The Anus of the democrat party



Political parties are metaphorically like people in an anatomic sense. The democrat party is no exception. It has a head- Barack Obama. Unfortunately, there is no brain. It has a heart- Karl Marx. It has a bad digestive system- Pelosi and Reid. And it has an anus.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

DWS is the brassy loudmouth from Queens who now lives in Florida. All kinds of sh*t comes out of her mouth. To wit:

You can’t fix stupid (from Jeff Dunetz)

She laid the blame for Gabby Giffords shooting on the Tea Party.

Her daughter is a distraction from her job as flack:

When I was in Florida, Wasserman Schultz welcomed Romney to the GOP primary there by declaring on a conference call that his candidacy was “cratering”—a call she made from the sidelines of Shelby’s soccer game.

For more of Debbie’s idiocy, go here.

Anderson Cooper described her as being “in an alternate universe.”

More than once.

At No Quarter, Larry Johnson had this to say about Debbie Dipstick:

My GOD! Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the reason that blonde jokes are so popular. When she opens her yap, a screeching siren should ignite a warning to all within earshot that sounds of incredible ignorance will soon rattle their eardrums.

She is a cretin- the perfect mouthpiece for the democrat party.

Yesterday she added to her fecal resume:

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz invoked strong language Wednesday to attack Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on women’s issues, saying the Republican “has given women the back of his hand.”
“Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality,” Wasserman Schultz said at a round-table discussion in Milwaukee, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

As if that libel wasn’t enough, she added slander:

“What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch,” Wasserman Schultz said.

So what was it Scott Walker did to cause this Wasserman-Schultz oral diarrhea? He opposed a minimum wage increase and opposed a bill that would have enriched plaintiff’s attorneys.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is an a**hole. Her blatant dishonesty not makes blondes look like stereotypical idiots, she makes all democrat women look like morons. No one who puts stock in a single word she utters should be allowed to vote.

You can put lipstick on an anus, but it’s still an anus. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality.

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Debby Dip-Shit is the mould stuff that comes out of the Anus. Filled with fly larvae and fuzzy with mold. Now that we’ve covered her good points, she’s the brighter of the Leftists. Officially scary.

She is just as ugly on the inside.

Does anyone in their right mind listen to this garbage. She always tries to put down women so that we will turn to her. Such a vile woman but that is one of Obama’s minions………..

Dr j who do you see as the head of the GOP?
And she slanders and libels ??? Really ??


Keep up, John. The SUBJECT of this discussion is Debbie Wasserman-Schultz; you know, the lying, loudmouthed, stupid Bitch representing some of the dumbest, laziest Floridians in existence? The only crazier, dumber female member of Congress is Nancy Pelosi, and both of them are structured on the excremental end of the Democrat party.

Now, did you have a comment on DWS, or are you just another paid Troll? What, they don’t pay you? Idiot.

Her own words make a better case against her than any amount of calling her names:

“In two previous gentlemen’s statements on the amendment, both of them referred to the Affordable Care Act as ‘ObamaCare.’ That is a disparaging reference to the President of the United States. … It is clearly in violation of House rules against that.”

“We must expose the stark difference between the Democrats fighting for the middle class and Republicans fighting for the elite and the ultra-wealthy.”

“The effects of global warming threaten global environmental upheaval over the coming century. But for South Florida and the Everglades, it could be our death knell if urgent action is not taken.”

We’ve seen this whenever a Dem is an a completely safe district.
Waxman did it.
Maxine Waters did it.
Pelosi did it.
Reid did it.

In DWS case her real crime was belittling the very real hurt of domestic violence by a bad analogy.
In no way did Gov Walker hurt any women that could be even distantly related to physical violence.
By keeping the minimum wage lower more people can ENTER the workforce.
IF you work more than 6 months at minimum wage either you lack ability, incentive or good work habits.
Women are no more ”hurt” by that than anyone.
The government cannot make bad workers get great pay.
What a high min wage does is get marginal workers FIRED.

PS, here in Utah, low minimum wage, we have Help Wanted signs everywhere.
We have total employment (under 5% unemployed) even including the marginally unemployable people with various birth defects.

I beg to differ w/ the author: Karl Marx is the Democratic Party’s brain, not its heart. All of their thinking comes from his perspective & worldview.

