The 2nd Amendment In Layman’s Terms


A friend of mine on Facebook was telling me that he was arguing with a liberal about the 2nd Amendment. In typical liberal fashion, the liberal was trying to argue that the 2nd Amendment only applied to armed militias.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

So, my friend used the following argument to argue his case, which made sense to me but I’m sure confused the liberal (it’s not hard):

“A well-crafted pepperoni pizza, being necessary to the preservation of a diverse menu, the right of the people to keep and cook tomatoes, shall not be infringed.” I would ask you to try to argue that this statement says that only pepperoni pizzas can keep and cook tomatoes, and only well-crafted ones at that. This is basically what the anti gun people argue with respect to the well-regulated militia, vs. the right to keep and bear arms. – Bruce Tiemann

Case closed.

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Fantastic analogy!

But do you really think the framers of the Consitution envisioned a world with today’s advanced and more sophisticated pizzas? I mean, we have Mexican salsa pizza now! My god, they couldn’t have known that tomatoes were going to be used in a salsa. They didn’t even have salsa back then! Surely, we have to regulate tomatoes used in salsa, and by extension, used in Mexican salsa pizza.

The truth of a statement, or the meaning of the words used, has nothing to do with what these idiots chose to believe. Like all “liberal/progressives” that think criminals should be released; just not in their neighborhood, they think guns kill people and pencils misspell words.
If you are 68 years old and some gang or terrorists want to kill you, well that is just too bad, you can not have a gun, you must call the 911 people to save you, if, of course the gang or the terrorists will let you and then wait until help arrives before continuing to kill you. These people who do not want you to be able to defend yourself will not hesitate to defend themselves. They are after all more knowledgeable about what to do than you are. Trust them. They have your best interests at heart and will tell you what to do
Sarc off/…..or not.

Usually I just ”keep” my guns.
On rare occasions I “bear” one of them.

I had a rare chance to bear arms at a fleeing felon just the other day.

He had gotten away from police and broken into a neighbor’s home.
My bedroom and bathroom windows were only 6 or 8 feet from the upstairs hall window where he was.
I took off the screen of my window and simply stood there with my gun.
At one point he ran up to that particular window, opened it all the way up and kicked out the screen, preparing to make the jump to my place.
Then he saw me, gun raised and pointing right at him.
He slammed the window shut and never returned to it.
The police finally sent in a dog to get him out.
Turned out it was his 3rd strike and he goes away for 25-to-life.
Good riddance!

Really, they don’t care what it says. Most that I’ve dealt with have an irrational fear of firearms and a dislike or even hatred of those that own/carry them. I recall the liberal mother of a friend saying that people that carried guns were bad people/criminals, etc. She was married to a hardcore drug user/thief and refused to dump him.
The result is they will latch onto any straw to justify banning them. I’ve heard the militia argument many times, the “well regulated” one, things have changed, and even “it’s just a piece of paper.”

The current sheriff of El Paso County, CO moved to CO from LA. Within a few months, he identified LA gang members as a crime force in the county. He initiated an agressive concealed carry program that has increased the number of residents who carry weapons legally in the county. One of his successes was an older woman who lived in an older part of Colorado Springs. She walked with a cane and was viewed by five gang members as esay prey as she returned from the market. When they threatened her with weapons, she shot three of them (wounded, not killed).

I remember “In Cold Blood”. I wonder if they had been armed with pizzas the family would have survived?


Thank you for relating that to us. I needed a good laugh today!

Waiting for conceal/carry to get thru the houses and signed by Governor Walker in Wisconsin….We finally have the right people in place to accomplish it…

My first line of defense is my Catahoulas. They hear much better than me and see better at night. I love the way they jump six foot in the air and go for the throat. I hate to imagine what it feels like to have those powerful jaws driving those long teeth through your throat. Don’t buy one unless you are experienced with hard core hunting dogs that run down and kill mountain lions and bears, they weigh 90 pounds and need a large place to run off excess energy with that low growl rumbling deep in their throat. It sounds like music to me. To strangers who are dumb enough to climb my fence, it is the last sound they will ever hear. I love my dogs and they love me. They aren’t mentioned in the Constitution, but if Liberals had any idea of what they can do, I’m sure they would outlaw them.

But you forget that the Obama’s are trying to regulate food which I would bet would include pizza and everything that goes into it. I am certain that they also want to regulate tomatoes. They also want to control anything that has to do with air or water or soil. they want to regulate the oil in the ground and what you can do with it out of the ground. They regulate the water you flush. They want to regulate the money you make, how you make it, and how much you are allowed to keep. they want to regulate the products you use in your home, the financing for your home, and the lender that lends you money. they want to control they type of car you can drive and how long they intend to allow you to drive it before you have to get on a federally controlled bus or train. They control how fast you can drive and how you belt yourself and family into the car. They want to control what the car companies have to put into a car before you can buy it. They want to control your healtcare and force you to buy insurance as only the entry point on what else they plan to force you to purchase. The want death panels to tell you that you have to die and they want to make it legal to have marriage between humans and goats. they already have made it legal to kill babies and want to remove the rights of those with religious convictions to not participate in the holocaust. This list could go on forever.

