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Rep. Chaka Fattah, a Democrat from Philadelphia, said the Black Panthers “should not have been there.” But he said the GOP was making too much out of a fleeting incident involving a couple of people.

“The most unethical thing a person can do is make allegations based on absolutely nothing,” Fattah said. “The only issue of race is singling out this particular decision…That this rises to national significance is bogus on its face.”

If this is only an isolated incident, it was still intimidation at a polling place and should have been prosecuted as a one-off incident. Holder actually did use race to determine to drop the case, and his decision to drop the case is what put longer legs on this story.

AG Holder Admits To Racist Interpretation Of The Law #tcot #teaparty #rightnetwork

And the left says that Nixon politicized the Justice Department…

This administration does not want racial tolorance. They want to continue to create conflict between races and income levels so they do not”waste a good crisis!”

One could only imagine a white Attorney General using the phrase “our people”, referring to whites.

So who is the Attorney General for everyone else?


Remember what happened when Ross Perot said “you people” ?

RT @NCHornet: AG Holder Admits To Racist Interpretation Of The Law | Flopping Aces –

I thought the lack of enforcement was due to them supporting Obama, rather than that they were black.

Eric Holder, like every politician take an oath of office and in that oath they swear to “support and defend the Constitution”. This oath is forgotten right after it is sworn to. The end of this oath says “so help me God” . Tells me these people have about as much respect for God as they do for the Constitution, which is none to nonexisting. People that do not honor their oaths are small, sleazy and untrustworthy. But back to Holder, the Republican Senators knew this sleazy individual and still voted for him so therefore they should accept a share of the blame for him being in this position. In the Obama administration the race card is wild and will be used at the drop of a hat.

For real fun go before an NAACP audience and call them “you people.” That’s called racist, but saying “my people” doesn’t denote race? Riiiight.
So Holder is racist and corrupt. Big shock (roll eyes).

“Let’s have just one republican white guy from dog catcher up to governor level stand up and say “my people”in a public forum in front of a microphone, he would be hounded out the country. the dems in hollywood would explode. jesse jackson would march. al sharpton would buy a new suit. michelle obama would have to put down that double dish pizza. elliot spitzer and rachel maddow would probably have to have stress sex in their dressing room. chris matthews would have a tingle up his teabags (if he has any). my lord the world would come to apart. every republican in the country would be blamed and asked to apologize and go to sensitivity camp. but here we have the chief law enforcement officer of us the taxpaying voters of the united states of america and this black dude says “my people” and we are just suppose to be fine with that. yea right.” —comment by Katherine L. at Gateway Pundit

Skookum #3,
“I am utterly amazed that the American public is not insisting on Holder’s impeachment trial…”

Not me. The percentage of the American public who even knows who Holder is, let alone all the racist things he’s said and done since being appointed, is miniscule. We have a news media that is on par, at the very least, with Iron Curtain -era East German and Soviet propagandists — coupled with a public that has been de-educated and conditioned to be deceived, for forty years now, by the communist schools and the popular culture. No amazement at all here.

Unfortunately, living in small town Kentucky means it’s highly doubtful that any of these black panther types will be wielding clubs in front of polling places. But my AR 15 and I can dream, can’t we!


It’s the hypocrisy of the moment that more and more people are noticing about the liberals.

-Obama telling the country to tighten their belts, while he jets off on “date nights” and plays golf, all on the taxpayer’s dime.
-Michelle lecturing to the country’s children about healthy foods, while she serves buckets of heart killing food at a SB party.
-Geithner being in charge of the Treasury Dept, of which the IRS is a bureau, while he is a noted tax cheat.
-Al Gore telling the world to stop wasting energy and destroying the environment, while he jets around in private planes to spread the word, wastes energy in homes he doesn’t occupy for weeks on end, drives around in “gas guzzlers” he admonishes the rest of us for buying.(This is why I can respect someone like Ed Begley, Jr. At least he lives the lie).
-Michael Moore railing against profiteering and capitalism, while he sues his mockumentary producers in the name of capitalism.
-Ms. Pelosi railing against companies that do not use union labor, while she forbids unionization at her vineyard in CA.
-Liberals decrying any attempt to legislate any portion of the abortion process stating “keep your hands off our bodies”, while they pass legislation that puts the government in charge of your health issues, making decisions on what type and how much treatment a person can receive.

