Weekly Open Thread – Bumped

Sarah Palin edition. You must watch this speech in its entirety. She gave it yesterday in Madison, WI, and it was a barnstormer.

Because let me tell you what isn’t courageous: It’s politicians promising the American voters that, as we drown in $14.5 trillion debt, that they’re going to cut $100 billion out of this year’s budget. But then they cave on that and they reduce it down to $61 billion after they get elected. Then they get in there and they strike a deal and decide, nah, they will reduce that down to $38 billion. And then after some politics-as-usual and accounting gimmicks, we find out it’s not $38 billion in cuts. You know that $38 billion – we don’t have it; we’re borrowing it. We borrow from foreign countries to give to foreign countries, and that’s insanity. We find out it’s not even $38 billion; it’s less than $1 billion in real cuts. Folks, that $352 million in real cuts – that’s no more than the federal government is going to spend in the time it takes us to hold this rally today! That is not courage; that’s capitulation!

Obama to investigate the high gas prices he wanted [Reader Post]

Yesterday Barack Obama promised to get to the bottom of the skyrocketing oil price barrel.

RENO, Nev. (AP) — President Barack Obama said Thursday that the Justice Department will try to “root out” cases of fraud or manipulation in oil markets, even as Attorney General Eric Holder suggested a variety of legal reasons may be behind gasoline’s surge to $4 a gallon.

The ‘Hideous, Pathetic Tool’s’ at Wonkette…More Outrage Over Their Attack On Trig

Great video by Steven Crowder about the liberal attacks on Sarah Palin, specifically the recent Wonkette article attacking her son Trig.

The video is good and he brings up some great points but his article is even better where he points out the hypocrisy in our media today, most especially comedians. Where they were once willing and able to make fun of our Presidents, not so much anymore with Obama: