Does solar activity have to KEEP going up to cause warming? Mike Lockwood responds [Reader Post]


My first post on this subject remarked on the number of scientists who assert that late 20th century global warming cannot have been driven by the sun because solar activity was not trending upwards after 1950, even though it remained at peak levels. To follow up, I asked a dozen of these scientists whether solar activity has to KEEP going up to cause warming?

Wouldn’t that be like saying you can’t heat a pot of water by turning the flame to maximum and leaving it there, that you have to turn the heat up gradually to get warming?

My email suggested that these scientists (more than half of whom are solar scientists) must be implicitly assuming that by 1980 or so, ocean temperatures had already equilibrated to the 20th century’s high level of solar activity. Then they would be right. Continued forcing at the same average level would not cause any additional warming and any fall off in forcing would have a cooling effect. But without this assumption-if equilibrium had not yet been reached-then continued high levels of solar activity would cause continued warming.

Pretty basic, but none of these folks had even mentioned equilibration. If they were indeed assuming that equilibrium had been reached, and this was the grounds on which they were dismissing a solar explanation for late 20th century warming, then I urged that this assumption needed to be made explicit, and the arguments for it laid out.

I have received a half dozen responses so far, all of them very gracious and quite interesting. The short answer is yes, respondents are for the most part defending (and hence at least implicitly acknowledging) the assumption that equilibration is rapid and should have been reached prior to the most recent warming. So that’s good. We can start talking about the actual grounds on which so many scientists are dismissing a solar explanation.

Do their arguments for rapid equilibration hold up? Here the short answer is no, and you might be surprised to learn who pulled out all the stops to demolish the rapid equilibration theory.

From “almost immediately” to “20 years”

That is the range of estimates I have been getting for the time it takes the ocean temperature gradient to equilibrate in response to a change in forcing. Prima facie, this seems awfully fast, given how the planet spent the last 300+ years emerging from the Little Ice Age. Even in the bottom of the little freezer there were never more than 20 years of “stored cold”? What is their evidence?

First up is Mike Lockwood, Professor of Space Environment Physics at the University of Reading. Here is the quote from Mike Lockwood and Claus Frohlich that I was responding to (from their 2007 paper, “Recent oppositely directed trends in solar climate forcings and the global mean surface air temperature”):

There is considerable evidence for solar influence on the Earth’s pre-industrial climate and the Sun may well have been a factor in post-industrial climate change in the first half of the last century. Here we show that over the past 20 years, all the trends in the Sun that could have had an influence on the Earth’s climate have been in the opposite direction to that required to explain the observed rise in global mean temperatures.

The estimate in this paper is that solar activity peaked in 1985. Would that really mean the next decade of near-peak solar activity couldn’t cause warming? Surely they were assuming that equilibrium temperatures had already been reached. Here is the main part of Mike’s response:

Hi Alec,

Thank you for your e-mail and you raise what I agree is a very interesting and complex point. In the case of myself and Claus Froehlich, we did address this issue in a follow-up to the paper of ours that you cite, and I attach that paper.

One has to remember that two parts of the same body can be in good thermal contact but not had time to reach an equilibrium. For example I could take a blow torch to one panel of the hull of a ship and make it glow red hot but I don’t have to make the whole ship glow red hot to get the one panel hot. The point is that the time constant to heat something up depends on its thermal heat capacity and that of one panel is much less than that of the whole ship so I can heat it up and cool it down without an detectable effect on the rest of the ship. Global warming is rather like this. We are concerned with the temperature of the Earth’s surface air temperature which is a layer with a tiny thermal heat capacity and time constant compared to the deep oceans. So the surface can heat up without the deep oceans responding. So no we don’t assume Earth surface is in an equilibrium with its oceans (because it isn’t).

So the deep oceans are not taking part in global warming and are not relevant but obviously the surface layer of the oceans is. The right question to ask is, “how deep into the oceans do centennial temperature variations penetrate so that we have to consider them to be part of the thermal time constant of the surface?” That sets the ‘effective’ heat capacity and time constant of the surface layer we are concerned about. We know there are phenomena like El-Nino/La Nina where deeper water upwells to influence the surface temperature. So what depth of ocean is relevant to century scale changes in GMAST [Global Mean Air Surface Temperature] and what smoothing time constant does this correspond to?