And most recently prior to Holder;
-Obama calling for a climate of change in the civility after the shooting of Ms. Giffords where Ms. Palin and others were demonized for putting crosshairs, or targets, on dem opponents, while the liberal machine in WI, of which Obama was a cheerleader, put Gov. Walker’s picture in crosshairs and likened him to Hitler, Mubarek, and others, and union protesters, under liberal direction, assaulted people, both verbally and physically.
-Liberals decrying Gov. Walker and the GOP in WI for destroying the democratic process, while their comrades were the ones who ran away to Illinois to prevent, or obstruct, the democratic process from continuing.

There is no defense of the actions mentioned above. They are all hypocritical acts and are a mere smattering of the everyday actions the left engages in.

Holder’s recent statement is no surprise to most of us conservatives here. It is simply a continuation of their mantra, “do as I say, not as I do”.

I challenge any liberal to enact a defense of the actions mentioned above.


There are many places around the country like that. Unfortunately, the big cities where the majority of liberal votes are cast is not one of them.

Holter is a card carring racist, that is why he was appt. a AG, in what position can you screw with the Constitution and get away with it..the AG’s office..Kennedy did the same thing when he made his brother AG..3 months after, the AG’s office indited Hoffa. OH! but do you forget that both Robert and John solicited heavely on the union vote through Hoffa. Do any of you recall Shakespeare’s “Titus Andronicus”, or the “life and Death of King John”..funny..names are changed but the stoy line reads the same..opie is no different than kennedy..stack the AG’s directorship with a pawn that can be manipulated..worked well for John until Robert took a bullet..than the office went to shambles..Remove Holter and the same thing will happen.

After perusing the net, I have to add another recent example of liberal hypocrisy to the list:

Rep. Pelosi says this:

“This is as serious a debate [as] we can have in the Congress of the United States because it affects our children and their future, because the deficits have gotten so far out of hand. . . . Fiscal responsibility is a part of who we are. . . . Pay as you go. Do not add to the deficit. . . . If we all share that view we should all be able to come together because the numbers will add up or they will not add up and the bill, for sure, will be [paid by] our children and grandchildren.”

This, after two years of her being the leader in the House, passing the Stimulus, Porkulus and Obamacare, which the CBO now states will cost the country money( ). She was at least partially responsible for adding as much to the national debt in two years under Obama as Bush added in eight. Why do I believe that after that speech in the house that she immediately went to the booze to wash the taste of the truth out of her mouth?

14th Amendment…Equal Protection…

14th Amendment Equal Protection Clause

The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law. In other words, the laws of a state must treat an individual in the same manner as other people in similar conditions and circumstances. A violation would occur, for example, if a state prohibited an individual from entering into an employment contract because he or she was a member of a particular race.

The clause is not intended to provide equality among individuals or classes but only equal application of the law. The result of a law, therefore, is not relevant so long as there is no discrimination in its application. By denying states the ability to discriminate, the Equal Protection Clause is crucial to the protection of civil rights.

Generally, the question of whether the Equal Protection Clause has been violated arises when a state grants a particular class of individuals the right to engage in an activity yet denies other individuals the same right. There is no clear rule for deciding when a classification is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has dictated the application of different tests depending on the type of classification and its effect on fundamental rights.

Traditionally, the Court finds a state classification constitutional if it has a “rational basis” to a “legitimate state purpose.” The Court, however, has applied more stringent analysis in certain cases. It will “strictly scrutinize” a distinction when it embodies a “suspect classification.” In order for a classification to be subject to strict scrutiny, it must be shown that the state law or its administration is meant to discriminate. Usually, if a purpose to discriminate is found, the classification will be strictly scrutinized if it is based on race, national origin or, in some situations, citizenship. In order for a classification to be found permissible, the state must prove that there is a compelling interest to the law and that the classification is necessary to further that interest.

