Wisconsin cops and firemen make businesses an offer they can’t refuse [Reader Post]


In the The Godfather Don Corleone asked Hollywood producer Jack Woltz to cast Johnny Fontane in a movie. Woltz refuses and Corleone tells Johnny this:


In Wisconsin the cops and firemen have sent a not-so-subtle message to the businesses of Wisconsin. In part it reads:

The undersigned groups would like your company to publicly oppose Governor Walker’s efforts to virtually eliminate collective bargaining for public employees in Wisconsin. While we appreciate that you may need some time to consider this request, we ask for your response by March 17. In the event that you do not respond to this request by that date, we will assume that you stand with Governor Walker and against the teachers, nurses, police officers, fire fighters, and other dedicated public employees who serve our communities.

Then they ominously add this:

In the event that you cannot support this effort to save collective bargaining, please be advised that the undersigned will publicly and formally boycott the goods and services provided by your company.

It is “signed” by a number of police and firefighter unions.

In the WSJ James Taranto writes:

In the letter to Wisconsin businessmen, however, we see why so-called collective bargaining is particularly corrupting to the police. Although the letter explicitly threatens only an economic boycott, when it is written on behalf of the police–of those on whom all citizens depend to protect their safety–it invariably raises the prospect of another kind of boycott. Can a businessman who declines this heavy-handed “request” be confident that the police will do their job if he is the victim of a crime–particularly if the crime itself is in retaliation for his refusal to support “the dedicated public employees who serve our communities”?

Radio host Charlie Sykes in Milwaukee quipped

“That’s a nice business you got there. Pity if anything were to happen to it if, say, you didn’t toe the line and denounce Governor Walker like we’re asking nice-like.”

Apparently, it’s on.

Death threats are flying all around Wisconsin but neither the press nor the police seem to have any interest in them.

Try to set aside whatever biases or preconceptions you might have for a moment and ask yourself why death threats against politicians aren’t considered national news, especially in the wake of the all too fresh shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and other bystanders. And there hasn’t just been one death threat, but a number of them.

Doug Ross has a collection of pictures representing the finest of the left and their death threats.

The media is completely derelict in regards to these threats.

Would they have reported these threats if they were made against Democrats? Seems a metaphysical certitude, correct?

While Ezra Klein has done his best to rally the left wing stormtroopers in an effort to recall Wisconsin Republicans, Wisconsin lefties are far less tolerant of Republicans’ rights to do the same to the AWOL Democrats. In fact, left wing protesters destroyed the petitions completed by the right.

Upon arrival, members of the recall committee were encircled by union protesters carrying signs and a leader with a mega phone who began chanting and ranting loudly. They packed in tightly around the petition collection table so as to prevent those attempting to sign from doing so. At one point, a pro union protester, pretending to be interested in signing the petition, wrote profanity across a partially collected petition form, than began ripping up the completed petitions that were in close proximity.

And the cops?

The policemen who were there, and who were standing in close proximity to these events as they unfolded, did nothing to assist those collecting the petitions as they were being destroyed, despite such an action being a Felony under Wisconsin law. Police also did nothing to clear the walk way for citizens that wanted to sign the petitions. Recall Committee members received many phone calls the following day from Merill area citizens who stated that they showed up to sign the petition, but were too afraid to get out of their vehicles and approach the recall table.

Videos of the events can be seen at Professor Bill Jacobson’s blog.

FDR had this to say about public sector unions and collective bargaining:

“All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management. The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with Government employee organizations. The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives in Congress.”

Destroying petitions? Oops, didn’t see it! Your business burned down? Sorry we were late getting there!

This is outright extortion. It is obscene. It is the best reason yet to abolish all public sector unions. Cops and firefighters are not hired to be the “finest” and the “bravest” at times of their own choosing. It would be their right to individually boycott any business they choose but to do so as a union eating from the public wallet?

It’s outrageous.

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If the good people of Wisconsin stand together, it sounds like the union thugs are going to go hungry! Too damned bad.

I think that the whole STATES should show their support for GOVERNER WALKER AND THE REPUBLICANS, the polices and the others unions and members are criminalyze by their union,
they no longer are fit to protect the CITIZENS, they are corrupt and cross the line of decency ,
that should have never been done,

It doesn’t seem real smart to threaten the people who pay your salary…but then nobody ever said union members were smart.

