Say What? April 9, 2012 Edition. [Reader Post]

President Obama: “My entire career has been a testimony of American exceptionalism.”

President Obama: “[Ronald Reagan] could not get through a Republican primary today.” And yet, nearly every Republican candidate speaks of his affection for President Reagan.

Democrats Shafting the Military Again: A Financial Sneak Attack by Obama and the Democrats [Reader Post]

Democrats always attack, decimate, reduce, belittle, disarm, and de-fund the military.

Here is some more of the Democrat party putting down the military and making them pay taking their pay.

The United States military forces were greatly reduced by the Democrats after World War I in the years before the December 07, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. At that time our military had been reduced to a very dangerously low level. We had to pay dearly for that foolishness.