Frankly, we became slaves to the federal government long ago and we now have the most aggressive socialist of all time in office along with his party that believes you have no rights at all.

killing an individual is not easy..In the civilian world, the paper work, the grand jury hearing..than the garbage’s family lawsuit for killing a fellon with a 3 page conviciton record is just the beginning. Imagine a fellon, breaking into your house, raping your wife and than killing her and your two children, you kill him..Than the piece of garbage’s brother files suit against you..reality…Georgia. The case went to trial…Smile..

@Mos 8541: That is why Colorado passed a “Make My Day Law”. It has been tested to include even someone leaving the scene of a break in or life threating situation. The armed robber was determined by a 12 person jury to continue to be a threat when he said he would be back.

The armed robber reminds me of our friends on the left. They are only wanting to redistribute the wealth. They are just using a “slightly” different process!

@Randy: I to live in El Passo County and love the idea of our concealed carry “Make my Day Laws.” I just wish it were expanded to include the Castle doctrine.

The time for trying to convince leftists of the sanctity of the right to keep and bear arms is over. The best and easiest statement to forward to our gun-grabbing friends…if you try to take my firearms, I will kill you. This, I guarantee, they will understand.

I like to recast the first amendment in terms of the second for liberals…. not that a rational argument makes a difference to them…. sometimes they just look like windmills to me. 😉

A well informed public being necessary to a free society, the right of the People to a free press shall not be infringed….. So does that mean your comic books, porn, lefty propaganda, rock music, or whatever could be banned because it isn’t “informative”? About this time, their brains sieze up and need a good swift reboot. 😉

The simple fact of the matter is that the founding fathers wrote extensively on the 2nd amendment, and the importance of a population being armed in order to counteract a tyrannical government.

George Washington;

“A free people ought to be armed.”
– George Washington

“Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth.”
– George Washington

“A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.”
– George Washington

Thomas Jefferson;

“The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”
– Thomas Jefferson

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.”
– Thomas Jefferson

“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
– Thomas Jefferson (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria)

“A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.”
– Thomas Jefferson

John Adams;

“Arms in the hands of citizens may be used at individual discretion in private self defense.” – John Adams

George Mason;

“To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them.”
– George Mason

“I ask sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people except for a few politicians.”
– George Mason (father of the Bill of Rights and The Virginia Declaration of Rights)

James Madison;

“A government resting on the minority is an aristocracy, not a Republic, and could not be safe with a numerical and physical force against it, without a standing army, an enslaved press and a disarmed populace.”
– James Madison

“Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose leaders are afraid to trust them with arms.”
– James Madison

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country.”
– James Madison

“The ultimate authority resides in the people alone.”
– James Madison

Those are but a handful of the numerous quotations from our founding fathers, who enshrined in the Constitution, our right to own, keep, and bear arms, for the purpose of remaining a free people. They further defined that right by denying any infringement upon it by the government. No matter the intentions of those who would infringe upon that right, be it ‘good’ or evil, they cannot do so under the supreme law of the land, and the single reason why that right has been infringed is due to an ignorant, non-thinking populace which has traded, for a little security, an essential, and just, liberty, recognized by our founding fathers not just as a right, but as a duty to engage in, so that this nation may remain free.


OPM, while I agree there is no point in trying to persuade liberals to see the facts on the 2nd Amend, I won’t be saying I’ll kill them or anyone that tries to take them. That plays into their meme that gun owners are violent or ticking timebombs.
I find it funny that liberals say Conservatives suffer from fear when I see how they react to firearms or even someone that owns them. I have had multiple former New York residents tell me that anyone that carries a gun is looking for trouble. With that mentality, there is no point in talking to them.

@Hard Right: While this video has been around a while this testamony in front of congress is right on by someone who was there and did not have the right instrument to save her parent’s life!

Today our police UNIONs give us yet another new reason to hold on tight to our right to bear arms.
Police Union Bosses File Complaint against Police Chief who Stopped a Crime while OFF DUTY!!!

Really, union leaders?

When the farmer left his weapons at home and counted on the sheriff to protect him and his family, he started a very bad sequence of events. Sheriffs gained the ability to control who had arms, and who could use them. Many families died because of that particular idiocy. This mode of life was encouraged by the women of that period and males who had no clue about reality. The bad guy has no morals and does not care about any laws that were made to “protect people”. When the males of that period acquiesced to this stupidity, things went downhill rapidly.
When you “farm out” your security, and/or protection, you will there after have neither.
There are good guys out there who would defend you with their life, and they do, they are known as America’s military. They can not be there immediately, neither can 911, YOU must be the first line of defense for yourself and your family. If you have arms and are willing and able use them, you have a chance, otherwise ……


They’re coming after your dogs. First, the pit bulls. Next, Dobermans and Rottweilers.

Sic semper tyrannis (with accompanying illustration)

@Bill Johnson:

I’d like to see them come to get my pitbull mix friend. I’m not sure what would happen first, my dog protecting me, or me protecting my dog, but either way, they’d better bring a lot.

Where do you suppose America would be without the second amendment?
What kind of government would we have?
Who would be in control of America?
Considering the answers to these questions will explain the reason the socialists/Marxists are for gun control.
Of course all of the regulars here know that.
Hey, it’s just me ranting a little.

I am liberal, an I support guns. I feel guns, an gun safty should be taught to every American. While my liberal veiws may differ on other topics, I am still pro-gun. Gun ownership is in the right of the people, an not the goverment.