If these union members want to be treated as professionals, they need to act as professionals. I think that Rush Limbaugh had a good comment the other day about the people who say Gitmo operations begat more terrorists. He said that attacks agains the Teap Party creats more tea partyers. I would say that attacks against supporters of eliminating collective bargining for public employees unions creates more people who are supporting eliminating collective bargining.

If it walks, talks, and smells like the Mafia, it is the Mafia.
Organized Labor = Organized Crime.
The systematic use of the same methods of intimidation speaks volumes to those who will listen.
Because Labor Unions elect Democratic Politicians, who in turn provide extortionate incomes to Labor Unions, we have to pay protection money?

Time for the real Republicans (I do not mean RINO) to step up to the plate, and call the Mob the Mob.

Fire them and start over

Whether or not the unions like it, this repeal of collective bargaining is spreading like a wild fire across the country. Their extortion and coercion isn’t really scaring a whole lot of people. A reminder, criminal acts conducted by the police and firemen unions are still criminal acts.

So business owners, indeed ALL actual Americans had better arm themselves. The left make their stand quite clear-submit to our will or you’re on your own, both against amateur and professional criminal groups. We might as well prepare right now.

A little research over at the BLS (government agency) shows some interesting information on Wisconsin.

It seems that only 14.8% of ALL Wisconsin workers belong to a union and unless the math I learned in school is now fuzzy, that leaves 85.2% of Wisconsin workers who are NON-union. Also, the media, in its attempt to make the protesters seem like a majority of Wisconsinites, has said that upwards of 100K people have protested. Out of a population of 5 million, that is a paltry 2%. And we know that unions bussed in people from other states to protest. Any MFM reports have been designed to make it look like the entire population of Wisconsin is against Governor Walker.

Now, let’s take a look at reality, shall we?

If it were really true, that most Wisconsinites disagree with Walker, there would be no need to bus in protesters, send out threats to businesses letting them know that their business will be boycotted, at best, or without police/fire protection at worst. There would be no need for intimidation tactics if the consensus was solid. And let’s take a look at that 85.2% that are non-union; why are they not being heard from? Well, to begin with, they are either too damn busy working or they are the unemployed. Either way, I doubt that 85.2% has much sympathy for a bunch of petulant children skipping classes at UW or teachers who have dismal records when it comes to graduation rates among minorities (the graduation rates for blacks in Wisconsin is at a shameful 49%). Also, an exceptionally high rate, 14%, of all Wisconsin students attend private/parochial schools, which do not have unionized teachers.

The death threats being lobbed in Wisconsin (including againt Ann Althouse, a Wisconsin blogger and professor at UW, Madison, and her husband, Mead) will be ignored because the meme with the MFM is that it is only TEA Partiers who are violent and unreasonable. Ignore the fact that there has never been ONE instance of a TEA Partier being arrested, sending out death threats, or destroying public property. The narrative has been set and to report on Wisconsin would destroy the narrative that TEA Partiers are irrational far right kooks.

But lets be honest, shall we? These protests have NOTHING to do with workers “rights”. It has to do with November, 2012. Unions were thrilled that in November, 2008, the nation elected someone they felt was sympathic to their cause of forcing the taxpayer to pay even more largess into their paychecks. Obama had been quite clear that he was on the side of unions, no matter the cost or how far it would drive state budgets into the red. The Communist Party, USA, Democratic Socialists of America and other such groups were jubilant. Unions had dumped MILLIONS into the election of Obama, and it had paid off for them. Richard Trumka was a frequent visitor to the White House, other union bigwigs were put on Presidential committees (to create jobs, no less, which is a real oxymoron) and it was Power To The People time.

But then November, 2010 happened. Republicans took over the Congress. State houses flipped from deep blue to deep red. People continued to lose their jobs, the cost of living continued to increase, we remain at war in two nations, and even though the flagged drapped coffins returning from Iraq and Afghanistan were no longer front page material, the coffins continued to return. Campaign promises were not being kept, and the election in 2012 was not proving to be the sweeping victory for Democrats the the unions, and other far left organizations, had counted on. Americans started looking at their tax bills, and the debt their states, and the nation, are in, and want relief. And panic has set in with unions that their cushy ride may be rapidly coming to an end, as soon as November, 2012.

So make no mistake, this is panic on display. And the tactic, that seemed to work so well in the ’60’s, rallying the protesters, is their only answer. But they are losing ground. The 85.2% will prove that out, and the days of public servants being self-servants is taking it last dying breath. And Trumka, McEtee and others know it.