The Court also will apply this test if the classification interferes with fundamental rights, such as First Amendment rights, the right to privacy or the right to travel. The Court also requires states to show more than a rational basis (though it does not apply the strict-scrutiny test) for classifications based on gender or a child’s status as illegitimate.

The 14th Amendment is not by its terms applicable to the federal government. Actions by the federal government, however, that classify individuals in a discriminatory manner will, under similar circumstances, violate the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.

He has not read it or disregards it.
His Quote…

The un-cowardly Texas Rep. John Culberson called Holder out on the DOJ’s reverse racism regarding the New Black Panther Party’s intimidation of white voters in Philadelphia on Election Day in 2008:

“There is clearly evidence-overwhelming evidence-that your Department of Justice refuses to protect the rights of anybody other than African-Americans to vote.”


The congressman questioned whether the race of the members of the anti-white fringe group played a role in the department’s 2009 decision to dismiss most of a civil lawsuit against them.

Culberson pressed on quoting the former Democratic poll watcher, Bartle Bull who described the NBP’s actions as “the most blatant form of voter intimidation he had ever seen.” That brought out the worst in Holder who then made Culberson’s case for him:

Think about that…When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, to compare what people subjected to that with what happened in Philadelphia, which was inappropriate. . . to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people.

“My people?” Holder needs to go.

The Most Racist and Constitutionally Illiterate Regime ever…

I like Morgan Freemans take on Racism…

PS, I took My Oath to the Whole Constitution not just the parts that favored “my people”. I know that ALL Americans regardless of any pigmentation or degree of cell level Melatonin are “my people”. America is weakened by this division and maybe that was the intent in getting this charlatan appointed as US AG.

@ johngalt, #15

. . . Could we add one more on Gore? . . . His, Clinton’s and Prince Andrew’s best friend, convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who provided young women to his buddies. . . . Some really pathetic clowns have leached off taxpayers for way too long.

It may take a few years, but sometime in the future, a vast majority of voters will realize the extent of the mistake they made two+ years ago. Over Half the country still has no idea the extent of the destructive thinking that is really inhabiting the nooks and crannies of the White House, and the MSM refuses to look.

May I add briefly that those that wish to perpetuate racism have something to gain from it and everything to lose if it goes away. It is a divisive tool that can never serves a great Nation well. Those who choose to use it choose to steal the Rights and Protections of Others for Their Personal gain and to the detriment of the Republic as a WHOLE have dishonored US All.

Using Eric Holder’s rational, a black man could not be found guilty of murdering a white man due to the fact that white men once lynched black men.

Our laws are not based on past injustices but on the law as it is currently written. For Holder to inject a racial component into the enforcement of any race-neutral law, is simply to show his own racial biases, for which he has now exhibited for the entire nation to see. The entire Department of Injustice needs to be under Congressional review and the Republicans need to get forceful to make Holder release those internal emails/memos that deal with the NBP case instead of allowing Holder to stonewall.

The sad fact is that when you have a Department of Justice that is deciding which laws it will enforce, and which ones it will ignore, with a complicit President, you no longer have a republic; you have a kingdom. I can only encourage each and everyone of you to contact your Congressman/woman and demand that the Justice Department be thoughly investigated.

retire05 – already happenig to an extent… from Seattle:

Institutional racism is when organizational programs or policies work to the benefit of white people and to the detriment of people of color, usually unintentionally or inadvertently.
For example, job requirements that put undue emphasis on college degrees over work experience may eliminate qualified candidates of color, who face institutional barriers to higher education.

