Ding A Ling Goes Chelsea The Wind Chime



Is it me, have I become a stickler for logic, congruity, and the formulation of ideas or have I lost all sense of proportion, applying cruel perspicuity until it is virtually impossible to pretend mediocrity and senseless babble are defining measures of brilliance.

The media seems willing to give Chelsea Clinton more than the benefit of doubt, but I have no reason to celebrate vapidity. If you can make sense of the apparent nonsense, please step forward and state your case, enlighten us, for many of us are in awe or perhaps abject disbelief that such disjointed thinking can be cited as a qualification for the presidency.

This is a woman who admits she has had multiple opportunities to make the same statements repeatedly (her logic, not mine), and still she relies on the fart, stumble, fall technique of public discourse, while our media expects us to remain silent as a measure of respect for the assumed brilliance of the youngest Clinton royal.

You be the judge, perhaps I expect too much. Lucidity is at a premium these days, and finding logic in Chelsea’s direct quotes may be far beyond the humble abilities of the average American.

“I wish that there was more interest in the work we’re doing here on the part of the mainstream press — the work that we’re grateful to do and the work that I personally am now grateful to be part of. “

I know many of you struggled through freshman English at various colleges, but if your last name was Clinton and you attended Stanford, your worries would have been minimal.

Eric Partridge should be reassured that his book, “Usage and Abusage: A Guide To Good English” will be needed for many more decades.

Eric Partridge:

Which is preferred – nom de plume, pseudonym, or pen name? What are neologisms, disguised conjunctions, and fused participles? Language enters into almost every part of human life and yet it is all too often misused: directness and clarity disappear in a whirl of clichés, euphemisms, and wooliness of expression.

Chelsea Clinton:

“I personally am obsessed with diarrhea”

Thankfully, Joe Canason, a writer at Huffington, had the kindness to explain this sentence and prevented the world from laughing at Chelsea’s blatant vapidity; especially, since she seems incapable of expressing herself,with any semblance of clarity, but this is only a small part of the responsibilities of a compliant press.

meaning the symptoms of waterborne disease that leads to diarrhea, dehydration, and death for millions of children annually across Africa. Aside from her growing experience in the field, she holds a master’s in public health from Columbia University.

Joe has problems with writing and expression, but we have learned to accept mediocrity from state directed media.

Obviously, the master’s degree in public health from Columbia carries the same amount of authority as the undergraduate degree from Stanford, especially if you are a Clinton, and the the inability to link ideas and phrases becomes a qualification for the nation’s highest office.

The wind chime continues:

“I wish that someone wanted to talk about diarrhea, and why I think we really have the chance to eradicate diarrhea, even before every country across the African continent or across the world has strong public health systems of sanitation and clean water…Yes, I wish the mainstream media were interested in things like our growing work in diarrhea, or the work that we’re doing in agriculture or the work we’re doing on HIV/AIDS, and how important that is.”

This is painful; however, when the drivel becomes nearly incomprehensible, the implied qualifications for the office of the presidency are the most pronounced.

Shall we continue:

“I’m … grateful to live in a city and a state and a country where I really believe in my elected officials, and their ethos and their competencies, someday, if either of those weren’t true and I thought I could make more of a difference in the public sector, or if I didn’t like how my city or state or country were being run, I’d have to ask and answer that question.

I really felt like I could make a difference and then I should make a difference. And I had very much led a deliberately private life for a long time, and now I’m attempting to lead a purposely public life.”

Organization of thoughts and speech has now become unimportant or trivial to the Liberal, image is everything, and the Clintons have image. Therefore, this muddled and confused mass of incoherent ideas is being palmed off on the public as relevant and an example of strategic thinking; however, even with the heroic efforts of a sympathetic press, it is extremely hard to hide blatant stupidity.

Truman Capote once said of Jack Kerouac:

That’s Not writing, it’s typing

Skook says of Chelsea,

That’s not a formulation of ideas, it’s gibberish

Pretending to see intellect in ramblings of mediocrity is dangerous for the country. The Democrat voting block may be trained to respond with oohs and ahhs when media blows the dog whistles to signal admiration and adulation, but the mediocrity and vapidity of Chelsea Clinton is a bridge too far.