A disturbing bit of falsehood and presumption: “In the event that you do not respond to this request by that date, we will assume that you stand with Governor Walker and against the teachers, nurses, police officers, fire fighters, and other dedicated public employees who serve our communities.”

No. 1 … In Wisconsin, Police and Firefighters were specifically exempted from the collective bargaining reductions for public employees. So how is Governor Walker oppressing the Police and Firefighters? Simple answer: he’s not and this is misrepresentation … e.g., outright lying.

No. 2 … Apparently the Wisconsin union leaders consider “no comment” or “silence” on a topic as evidence of opposition to their cause? Pshaw to the idea that you are at liberty to speak your mind … or not … fail to sound off as directed and you’re the enemy. Got it.

A Wisconsin judge just blocked enforcement of the new law!!!!!

Fire men and police ”boycotting” businesses?
There ought to be a couple of ”stings” set up.
If this is real and the taxpayer-funded ”responders” do not respond, they should be fired.

Back when Obama’s line about wanted a highly funded ”civilian security force” lording it over all of us with regards our green bulbs and low flow toilets (remember there is a mandatory ”home audit” if you want to sell or improve your house) I teasingly said, “Maybe we’ll put a big framed poster of Obama right there on the living room wall.”

Has it really come to this?

Some Wisconsin judge has just halted the Wisconsin budget passed by the Republicans.
She is Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi.

Sumi issued a temporary restraining order Friday, barring the publication of a controversial new law that would sharply curtail collective bargaining for public employees.

Sumi’s order will prevent Secretary of State Doug La Follette from publishing the law until she can rule on the merits of the case. Dane County Ismael Ozanne is seeking to block the law because he says a legislative committee violated the state’s open meetings law.

More here:

@joetote: That’s consistent with the left.

I don’t believe they violated anything.


Neither do I. The judge is known as left leaning, but the Reps did get a good many legal opinions on this. Unfortunately as proven by the Obama justice department and his own actions, the Dems have absolutely no respect left for the law or the Constitution. they will make their own rules, propriety be damned.

So, let me get this right: Officers and Firedepartment staff’s collective bargaining contracts were not touched by the recent Bill that went though WI but they’re threatening businesses and citizens at face value with boycott of goods and at worse ignorning their duties to enforce the law because Teacher’s Union contracts were scrubbed and forced to start from anew?

They keep it up, the Govenor can terminate their departments and rely on National Guard for temp relief while new officers are employed for both police and fire. Good job, keep it up thugs, this is how a Civil War is borned.

The restraining order on the recently passed law was suggested by the AG of WI, the Judge is just going though the motions. Even so, the ball is in the Rebpulcian’s control on this matter due to the steps to introduce the shaved down passed portion of the Bill being introduced a few days piror to it being voted on in one of many attempts to get fleeing Democrats back to the State to vote. Now the AG should be asked lightly why she has not enforced various Statues that punish someone who is direlect of duty to their sworn offices.

With our Leftists and Marxists, the means are inconsequential, the results are the only things that matter. It is time to stand up to this Marxist subjugation of our Constitution; it is obvious that the Marxists in Wisconsin have the police on their side; they have laid the groundwork for the destruction of our country and its freedom. The battle will only become more intense if police participate in the escalation of dubious threats of violence. Wisconsin should seriously consider hiring new police forces and public employees. If unions can threaten strikes and boycotts it is logical that their employers can threaten dissolution of employment contracts, it is a two way street. The police have already disclosed an element of corruption and the are tainted. Fire them all, from top to bottom.

“There are laws to protect the freedom of the press’s speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press” – Mark Twain

I do not know if Mark Twain said that in jest one day, or if he was completely serious when he uttered those words. What I do know, is that those words seem to ring of more and more truth everyday. Our “press”, the supposed Fourth Estate of government, the group that is supposed to shine the light on the government, is nothing of the kind now. They belong to the liberals. They belong to those in government who wish to impose ever greater limitations on our freedoms and liberties.

We are seeing in WI the effects of a press intent on telling one side of the story. A press that doesn’t fact check, that doesn’t print what isn’t approved by the liberals, and that isn’t concerned with protecting the rights of all. When they print the articles, show the “footage”, and report their words to the nation, the story they tell is far different than what the truth is.

We, the people, do not have many protections left against a government intent on overreaching, or against thug tactics by others in government intent on disrupting proceedings that are not on the liberal approved lists.