Race and Social Justice Initiative

This has been reported on nationally. If you read through the document, in order to remove institutional racism, it appears that institutional racism will be installed against people of non-color, at least until everything is “even”. I don’t really know what “even” is, but I would think that it means that every segment of society – good, bad , or otherwise – will have a direct correlation to the race of the population in the targeted area. For example, if people of non-color make up 60% in a given area, then 60% of inmates would be people of non-color, and so on and so forth, otherwise there is the dangerous possibility that institutional racism is still in place.

As with all of these programs, how will you know when you’re done?

You can’t make this stuff up:
“President Obama,” Farrakhan said, “if you allow the Zionists to push you, to mount a military offensive against Gaddafi and you go in and kill him and his sons as you did with Saddam Hussein and his sons, I’m warning you this is a Libyan problem, let the Libyans solve their problem among themselves.” Farrakhan called Muammar Gaddafi “my brother” and “my friend.” . . . Farrakhan threatens Obama.

SouthernRoots, Al Sharpton, and in some part Jesse Jackson, have already stated that the goal is equality not in opportunity, but in stuff. Everyone should live in an equally sized house, drive an equally priced car, have an equal amount of clothing of equal value, in their closets. But here is the catch: if whites just happen to have less, in any community, well, that is OK with people like Holder, Sharpton and Jackson as it is just “payback” for generational racism.

So my question has always been: if it is called public housing, and it is paid for by the public, why am I not allowed to live in public housing no matter my income? Am I not a member of the public?

Blacks make up 12.5% of the population, Hispanics slightly more (13%) and Asian about half of that. Yet, go to any government office, state or federal, and tell me the make-up of the work force. And where are the law suits against those minority businesses that do NOT hire Caucasians? I have been to a number of McDonald’s here in central Texas where EVERY employee, including the manager, were Hispanic. When will the federal government enforce quotas on minority business owners? Clear answer; NEVER.

You see, affirmative action is not equality. Someone white may have to give up their seat for someone of color, even if that person of color is less qualified for the job or the scholarship. Meygn Kelly just had a student of Texas State University on that has organized a club to grant scholarships to deserving and needy WHITE males. Kelly had on some lady who was livid over this, rambling on about inequality toward women. Now, I would ask that woman: how many scholarships can you name that are specifically designated for a) blacks b) Hispanics c) women and how many can you name for white males?

You see, the claim that ALL whites are middle to upple class has been falsely propagated. I would like to take some of these people, like Al Sharpton, to some of the areas of Appalachia where people are so poor they would be thrilled with living in a ghetto with plumbing and electricity. But those people are ignored; they are white.

Democrats have always pushed identity politics. If they can pander to enough groups, they will continue to win elections. It is a vicious circle; pander, win, pander some more, class warfare, identity politics, pander, win again, more pandering.

But some Blacks and Hispanics get it. They understand that their “people” have traded one master for another. Read Starr Parker’s book, Uncle Sam’s Plantation. It will open your eyes. Read Shelby Steele’s book about white “guilt”. Read Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder and Walter Williams. They get it. They understand that in 2011, affirmative action and race baiting only hurts, not helps, their “people”.


A great list of books. I would also recommend Kevin Jackson’s “The Big Black Lie”.

Old Trooper,

I can’t seem to find the quote, but Booker T. Washington once said, and I paraphrase, that there exists a certain type of person (Al, Jesse, etc…) whose job it is to highlight the ills of a particular set of people, who have no interest in curing these ills, since their absence would mean the loss of their livelihood.

He was spot-on.

Mmm… Cracker babies.

In Canada they have given indians “special privileges”. Every indian gets monthly welfare checks, housing, social benefits, fewer taxes. Now how is it going for those indians?… The government pretty much has financed epidemic of alcoholism among indians, its disgusting.

@ Taqiyyotomist, I heartily concur. Martin Luther King Jr, Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver are AMERICANS to be Respected and Admired. Sharpton, Jackson, Rangel and the CBC, as Aye said “Not so much”.

