Sinking, Obama plays the race card


obama race card

You had to know this was coming. Obama has been flailing around for all of 2013 in what has been called the worst year of his Presidency. As he sinks in the polls, Obama whips out the race card and he is no stranger to this.

Ralph Nader accused Obama of that in 2008.

“He wants to appeal to white guilt. You appeal to white guilt not by coming on as black is beautiful, black is powerful. Basically, he’s coming on as someone who is not going to threaten the white power structure, whether it’s corporate or whether it’s simply oligarchic. And they love it. Whites just eat it up.”

Obama did it in 2008:

“Barack Obama has played the race card, and he played it from the bottom of the deck,” Mr. McCain’s campaign

“Barack Obama has played the race card, and he played it from the bottom of the deck,” Mr. McCain’s campaign manager, Rick Davis, charged in a statement with which Mr. McCain later said he agreed. “It’s divisive, negative, shameful and wrong.”

In leveling the charge, Mr. Davis was referring to comments that Mr. Obama made Wednesday in Missouri when he reacted to the increasingly negative tone and negative advertisements from the McCain campaign, including one that likens Mr. Obama’s celebrity status to that of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.

“So nobody really thinks that Bush or McCain have a real answer for the challenges we face, so what they’re going to try to do is make you scared of me,” Mr. Obama said in Springfield, Mo., echoing earlier remarks. “You know, he’s not patriotic enough. He’s got a funny name. You know, he doesn’t look like all those other presidents on those dollar bills, you know. He’s risky. That’s essentially the argument they’re making.”

Even Bill Clinton felt it.

He did it at a fund raiser in 2012:

Everything we fought for during the last election is at stake in this election. The very core of what this country stands for is on the line — the basic promise that no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, this is a place where you could make it if you try. The notion that we’re all in this together, that we look out for one another — that’s at stake in this election. Don’t take my word for it. Watch some of these debates that have been going on up in New Hampshire.

The phrase “no matter what you look like” is a clear reference to race. Obama is indicating that if he loses the election, opportunity for those who are a certain color or ethnicity will be denied. He completes the thought by pointing to the debates in New Hampshire, associating the Republican candidates with the possibility of racial or ethnic discrimination.

Also from 2012: reports that Obama said,

“While speaking in Cincinnati on Monday [September 17], Obama said, “The only thing they [Republicans] can do is keep trying to bluff their way through until November, and hope that you won’t call them on it. But understand Cincinnati, look, I want to work with them to reduce the deficit. I’ve said if the Republicans need more love, if they want me to walk the dog or wash their car, I’m happy to do it.”

This language is reminiscent of a reported conversation between Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy back before the 2008 election as recalled in the September 10, 2012 edition of The New Yorker magazine.

“Bill Clinton’s attacks hurt Hillary as much as they did Obama. The [New York] Times denounced Clinton’s fairy-tale comment as a “bizarre and rambling attack” and as exemplifying a campaign that was “perilously close to injecting racial tension” into the conversation. At a press conference in South Carolina the morning after Obama won the state, Bill Clinton seemed to dismiss the victory as a fluke of local demography. “Jesse Jackson won South Carolina in ’84 and ’88,” he said. “Jackson ran a good campaign. And Obama ran a good campaign here.” Tim Russert told me that, according to his sources, Bill Clinton, in an effort to secure an endorsement for Hillary from Ted Kennedy, said to Kennedy, “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.” Clinton’s role in the campaign rattled Obama. He told ABC News in an interview that Clinton “has taken his advocacy on behalf of his wife to a level that I think is pretty troubling.”


Watching President Barack Obama play the race card late last week in the matter of the Zimmerman trial reminded me that the guy from Chicago has truly amazing powers.

He stood in the White House briefing room, and through the magic of his own silky rhetoric and skill with metaphor, he was able animate the body of a slain African-American teenager, Trayvon Martin.

Obama pronounced the killing as racially motivated, though he didn’t use the words. He didn’t have to, such is his prowess. It was so smooth that few noticed. He put the killing in a racial context, and that was enough.

“You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me, 35 years ago,” Obama told reporters at the White House on Friday, addressing last weekend’s acquittal of Martin’s shooter, George Zimmerman.