…In the attached paper, we cite a paper by Schwartz (2007) that discusses and quantifies the heat capacity of the oceans relevant to GMAST changes and so what the relevant response time constant is. It is a paper that has attracted some criticism but I think it is a good statement of the issues even if the numbers may not always be right. In a subsequent reply to comments he arrives at a time constant of 10 years. Almost all estimates have been in the 1-10 year range.

In the attached paper we looked at the effect of response time constants between 1-10 years and showed that they cannot be used to fit the solar data to the observed GMAST rise. Put simply. The peak solar activity in 1985 would have caused peak GMAST before 1995 if the solar change was the cause of the GMAST rise before 1985.

This is a significant update on Lockwood and Frohlich’s 2007 paper, where it was suggested that temperatures should have peaked when solar activity peaked. Now the lagged temperature response of the oceans is front and center, and Professor Lockwood is claiming that equilibrium comes quickly. When there is a change in forcing, the part of the ocean that does significant warming should be close to done with its temperature response within 10 years.

The Team springs into action, … on the side of a slow adjustment to equilibrium?

Professor Lockwood cites the short “time constant” estimated by Stephen Schwartz, adding that “almost all estimates have been in the 1-10 year range,” and indeed, it seems that rapid equilibration was a pretty popular view just a couple of years ago, until Schwartz came along and tied equilibration time to climate sensitivity. Schwartz 2007 is actually the beginning of the end for the rapid equilibration view. Behold the awesome number-crunching, theory-constructing power of The Team when their agenda is at stake.

The CO2 explanation for late 20th century warming depends on climate being highly sensitive to changes in radiative forcing. The direct warming effect of CO2 is known to be small, so it must be multiplied up by feedback effects (climate sensitivity) if it is to account for any significant temperature change. Schwartz shows that in a simple energy balance model, rapid equilibration implies a low climate sensitivity. Thus his estimate of a very short time constant was dangerously contrarian, prompting a mini-Manhattan Project from the consensus scientists, with the result that Schwartz’ short time constant estimate has now been quite thoroughly shredded, all on the basis of what appears to be perfectly good science.

Too bad nobody told our solar scientists that the rapid equilibrium theory has been hunted and sunk like the Bismarck. (“Good times, good times,” as Phil Hartman would say.)

Schwartz’ model

Schwartz’ 2007 paper introduced new way of estimating climate sensitivity. He showed that when the climate system is represented by the simplest possible energy balance model, the following relationship should hold:

τ = Cλ-1

where τ is the time constant of the climate system (a measure of time to equilibrium); C is the heat capacity of the system; and λ-1 is climate sensitivity

The intuition here is pretty simple (via Kirk-Davidoff 2009, section 1.1 ). A high climate sensitivity results when there are system feedbacks that block heat from escaping. This escape-blocking lengthens the time to equilibrium. Suppose there is a step-up in solar insolation. The more the heat inside the system is blocked from escaping, the more the heat content of the system has to rise before the outgoing longwave radiation will come into energy balance with the incoming shortwave, and this additional heat increase takes time.

Time to equilibrium will also be longer the larger the heat capacity of the system. The surface of the planet has to get hot enough to push enough longwave radiation through the atmosphere to balance the increase in sunlight. The more energy gets absorbed into the oceans, the longer it takes for the surface to reach that necessary temperature.

τ = Cλ-1 can be rewritten as λ-1 = τ /C, so all Schwartz needs are estimates for τ and C and he has an estimate for climate sensitivity.

Here too Schwartz keeps things as simple as possible. In estimating C, he treats the oceans as a single heat reservoir. Deeper ocean depths participate less in the absorbing and releasing of heat than shallower layers, but all are assumed to move directly together. There is no time-consuming process of heat transfer from upper layers to lower layers.

For the time constant, Schwartz assumes that changes in GMAST (the Global Mean Atmospheric Surface Temperature) can be regarded as Brownian motion, subject to Einstein’s Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem. In other words, he is assuming that GMAST is “subject to random perturbations,” but otherwise “behaves as a first-order Markov or autoregressive process, for which a quantity is assumed to decay to its mean value with time constant τ.”

