insurance costs, stating that obamacare was not a tax (then arguing in court it was legal as a tax) , then compounding his dishonesty with the lie that obamacare subsidies were never meant to be limited to those states that set up their own exchanges, despite at least 3 videos of the architect Gruber specifically stating that states which did not set up exchanges would be ineligible for federal subsidies, is glaring evidence of Obama’s lying.

@Matt, #20:

ACA basically put more people on Medicaid which is shown to provide same benefit as those with no coverage.

Got a reference demonstrating that having Medicaid eligibility provides the same benefit as having no coverage at all?

I’m very curious how anyone would come to such a totally absurd conclusion.

@Pete, #23:

Democrats like Hillary and Kerry saw the same intelligence that Bush saw, and voted to go to war.

They saw the cherry-picked intelligence that the Bush administration wanted them to see. They did not see the intelligence and evaluations that had been rejected because it didn’t support the desired conclusions, or that called into question the information and sources that did.

Did the Bush administration mislead the country during the runup to the Iraq war?


How many of those were unable to replace their sub-standard policies with better coverage? Got a number for that?

No, do YOU? However, that isn’t the point. There are MANY instances of people that lost their insurance that had what they wanted.. what the NEEDED. Obama PROMISED these people they would NOT lose their insurance. You like liars. You like that Obama lied.

They saw the cherry-picked intelligence that the Bush administration wanted them to see. They did not see the intelligence and evaluations that had been rejected because it didn’t support the desired conclusions.

GODDAMN you are a stupid f***ing MORON! How many times do you need to be TOLD?!? They supported the intelligence years BEFORE Bush became President. Who was cherry-picking THEN, you IDIOT?

I sincerely apologize for the names but, DAMN, are you TRYING to prove how dense you can be? SHEESH!!

Yep all them Clinton appointees in via just rolled for Bush
Just more BS to make. Case without evidence
Just like Michael Brown… The left is great for trial by mob rule and the evidence be damned

Just search Medicaid vs no insurance
The number of hits will make your head spin
Every one knows it only the left denies it
Absurd is the total devotion in your unmitigated sycophancy to the Marxist in chief


GODDAMN you are a stupid f***ing MORON! How many times do you need to be TOLD?!? They supported the intelligence years BEFORE Bush became President. Who was cherry-picking THEN, you IDIOT?

I sincerely apologize for the names but, DAMN, are you TRYING to prove how dense you can be? SHEESH!!

No need to apologize for telling the truth. Ignore his stupid ass posts and keep your blood pressure down.

I’m afraid I don’t automatically believe what I am told to believe, no matter who is doing the telling.


I’m afraid I don’t automatically believe what I am told to believe, no matter who is doing the telling.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROTFLMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ACA – Obama and this abysmal Administration DID screw the Middle Class.
MANY MANY Companies decided to stop providing healthcare packages for their Employees. Employees are now paying 4 to 5 times as much for COVERAGE —- WITHOUT A PAY INCREASE to PUT ANY KIND OF BALANCE ON That ACA TAX !?!

REMEMBER—Many AMERICANS WERE JUST GETTING BY with their NORMAL BILLS – Rent, Mortgages, Electric, Heat, Car Insurance, Water, GAS, Phone, FOOD….Then they have to cough up an EXTRA 600-2500 a Month for TAXED MANDATORY HEALTH INSURANCE – All these F**king people in Washington DC are insane…DEMOCRAT A**Hats care about NO ONE but their pathetic Feel Good moments that are a dismal burden for others.

How the F**K can a Person DEFEND THE LIES BEHIND THE HORROR foisted on the American Middle Class??

If what you are saying is actually true of employee health insurance—that people are actually paying 4 to 5 times as much as before—republicans should have no difficulty whatsoever winning the 2016 election.

I’m guessing it’s b.s. for the simple reason that no one I know has told me that this has happened. The only place it seems to be happening is in the conservative media.