The Dem Party has SEVERAL hearts — George Soros, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, Tom Steyer, Mike Bloomberg……they pump the blood ($) that keeps the Democratic Machine going.

Ever notice you never see her and Alan Grayson together? I wonder….


“Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality,”

“What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch,” Wasserman Schultz said.

Ever hear liberals complaining about conservatives invoking violent images to make points? Apparently, it is just A-OK when a liberal female idiot does it.

“We must expose the stark difference between the Democrats fighting for the middle class and Republicans fighting for the elite and the ultra-wealthy.”

Bingo! I think I understand why republicans are afraid of this woman.

@Greg: You “think” you understand? Are you sitting on a toilet?


Where you been, buddy?

Reading, just not commenting as much. Helps my blood pressure.

Fear her? Now that’s almost as funny as the woman herself.

The only thing I fear in regard to Wasserman is that some Muslim will harm her due to the fact that she’s Jewish.

This silly little bait fish doesn’t have the brains to understand that she’s swimming with sharks…

@Greg: Bingo.

Most Dems in Washington are part of the ultra wealthy.

Start with Kerry, Pelosi, Warner and on it goes.

@Mully, #14:

Most Dems in Washington are part of the ultra wealthy.

Roll Call reveals the richest member of Congress to be Darrell Issa, having a net worth of $355 million. The richest democratic member is Mark Warner, worth around $96.3 million. The ultra wealthy represent a more elevated category. The United States is home to around 492 billionaires They make the richest members of Congress look like a bunch of pikers.

As of 2013, Debbie Wasserman Shultz had a net worth of minus $1.04 million. She owes that much more than the total value of her assets. Pelosi is worth around $28 million.


“We must expose the stark difference between the Democrats fighting for the middle class and Republicans fighting for the elite and the ultra-wealthy.”

Under Obama and the Democrats, middle class has lost in wages about $20,000 a year. Under Obama and the Democrats, poverty has risen, wages have dropped and the scary, horrible “income gap” has widened, a direct result of the means Obama has utilized in order to pretend his policies are not completely tanking the economy. Under Obama and the Democrats, good jobs died and were replaced with poorly paying or part time jobs. Under Obama and the Democrats, health care is more scarce and expensive yet less effective. Under Obama and the Democrats race relations have tanked.

Please, Democrats; don’t fight for us any more.

@Greg: Even the liberals are trying to rein her in! As usual, Greg, you do not have a clue. You only have the Obama talking points. By the way, do you get them on email every morning? Is that what determines when you start showing you lack of reasoning on FA?

It’s unfortunate that intelligence can’t be redistributed.


It’s unfortunate that intelligence can’t be redistributed.

Yes, it is. For if given the option, we would certainly redistribute some intelligence to you.

@ThunderGod: He must have his panties in a bunch after spending the afternoon protesting against McDonalds before going inside for a dinner burger!

@Randy: He just follows his Twitter Feed of talking points.

@Greg: Issa: Not bad for a guy starting out in his garage since you obviously prefer the ketchup variety?

DWS IS a LOUD and not very truthful – say anything for political points no matter how totally stupid/ignorant – she is a stooge and nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Communist Left.

We have ISIS/ISIL/CAIR and the rest of these savage thugs threatening the United States of America, the CITIZENS of the United States of America – KILLING – American Citizens abroad in (ME) and in the most brutal and savage way, killing Christians, Jews, Hindus and various other religious peoples, and even their OWN… and THIS is what is on the MEME MENU today??

This is what is most important TODAY, TOMORROW and the NEXT DAY after? Seriously??

She looks like she’s stoned in the picture too…I wouldn’t doubt it…

@Bill #16 – Thank You!! I was thinking that same thing and could not have said it better myself!


Please, Democrats; don’t fight for us any more.

@Marine72 #20 – That was good! LOL

@Bill, #16:

I think it’s kind of pathetic that the republican base can’t figure out who has actually done this to them; who it was that benefited from exporting over 10 million American jobs overseas; who it was that provided tax incentives for doing so, and continues to protect those tax breaks; who made billions from the financial crisis that left the nation reeling; or what the real story concerning the redistribution of the nation’s income and wealth has been over the last couple of decades. (Here’s a hint: Neither have actually been redistributed downward.) It’s also kind of pathetic that people have been conditioned to assume that anyone who cites facts about these problems has got to be some sort of left-wing radical.