Could Obama have been Trayvon Martin 35 years ago?

Perhaps. If so, then any of us could have been Trayvon Martin. And I could have been Trayvon Martin. Racial motives weren’t established at trial. And reportedly, the FBI still hasn’t found racial motives in George Zimmerman, who is Hispanic.

Race was established by the president of the United States, and by other political and media actors. It’s a cynical business, about money and power, about keeping divisions between American tribes. There are the black tribes that see Martin in the context of the old civil rights struggles and leverage, and white tribes that see Martin being used to pummel them with racial guilt.

And now that the USS Obama is taking on water the race card comes out once again as the life preserver:

President Barack Obama said that racial tensions may have softened his popularity among white voters within the last two years, according to a story posted on the New Yorker magazine’s website today.

“There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president,” Obama said in the article by David Remnick, appearing in the magazine’s Jan. 27 edition.

Bloomberg goes on to make a dubious association:

Obama’s second term has been marked by controversies including a partial government shutdown in October, revelations that the National Security Agency has gathered personal mobile phone data and the troubled rollout of health-insurance expansion.

Obama’s approval rating among all voters is 39 percent and his disapproval rating is 53 percent, according to a Gallup Poll conducted Jan. 14-16. In the 2012 presidential election, Republican candidate Mitt Romney won 59 percent of the white vote, compared with Obama’s 39 percent, according to exit polling by a consortium of major news outlets. Obama won 43 percent of the white vote in 2008 against 55 percent for opponent John McCain, a Republican senator from Arizona.

Why Wingfield felt it necessary to include the white vote only after an assessment of the mess Obama has created is curious. For the record, Obama took 93% of the black vote in 2012, and 96% in 2008.

Obama’s pity party comments derive from an article in the New Yorker written by David Remnick. At Newsbusters Tom Blumer properly dissects Remnick’s amusing assertions.

When I scanned the Remnick article I found something that renders the remainder of the article worthless:

Obama bruised some feelings once or twice with remarks about “fat-cat bankers” and “reckless behavior and unchecked excess,” but, in general, he dares not offend.

Say what? Let’s offer Remnick a reminder:

** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”

And there are more examples of how Obama tries not to offend:

Republicans favor “shutting down the government just because you don’t like a law… no Congress before this one has ever – ever — in history been irresponsible enough to threaten default… [and they are trying] to blackmail a President,” Obama told his acolytes. “We’re not going to submit to this kind of total irresponsibility,” he declared, before ending his speech, “God bless the United States of America.”

The crisis will end “when Republicans realize they don’t get to hold the entire economy hostage over ideological demands,” Obama told the reporters gathered in the White House’s briefing room.


“It’s tempting not to negoitate with hostage takers unless the hostage gets harmed,” President Obama said at his Tuesday press conference. “In this case, the hostage was the American people,” Obama said.

That’s all pretty offensive but one cannot expect liberals to remember. You’ve seen me write it a million times- liberals have zero long term memory. They’re like Alzheimer’s patients. Every day is new and they meet Barack Obama again every day with no ability to recollect anything he’s said yesterday. Remnick proves he is just such a liberal.

Conservatives don’t dislike Obama because he’s black or even half-black. We’d be thrilled to have Ben Carson or Allen West as President. Barack Obama is failing and it isn’t because of race. It’s because of his being steeped in Marxism for so long. He is a failure primarily because when the country needed economic recovery, he piled on regulations that strangled the economy. He is a failure because when this country needed jobs, he burdened us with the government takeover of one sixth of the economy. This country needed government to get out of the way of business and Obama added layer after layer of bureaucracy. He is a failure because instead of helping the country with what it needed, he forced upon it what he wanted for a legacy.

And his legacy will be failure.

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Only a lunatic teabagger would call someone a racist or playing the ‘race card’ with such laughable spin, to anyone who responds to the obvious and rampant racism on the right.

For This one;

I’ve read a large number of your comments over the past few months, though I have no idea how long you’ve been posting on this site. But most every post I’ve seen begins with some type of derogatory, insulting remark. I am just attempting to clarify, so please, don’t get riled. Did the President say that some people disagree with him because of his ethnicity? Or did he not?