To find τ, Schwartz examines the autocorrelation of the temperature time series and looks to see how long a lag there is before the autocorrelation stops being positive. This time to decorrelation is the time constant.

The Team’s critique

Given Schwartz’ time constant estimate of 4-6 years:

The resultant equilibrium climate sensitivity, 0.30 ± 0.14 K/(W m-2), corresponds to an equilibrium temperature increase for doubled CO2 of 1.1 ± 0.5 K. …

In contrast:

The present [IPCC 2007] estimate of Earth’s equilibrium climate sensitivity, expressed as the increase in global mean surface temperature for doubled CO2, is [2 to 4.5].

These results get critiqued by Foster, Annan, Schmidt and Mann on a variety of theoretical grounds (like the iffyness of the randomness assumption), but their main response is to apply Schwartz’ estimation scheme to runs of their own AR4 model under a variety of different forcing assumptions. Their model has a known climate sensitivity of 2.4, yet the sensitivity estimates produced by Schwartz’ scheme average well below even the low estimate that he got from the actual GMAST data, suggesting that an actual sensitivity substantially above 2.4 would still be consistent with Schwartz’ results.

Part of the discrepancy could be from Schwartz’ use of a lower heat capacity estimate than is used in the AR4 model, but Foster et al. judge that:

… the estimated time constants appear to be the greater problem with this analysis.

The AR4 model has known equilibration properties and “takes a number of decades to equilibrate after a change in external forcing,” yet when Schwartz’ method for estimating speed of equilibration is applied to model-generated data, it estimates the same minimal time constant as it does for GMAST:

Hence this time scale analysis method does not appear to correctly diagnose the properties of the model.

There’s more, but you get the gist. It’s not that Schwartz’ basic approach isn’t sensible. It’s just the hyper-simplification of his model that makes this first attempt unrealistic. Others have since made significant progress in adding realism, in particular, by treating the different ocean levels as separate heat reservoirs with a process of energy transport between them.

Daniel Kirk-Davidoff’s two heat-reservoir model

This is interesting stuff. Kirk-Davidoff finds that adding a second weakly coupled heat reservoir changes the behavior of the energy balance model dramatically. The first layer of the ocean responds quickly to any forcing, then over a much longer time period, this upper layer warms the next ocean layer until equilibrium is reached. This elaboration seems necessary as a matter of realism and it could well be taken further (by including further ocean depths, and by breaking the layers down into sub-layers).

K-D shows that when Schwartz’ method for estimating the time constant is applied to data generated by a two heat-reservoir model it latches onto the rapid temperature response of the upper ocean layer (at least when used with such a short time series as Schwartz employs). As a result, it shows a short time constant even when the coupled equilibration process is quite slow:

Thus, the low heat capacity of the surface layer, which would [be] quite irrelevant to the response of the model to slowly increasing climate forcing, tricks the analysis method into predicting a small decorrelation time scale, and a small climate sensitivity, because of the short length of the observed time series. Only with a longer time series would the long memory of the system be revealed.

K-D says the time series would have to be:

[S]everal times longer than a model would require to come to equilibrium with a step-change in forcing.

And how long is that? Here K-D graphs temperature equilibration in response to a step-up in solar insolation for a couple different model assumptions:


“Weak coupling” here refers to the two heat reservoir model. “Strong coupling” is the one reservoir model.

The initial jump up in surface temperatures in the two reservoir model corresponds to the rapid warming of the upper ocean layer, which in the particular model depicted here then warms the next ocean layer for another hundred plus years, with surface temperatures eventually settling down to a temperature increase more than twice the size of the initial spike.

This bit of realism changes everything. Consider the implications of the two heat reservoir model for the main item of correlative evidence that Schwartz put forward in support of his short time constant finding.