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I do so like the diarrhea also with green eggs and spam – grateful could I should I be when mainstream media is obsessed with me! The unintended consequence of a dumbed down electorate is that their leaders become accustomed to praise for their mediocrity. Most democratic polititians talk diarrhea every time they open their mouths but Chelsea Clinton lives in Camelot (which by the way, probably had purposely open sewers – gasp).

@CharlieGee: Yes, we have come to expect a bad spell of whethir now and then. Thank goodness for our elites, they can illuminate the way, like a candle on an ocean of darkness. Like the dancing moth who dances to the flickering candle, we stare at their candle and take comfort, but all we see is a candle and the darkness of the world becomes ever darker. For the moth and for us, the sputtering light, from the candle of elites of no consequence, comforts us and yet, it is a silent dirge of impending disaster.


Talk about “diarrhea” and I get this “acid flashback” (I was all of 17 when this occurred )which when I think of it reminds me not only of Chelsea, but in fact far too many in the political spectrum.

We got a really fat horse of the farm at Old Tropical Park named Jim Dandy. I swear this horse was so fat we could barely get him into the stall. Anyway, my old man had Doc Triplett give him a” physic” (not quite sure of the spelling on that) and as you well know the rest was history! That crap was shooting out ten to fifteen feet. The walls of the stall were coated and of course this horse would plop his ass up against the webbing and shoot it clear across the shedrow.

Diarrhea of the mouth. Definitely a prerequisite for any politician or MSM propagandist. The sad part is the crap that is actually flying out is destroying this country.

If a person who didn’t know how to do the proper military salute, wouldn’t wear a US flag pin, wouldn’t put their hand over their heart while the National Anthem was being played, didn’t know how to pronounce “Navy corpsman”, has a fake birth certificate, is using someone else’s Social Security number, has a fake Selective Service registration, doesn’t have a driver’s license, can get to be president, anybody can.

The perfect demo-commie-cRAT polition — all she needs now is some teleprompter traing and she “will do very well in America!”

Look up and watch: “What watch?” on U-tube — from Casablanca


It’s really strange because I also have never known what it consisted of. I remember it was white and mixed in a bucket and he then tubed the horse. The results were something else for suure

@joetote: I wonder how much a good physic will cost with Obama-Care? We may all need a good physic before this is over.

For the love of all that is sacred………………………………..Did she get dropped on her head too many times by the dope addled father she has?

@Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USNavy Retired: He probably never held her — ditto the hildabeast

I worry about being under hyphenated and of my diet that excludes dashes. You may have noticed I am quite liberal with semi-colons and commas, the colon is a little difficult, but I have no fear of the colon. A colon can be used with confidence to set up the reader for a series of either commas or semi-colons, or to set apart apposite sentences, one of the most daring forms of sentences, in my humble opinion.

However, a serious writer should insert a dash now and then, merely to avoid overuse of the semi-colon, since they are interchangeable and a writer’s prose can become predictable if he over-exposes his semi-colon. In most instances, a semicolon should have a powerful sentence on either side to maintain equality and balance in the world, but then, it can replace a comma that seems weakened by its neighbors.

The punctuation that provides the most amusement is the apostrophe, for once you become confident in its use, a whole new world of hour is your’s to enjoy. You will find yourself laughing at pretentious journalists and at grocers’ signs as well; since you will become an equal opportunist who enjoys the pathetic ramblings of many fools and boors.

Remember, if you decide to embark on this voyage of discovery, there is more than one way to skin a beaver or lace a moose carcass on the pack horses, but there are certain rules that should not be violated and many of them were mentioned at the beginning of this comment. LOL

@Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USNavy Retired: Thanks for the chuckles, I am wondering if Bill thought he might pound some sense into her, with an occasional header to the kitchen floor, an early form of Affirmative Action.