To my mind, if you accuse someone of “racism” based on the color of their skin, that’s racism itself. Unless you’re a telepath, you don’t know why I despise Obama. You may not believe me when I say it’s his policies, but that’s your problem.

And when he spoke to a group of his wealthier Golden State backers at a San Francisco fund-raiser last Sunday, Barack Obama took a shot at explaining the yawning cultural gap that separates a Turkeyfoot from a Marin County. “You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them,” Obama said. “And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Obama made a problematic judgment call in trying to explain working class culture to a much wealthier audience. He described blue collar Pennsylvanians with a series of what in the eyes of Californians might be considered pure negatives: guns, clinging to religion, antipathy, xenophobia.

Yes,there is the ”race card,” and there is the opposite of the race card: calling your opponents xenophobes.
Obama has no issue with using either style of race card.
There was a time when America rejected the ”politics of envy.”
But those days are over.
Obama actually creates envy and jealousy as means to his ends.
I would invite every liberal to read Forward, by Aleksey in American Thinker to see how these political beliefs, acted upon by an entire country end up.
Two quick tidbits.
First ”Free” healthcare:

[My parents] couldn’t get me anesthetics for dental visits. Sitting in the gray, sterile corridor for two hours, hearing the sobbing of the kids already in the dental chair as their teeth were drilled without anesthetics, water, or suction, and knowing that your turn was coming — some handled it better than others.

In the local clinic, needles were resterilized and reused. Ambulances took three hours to arrive, if they came at all.

That was our “free” healthcare.

And as to ”Income Inequality” :

Our propaganda put the big focus on the noble working class and how there was no such thing as a “lower” profession. Much emphasis was made on the nobility of simple working man, and certainly there is something to that.

But when the janitor receives roughly the same salary as a teacher who is paid roughly the same as a surgeon who is paid roughly the same as a programmer, all of them surrounded by peers who get paid the same no matter how well or poorly they perform, some people start carrying the team, and then they just give up. Everyone performs poorly in the end.

It was painfully obvious to everyone just how low the desire of the average person is to produce goods for other people. Without competition or opportunity to get ahead, with the state controlling production and paying equal salaries to workers regardless of their contributions, we had no concept of abundance.

Obama is failing and it isn’t because of race. It’s because of his being steeped in Marxism for so long. He is a failure primarily because when the country needed economic recovery, he piled on regulations that strangled the economy.

Obama pivots so often it makes you dizzy trying to keep up.
He had been going on and on about ”income inequality,” just a couple of weeks ago.
Already he has pivoted away from that turkey toward race, albeit in a sneaky way.
But, let’s say Obama gets his way and all people earn the same dollars per hour.
What will change?
The lowest quintile of American households average less than 1/2 of one full-time worker.
The highest quintile of American households average 2 full-time workers.
So, our poorest quarter of households would ”bring home” only 1/4 the income of what our highest quarter would.
Should the poor get FOUR TIMES the hourly wage, so as to make ”the same,” as the rich?
Stats from

@This one:


You are today’s exemplar of a “low-info voter”.

Let’s see some of examples of “obvious and rampant racism on the right”, please. Remember, YPU used the term “rampant” – examples must be comprehensive and apply to the MAJORITY of those on the right.

Good luck – I won’t be holding my breath.

Nanny G,

This is an obvious pivot, since the MLK Holiday weekend is now the official start of the six weeks of “Black History Month.” So, he had to pivot to race, just in time for the SOTUA; besides, he’ll stitch the two together, with some sort of “Income Inequality is Racist and Sexist” rhetoric.

This one: Fleabagging Occutard vomited-forth what?

@This one:

Thanks for the perfect example of a liberal reply.

Funny how the same people who were stupid enough to vote for that lying cretin -twice- are now racists. You still haven’t caught on how nothing’s ever Obama’s fault. The faults always lie with others in their inability to see how perfect Obama is.

Is anyone surprised Obama played the card? He uses the same playbook his peers on the left use. Nothing special or clever just the same tired old plays.

Obama is 1/2 black & 1/2 white. What if we said that it is Obama’s white 1/2 global-socialist-fascist, NWO agenda that we hate? Would it be acceptable to the left if we detest him for his European Caucasian oppressor racial heritage?