The short recovery time from volcanic cooling

Here is Schwartz’ summary of the volcanic evidence:

The view of a short time constant for climate change gains support also from records of widespread change in surface temperature following major volcanic eruptions. Such eruptions abruptly enhance planetary reflectance as a consequence of injection of light-scattering aerosol particles into the stratosphere. A cooling of global proportions in 1816 and 1817 followed the April, 1815, eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia. Snow fell in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and portions of Massachusetts and New York in June, 1816, and hard frosts were reported in July and August, and crop failures were widespread in North America and Europe – the so-called “year without a summer” (Stommel and Stommel, 1983). More importantly from the perspective of inferring the time constant of the system, recovery ensued in just a few years. From an analysis of the rate of recovery of global mean temperature to baseline conditions between a series of closely spaced volcanic eruptions between 1880 and 1920 Lindzen and Giannitsis [1998] argued that the time constant characterizing this recovery must be short; the range of time constants consistent with the observations was 2 to 7 years, with values at the lower end of the range being more compatible with the observations. A time constant of about 2.6 years is inferred from the transient climate sensitivity and system heat capacity determined by Boer et al. [2007] in coupled climate model simulations of GMST following the Mount Pinatubo eruption. Comparable estimates of the time constant have been inferred in similar analyses by others [e.g., Santer et al., 2001; Wigley et al., 2005].

All of which is just what one would expect from the two heat reservoir model. The top ocean layer responds quickly, first to the cooling effect of volcanic aerosols, then to the warming effect of the sun once the aerosols clear. But in the weakly coupled model, this rapid upper-layer response reveals very little about how quickly the full system equilibrates.

Gavin Schmidt weighs in

Gavin Schmidt recently had occasion to comment on the time to equilibrium:

Oceans have such a large heat capacity that it takes decades to hundreds of years for them to equilibrate to a new forcing.

This is not an unconsidered remark. Schmidt was one of co-authors of The Team’s response to Schwartz. Thus Mike Lockwood’s suggestion that “[a]lmost all estimates have been in the 1-10 year range,” is at the very least passé. The clearly increased realism of the two reservoir model makes it perfectly plausible that the actual speed of equilibration-especially in response to a long period forcing-could be quite slow.

Eventually, good total ocean heat content data will reveal near exact timing and magnitude for energy flows in and out of the oceans, allowing us to resolve which candidate forcings actually force, and how strongly. We can also look forward to enough sounding data to directly observe energy transfer between different ocean depths over time, revealing exactly how equilibration proceeds in response to forcing. But for now, time to equilibration would seem to be a wide open question.

Climate sensitivity

This also leaves climate sensitivity as an open question, at least as estimated by heat capacity and equilibration speed. Roy Spencer noted this in support of his more direct method of estimating climate sensitivity, holding that the utility of the fluctuation dissipation approach:

… is limited by sensitivity to the assumed heat capacity of the system [e.g., Kirk-Davidoff, 2009].

The simpler method we analyze here is to regress the TOA [Top Of Atmosphere] radiative variations against the temperature variations.

Solar warming is being improperly dismissed

For solar warming theory, the implications of equilibration speed being an open question are clear. We have a host of climatologists and solar scientists who have been dismissing a solar explanation for late 20th century warming on the strength of a short-time-to-equilibrium assumption that is not supported by the evidence. Thus a solar explanation remains viable and should be given much more attention, including much more weight in predictions of where global temperatures are headed.

If 20th century warming was caused primarily the 20th century’s 80 year grand maximum of solar activity then it was not caused by CO2, which must be relatively powerless: little able either to cause future warming, or to mitigate the global cooling that the present fall off in solar activity portends. The planet likely sits on the cusp of another Little Ice Age. If we unplug the modern world in an unscientific war against CO2 our grandchildren will not thank us.

(Addenda at bottom of Error Theory post.)

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Alec Rawls,

After reading this one thing struck me more maybe than it should have (because I’m not a scientist).
We have seen dishonesty with regards the placement of climate data collectors, such as collectors too near asphalt parking lots, air conditioners, streets and so forth.
But I would have thought placing these all over the oceans of the world would have been long done by now.
Yet your essay shows that they are needed all over the oceans, maybe only a few are already set up.

(I’m guessing that based on this paragraph:

Eventually, good total ocean heat content data will reveal near exact timing and magnitude for energy flows in and out of the oceans, allowing us to resolve which candidate forcings actually force, and how strongly. We can also look forward to enough sounding data to directly observe energy transfer between different ocean depths over time, revealing exactly how equilibration proceeds in response to forcing. But for now, time to equilibration would seem to be a wide open question.)

To me this seems very odd in that ocean temperature (heat content) data collectors would be much more true in accuracy that on-land ones where the encroachment of civilization keeps throwing their data off.

