Vapid Words [Reader Post]


In honesty to you whom are reading, I do not like looking at this man, watching this man nor listening to this man but reading his 3,400 word speech on Libya may be critical to the future of our dear country. I started seeking to measure the context as being either vapid or inspirational, what I found were that the words were very flat. This opinion began where I saw the President wrapped in a background wall of flags being used as props as if the previously used Styrofoam columns were sent into storage so that a new stage manager could bring on a different backdrop turning the location into a pulpit for preaching not a place for an intimate chat among friends. This President likes to speak from pre-prepared settings remaining shy from fielding rhetorical questions or answers. Given the opportunity to question authority, I would have asked, “Mister President, in lieu of your most popular and most loyal ‘No War For Oil’ political electoral base how is it now that you can explain to the American People the vast lease and drill concessions within Libya given to Exxon/Mobil, Total SA, BP/Royal Dutch plus several other oil exploitation corporations from Norway, Italy, Russia among others and our role protecting those assets with American blood and treasure?”; albeit, this president does not have a parliamentary dispatch box and never responds to even the simplest of inquiries.

Hearing the word “dither” came to his attention from several political image consultant sources and fearful of being titled again “Big Ears” or “Pantywaist” this President chose Monday, March 28, 2011 at 7:30 to show the world that that he is a decisive leader that can order killing and mayhem. In deference to our Dear Leader with the rapid information age there exists every hour a tsunami of news and to compare current decision dilemma to previous chief executives would not be fair; but, nevertheless, there are standard protocols which need to be followed when carrying the responsibility for military power; for instance, the notion of “vital interests”. Last night he said, “We are naturally reluctant to use force to solve the world’s many challenges. But when our interests and values are at stake, we have a responsibility to act.”, so it must be our realm to make the world safe for collective “interests and values”. One of those values with interest is “Live and let live!” although that selfish interest may seem callous to a citizen of the world does subscribing higher powers to the United Nations and the conceptualization of R2P (Responsibility 2 Protect) makes that turn either more or less inspirational or vapid? I choose to let those reading decide.

I remain prejudiced, but there remains an image of some latter-day Napoleon with tin soldiers on a flat map of the region. Rightfully, the President praises our military; but, “stopping the Taliban’s momentum in Afghanistan, and going after al Qaeda all across the globe.”, this becomes an open fist – closed fist dichotomy which challenges the nation if this is now the right time taking on such additional extreme risks. I am resentful for the game of charades passing this “kinetic military action” (such verbal nonsense) off to N.A.T.O. as a puppet show with smoke and mirrors. Mister President, investing young American lives wearing designations of the United States of America Armed Forces is war so use the word as universally understood and stop playing with semantics and deception that place you words, like those used last night, on the platform of lies. You tell your non Harvard Law School and Ivy League educated minions that the U.S. will take a “supporting role” passing responsibility on to N.A.T.O. This reasoning confuses many of those whose schools told us that that the United States is N.A.T.O.; perhaps at your posh Honolulu prep school you were told different but for us this is what we know to be true. If your meaning is that Europe take on the major efforts for the Libya mission then speak to your captive audience in the clear without dancing around on the head of a pin.

The price of gasoline is rocketing through the roof. You have put up so many gag orders and constraints investigating the enigma of your background that I cannot substantiate that you ever had a driver’s license or owned an automobile filling up the tank. In your lifetime there have been, during Carter, two mile long lines to purchase rationed five gallons of gasoline and also times when this teenager could fill-up the GTO for under ten bucks; now, consumers are leaving their self-service filling stations eighty to one-hundred dollars poorer because of your idiotic energy policies. Scooting around the planet in government owned SUV’s and limousines puts you “out of touch” with the economic pinch that is happening to the major majority of Americans; yet, you, impervious to any and all reactions, add, with more flowerily words, more chaos into the crude oil, natural gas, and gasoline markets. Your presidency promised to “lower the sea levels” but what has done is raise all prices on energy.