I could care less what race Obama is, or what religious affiliation (or lack thereof) he is (or professes to be). It is his arrogant, imperialistic, destroy-America-from-within, socialist agenda that I find abhorrent.

I see this all the time, a lefty bomb thrower appears and tries to distract the thread`s course. Please, at all times and on all threads, remember this advice: Don`t Feed the Trolls!

And now that the USS Obama is taking on water the race card comes out once again as the life preserver:

President Barack Obama said that racial tensions may have softened his popularity among white voters within the last two years, according to a story posted on the New Yorker magazine’s website today.

“There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president,” Obama said in the article by David Remnick, appearing in the magazine’s Jan. 27 edition.

The one quibble I’ll make with this blockquote is that it leaves out the next line (which appears in the linked article itself); but to get a fuller picture, here’s directly from the New Yorker:

“There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black President,” Obama said. “Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I’m a black President.” The latter group has been less in evidence of late.

To be fair to the president, I think that second part should be acknowledged.

“There is a historic connection between some of the arguments that we have politically and the history of race in our country, and sometimes it’s hard to disentangle those issues,” he went on. “You can be somebody who, for very legitimate reasons, worries about the power of the federal government—that it’s distant, that it’s bureaucratic, that it’s not accountable—and as a consequence you think that more power should reside in the hands of state governments. But what’s also true, obviously, is that philosophy is wrapped up in the history of states’ rights in the context of the civil-rights movement and the Civil War and Calhoun. There’s a pretty long history there. And so I think it’s important for progressives not to dismiss out of hand arguments against my Presidency or the Democratic Party or Bill Clinton or anybody just because there’s some overlap between those criticisms and the criticisms that traditionally were directed against those who were trying to bring about greater equality for African-Americans. The flip side is I think it’s important for conservatives to recognize and answer some of the problems that are posed by that history, so that they understand if I am concerned about leaving it up to states to expand Medicaid that it may not simply be because I am this power-hungry guy in Washington who wants to crush states’ rights but, rather, because we are one country and I think it is going to be important for the entire country to make sure that poor folks in Mississippi and not just Massachusetts are healthy.”

I think that’s actually rather well-balanced.

I don’t think this should necessarily be evidence that President Obama is “pulling out the race card”, simply because the interviewer has gotten the president to comment upon that topic (kind of like the way President Bush wouldn’t necessarily bring up his faith and talk about God- others interviewing him would bring it up).

Also the Whitehousedossier quote:

Everything we fought for during the last election is at stake in this election. The very core of what this country stands for is on the line — the basic promise that no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, this is a place where you could make it if you try. The notion that we’re all in this together, that we look out for one another — that’s at stake in this election. Don’t take my word for it. Watch some of these debates that have been going on up in New Hampshire.

The phrase “no matter what you look like” is a clear reference to race. Obama is indicating that if he loses the election, opportunity for those who are a certain color or ethnicity will be denied. He completes the thought by pointing to the debates in New Hampshire, associating the Republican candidates with the possibility of racial or ethnic discrimination.

I don’t think this is evidence of “pulling the race card”, either. Anyone- self included- might have noted the same thing. When I was a kid, I remember listening to Schoolhouse Rock’s “The Great American Melting Pot” make the same observation.

It’s reading more into that one than is actually there.

I also think that it is Obama supporters who have flashed the race card more than the president himself.

This of all days should be a day of peace. A day to remember the great man of peace Martin Luther King Jr. A disciple of Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of non violence.

” Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

For Obama ” A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.”


Really, Wordsmith? You want to give Obama kudos for this:

You can be somebody who, for very legitimate reasons, worries about the power of the federal government—that it’s distant, that it’s bureaucratic, that it’s not accountable—and as a consequence you think that more power should reside in the hands of state governments. But what’s also true, obviously, is that philosophy is wrapped up in the history of states’ rights in the context of the civil-rights movement and the Civil War and Calhoun. There’s a pretty long history there.

So the philosophy of “state’s rights” is wrapped up in the history in context of the civil-rights movement and the Civil War? And this clown is supposed to be a Constitutional law professor?

The philosophy of state’s rights is wrapped up in the history of the Constitution itself, not some movement that took place almost 200 years later.