We see, in WI and elsewhere, a government that caters to specific groups, at the expense of all of it’s citizens. The previous inhabitants of Madison, WI’s government buildings allowed public sector unions easier and easier access to the government coffers, of which the people are expected to fill. The budgetary problems they, and other states, are experiencing make no difference to the union thugs, though, as they believe they have “earned” their ability to extort the people out of their monies.

I stand with Gov. Walker, and all other governors like him who are making the hard choices necessary to ensure fiscal responsibility and restraint are once again practiced within the confines of Capital buildings across the country. I wish to hear representatives and senators, governors and presidents, tell the parasitic leeches of the public unions to disband. I yearn to hear them tell those unions, “It’s not yours”, in regards to the government treasuries.

When will we have a true conservative stand up and say what needs to be said about government spending. Enough of talking around the financial issues. When will we have someone who quotes from the Constitution, as clear a document as any that have ever come from government, and shout down the liberal voice of “more, more, more please!” When will we have the member of congress that quotes Thomas Jefferson, Davy Crockett, John Adams and the other giants of our history who denounced government largesse. I don’t want the guy who talks around the issue because he is too afraid of direct talk for fear of not being re-elected. I want the guy/gal who talks directly on the issue for fear of what might happen if they don’t.

Sorry about the length. I get enraged at times thinking about all the groups with their hands out, concerned only for themselves, and those concerned only about the control over people they can acquire, and all of it at the expense of we, the people.

I will leave this off with this quote:

“”The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.” -Samuel Adams”

A tattered and burned Nation, emotionaly speaking, is not an Ends well worth going for especially if the majority of the populace aggressive revolts against the Means and the Ends of a modern Liberal (progressive marxism) society. We’re already seeing a silently growing resistance on a National scale against Leftist ideals as Union protestors attempt to aggressively silence oppenents.

Sodexo USA Files RICO Lawsuit Against SEIU

Jeeze, this was horrible!
Sodexo USA Files RICO Lawsuit Against SEIU
Sodexo had no choice.

* The complaint alleges that the SEIU, in face to face meetings, threatened Sodexo USA’s executives that it would harm Sodexo USA’s business unless they gave in to the union, and then carried out its threats through egregious behavior, including:
throwing plastic roaches onto food being served by Sodexo USA at a high profile event;
* scaring hospital patients by insinuating that Sodexo USA food contained bugs, rat droppings, mold and flies;
* lying to interfere with Sodexo USA business and sneaking into elementary schools to avoid security;
* violating lobbying laws to steer business away from Sodexo USA, even at the risk of costing Sodexo USA employees their jobs; and
* harassing Sodexo USA employees by threatening to accuse them of wrongdoing.

More at the company site, here:

While I am not surprised by the actions of the SEIU, I am pleased that a company has chose to fight back.

But this is no shock that the SEIU would resort to such tactis. From the AFL-CIO website yesterday:

“Join the Fight: Become a Strategic Researcher

Want to build on the momentum in Wisconsin, Ohio and elsewhere by joining the fight for workers’ rights? Now’s the time to sign up for a course in strategic campaign research, writes Charles Taylor, coordinator for the AFL-CIO Center for Strategic Research recruitment program.

This is a momentous time to be part of the labor movement and there is a role for everyone in the ongoing struggle. Strategic researchers play a key role by helping leaders and members gain a clearer understanding about corporate structure and finance and identifying strategic ways to prevail against those who oppose justice on the job and in our communities.”

This course is being offered at Cornell University and according to the notice, “can be taken either for academic credit or noncredit.”

Basically this is a 9 year ongoing course in coporate espionage and how to dig into corporate files for the purpose of intimidation and the beauty part of it you can get college credit for learning how to be a corporate spy. So Cornell University, a tony private school, is allowing the AFL-CIO to give classes on campus in how to be a good little corporate spy.

@Nan G: This is not surprising. Back in the day when I was in a union we tried to get rid of them becuase they were crooked. In the twelve years I was with them we never got a cost of living and never voted on a contract. They jacked our dues up every year, drove around in brand new caddy’s, did a lousy job of representing the employees unless they were the type who deserved to get fired, and had parties on their yacht in Lake Michigan. They got richer off their members and we got poorer. When we tried to bounce them we were reminded that they still had connections with “da outfit” and that the last time the employees tried to bounce them the guys with the black suits and shoulder holsters showed up to a couple of folks’ doors telling them that if they wanted to see their kids grow up and wanted their families to stay healthy they had better behave. This was the same union that sent a few of their goons to knock one of my aunts around in her house because they didn’t like something she had done as a hotel manager. This is typical of their behavior.