I’ve finally gotten my MacBook back up and running after spitting out a mouth full of nice coffee. This happened as I was reading that former President Clinton said that his only acknowledged progeny would make a good President. Thinking of the discourse of the vast lack of experience our current incumbent has, I was wondering if perhaps Hill Billy may have had a stroke or something. His comment was akin to our Dear Leader stating that adding to the deficit doesn’t increase our debt.



We must never think Bill is above any type of lunacy or reprehensible behavior.

“Yeah, but she’s my ding-a-ling.” ~ Bill Clinton

I think if you are going to be a ”multi-faith leader,” like Chelsea is claimed to be, you have to be intentionally vague.
Otherwise, how can you please people of all faiths?
According to that link, Chelsea is now the co-founder and co-chairwoman of New York University’s Of Many Institute, a program for “multifaith” education. Its website says the institute “supports a new generation of religious and civic leaders who, deeply rooted in their own religious and spiritual traditions, reach across faith boundaries to solve social problems together.”

I guess the fact that she is Christian, her hubby a conservative Jew, and her exposure to Islam while around daddy’s presidency and mom’s Sec State, she thinks she and all her ”assistants,” can please everyone.

I think her statements of fluff, above, that Skook quoted, are attempts at please-everyone -most-of-the-time rhetoric.
Obama is definitely better at it than Chelsea.
She ends up sounding silly and vapid.
Obama manages to create that empty frame so that his listeners can fill-in-the-blanks with their own ideas and think he agrees with them.

The fact that the Clintons can pull media into a fantasy narrative of Chelsea-as-genius will not be enough.

@Nan G: The people of faith, may have been at each other’s throats at different times in the past, but now, there seems to be only one group with murder and mayhem as its main objective. I doubt if the throat slitters of Fundamentalist Islam will be impressed with these obvious attempts to expose the youngest Clintonista to the public, in a lame attempt to bring together faiths. There is only one radical faith and let’s see her make inroads with those boys, that will be worth the price of admission.

@Skookum: #13
Good slice and dice, Skook.

never think Bill is above any type of lunacy or reprehensible behavior

I’ve never met this meatball, but in the early 90’s I met three different friends of Slick Willy. His own supposed friends, found him over the top abusive and disrespectful of women – one of them owned a plane the Slick regularly flew on to get to LA or Vegas while Governor of Arkansas, . . . to “get some.”

This was before he became President, obviously, and the input, er I mean feedback, was that he had no morals or principles. His wife and kid weren’t even a semicolon in his life. But then, those were just opinions, from guys who were greasing his skids for gain.

If you look at just the deals that he got caught doing, like the one he brokered with another meatball and the dictator in Kazakhstan for a uranium deal – he was real, true-blue greaseball. It was worse than what the NYT reported. And then, presto, a $30 million dollar donation to his fund – which he, his wife and his kid, now use as their own personal piggy bank.

And this progeny wants to be President? At least she’d be more versed than Obama on . . . hmm, nah, about the same.

@james Raider: Nothing like a $30 million uranium deal to improve the balance sheet, but what about all the charity being done around the world? Yes, I remember the uranium deal, the payoff was from a Canadian for an introduction, so that a guy could exploit the wealth of a dirt poor country. How does that stack up in the column of doing good in the world. The uranium miner had to extract enough to cover Bill’s share before he started making a profit. I wonder if they have clean water in Kazakhstan? I am sure, prioritizing the family’s fortune to make sure the poor people who provided those funds have clean water and sewer lines is important to Chelsea.

How does that stack up in the column of doing good in the world.

Exactly. Slick couldn’t care less — not a compassionate or caring bone in his body. He’s basic scum.

His foundation is a scam. As you’ve probably noticed, the Clinton have blown through all the millions they’ve raised on heavy personal expenses, etc. and it’s in financial trouble. Yah, basic scum.

@James Raider: Of that $30 million deal Chelsea got a $10.5 million dollar Manhattan home out if it.
The ”home” or fortress, stretches an entire block in length and is right across the street from Madison Square.
It is the most secure ”home” in NY!
She can stop worrying about the trots; her place has six and a half bathrooms.
The layout:http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/04/23/article-2313602-1972E84C000005DC-772_634x303.jpg

BTW, she better close all those bedroom windows…..there’s gotta be twelve ”neighbors” whose windows can see right in there!

From what I have seen in interviews, Chelsea is poised, articulate and intelligent working for a worthy cause. It’s so typical of nasty wingnuts to piss on anything they can from their lazy boy recliners.

@This one:

If you can make sense of the apparent nonsense, please step forward and state your case, enlighten us, for many of us are in awe or perhaps abject disbelief that such disjointed thinking can be cited as a qualification for the presidency.

We respect the fact that Libs have been so objective in the past with their criticism, but can you make sense of Chelsea’s nonsense? Please state your case, we are waiting anxiously for enlightenment, share your wisdom.

Do you have any examples of Chelsea’s wisdom to share with us?

Perhaps, I need to publish a series of those interviews in video form and we can all be more objective in our opinions.

Chelsea appears to be the apple of Hubble’s eye….I bet Slick is shooting blanks as is THIS ONE!

That’s Not writing, it’s typing

More like banging on a keyboard….

@This one:

From what I have seen in interviews, Chelsea is poised, articulate and intelligent

So that’s your interpretation or, are you just blind?

@Nan G: You are of course speaking of the teleprompter Obama


Typical. Lunatic wingnuts take quotes out of context and make a big stink.


@Nan G: #21
Clinton’s “pretend foundation” a few years ago passed the $500,000,000 mark. I’d estimate they reached close to a billion total since then. Where did it go?

His sycophants don’t understand that this foundation raises money from other foundations and donors, but uses it for Raising other money, NOT to GIFT it to needy causes or countries in the third world or elsewhere. This money is spent on the CLINTON machine, not on the poor, hapless or starving.

And the money’s gone. Clintons are pretending that they just don’t know how to manage money, and that’s why hundreds of millions disappeared. HUH? . . . no chance.

@Skookum: #23

Please state your case, we are waiting anxiously for enlightenment, share your wisdom. —- Do you have any examples of Chelsea’s wisdom to share with us?

Ouch. Come on Skook, not fair picking on the luckless and miserably incapacitated.

They’re lined up on roadsides across the Nation glaring into the Sun during the day, then staring into headlights at night, as they wait vacuously for the next subsistence check to come in. The government is everything. Government surely can’t be evil like those nasty corporations, and all those greedy entrepreneurs who work hard for themselves and create jobs. Oh, and pay taxes.

It would just be sad and pathetic if there weren’t so many of them – unfortunately, what they’ve done is criminal and spreading.

@james Raider: Pumping donors and spending money must be a full time job for Bill, it’s not everyone that can piddle away a billion. Of course there are three wastrels, who can funnel funds now, in both directions. It makes me wonder how deep Chelsea is in the diarrhea movement. With her immediate family background, she certainly has the experience behind her and all around her. Is she committed or just more comfortable working with something she is familiar with?

@Skookum: #31
Skook, the old lady copied the Slick, and you’ll recall that her journey as Sec of State was total spent accomplishing nothing, but travelling around the world, visiting every dictator or thieving head of state she could find. She circled the world again and again, not for the good of America, for the good of the Clinton Personal Wealth Fund fronting as a foundation. And now the kid is heading down the same road – leaching off others. That’s all Slick and Hillary have ever done – living off someone else’s work, taxpayers, then other wealthy individuals. Moral pillars of society.

@james Raider: No wonder Slick Willy wants one of his women in office, it’s quite an expense, paying for all those private flights and hotels, when you can have the taxpayer pick up the tabs.

Oh and what opportunity there is for the Clinton foundation to rake in graft and corruption, if one of them is at or near the top of the power pyramid. Selling image and connection or nothing at all, under these guise of a tax free foundation, one of the great scams of history.

If a prog troll wakes up in their Mother’s basement and yells to her to bring a glass of milk and no one responds, does that mean the Mother already left for work?

