Yeah, We Hate Obama, But Not For The Reason Chris Matthews Suggests (Guest Post)


Chris Matthews of NBC News at the NBC All-Star party in Beverly Hills

For once I agree with what Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC’s Hardball, said. Matthews said that the Republicans “hate” Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama.

You remember Chris Matthews. He said in March 2008, that “I Felt This Thrill Going Up My Leg” as Obama spoke.

Fuming over what he said was insufficient outrage at Rudy Giuliani’s assertion that Obama doesn’t “love America,” Matthews said Republicans are “haters” seven times. Matthews said:

You want to know about that fight among Republicans running for President is all about? … It’s about who can hate President Obama the most. I will finish with the contest of hate that is going on among Republican candidates for president. Who can hate Obama the most?

Yes, we conservatives (and Republicans) hate Obama. But I don’t agree with WHY Matthews said we hate.

On October 30, 2008, Obama said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” That is the ONLY campaign promise he has kept. How has he transformed America? Here are just SOME of the reasons why we hate Obama.

  • Pay their fair share of Taxes – Obama, in an effort to play the class card, has said many times that “the rich don’t pay their fair share” of taxes. That the assertion is untrue makes us hate him. Obama said in 2012 that, “Those who have done well, including me, should pay our fair share in taxes to contribute to the nation that made our success possible. We shouldn’t get a better deal than ordinary families…[.]” Well, in 2012, the top five percent of income earners paid a majority (59%) of federal income taxes. The top 1% of income earners paid 38% of federal income taxes. The bottom half of income earners paid only 3% of federal income taxes. Concerning the deal, the tax rate for the 1% was 23%, over seven times higher than the effective rate of 3% paid by the bottom half of income earners. Finally, the top half of income earners paid 97% of all federal income taxes in 2012. Bottom line: Obama is a liar. That’s why we hate him.
  • Foreign Policy – Where to begin? Failures are literally world-wide. al Qeada, ISIS, Iran, leading from behind, strategic patience, Benghazi, the failed reset with Russia, withdrawal from Iraq, confusion in Afghanistan, red line in the sand in Lybia, peace feelers to Nicaragua, Cuba, and Venezuela. And what does Obama do? Lie, as with the Benghazi mess, say that his policies are successful, as in Yemen, and hold summits that tell us that Islam, his religion of peace, has been hijacked by extremists, and that WE are at fault because we didn’t provide jobs for the extremists. Protect us from terrorists? Nooooooooooo, all he does is tell us that terrorists don’t exist because HE killed them all. That’s why we hate him.
  • Apology tour – How can we ever forget Obama’s apology tour in 2009? He went through Europe and Africa apologizing for America, notably in Berlin and Cairo. In Paris, Obama told the French that America “has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive” toward Europe. In Prague, he said America has “a moral responsibility to act” on arms control because only the US had “used a nuclear weapon.” That’s why we hate him.
  • America Not Exceptional – And who can forget his comment about American Exceptionalism? He said that America is exceptional in the same way that “the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks in Greek exceptionalism.” That was Obama’s way of saying, “No.” That’s why we hate him.
  • Wreck the Economy – The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (the stimulus) was an $830 billion spending blowout sold by Obama as a way to keep unemployment from rising above 8 percent. But the stimulus failed. 2009 marked the first of four straight years when unemployment averaged more than 8%. The unemployment rate would have been even worse, would still be above 8% if so many people had not quit the labor force, driving labor-participation rates to 1970s levels. Meanwhile, Obama expanded the Welfare roll by 41%. That’s why we hate him.
  • Cut deficit in Half – Obama promised, while campaigning, to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. He didn’t even come close. He has, instead, increased the national debt to over $17 billion. That’s why we hate him.
  • Green energy fiasco, refuse to put hand over heart when National Anthem played, DOJ and IRS scandals, illegal immigration, fossil energy, gun control, rule by executive fiat, “my way or the highway” politics, race relations, Internet Neutrality, the list is long and getting longer. That’s why we hate him.

Obama fundamentally changed America to look like he wanted it, Matthews. That’s why we hate him.

And I don’t remember Matthews being outraged when Obama said, in 2008, that George W. Bush was unpatriotic. Matthews gave Obama a pass for that remark.

Further, on January 21, 2009, Matthews said, “Does Rush Limbaugh hate this country?” And to think that Matthews used to guest host on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show.

Cross posted at The Pot Stirrer

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@retire05, #50:

I’m smart enough to read through the transcript of Netanyahu’s speech and understand that he didn’t actually say anything. That’s a point you seem to have somehow missed.

Netanyahu offered no specifics whatsoever concerning his hypothetical non-military alternative to current negotiations.

That being the case, anyone who’s determined to scuttle the Obama Administration’s efforts had better start thinking about the specific details and enormous risks and costs of war with Iran. That’s what they’re actually advocating. The choices aren’t really between this negotiation, or some other negotiation, or war. That thing in the middle is imaginary.


I’m smart enough to read through the transcript of Netanyahu’s speech and understand that he didn’t actually say anything. That seems to be more than can be said for yourself.

You didn’t see what you didn’t want to see. Netanyahu was quite specific, had you bothered to pay attention to what he was saying. But your job is to parrot the talking points of the left, and you don’t even do that very well.

Netanyahu was also asked by the Obama administration to not reveal any of the negotiating points. So he honored that request, showing more respect toward Obama, and his corrupt administration, than they showed him. But he did say, this deal being made by the Obama administration is a BAD deal. That is all he was at liberty to say.