So Cornell University, a tony private school, is allowing the AFL-CIO to give classes on campus in how to be a good little corporate spy.

You should see the kind of crap Columbia and Harvard Law put out.

Has anyone suggested that the threat of a business boycott is anything more than the threat of a business boycott, other than right-ring radio windbags and other enemies of unionized labor and working and middle class America?

Surely no one will think it’s out of line to characterize them in so unflattering a fashion. After all, they’re using the wide reach of their radio programs and media outlets to launch a generalized attack on the honor and integrity of Wisconsin’s policemen and firemen.

Maybe the boycott should be extended to the sponsors of openly hostile radio programs. Why would you put money in the pockets of the very people who are paying for your public defamation?

@Nan G:

More of this is needed.

Greg, it is one thing to personally boycott a business.
(I only discovered the delectable PF Chang and Cold Stone Ice Creamery after the ”no borders” crowd listed tham as Arizona companies to boycott.)

But what does it mean when the police and fire unions boycott your business?
If you call 911 do you have to be on an approved list to get a timely enough response to save your business?
One can only wonder…..
One can set up a sting and find out.
Personally I hope fire/police response will be as good for these companies that do NOT support the unions as it is for those who do.
BUT if a demonstrated lag shows up, something had better be done about it.
Something legal.
But something that makes the point:
Police and Fire are not just for SOME of the people, they serve all of us.

But what does it mean when the police and fire unions boycott your business?

It means that union members and their supporters won’t be buying any of the goods or services you’re selling. Considering how broad public support is for unionized labor in Wisconsin, this is something worth considering. Any threat beyond that would not be in the interest of the unions, because it would diminish the level of public support that’s their single most important strength.

Which, of course, is the exact reason that the enemies of organized labor would like to convince the public that such a threat exists.

A worry that can come up in a situation like this has to do with the tactics that anti-union forces will sometimes resort to in an effort to turn public opinion. The tactics can get far worse and more devious than lies about $7.5 million in damages done to public buildings, or scattering bullets around to be found and attributed to “violent union elements”.

Greg, you miss the point…by even participating in the letter described in the article, the police and fire unions are casting doubt on their own loyalty to the public…that’s a clear breach of the public trust. Individual police and firemen are generally honest, their unions? Not so much. Why take the side of organizations that have known Mob links, the side that includes the SEIU? It creates an appearance of a conflict of interest on the part of the rank and file cops and firefighters, and appearance is enough.

Those police and fire unions that signed the letter should be banned from representing their members, disbanded and prohibited for racketeering and extortion.

Greg has clearly drunk the Union Koolaid…why did I even bother?

Kalalashnikat, hi, you botherd to redress his comment, because you care enough,
and saw the tricky style of GREG to protect his side no matter if they use the intimidation card on people they are suppose to protect, that’s what they get paid for, what a shame on them, that are selling their integrity to the UNIONS, they will never recover from this letter, they lost the respect of the people,
It was not worth it, and they will find no support in the community, they deserve it,


Has anyone suggested that the threat of a business boycott is anything more than the threat of a business boycott, other than right-ring radio windbags and other enemies of unionized labor and working and middle class America?

Come now, Greg. A boycott of businesses is one thing. The implied threat of no police protection or fire dept. service to your business is quite another. Not to mention instituting a deadline of response for the businesses themselves. When threatened, many people cave to the pressure. So much for freedom of thought in this country, when one can be threatened for simply believing in something else.

It means that union members and their supporters won’t be buying any of the goods or services you’re selling.

You aren’t really that naive, are you? Or do you choose to willingly forget about the state police and the Madison, WI police threatening to not ensure order during the protests? Or do you willingly overlook the Lansing, MI police not supporting the Michigan State police in ensuring order is maintained during the protests in MI? How soon will it be before one of the WI GOP members is physically threatened or attacked, instead of just verbally, and the police stand by and do nothing? The threat is very deeply implied here, Greg, and no amount of dismissal by you or any other liberal will make those threatened feel any safer.

lies about $7.5 million in damages done to public buildings

Discussed already. No lies, just premature damage assessments. The lie is you continuing to call it something it is not.

or scattering bullets around to be found and attributed to “violent union elements”.

I haven’t heard that this is the case. Can you provide a link discussing this, please?

@kalashnikat, #29:

Those police and fire unions that signed the letter should be banned from representing their members, disbanded and prohibited for racketeering and extortion.