Making a living from Racism borders on pimping your brothers & sisters skin color for personal gain.
One of My Antecedents was Sitting Bull but his portrait does not hang in my Home. Washington, Jefferson and Franklin’s do and their writings as well as the Federalist Papers are in my library.

@ Zac, The US Bureau of Indian Affairs has done no better. I send 200 head of cattle to the Rose Bud Reservation every year as “Winter Beef”. It is not much but as they refuse pairs of cattle to raise a herd, I do send steers and do so anonymously. I can’t change Policy but I can offer something that other Folks pay top Dollar for at restaurants. In Canada they are referred to as First Nations but as You know, their opportunities are less than first class. They have been on the dole for too long in some cases. Things that are not EARNED have No Value. I’m sure that You can relate to that.

One of My descendents was Sitting Bull

Old Trooper2 – You’re much older than I ever imagined…..


ROTFLOL! Old Trooper, indeed!

Trooper, the world needs more folks like you. God Bless you, immensely.

@ SouthernRoots, My 20 year old Daughter told me by email that I’m pushing the threshold of Codger Hood but I still pass the Army PT Tests and am as spry as I need to be. I never let the younger guys quit the runs or PT until I am tired. That is what Folks in Leadership roles do. In a couple of weeks I’ll be looking forward to ranching again and let the Young Pups do the hunting or Staff work.

The last Guy that called Me “Chief” was the beneficiary of some fine Army Medical care at Ft. Benning Georgia and it never happened again. Back then, things that happened behind the barracks stayed there.

Old Trooper, I’m surprised you have such a good knowledge of Canada. First Nations is our correct term for indians.

I have been on the reserve and seen people whom own houses there, then recognize them on the st in town begging for change.

Holder was a turd while serving in the Clinton administration. He’s still a turd.


First Nations receive billions from the Canadian taxpayers, and each year the bands get an additional allocation of funds to build homes for members on the reservations.

For example, the “home” allocation for one band on the Vancouver North shore is about 120 homes this year and the amount allocated on each house is about $120,000 – $140,000 for the build-out. The home is allocated out as an asset to the head of a family, and his heirs retain ownership of it. However, they are not owners of the land that the home sits on. That land is owned by the band in that community.

As to the billions that get sent to all First Nations, the funds are controlled by each band council, which is in turn controlled by both hereditary and elected council members. The difficulty is that those are controlled by “families.” The bigger the family the more likely you get elected, and in turn control the money. The abuse, and misuse of the cash is rampant.

. . . No surprise that many end up begging.

I’m part native, and recently I was given the advice to get involved with all that. I thought why would I want that…..

I’m a little sour about the whole situation, to be honest its heartbreaking. I live in a area heavily populated by first nations people and they have lost there spirit. That’s for sure.

@ Zac,

“. . .they have lost their spirit.”

Skook and I have interacted extensively on exactly that subject as it relates to the current of extreme socialist thinking which has burrowed into the White House. Living on the government handout kills all motivation.

Motivation has for the most part evaporated from the band members and their Chiefs, as well as their councils.

For the Metis, the situation is worse because they fall between the cracks.

I would never presume to be able to advise you, nevertheless, there is need in bands in both Canada and the United States for common sense, and there is more opportunity to inject “positive” fruitful energy there, than there is in a place like Congress – sad to say.

@ Zac, Get with Me off FA Forum for my thoughts on First Nations. I know the Great Spirit knowledge but
it does not Apply to me as a resource. I was raised as an American, with Tribal knowledge but I serve the Nation, the US of A. The Whole Republic, not just the bits and pieces that are part of it. “My People” is every
Citizen, not ones that have Money, not those that have Political influence, not the Temporary Residents of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or Senate or House Office buildings.

