The Socialist Elite


The Elite, is almost a dubious term that few can define. Those who are Elites will never admit it, not even to themselves. In this article we will attempt to define the concept according to the writing of Orwell and the Socialist leaders of the mid-twentieth century and today.

Orwell wrote,

“There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them.”

At first glance the reader is incredulous; what a bizarre sentence, it doesn’t make sense. However, like most deep thoughts, the sentence induces a secondary response that slowly sifts through the reader’s consciousness, producing memories of experiences with intelligent, but extremely impractical people.

Every neighborhood has the truly gifted person that has created their own world because they don’t fit in: colleges are well stocked with professors who either take advantage of tenure to act as differently as possible or else they would truly have no other position in life if it were not for the world of academia. These people have never been adverse to holding ideas so wrong that only they, as very intelligent people could believe in them. If you haven’t known one, perhaps it is time to do an objective personal evaluation.

Orwell could have included ideologues and Useful Idiots within that sentence, but the sentence would have lost some of its dramatic effect. By definition a Useful Idiot is an ideologue, but an ideologue is not necessarily a Useful Idiot. Ideologues occupy the entire spectrum of political and philosophical ideas: the term Useful Idiot is a Leftist term coined by Stalin that refers to the wild eyed fanatics who believed so strongly in the Communist Ideology; yet, had no concept of the evil nature of his regime and often worked themselves into a position of prescribing their own demise with their fanaticism and naive allegiance to the Leftist movement. Stalin considered many American Socialists and journalists to be among his Useful Idiots. He held them in contempt, but appreciated their untiring efforts while he laughed at their naive assumptions that they were somehow invaluable to his cause: to Stalin, they were disposable and insignificant, merely Useful Idiots.

Today we find the detritus of the Useful Idiot and the ‘highly intelligent but extremely impractical’ still being used as laws, regulations, and policy. We should consider some of these ideas of the recent past and of the present that are being discussed or implemented, while contemplating quotes from Orwell:

Soon we will be forced to accept America as a totalitarian regime.

Air should be taxed or more precisely, the air that every animal and human on earth needs to live, should be taxed as a means of population control and of generating tax revenue for every person their livestock and their pets.

Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

President Bush hurt the US economy because he overspent: President Obama is good for the economy because he out spends President Bush.

A jury can render a more informed and fair decision if evidence is withheld.

The Boy Scouts are evil to have policies that discriminate against pedophiles. The Catholic Church is evil for not ridding itself of pedophiles.

As we are made into blind believers of the state, they gain more and more power over our lives.

A government that loads itself down with over regulation approximately the size of 30 New Deals is considered a radical laissez-faire free market.

Pulling a terrorist toward you while holding onto his shirt in a rough and impolite manner is considered an “enhanced interrogation technique”. Therefore it is “tantamount to torture” and beyond normal accepted procedures of interrogation. However using a drone aircraft and sending a missile into his home, with neither trial nor tribunal, and killing him his family and friends is perfectly acceptable.

We can only ask a country not to pursue the acquisition of nuclear weapons: once they have assured us they do not intend to acquire nuclear weapons, they may proceed toward acquiring a nuclear arsenal with due haste.

It is immoral and illegal to ask a person for his papers; especially, after he has committed a crime and fits the profile of an illegal alien. However, it is federal law that all non-citizens must carry identification. In the near future, every citizen will be required by law to have health insurance.

Soon we will be forced to accept America as a totalitarian regime.

A state may confiscate private property or give it to someone else who can better use the property because of this phrase “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law”; however, the phrase also means you can kill a baby whose head is in the birth canal, but has not yet seen the light of day.

…if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.

The phrase “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” does not necessarily mean that you may keep and bear arms.

It made sense for John McCain to prove he was a “natural born” US citizen in court, despite the fact that both his parents were American citizens and he was the son and grandson of two Naval Admirals, but it was preposterous to even consider asking Barack Obama to prove his birth status, despite the fact that all the records of his life are hermetically sealed.