Are they prohibitively expensive to set up on the oceans?
Is there a program one could donate to the aid in more of them being set up?

Great article, Global Climate Warming Change is a complex issue, but the motive behind it is rather simple. Redistribution of money and resources on a world wide scale.

Thank you for this post. It continues to show that global warming is a very complex issue. Too many scientists are only addressing a small part of the issue, making their theories fact and collecting substantial grants in return. There should be serious discussions before the world and especially this country spends trillions of dollars we do not have on controlling CO2.

I like the article.

I read a book several years ago by Michael Criton RIP called ‘State Of Fear’ that opened up my eyes to why global warming was such a “hot” issue among media and scientists. The funny aspect of it all is that; the world should have ended dozens of times in the last year alone according to certain “scientific” prediction. Now the threat of total extinction has been pushed back to 2012, I take that to mean i have two more great years of my young life at the minimum. And I’m not worried about anything.

If we had uninterrupted data, from stations isolated from heat island effects, manned by technicians with identical training. . . since the 18th century when the mercury thermometer was invented. . . we still, would not have enough data to plot a statistically significant trend line in a 4.5 billion year old, highly dynamic system.

Not only is it impossible to prove man made global warming exists, it is impossible to prove the globe is even warming.

@JustAl: You are so right! It is a scam and many are profiting from it. GE is one. Did you see where they made $%billion dollars last year and paid no tax? Even some jerk with a divinity degree can make a slide show and win an Academy Award and a Nobel Prize. He successfully made hundreds of millions with no facts.

Ask a few questions like why will does the Attorney General of Virginia have to sue his own university to see if there was fraud by Michael Mann when he applied for a grant. Why have a click of global warming advocates succeeded in preventing adverse opinions from being published in scientific journals. Tax payers are being snookered!


I read your article, though I only glossed quickly over the technical aspects as I didn’t have the time to sit and read it all(for that I apologize and hope to read the rest of it more in-depth when time allows). It is interesting to me that solar activity is dismissed so readily by the AGW crowd. They continue to rely heavily on the “hockey stick” diagram Al Gore presented to the world with his An Inconvenient Truth Lie.

Hopefully the truth will come out before the socialist anti-man crowd pushes through legislation limiting my own breath exhalation.

I think your extended time-lag theory is a dubious argument for solar insolation as a cause of warming, because you seem to have missed Lockwood’s point that “”So no we don’t assume Earth surface is in an equilibrium with its oceans (because it isn’t).” In the absence of a greenhouse forcing (i.e. no unusual greenhouse effect), increased insolation will warm the upper layers of the sea and much of it will be re-radiated out at night. Radiation will increase until equilibrium is reached, and then temperature will stabilise; there is no reason for this to take a long time (and no apparent signal for a long lag on your graphs, although this may be due to a too-short period of measurement). There is no reason for that much of the heat to be transferred to the deeper ocean levels either, unless there is a blocking feedback as you correctly point out.

The time series for solar cycle and surface temperatures are also very good fits ( so if this cycle is a driver of short term/shallow water changes, all other things being equal, if there was a long lag to thermal equilibrium with the next layer you would expect the changes to cancel out. Lockwood in any case points out that it looks as though solar forcings don’t penetrate very deeply.

But let’s assume that you are correct about the extended time lag to equilibrium. Then, if I understand you correctly, your argument is:

– A CO2 greenhouse effect (i.e a blocking feedback) is not responsible for the current rise in temperature
– Increased solar insolation is the reason
– The energy imbalance caused by the delta insolation has a (currently undetected) very long time lag to equilibrium
– The reason for the long timelag is an as yet undiscovered blocking feedback which is not CO2.

Sounds fine to me.

In any case the amplitude of the solar cycle forcing is simply not enough to account for the current warming; to return to your pot analogy, if you turn the heat up very slightly, the water may never boil because increased evaporation due to increased kinetic energy of the H2O molecules will probably be enough to bring the system back to equilibrium.

But if you put a lid on the pot, you might get somewhere.

Caroza wrote: “Increased insolation will warm the upper layers of the sea and much of it will be re-radiated out at night.”

She is thinking of what happens when decreased cloud cover allows more sunlight to reach LAND. When skies are clear (think of the desert) pretty much all the heat absorbed by the land during the day gets re-radiated back out at night.