Nothing ever comes clear from you, you just don’t know the means to be plain and square; you know this guy, you shook his hand and perhaps kissed his cheek; but, nevertheless, “Qaddafi declared he would ‘show no mercy’ to his own people. He compared them to rats, and threatened to go door to door to inflict punishment. In the past, “we have seen him hang civilians in the streets, and kill over a thousand people in a single day”. Such a wasted education, instead of Columbia University international relations courses or Harvard Law you could have learned about this tyrant and several others just like him at Molly’s Diner on Main but Molly’s community of freedom people does not need to be organized and many of them voted for you once; but, those common citizens, they do not need to analyze foreign tyrants when they can feel domestic tyranny right here at home.

Most Presidents stayed home to do their jobs; yet, with you, “nine days ago, after consulting the bipartisan leadership of Congress, I authorized military action to stop the killing and enforce U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973.” which occurred, at the same time, when you were in Rio Brazil for another one of your many vacations. It is insipid that, as the world is busting out all over, you are away on another junket. There is a frequent refrain that Qaddafi, just like Bill Ayers and Reverend Wright, is the latest to be befriended at first only then later to be dropped and thrown under the proverbial bus which indicates, to me, mentorship by some invisible someone else giving you commands. Relationships are not built by tossing “friends” around like broken toys; but, with you, having any defined humanistic quality seems to be part of your mojo mystery. There is more of your/them versus those demagoguery, “some question why America should intervene at all – even in limited ways – in this distant land. They argue that there are many places in the world where innocent civilians face brutal violence at the hands of their government, and America should not be expected to police the world” because you just can’t take criticism. So many tyrants – so little time!

Throwing money and precious resources at problems does not solve problems, “Some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries. The United States of America is different. And as President, I refused to wait for the images of slaughter and mass graves before taking action.” Mister President, given more abundant times, such altruistic sentimentalities would be sensible but you have already spent all the sugar in the sugar bowl and not a grain of salt remains in the salt shaker. There is a difference between the Platte and the Mississippi rivers, one runs deep and flows swift while the other is shallow and stagnant. Your rash decisions are toying with the laws of nature and the consequences can be devastating. You are betting that Qaddafi will fall and you will be seen as a hero which is playing Big Casino with young American lives. A strong president would look and measure the stakes involved comparing the Exxon/Mobil assets to those of Europe so that one American stake is to be matched by five or more Europe stakes in the strategic game and then, as Commander in Chief, be ready to accept full responsibility for each life lost and asset ruined due to this venture. Nowhere in the cusp of your words do you come forth and take full title for making that level of decision. The set-up is there and everyone can see it, you are preparing another stage to blame the other guy feigning ever to be a target yourself.

This gambit is all about your electability in 2012, “I’ve made it clear that I will never hesitate to use our military swiftly, decisively, and unilaterally when necessary to defend our people, our homeland, our allies and our core interests”; all this, while producing political planning and subterfuge using bombs and soldiers’ lives for the “aspirations of the Libyan people” but let me remind you of an economic theorem never to be disputed; that is, war produces inflation and inflation does not make for inspiration.

1,570 words

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James, that was both a scolding and a good old fashioned thrashing with a horse whip.

America is waking up from a deep slumber and they don’t seem to be in a good mood. Well Done, James!

I agree. I can no longer watch or listen to this ‘crap-weasel’ of a leader, either. And as he has apparently uttered to an insider, this REALLY is a turd sandwich. Along with his entire presidency. Thanks to Moochelle and her ever involved attempts to live her life through mine, I just have to say,,,,,,,,,leave me the hell alone you pathetic ingrates. My life was great until you blood suckers came along. Here’s a thought,,,,,take a vaca. A very long vaca. Go see the Middle East since you have restructered it in your hopey-changey ideals. Make a speech on how inspirational it is to see how they can form a new democracy in your image. Make sure it is an open aired arena. Better reverb for your voice. It sure would make for a great new back drop for the campaign trail!!!!!!

James, you started well, followed through and delivered. Well done. I think you captured the tension and bitter resentment this president seems determined to turn up past the boil-over point. It seems like this popinjay is deliberately trying to get half the country to tune out. If so, he miscalculated badly. The same source of feelings repulsing so many of us will not allow us to turn away: Love of Country.

