It’s Time for Leftists to Get Real About Taxes [Reader Post]

To all of the leftists out there, it is time for you to take a dose of reality when it comes to tax policy in this country. I’m not just picking on you this time – I’m throwing out a comparable reality check to my libertarian/conservative brethren. For you, it’s time to put to rest one of your favorite solutions to fiscal problems at every level of government – I am of course, referring to raising taxes.

It’s Time for Conservatives to Get Real About Taxes [Reader Post]

Conservatives, I have a bone to pick with my brethren. It’s over a favorite piece of red meat that politicians like to throw at us, one that we enthusiastically support, and one that will never happen. I am of course, referring to the flat tax. First off, let me be up front about my own views – I favor a flat tax. More specifically, I favor simplifying our tax code.

Say What? May 22, 2012 Edition [Reader Post]

Obama Deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter: “The goal of Romney economics has always been about wealth creation, but job creation. It’s wealth creation for a handful of investors like Mitt Romney, not about the creation of jobs for everybody else.”

Chris Wallace: “Mr. Goolsby, can you name a single CEO who does not see their job as creating wealth for their investors rather than creating jobs?” [quoted from memory]

Austin Goolsbey, an Obama adviser: “Uh, I don’t know the answer to that.”