I guess his black side hates his white side. Actually he is 50% white, about 6% black and the rest is Arabian. His family was involved in selling slaves, but oh he forgets about that.

Funny how you didn’t mention his next sentence:

“Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I’m a black president”

Doesn’t quite fit your spin, does it? Lol!

As he sinks in the polls, Obama whips out the race card and he is no stranger to this.

Actually Obama’s RCP poll average appears to have bottomed out around December 3. He’s gained some ground since then. While the average spread is still -9.7, Rasmussen has it at only -1. He could be back in positive territory again the next time republicans miscalculate. (i.e., the next time they say or do something extraordinarily stupid.)

Hey Greg,
Since This one didn’t answer my inquiry, perhaps you would be willing. All in the spirit of educating us backwards thinking idjits naturally. Did the President claim his ethnicity was an issue, or did he not? By the way, This one, good to see you back and posting. If Greg won’t answer, maybe you will. After eight hours, I am certain you ‘ve had time to come up with a yes or no answer to my question earlier this morning.

Is Obama admitting he has some children out of wedlock? If not, how could Trayvon Martin have been his son? Is he telling us more than he wanted us to know? Did it just slip out?

“You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son.

@This one:

Only a lunatic teabagger

would call another teabagger a lunatic. You been out teabagging have you This’un

@Richard Wheeler:

For Obama ” A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.”

is that a quote from Obama? He wouldn’t know a ‘genuine leader’ if it bit him in the ass. MLK Jr was a man of peace, Obama is a racist that is trying to destroy the country.


And this clown is supposed to be a Constitutional law professor?

Another of the Obamites false claims. Obama is not, was not, never has been, never will be, a Law Professor. However, ‘clown’, well, yeah that fits.

@This one:

Doesn’t quite fit your spin

Are you on your head spinning?


Doesn’t change one iota that Obama blames racism for his current low polls.

Well,, if Obama thinks he is the greatest thing and still can’t get anything done because he is racist, then maybe he should just go into early retirement and take skin bleaching treatments.


He could be back in positive territory again

on a graph calculated with Obama, Bush43, Reagan, Clinton at this number of weeks into their presidency Obama has the lowest poll popularity rating. Bottom of the barrel.
here’s the chart:


After eight hours, I am certain you ‘ve had time to come up with a yes or no answer to my question

That’s likely not enough time for This’un or Greg..

@Redteam, #24:

Another of the Obamites false claims. Obama is not, was not, never has been, never will be, a Law Professor. However, ‘clown’, well, yeah that fits.

An official statement to the media from The University of Chicago Law School:

From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track. The title of Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer, which signifies adjunct status. Like Obama, each of the Law School’s Senior Lecturers has high-demand careers in politics or public service, which prevent full-time teaching. Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined.

As of 2013, the University of Chicago Law School is the 4th highest ranking law school in the United States. They don’t hire unqualified Lecturers or Senior Lecturers. They don’t settle for those who are simply good, either. They only offer full time tenure-track positions to those they deem to be the best. That’s the only way a law school comes to be consistently ranked among the very best in the nation.


As of 2013, the University of Chicago Law School is the 4th highest ranking law school in the United States.

So what? Obama didn’t attend U of C law school in 2013, did he?


They don’t hire unqualified Lecturers or Senior Lecturers.

How about one without a law license?

It’s true that neither the president nor the first lady holds an active license to practice law. A search on the website of the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois shows that Barack Obama is listed as “voluntarily retired and not authorized to practice law,” and Michelle Obama is listed as “voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law.”

I don’t know what happened to Moochelle’s but obama lost his for lying on his application. That’s a ‘really-really’ qualified guy to teach at a law school.

@retire05, #30:

So what? Obama didn’t attend U of C law school in 2013, did he?

The University of Chicago Law School was ranked among the top 10 law schools in the United States during every year that Obama taught there.

@Redteam, #31:

That’s because they’re no longer working as lawyers. When that’s the case with people licensed in Illinois, they can voluntarily retire from practice or go into voluntary inactive status.

I suppose they could have continued to pay hundreds of dollars per year each in annual fees, just to keep state licenses that they had no further use for.