Maybe I was foolish enough to believe that business about My Oath to the Constitution. However, I serve a greater thing than the Fools that sent Me when Their Foreign Policy failed. If that makes Me a Fool, count Me in Grand Company. I Serve greater Ideals than a lot of Folk, De Oppresso liber (Latin: To Liberate the Oppressed). That is My business. That is Who I am and What I have done for over 3 Decades.
I have Paper Smarts from the UNC, Chapel Hill, NC, the University of Maryland and rely on High Plains Barn wisdom as well. I am a graduate of the War College but consider that to be less than the School of Hard Knocks, the journey from a Montana ranch to Three Un-Declared Wars and acquiring People Skills that were not fed to Me by Polls, Teleprompter or Folks that gave Orders and sat back for results…

Racism is a tool. Exercised by Folks of small character and for Personal gain. I will stand with My Values as LTC West is doing in Congress now. In less than 3 weeks, I will return Home and let any Fool Who chooses get elected to public Office or let a few Patriots step up and correct what Ails Us as a Republic.
The Constitutionally Illiterate and Economically Illiterate had their chance and overt or covert racism will fail. Or the Republic will Fall.

Colonel, you poked that one through the V ring from the 500 yard line. Well said, well said indeed.

I am more than interested to hear your thoughts about first nations off forum Old Trooper, when you are not busy.

Just the fact that Holder’s law firm represented terrorists in Gitmo was reason enough that he should never have been nominated, much less seated as AG; but this latest crap takes the cake. He is a joke.

@ OT
Sir, as a half-breed and a proud former NCO I could not have said that better if I had 100 years to write it. I thank my great-great grandparents for leaving The Rez and hiding in plain site everyday to give me the opportunites I have today. Where the hell were the officers like you when I was in the Air Force?


I’m a day behind here. i also just posted this on a Dr. John post but it fits right in here I think.

I for one have had it up to here with this racist administration and the chickenhearted buzzards who refuse to call them out on this despicable stance! From Holder to his association over the years with radical hating racists, the President always manages in the end to show his true colors. Slam his Leftist policies, you’re a racist! Disagree with his complete incompetency in foreign policy, you’re a racist. Point out the open faced lies about cutting the deficit in his budget, you’re a racist! In other words, try to have a civil discourse with any radical leftist in this country today using facts and figures, you are a racist!

Debate and civil discourse. It’s where ideas come from! It’s a forum to, if not fix a problem, at least address it and come up with some consensus to at least try! As such, debate or discussion can hurt one’s feelings and/or illicit some rather harsh reactions. My point is until we as a people can discuss stuff without hate, until we can cast aside our own ideologies, our biases, etc. and approach a subject with open minds, there cannot be fixes. As a society we must work together. Listening is a fine art. Learning and changing one’s mind due to constructive criticism, and I want to emphasize that, constructive criticism is a sign of maturity and leadership. Can you even remotely understand this view Mr. President, or is your head stuck so far up your elitist ass that you as most politicians are too far above us mortals to bother worrying about it? From my little part of the world, it sure appears that way! One thing for sure in my view. You and your administration have done more to set back racial relations in this country than any other administration in my lifetime!

Debate is imperative for this country to survive. Criticism is good, provided it is true! As I said, debate must be accompanied by open minds. This must be conducted by using the Truth and Facts! This must be done by educating yourselves! Keep an open mind, but dig up everything you can from both sides. Then make an informed decision. As we go forward, we will be called fear mongers and worse! WEAR IT AS A BADGE OF HONOR. Radicals of any persuasion FEAR the truth and facts, so shout it out as loudly as possible. This is our country. Love for country and the ideals it was founded on IS NOT HATE as the hard left keeps saying. Opposing bad policy IS NOT RACISM as we are charged with! Fight the BIG LIE with the TRUTH! Our country depends on this!

@another vet: Now Tom, how could a nice Chicago boy like you have an opinion like this?


Have to tell it like it is and I’m not from Chitown! I also posted this on the thread about Obama accusing the Tea Party of being racist which is where I meant to post it. I emailed Curt asking him to delete it off of this thread.

@another vet:

Actually, your post is as relevant to this topic as the other one. I vote to keep it posted here.

@another vet: Tom, you are forgiven! It is just your proximatey to those model political types. I fear for your sanity!