Not so with the oceans, where constant mixing between different ocean depths mostly tucks each day’s heat absorption down below the surface. The top 50 meters are considered “well mixed,” but this layer also mixes with further down layers, which mix with further down layers, so that longer period warming pentrates to deeper depths. As my post discusses, the rapid equilibration estimate cited by Lockwood is at this point dead as a doornail. It is clearly a measure only of how quickly the topmost ocean layers equilibrate to a different level of solar/atmospheric forcing.

Thus no, it is not that: “The reason for the long timelag is an as yet undiscovered blocking feedback which is not CO2.” We perfectly well understand how and why it takes longer for deeper ocean levels to equilibrate. What we don’t have is a good way to measure the time to equilibration, because the available data can only be used to estimate surface equilibration time. A fuller picture will depend on better sounding data, as ARGO is beginning to produce.

In the meantime, we can also look at sea level, which responds to the thermal expansion of the ocean. Sea level has recently been falling, suggesting that the oceans as a whole may be beginning to cool. The 80 year grand maximum of solar activity ended in 2003. If that was the cause of 20th century warming, then the oceans should now be dumping heat, and the recent sea level drop is an indication that this is indeed happening.

No, that’s not what I meant. The ocean upper layer is well mixed. There is very poor conduction / convection between the upper layer and the deep layer (it is the deep layer which your lag hypothesis depends on as that is what the K-D paper is trying to model), so heat transfer takes place extremely slowly. Heat transfer between surface and air is easy and fast by comparison, depending on the thermal gradient.

Solar cycles provide a relatively short-term (and very small) oscillation in forcing, so equilibration with the lower layers, which takes place over much longer time scales, should obey a swings-and-roundabout effect as the thermal gradients change (otherwise the oceans would long since have boiled off).

K-D and Schmidt are both referring to the situation where there is an external blocking feedback and the forcing thus remains in, um, force.

Caroza writes: “Solar cycles provide a relatively short-term (and very small) oscillation in forcing.”

Not “very small.” That is exactly the point in question. How much warming effect does solar magnetic deflection of cosmic radiation impart? And while the variation over the solar cycle is fairly rapid (peak and valley every 11 years or so), solar activity also has long term ups and downs. There was an 80 year grand maximum of solar activity between the early 1920s and 2003.

As Caroza notes, heat transfer in and out of deeper ocean layers is expected to be relatively slow. So figure it out. Just as an expecially cloudless day can pump more heat into the oceans than is radiated out at night, so too a especially active solar cycle can pump more heat to deeper ocean layers than makes its way out from deeper ocean layers, causing the whole ocean to warm over each especially active solar cycle. Very likely, this is what happened over most of the 20th century.

“Solar cycles provide a relatively sh…” That should have been solar sunspot cycles, which is the data your argument is based on, so let’s stick to those.

If there is a very long lag time for the full effect of the sunspot cycle to be felt in the deep ocean layers, then that applies as much to minima as to maxima. So there would be cooling “in the pipeline” from the previous minima. Unless there is an upward trend in solar activity, the cooling will cancel out the warming from the most recent maxima (that’s a bit simplistic, but basically the temperature on the other side of the ocean layer interface won’t oscillate with the sunspot cycle because of its much greater heat capacity). A single maximum will not change the net energy balance the way a sustained forcing would.

(Using your pot analogy again, if you have a really, really big pot of water and you keep switching the heat on and then off so the plate can cool down, do you think the water will heat up? You have to keep the plate on.)

So you would need a forcing – either a rising trend in solar activity, which isn’t there, or a different one, to get sustained heat transfer into the deeper ocean layer.

Also note Mike Lockwood’s comments about the depth to which radiation penetrates the ocean as being the important question. This is because (roughly – my physics is very rusty) if you know, for example, that solar radiation doesn’t transfer energy to water below a 10m depth, for argument’s sake, then you can compute the volume of water in that layer and from there you can get the specific heat capacity of the layer, and then you can compute the time to thermal equilibrium after a forcing. From the paper he attached, it looks as though solar radiation does not penetrate into the deep ocean layer, so the volume of water and hence time constant is quite small. (So he would be correct in assuming that early 20th century solar forcing has reached equilibrium).

Sorry, just heat capacity, not specific heat capacity.