7 out of the top 10 wealthiest members of Congress are Democrats. Funny how you missed that one.


Actually, I believe Mark Warner’s net worth is higher. I’ve seen reports where it could be somewhere between $250 million and $500 million dollars. This page from early 2014, reflects $257 million for Warner.


Bingo! I think I understand why republicans are afraid of this woman.

So republicans fight for the elite and wealthy? I’ll bite as far as wealthy goes, but elite not so much. Democrats believe they are the elite. But back to the wealthy…Don’t most parties want to increase their voting bloc? If that’s the case, wouldn’t republicans be fighting to increase the number of wealthy people? Kind of stupid to limit the number of people that want to vote for you.
And if democrats are the “champions of the poor” it would stand to reason that democrats would like to keep their voting bloc just as full. I think I’d rather be on the side of people that want me to be wealthy.


About the dumbest women in congress:
You are wrong!

We’re represented in the Senate by Patty Murray. Just read her political rap sheet.

The Hypocrisy!
Ten days before Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fl., accused Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s policies of hurting women and “grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back,” she went to bat for a New Mexico House candidate and lawyer who has defended abusive husbands!

Roxanne Lara is a Carlsbad attorney.
She defended a man who allegedly sexually abused his estranged wife,
another who allegedly beat his wife and forced her on drugs she was allergic to,
another who smashed up his estranged wife’s home, according to a police report,
and a fourth accused of stalking his ex-girlfriend.

So who, exactly, is ”grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back?”

Roxanne Lara is a practicing lawyer. Lawyers defend their clients to the best of their ability. That’s an essential part of our legal system. Even murderers are entitled to a competent defense in court.

@Greg: All right.
In Lara’s case DWS could have said what she did about Walker and LITERALLY meant it.
In Walker’s case DWS said what she did in the form of an analogy and it couldn’t hold water!

Seems that Wasserman-Schultz has a barometric standard for Republicans, one that she doesn’t think applies to her, although when it is convenient, she will be all preachy about unacceptable political discourse.

FTN host Bob Schieffer made a point of saying Wasserman Schultz has a history of being outspoken and, as he said, “making a point in a debate.” Then, on the concept of a future with more sensitive debate, he asked her: “Do you plan to dial back your rhetoric when the Congress convenes this time?”

“I don’t plan to debate my values and the principles of my constituents any less vigorously,” Wasserman Schultz began, “but I think it starts with us, and we have to lead by example.”

She went on to talk for nearly a minute about her hope for the future of political rhetoric:

I think all of us need to be more careful about the words that we choose to use, including things like the title of the repeal of health-care reform. I’m glad that Speaker Boehner chose to verbalize a different title for that bill, but they, so far, have refused to actually change the title of ‘Job-Killing Healthcare Repeal.’ I think we need to be leaders by example, and when we do that, then hopefully we’re gonna be able to push the shock jocks and others outside our process to take a page from our book. And if we have a more productive civil discourse, then we can really live up to President Obama’s words and Christina Taylor Green’s dreams, her expectations for our democracy.”

Sister Thunder Thighs is nothing more than Harry Reid in drag.

At least the DNC has a chairman whose name most democrats know how to pronounce.


At least the DNC has a chairman whose name most democrats know how to pronounce.

So that is your mark of someone who is a success at what they do, being able to pronounce their name?

Guess that leaves Obama out since he is called “Ba-rock”. or is it “Ba-rack?” Well, then, that explains why B. Hussein Obama, Jr. is such a failure. No one is quite sure how to pronounce his name, right?

You’re such a lame brain, Greggie. When your idols are exposed for having clay feet, you resort to the “yeah, but” form of debate. How sad that a human could be as indoctrinated as you are. But then, we can’t redistribute intelligence, as you prove every day otherwise we would send you some.

I’m responding to an article that has referred to the woman who is chairman of the Democratic National Committee as “The Anus of the democrat party.” You’re fortunate that my response has been much more polite than that. Of course the left generally has intelligent and relatively obvious points that can be made on most topics, and so doesn’t have to resort to childish behavior.

By the way, it’s the Democratic Party, not the Democrat Party. It still puzzles me why the right displays such pride in their inability to use proper grammar.


By the way, it’s the Democratic Party, not the Democrat Party. It still puzzles me why the right displays such pride in their inability to use proper grammar.