4-5 is wrong but
My parents are paying about 360$ extra every month for their supplemental Medicare coverage after Obama care enacted plus their prescription copay a went up
My Union healthcare plan went from 10 to 20 dollar copay on prescriptions
Copay a on doctor visits just about doubled as did liability
For deductibles went from 1500 to 2500$
Polls show 60-65% want the ACA replaced or repealed and little Greg the Marxist thinks it’s a success


I’m afraid I don’t automatically believe what I am told to believe, no matter who is doing the telling.

Yeah, you do….


You’ve never offered an original thought outside of the liberal canon.

Again, who do you work/volunteer for? The DNC, in some way. I’m convinced. You can’t be that wrong and that stupid, pounding away at things already proven false without a) being paid to do it, or b) being a “true believer”.

And the “conservative” media…yeah, that’s the issue in the this country…all those damn conservatives who own the networks and all those conservative actors/celebrities. You’re swimming in a sea of the opposing view, aren’t you?

Balance, and freedom of thought, can be a bitch for the true believer/paid lapdog. Tell your handlers that you are reinforcing the right-wing agenda rather than combating it. You’re just noise, at this point…idiot.

Is anyone left who hasn’t fired off a personal insult?



ACA was never about health care. It is a massive redistribution of wealth. Second, you keep missing the fact coverage isn’t care.



@drjohn: Being forced to buy insurance that you can only afford if it has a deductible so high you could never use it isn’t coverage or care; it’s a penalty.

But, HOORAY!! We signed up a bunch of people!!

@Greg: Most civil people like Word and Aqua have left—can’t blame them.
It’s gotten so bad that Dr. J is civil by comparison lol


If what you are saying is actually true of employee health insurance—that people are actually paying 4 to 5 times as much as before—republicans should have no difficulty whatsoever winning the 2016 election.

I’m guessing it’s b.s. for the simple reason that no one I know has told me that this has happened. The only place it seems to be happening is in the conservative media.

You are a liar. I told you about the loss of health insurance by ATT retirees right here on this website. You blew it off when you had no rebuttal to actual happenings. The best you can do is blather left wing platitudes acting like you really have a genuine thought in your head.

So for your benefit, here it is again:

In January, 2015, due to the ACA, every ATT retiree that reached 65 lost COMPLETELY, their supplemental health insurance that paid what Medicare does not pay. They also lost their vision care, prescription care as well as dental care insurance policies. A benefit that had been negotiated through collective bargaining over a course of 40 years. (We know how you left wingers are big on collective bargaining.)

Now those retirees have to purchase supplemental insurance. The costs are approximately (depending on age) $150.00 a month for supplemental health insurance, $30 a month for prescription drug coverage, $40 a month for dental care insurance and $25 a month for vision care insurance. The older the retiree, the higher the premiums are.

On top of that, every current ATT employee now pays for their health, Rx, vision and dental insurance. But I’m sure they think it’s a bargain since 50 year old men now have maternity coverage and women now have coverage against prostrate cancer.

So although all of those benefits were gained through collective bargaining, which you on the left strongly support, the Democrats said not one word when the employees, and retirees, of companies lost their health insurance or saw huge increases in premiums that had once cost them nothing. Insurance coverage was a trade off for lower wages that employees negotiated. So much for collective bargaining being a benefit when the Democrats can just wipe it out.

3M retirees also lost their health insurance. What was once given to them at no cost, now costs them $800.00 a month with a $12,000 deductible. So they have to spend at $21,600 in medical expenses before one damn dime is reimbursed to them.

But look at the bright side; useless young adults, now considered children until age 25, can mooch off their parent’s health insurance. Obama wanted to make sure that all those young adults that can’t find jobs of their own due to his pathetic fiscal policies could have health insurance through their parents who are hopefully still employed.

So you are just a blatant liar. I told you of the ramifications of the ACA before and either you suffer from memory loss or decided not to acknowledge it because it doesn’t meet with your talking points.