@Redteam: Quote is from MLK . Suggested BHO could put it to use.
Just watched True Detective. Very well acted.

@Richard Wheeler:

watched True Detective.

last night, still can’t figure out what it’s about.

Very well acted.

Two weird characters, but maybe I’ll figure out what the story is about after 2 or 3 more episodes.


they can voluntarily retire from practice or go into voluntary inactive status.

uh, huh, voluntarily retire after the court order.
There are too many ‘public’ records that show that they are ‘court ordered voluntarily retired’, it’s gonna be hard to bury their record. Just because there is no proof he ever went to Columbia doesn’t mean there is no proof he ‘voluntarily retired due to a court order’.


I suppose they could have continued to pay hundreds of dollars per year

public records show the annual renewal rate is $49.00.


during every year that Obama taught there.

such a good teacher, he surrendered his law license. I’ll bet there is not one other lawyer in the House or Senate that has ‘voluntarily’ surrendered their law license.


As of 2013, the University of Chicago Law School is the 4th highest ranking law school in the United States. They don’t hire unqualified Lecturers or Senior Lecturers. They don’t settle for those who are simply good, either. They only offer full time tenure-track positions to those they deem to be the best.

Ahhhhh, such praise, yet he ‘surrendered his license’ voluntarily rather than accept one of the “most respected’ positions in the country so that he could save that $49.00 per year in renewal fees. Don’t you get tired of following your guy around with a pooper scooper?


The University of Chicago Law School was ranked among the top 10 law schools in the United States during every year that Obama taught there.

I see it was consistently no. 4 before he got there, after his arrival it dropped to 6-7th. After he left, it went back up. Interesting. Was that due to hiring a guy with a suspended license, without an undergraduate degree?

@This one: The only thing spinning is you and your never ending BS. Perhaps you should ask a parent or a relative when you sustained your brain injury. It might help and it certainly won’t hurt.

There is a problem with the RACE CARD in the photo above. It does not list Obama as a Charter Member.


Perhaps you should ask a parent or a relative when you sustained your brain injury.

And why didn’t they get him medical attention.

@alanstorm: #6
That is about the best POLITE challenge I have ever heard given to a liberal who will never answer the challenge. Well done.

@Richard Wheeler: #13

This of all days should be a day of peace. A day to remember the great man of peace Martin Luther King Jr…..

Please send that message to your leader. Please name one holiday, or other event where your leader didn’t inject himself into the event. Please try to find one speech at any of those events (or any other speech for that matter) that didn’t have at least 20-30 “I”s in it. Your leader uses the word “I” more than anyone I have ever heard of. He shouldn’t be called “The One.” He should be called “The I.”

@Smorgasbord: Didn’t see the speech–why would you?

@Redteam: #39

Don’t you get tired of following your guy around with a pooper scooper?

You reminded me on one of my Tea Party posters. I think it will take more then one pooper scooper.

Obama the spreader copy

@Richard Wheeler: #46

Didn’t see the speech–why would you?

The only time I see anything about obama’s speeches is if it is on the news, or a web site links to a story. I started hitting the “MUTE” button most of the time when obama comes on. I haven’t heard him tell a lie whenever I had the “MUTE” button pushed. It is easier to watch the news that way.

When I did listen to your leader, I was amazed by how many times he used the word “I” in his speeches. I have also read articles how he uses it more than anybody in office ever has. Keep in mind that his speech writers write his speeches for him, as with all presidents. Why do they put so many “I”s in his speeches? Most businesses encourage their employees NOT to use the word “I” any more than they have to. Since your leader doesn’t have hardly anyone in his administration with business experience, they probably wouldn’t know anything about that.

Worse than Richard Nixon. An unprecedented abuse of powers. The most un-American president in the nation’s history.

Nat Hentoff does not think much of President Obama.

And now, the famous journalist says it is time to begin looking into impeachment.

Hentoff sees the biggest problem as Obama’s penchant to rule by executive order when he can’t convince Congress to do things his way.


Liberal icon urges Obama impeachment

RedTeam @#39 (and many others) – You are on a roll tonite! Good Stuff!

I especially laughed at this one – “Don’t you get tired of following your guy around with a pooper scooper?”
Now that is FUNNY!! ROTFLMAO!!