Well, it doesn’t puzzle us why you make a moot point when you have your tail in a trap. It’s all you know how to do.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is the asshole of the Democratic Party.

Happy now, Greggie?

You’re the one who is referring to a woman who is doubtless smarter, more courteous, and most likely far more accomplished than yourself as “an asshole.” I think we are all pretty much what our words and our behavior toward others suggest that we are.

I’m guessing that you’re the one with the happiness issue. Happy people don’t generally behave as you do.


When one is as vicious and caustic as DWS is, she deserves all the vitriol that can be aimed her way. And the fact that you think she is smart only shows your own low standards.

And yes, happy people do call asshole assholes when they are truly assholes. Would you prefer I call her the hypocritical bitch she is?

Hillary is an Alinskite.
So is Obama.
So are many pundits on the Left.
the Rules for Radicals are constantly being applied to those on the Right.
In fact, DWS threw out her latest with a side dish of “TEA Party…”
So, with that in mind ….
RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point.
This is so true in that DWS walked back her statement after she was ridiculed for it.
•RULE 12: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
This also worked against DWS. SHE was the target, not the issue, not her target (Walker), not Democratics in general.
(If Republicans make up the Republican Party, Democratics must make up the ”Democratic” Party….heh.)

I say, keep on targeting DWS and Reid and Pelosi and Obama individually for as long as it is effective.
Just remember RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”

@marine72: actually he was protesting because this one works there and the could use the extra money

@Redteam: no he is sitting on this one

@Greg: But, they have a choice on who to defend unless they have no moral compass. You continue to show your ignorance Greg. If you continue, we will have to conclude that you are not ignorant, but stupid.

@Greg: If Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is intelligent, then a lot of us are being fooled. She certainly doesn’t channel her knowledge very well and with most comments she’s made, people shrug a bit and question what they just heard come out of her mouth.

Then again, it’s pretty obvious that Greg would carry the water for DWS at any given time.


I think it’s kind of pathetic that the republican base can’t figure out who has actually done this to them;

We definitely have. The entire economic debacle was created by liberal social engineering, called the Community Reinvestment Act, which destroyed the mortgage, financial and housing industries. Since this collapse happened at the end of a long, economically productive and expansive administration and during an election campaign, it was naturally blamed on the party in power. The dimmer bulbs, not capable of independent thought or research, bought it hook, line and sucker.

So, then the other party (the one, by the way, that actually brought about the recession) and imposed THEIR economic policies. Policies such as taking $865 billion and flushing it down the toilet. Polices like enacting a law controlling 1/6th of the economy that is so bad that they themselves cannot allow it to go fully into effect. Policies like wanting desperately to heap taxes on energy to further retard economic growth.

Don’t worry, Greg. We know who does the damage. It’s you, your fellow liberal voters and those you put in office.


You’re the one who is referring to a woman who is doubtless smarter, more courteous, and most likely far more accomplished than yourself as “an asshole.”

DNC Head Wasserman Schultz repeatedly assaults black man [Reader Post]

She is an asshole. She is exactly what the DNC wants. For, Democrats get to call people names, invoke violent images, make wildly false claims (such as yours that she is “courteous”) and never be called on the carpet by the media, all while constantly accusing Republicans of doing just that and, all the while, pleading for “civility”.

In other words, the DNC has become a central clearing station for lies and personal attacks, particularly since they have not a single positive achievement to show for running the nation for 6 years.

I consciously choose to use “Democrat” party because there is nothing democratic about them. Socialist Party would be more accurate, as well as Fascist.

@marine72: Those fast food protests really backfired.
Not only will they not get $15/hour in the anywhere near future, but a robot-maker, Momentum Machines, used the strikes to roll out its 360 custom-made gourmet hamburgers/hour machine!
You gotta see this thing!
It can custom grind to courseness, to proportions of lamb, beef, pork, bison.
It slices the veggies fresh.
One burger per 10 seconds!

Our farming and harvesting agra businesses went robot and specialized machinery after failed unionizations in that field.
This is next, if dumb workers press it.

@retire05: So, the left elects people whose name they can pronounce. It appears that even if a community organizer runs for an office he is not qualified to hold, then the left will vote for him because they can pronounce his name! Now I know! Maybe if we had all had access to hooked on phonics, we would have better leaders.