I know the web can be scrubbed.
But wasn’t there a prolonged period in Chelsea’s life where she was a complete drunk?
Seems I recall a few papers willing to follow her around and publish photos of her reeling and vomiting and partying as hard as possible for years and years.
Now. I’m all for a little wine or beer, a martini or margharita, but every single one of those does kill brain cells.
I’ve had a few.
Chelsea’s had many.

@Nan G: That’s not a pretty image, but judging from the behavior of her parents, it would be hard to blame her for getting her tongue over the bit, sticking her toes in the dirt, and staying snot slinging drunk for a few years.

There is a ”World Clock,” on the web.
It adds up totals of many things.
If you scan down to ”Illness” You find that the world’s push to knock out polio nearly worked; it is not even mentioned!
But, Chelsea’s favorite ailment, ”diarrhoeal diseases” is number one!
What a safe choice!
Has she thrown any money at it ….. yet?

@Nan G:Chelsea Clinton a big time partier? That a joke or a slur Nan? I think you got her confused with the U.T. Bush daughter.
Think Chelsea’s been pretty boring. Look at her.

@Richard Wheeler: RW, there used to be quite a bit of unfavorable coverage of your darling, but they have toned it down since she might be your savior.

@Nan G: Maybe it Dimocrat diarrhea of the mouth that is the problem

@Richard Wheeler: RW, I missed the joke I guess, what does U.T. mean?

@Redteam: Never saw it. Pls provide links. U.T. University of Texas.

@Nan G: #37

Has she thrown any money at it ….. yet?

Never will.

The Clinton “pretend foundation” does not put cash into causes. It has raised hundreds of millions claiming to be effective at “bringing attention” to worthwhile causes like feeding Africa or rebuilding Haiti. Slick has built the Grand Mother Theresa of all foundations – but it’s just not so “giving.”

But DO NOT ask them how much they have actually gifted to Haiti. And once the “photo ops” have faded on each highlighted misfortune of the day, Slick and the gang pull an exit stage left.

They know how to live high and dry off other people’s money.

@Redteam: I don’t think GWB was a UT alumni. Maybe Yale. When the statement is: ” There used to be” kinda, sorta like means it has been scrubbed.

@james Raider: Remarkable: As the election draws closer, series of articles that describe the Clinton Fraud should be required reading for every American.

It’s obvious the Media isn’t going to mention it, so it will be up to us the Lilliputians, the windmills are real giants, but they can be toppled.

@Richard Wheeler: Even with all the web-scrubbing there are a FEW photos of Chelsea drunk.

DRUNKEN Chelsea Clinton staggers out of a nightspot – and collapses. Chelsea, 22-year-old daughter of ex-US president Bill Clinton, had to be CARRIED by her American boyfriend Ian Klass, 22. She then slumped in the back of a car. The pair, both students at Oxford University, had been boozing with pals at the Embassy Club in London’s Mayfair. An onlooker said: “Chelsea couldn’t stand or even speak. She was wasted.”
Source: http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2002241711,00.html
See also Chelsea getting drunk with Nigerian chief justice Mohammed Uwais:

@Skookum: #45
Skook, sad, but true. The lack of insight from our illustrious MSM hasn’t evolved in our lifetimes. When we were kids, it whitewashed the moral bankruptcy of JFK with Life/Time creating a Camelot in exchange for access to the W.H.

Even more recently the story (confession) of J. Kennedy asking one of his attractive W.H. interns (confessor) to “service” one of his friends in the W.H. pool, got red cheeks from the press but nothing else. Society certainly cannot be exposed to the dearth of morals in the self-righteous liberal leadership – that might slow the march toward socialism.

@Redteam: You really should S L O W down in order to better comprehend. I was referring to “w””s U.T. daughter. Recovering alcoholic “w” was in fact a drunken Deke at Yale class of 68.
Any response to my #42. Thanks

@Nan G: Web scrubbing you say–Top 2 links NADA
Bottom link one picture of her having a drink with some guy. Is that it? scandalous.

@Richard Wheeler: I responded to 42 in 44.

That a joke or a slur Nan? I think you got her confused with the U.T. Bush daughter

oh, I see, just a grammar problem. Corrected to:” her confused with the Bush U.T. daughter. “