James, I needed to read this several times. Your post was written from deep within and I appreciate that. I retired from the military in May 2008. I could have stayed for two more years, but that would mean I would be subject to the whims of the new president. I didn’t know at the time who that would be, but listening to the falsehoods flowing from his mouth and the eager press lapping up those words, I had a bad feeling. Unfortunately, my son remains in the military and fortunately, has survived a year in Afghanistan. There are many young men and women in the military whom I care for as a friend and mentor. I am saddened. They may not be as lucky.

Maybe those on the left failed to understand the direction of our military when we went into Iraq, but most of the soldiers understood. Libya is not so easily understood. It has the flavor of Vietnam. While Libya is too little too late, and Vietnam was do not fight to win. (There is some of that in Libya, too.)
It is evident from reading the stories of those young soldiers and marines fighting to take Baghdad in 2003, that they knew what they were fighting to attain. Vietnam became unpopular because we were not allowed to win until it was too late. Those who fought there in the last few years could not explain why we were there. Can they explain why we are now putting combat troops on the ground? I failed to hear an explanation on Monday that would allow me to feel anything but horror in sending my son off to war.

Today we need leaders like Allen West and HR McMaster. These are men of courage, conviction and patriotism. Instead, we get Pee Wee Herman. There is an ominous feeling spreading over my heart as this develops. On a good note, the President didn’t preempt “Dancing with the Stars”!

Kudos James! Great article and your passion seeps out of every line. You nailed Obama on this issue; yours is the most concise, direct explanation of Obama’s actions regarding Libya.

Well done!

Mr lowbouton- typical spam on toast. 3rd and 10-pass.

Well said, James.
Please do not expect your remarks to be covered in the Lame-Stream Media, or on Federal Propaganda Radio (also known as NPR).
What Obama is doing worked for Huey Long, William Jennings Bryan, and other smooth talkers of the past.
What killed the Soviet Union was the fax machine (how do you censor a fax? You can’t tell what the contents are while the bit stream is flowing)
What will kill Obama is YouTube and Facebook.
Once it was very difficult to confront a politician with his/her own words.
Confronting someone with what they said (documented video) is now easy.
And the facts of the matter are simple: his promises are empty. Those issues which he says he will handle are not handled; endless examples listed here are a waste of our time.
The only commodity which a politician has is his/her word. If his/her word has no value, then the politician has nothing to offer. Obama’s words have no content.
We have a Presidential suit, with no occupant.

WOW! That was great! From the heart and as Skook said, a sound thrashing. My hat’s off to you sir as I can’t really add anything to your post (for me, that’s rare, LOL!).

An interesting, and thought provoking read, to say the least. I keep thinking that at some point the population is going to finally wake up, as one, and take it to the streets in denouncing his ‘rule’. But then i read a comment by Greg, or RW, and realize that there is a severe lack of common sense amongst the population as a whole.

Obama, and his team, are certainly the masters of one area of politics. Spin. Their ability to take loose facts and weave them into a believable lie for the masses is second to none. If the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ were ever allowed to be passed, we just might see the first king crowned in the U.S.

“In honesty to you whom are reading, I do not like looking at this man, watching this man nor listening to this man….”

I can’t put the words Obama and president together because I feel you should EARN the title, not buy it.  

“This President likes to speak from pre-prepared settings remaining shy from fielding rhetorical questions or answers.”

Obama even needs his royal TOTUS with him at town hall meetings. Aren’t they supposed to be impromptu meetings. TOTUS must be psychic to be able to come up with answers to questions that haven’t been asked yet.

I remember when a plane was moved at a base Obama was giving a speech. If I remember correctly, it was one Obama voted against as a senator, so it wouldn’t have been a good backdrop for him.

James, thank you, you’are brilliant, THE PRESIDENT went to HARVAR; It seems to be the place to learn about the WORLD ORGANISATION, and when they come out of there some get influence by this UN org.
they join their ideology, and get elected, to trick the USA of their real intention to CHANGE AMERICA,
as they suffer now, and the rest collect and could not care less as long as they have their checks,
well, they better start to figure where the next check will come if they keep electing the one now in power,
that would surprise a lot of people, aint it to be in front of a collapse of the economy, happening suddenly one morning on the news, while the president is away giving milliards of dollards to help another country, no jokes people, you better wake up and act like an AMERICAN,AND VOTE TO SAVE AMERICA.