Maybe Wisconsin republicans will try writing that into their next bill.


by even participating in the letter described in the article, the police and fire unions are casting doubt on their own loyalty to the public…that’s a clear breach of the public trust.

And that is the main crux of the issue. When the police and fire department unions, which supposedly represent the individual police and fire men/women, join in on a letter threatening boycott of businesses unless they join in with the unions to protest, the trust of the public in general, and the trust the public has placed on the police and fire departments in particular, is called into question.

Police and fire dept. personnel engage in their occupations to protect and serve the public. That means ALL of the public, even those they disagree with on a political level. They also do not get to pick and choose the amount of protection and service based on economic, political, or religious ideologies. To enjoin themselves into a political issue such as this, even if they believe it is innocently withholding their money from one group, calls into question their loyalties to the public regarding protection and service.

Add this:
The committee formed to recall Sen. Jim Holperin (D-Conover) says Merrill police could have done more to prevent someone from ripping up a petition to recall the Senator last Thursday outside of the Lincoln County Courthouse.

The committee also said that one pro-union protester pretended to be interested in signing a petition, wrote profanity across a partially collected petition form, and ripped up nearby completed petitions.

The committee said that police did not clear the walkway for citizens who wanted to sign a petition and failed to act on the destruction of the petitions, which is a felony offense, according to the release.

“The people of the 12th (Senate) District of Wisconsin can not and will not allow this thuggery and bullying to continue,” recall leader Kim Simac said in the news release. “As honorable citizens, I believe we all have an obligation to stand up for the rule of law, which is why I am taking this action.”

The police union and chief are denying it even happened that way.
I guess they want you to believe they tore them up themselves.

Johngalt hi, I wonder what is written on the police code of ethic when they are accepted in the group,
I’m sure they have broken that code of ethic, what ever it is in the document

@ilovebeeswarzone: Here is a code of ethics for police officers. Curt can probably elaborate. Hopefully it opens.


another vet, yes it opened fast and clear, and Unfortunatly for them,
I see more than one, as a matter of fact, there is many breechs of the code in their actions,
and further more there is enough to bar them forever from the police force,
thank you, bye

@ilovebeeswarzone: I know and have known quite a few police officers and most of them weren’t very fond of their union(s) and I would have a hard time believing they would openly support neglecting their professional duties. The letter implied, intentionally or not, that businesses that don’t tow the union line may not receive the protective services they are to expect which makes one wonder if the rank and file police officers and fire fighters actually support what was written or if it was just union bullying and posturing. The business owners need to go right back at them and raise the issue themselves with the police and firefighters and leave the unions out of it as they are not the ones providing the services. This is a good example as to why there probably shouldn’t be any public employee unions.

@Nan G: Every business threatened by these thugs should join in with them for one massive law suit and put the SEIU out of business.

These guys all missed the memo from the White House about bullies.

People have a right to buy their goods and services where they choose. If someone supports policies that are contrary to the interests of a particular group of working people, members of that group are fully within their rights take their business and their money elsewhere. Anyone who sympathizes with their cause has every right to do the same.

American workers will defend their rights. That’s one of any number of things Walker seems not to have considered.

True, but the unions do not have the right to sabotage a business because it disagrees with them. They don’t have the right to threaten or intimidate either…strange, I know since that’s exactly what they do.

GREG you’r not part of the solution, but you sure are part of the DIVIDING PROBLEM


People have a right to buy their goods and services where they choose. If someone supports policies that are contrary to the interests of a particular group of working people, members of that group are fully within their rights take their business and their money elsewhere.

True enough, and I agree with it. However, what you’ve just stated is altogether different than trying to cajole, intimidate, and otherwise extort a show of support for their cause, or else.

It is one thing to send a statement to local, and national media outlets stating your planned boycott of businesses that support the Governor. It is entirely a different matter when you collude with other like-minded groups and send individual letters to businesses, with vague notions of threats, and signed by police and firefighter groups. The threats made not have been explicitly stated, but in a letter with those vague intimations, people are within their rights to believe they are threatened.

And…………………….it starts.

Grothman said he had been told by M&I bank employees that police were slow to come or ignored when they were called to assist at the bank. The bank has been the site of sporadic protests by people who charge the bank’s executives with supporting Gov. Scott Walker and his budget policies.


Sure thing, Greg. They are just innocently boycotting these businesses through their withholding of their own money. How much do those red-tinted glasses cost anyway?