Netanyahu offered no specifics whatsoever concerning his hypothetical non-military alternative to current negotiations.

What specifics did you want? How about we shut off the oil in Iran? Crunch them so hard they are screaming “uncle.” Put pressure on Spain, Italy and other nations to stop buying oil from Iran and buy it from us. Oh, wait, Obama doesn’t want us to drill for our own oil, even when not doing so threatens our national security.

That being the case, anyone who’s determined to scuttle the Obama Administration’s efforts had better start thinking about the specific details and enormous risks and costs of war with Iran. That’s what they’re actually advocating.

War, again, with radical Islamists is inevitable, Gullible Greggie. While you may want to live on your knees, most of us don’t. You only show how little you know (no surprise there) about the nature of our enemy. But then, you are a typical liberal.

And while you’re at it, tell me how you know what the Obama administration’s “efforts” entail since the terms of the deal he is trying to cut with Iran are so top secret he won’t even share it with Congress.

Not only are you an idiot, you’re a pathetic excuse for an American.

@retire05, #52:

You didn’t see what you didn’t want to see. Netanyahu was quite specific, had you bothered to pay attention to what he was saying.

Quite specific? You’re imagining things. I went over the word-for-word transcription of his speech a couple of times and couldn’t find anything specific. Of course, lack of any specifics is the hallmark of Republican policy these days, so they’ve probably found just the guy to make their case.

Republicans have become purely reactionary, and their reactions have become totally predictable. That’s what would make them extraordinarily dangerous if they controlled the Executive Branch, in addition the the rubber room they’ve turned Congress into. America’s opponents could play them like a badly tuned fiddle. They’d be every aspiring asymmetrical warfare practitioner’s dream come true. They’d be easily lured into one catastrophic response and disastrous miscalculation after another, until our ability to respond was totally depleted.

Not only are you an idiot, you’re a pathetic excuse for an American.

You’re obviously not qualified make a pronouncement on either point.

Secondly, he DID offer some specifics; we should demand Iran remove their centrifuges (so as to eliminate their capabilities for cheating and breaking out with a weapon) and there should be NO 10 year sunset clause.

Third, he had been threatened by the White House that if he revealed any details of the deal, there would be penalties (we now live in an age where only our “friends” fear us because they doubt how reliable a friendship it actually is. Meanwhile, our enemies laugh in our faces) if he revealed any of the details of the deal that were not already revealed. So, one cannot blame Netanyahu for not being any more specific than he was; he honored the demands of Obama.

Fourth, it has been revealed that Netanyahu had a VERY specific plan… to bomb the facilities in Iran…. but Obama threatened to shoot down his planes (again, more than he does to our sworn enemies).

“Republicans have become purely reactionary” REPUBLICANS have become reactionary? How about this administration that NEVER foresees problems (even with specific warnings, such as Benghazi and pulling out of Iraq) and does nothing BUT react… and react poorly.

Let me know when you want to finally take up the Soros issue.


Quite specific? You’re imagining things. I went over the word-for-word transcription of his speech a couple of times and couldn’t find anything specific.

It’s not my fault you have a reading comprehension disorder.

Republicans are reactionary? Really? You really want to go there? With the most reactionary administration this nation has ever known currently in office? Not to mention the most inept administration this nation has ever known?

Of course I am qualified to say you are an idiot. Your posts prove that. As to your being a pathetic American? You betcha, bubba. You are a Marxist and I have the First Amendment to back me up. All you are qualified to do is parrot the far left’s talking points. I doubt an original thought has ever entered your head, since I can go to any left wing internet site and read the same pablum you spew here.

I met a crazy lady much like you in a bus station years ago. She was ranting about some global conspiracy involving Queen Elizabeth and the House of Windsor.

@Greg: Was her name Soros? Oh, you’d rather not talk about that, would you?

Why do you want to talk about Soros? As with the Koch brothers, it’s not like information isn’t readily available to anyone who cares to look for it. He’s enormously wealthy. His wealth empowers him, and allows him to provide a lot of support to causes he personally favors, and to be a major annoyance to those he strongly disagrees with.

The equating of money with political influence seems to be a state of affairs that most people on the right generally approve of. I myself generally don’t approve. I would like to see money taken out of the political equation to the greatest extent possible.


Why do you want to talk about Soros?

It looks like you don’t get it, but I believe you just PRETEND to not get it.

I don’t want to talk about Soros; he is a disgusting and repulsive excuse for a human being and should have died a long time ago. I want YOU to talk about Soros. I want those who whine and moan about wealthy people exerting influence over politicians, those who also blindly support Obama and anything he chooses to do or say, to explain how they can worry about such influence when they just look the other what when a corrupt anti-capitalist, socialist, money-grubber exerts SO MUCH influence over Obama. That’s what I want, Greg.

The Koch’s, for instance, are industrialists. They employ tens of thousands of AMERICANS and for obvious reasons supports capitalism and free enterprise. However, Soros supports socialism and the collapse of capitalism and the US currency. Tell me, Greg, why this evades your criticism.

Know this is six weeks late but don’t let an unthinking mass of flesh like Greg get under your skin. He isn’t capable of thinking for himself so as you stated to him so eloquently before ,”you are a parrot for the left”. Know that there are millions of conservatives that know the truth and stand beside you unlike the leftys who run and hide a the first sign of a good fight. God bless and stay strong.