Is anyone left who hasn’t fired off a personal insult?

When a useful idiot continues to be a useful idiot, in spite of being shown the error in their thinking, not much else is left to do.

@Rich Wheeler:

Most civil people like Word and Aqua have left—can’t blame them.
It’s gotten so bad that Dr. J is civil by comparison

Actually, Word and Aqua still post occasionally. Aqua just posted a comment this morning. Just because you find comity with what they say doesn’t mean that others do. And when a strong left winger like yourself agrees with someone, that should send up a big red flag to all conservatives.

@Rich Wheeler: I have had good debates here with those who veer left like you, Larry, and even Tom and have even found some common ground. In person, we would probably get along quite well. In person I’d listen to Greg’s whiny, get in your face, know-it-all nonsense for all of a few minutes and our encounter would end very abruptly. In particular, his put downs of various Vets’ service who don’t agree with him would draw a very aggressive response. I’ve told liberal friends about some of the things he has written about on FA and even they shake their heads in disbelief.

@another vet: I definitely put you in the civil category with Skook.Wish the hell Aye Chi would return.

As fire breathing 05 points out—people like Word are berated when they have civil discourse and reach some agreement with

@rich wheeler:

As fire breathing 05 points out—people like Word are berated when they have civil discourse and reach some agreement with me.

Fire breathing? That’s what you call dissent when someone doesn’t agree with you and points out that you are a far left winger who supports sodomy and the killing of babies? Oh, I know, you claim you are against abortion, but when pinned down about supporting the Right To Life movement, you are persona non gratis. How typical of you, a left winger, to use “fire breathing” (not meant to be a compliment) because I take no crap from you.

I absolutely love honest debate. But that horse left the gate a long time ago when it comes to you progressives. Division, derision and pejoratives are all the left has. So…………’s time to give the left a dose of their own medicine.

You want honest rational debate from me? Start answering the questions posed to you and answer them honestly. So far, you have failed on that standard.

@retire05, #41:

You are a liar. I told you about the loss of health insurance by ATT retirees right here on this website.

It’s easy to call someone a liar when you don’t want to deal with the truth. If you don’t want to hear more of it, you should probably stop reading now.

ATT’s cancellation of their prior health insurance plan for employees and retirees had little or nothing to do with Obamacare. This was actually a result of their shift from a traditional employee insurance program to a Health Reimbursement Arrangement model. HRAs have been widely adopted as a cost cutting measure in response to over three decades of rapidly rising healthcare and health insurance costs. While the trend was established long before Obamacare was part of the picture, HRAs have been a largely overlooked part of corporate America’s systematic elimination of employee and retiree benefits. Defaults on and the elimination of employer sponsored defined benefit pension plans through the clever use of corporate bankruptcies and buy outs have gotten a lot more attention, though even that has been too little.

You love to blame anything and everything on Obama and the Democratic Party—this in particular, since it’s personal. The truth of the matter is that republicans have done far more to facilitate the erosion of employee and retiree benefits than democrats. The reason should be simple enough to figure out: Shifting such responsibilities onto the worker or retiree increases corporate profit margins. From the republican perspective, it’s good for business.

Of course there has been no corresponding rise in wages over the same decades to make it easier for the individual worker to take over those responsibilities. Real wages have remained stagnant or in some cases have actually decreased. The concessions workers get when such changes occur are generally confined to tax break schemes to partially offset their new costs. The tax breaks translate into increased federal deficits and more rapidly rising federal debt which can then be blamed on government. The imbalance between revenue and expenses is further exacerbated by the fact that the government ultimately inherits responsibility for corporate pension defaults, and is also expected to provide senior access to medical care.


It’s easy to call someone a liar when you don’t want to deal with the truth.

You wouldn’t know the truth if it was tattooed on your forearm. You are nothing more than a mouthpiece for OFA.

Now, did you retire from ATT? If not, then shut your stupid mouth. Yes, there is a HSA that totals $4,200 per couple. How does that $4,200 off set the $6-700.00 a month ($7,200-$8,400.00 a year) that couple now has to pay for supplemental insurance when before 1/1/2015 that supplemental insurance cost them nothing? They are still upwards of $4,200.00 a year in the hole.

You’re so damn stupid, Greggie Goebbels. You think you are so much smarter than the rest of the tacks. You’re not. Just another useful idiot for the radical left. But you do serve one purpose; you allow others to see just how bad left wingers really are.

I guess you think providing 65 year old women with prostrate cancer coverage and 65 year old men with maternity coverage is a smart thing.

@retire05, #47:

Now, did you retire from ATT? If not, then shut your stupid mouth.

I’m not denying or diminishing the damage that was done to you. What I’m saying is that the damage wasn’t done by or because of the Affordable Care Act. That’s the claim that you’re making.

People are making a lot of highly misleading claims about the Affordable Care Act. Does anyone honestly expect those who support the legislation to simply ignore them?

I guess you think providing 65 year old women with prostrate cancer coverage and 65 year old men with maternity coverage is a smart thing.

Yes, I do, because it’s a consequence of spreading insurance risks in general over the largest possible insured population to bring average costs down.

It would probably be cheaper for one-legged persons if shoes were manufactured and sold individually, rather than as pairs. That doesn’t mean it’s the most efficient and inexpensive model for producing and selling shoes to the general population, however.


I’m not denying or diminishing the damage that was done to you. What I’m saying is that the damage wasn’t done by or because of the Affordable Care Act. That’s the claim that you’re making.

Of course it was. Prior to the Marxists that passed the AACA, I had health insurance that was designed for me, not some one-size fits all crap.

People are making a lot of highly misleading claims about the Affordable Care Act.

:Like what? Like the fact that Obama, if he has a clue, knew that people would not be able to keep their insurance, or their doctors? Or that families would see a reduction in premiums, which was another lie put out by the left? Be specific.

Yes, I do, because it’s a consequence of spreading insurance risks in general over the largest possible insured population to bring average costs down.

Why should I be forced into higher premiums so that some useless 25 year old can live in his parents basement and leech off their health insurance? If he wants health insurance, let him find a job (I know, good luck with that while Obama’s still in office) and buy his own. And why should families get better rates off the backs of seniors who have already raised their kids.

I drive a F-350 diesel. I think anyone who drives a Prius should be required to pay higher premiums and I should pay lower premiums. Just because their vehicle is worth half what mine is, why should I be punished? That’s your Marxist way, isn’t it?

@retire05, #49:

Of course it was. Prior to the Marxists that passed the AACA, I had health insurance that was designed for me, not some one-size fits all crap.

Your insurance changed because ATT is boosting corporate profits by cutting costs. They’ve done that by switching to a Health Reimbursement Arrangement, as increasing numbers of corporations were doing years before the Affordable Care Act even existed.

HRAs are not a creation of the Affordable Care Act. Nor is the fact that corporations will readily increase profit margins at the expense of current employees and retirees whenever the opportunity presents itself. That has also been going on for years. Anyone who can’t see this obvious fact has got to be blind. It’s all about increasing the profits, by whatever means are available. That’s the reason corporate profits went through the roof and remained at record-high levels quarter after quarter while everyone else was in the grips of the worst recession since the Great Depression.

What the Affordable Care Act has provided is convenient cover. It’s something to which blame can be shifted. Blame-shifting is central to continuation of the entire shakedown scam. The next target of opportunity? Probably Social Security contributions, which can be shifted into the private sector. We can all become millionaires in the stock market! The value of shares will skyrocket! Everybody will be a winner! Never mind that the only way to make up lost program revenue would be to shift funding to general revenue and run up more debt even faster, or to drastically cut benefits, or both. The blame for that can always be shifted to democrats for setting up an unsustainable socialist program to begin with.