It is the dream of every Useful Idiot to be an Elite and that is partially why Stalin regarded them with such condescending disdain. They can disguise their intent, but they are truly power hungry and always crave the recognition of higher ups; in essence they are political climbers in the sense of social climbers. Most or nearly all receive minimal recognition for their efforts to advance the party line; yet it is endemic among Elites, tyrants, and despots to be power hungry at what ever level they function. Is our government run by a power hungry cadre of Elites? Absolutely.

It is a precarious position; unfortunately, it is the nature of Useful Idiots to be lacking in reasoning and wisdom, since so much of their life has been in pursuit of ideology, a discipline that requires only rote memorization of the party line and discourages analytical thought processes. Therefore like moths that are fascinated by the flame, they hover in ecstasy before the flame, until they get too close and realize their fatal mistake in one agonizing moment before they crash to the earth and oblivion.


Lenin: In a state worthy of the name, there is no liberty. The people want to exercise power, but what on earth would they do with it if it were given to them.

Krushchev: Every year humanity takes a step toward Communism. Maybe not you, but at all events your son will surely be a Communist.

Solzhenitayn: For us in Russia Communism is a dead dog; while, for many in the West it is a living lion.

M. Spark: Every communist has a fascist frown, every fascist a communist smile.

Trotsky: Lenin’s method leads to this: the party organization at first substitutes itself for the party as a whole. Then the Central Committee substitutes itself for the party organization, and finally a single dictator substitutes himself for the Central Committee.

Stalin: A single death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic.

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I have tried in my past writings to convey exactly what you have done above. Absolutely brilliant!

American Society as a whole has got to look at itself in the mirror and decide now what it is they really want. Freedom or Marxist/Orwellian dictatorship! There are no in betweens. There are only the lies and deceit being put forward by our hard left leaders against the soon to be lost right of Freedom of Speech and Assembly and our righttot vote with a secret ballot. Well put my friend!!


Well laid out Skook.

It is all about affecting consciousness and effective marketing. Modern corporations augmented by Madison Avenue, have nothing on the consciousness shifting machines assembled and orchestrated by guys like Stalin and Mao. We should always be diligent that such creeping control doesn’t fester here.

Smart minds and not so smart minds are all impacted by the illusions that destroy common sense, although some minds are much more cocooned and susceptible than others.

Almost three decades ago I had invited a Russian Doctor acquaintance and his wife to my home for dinner. This was a few years before Reagan’s magic and the implosion of the USSR empire. Here was a well educated man, fluent in English, seemingly well versed on democratic and other principles and variations on the social contract, passionately defending Stalin’s slaughter of twenty four million, or so, citizens. The reasoning was complex, but when you brushed away the crap, he and evidently many other Russians were convinced that the end game of protecting the Motherland, justified whatever actions were deemed necessary by the leadership. The raping and pillaging of satellite countries such as the Ukraine was OK as long as it strengthened Russia.

All arguments, including the more simple ones like “But Stalin was feeding the masses bulls*@t to maintain personal control and even those closest to him were assassinated,” were met with “He did what he had to do for the Motherland.” In his mind, the heart of the Motherland was the government in Moscow.

This doctor’s reasoning in all debates lacked common sense and logic, and sought to rationalize without stating it, that he was provided a preferred position in society because of his profession and his connections. He supported whatever provided him that elevated standard of living he enjoyed.

Whatever is self-serving, . . . works. Everyone else be damned.

Eventually, every civilization is consumed from within. The 5th Column.
I wish it wasn’t so but history has yet to disprove that fact. you may point to those that evaporated due to Armed Conflict, but careful analysis shows that domestic issues, disintegration, caused the conflict to occur in the first place.

Here in America, our freedom to pursue our own work and interests, support our choice of Representatives and charities has, for the most part, kept the population “In check.”
Content, save for what, in other countries, would be called “minor resistance.” (Demonstration).

Our Armed Forces have successfully defended an environment that allows all of that and more to exist.
Among those other things (VERY IMPORTANT) has been an ever-improving quality of life. Increased quantity and quality of food and water. Of medical care. Of access to education. Affordable ENERGY (Which keeps any group of people from living in Mud Huts making sharp sticks). Home ownership and such. Personal future goals that can be visualized, planned for and achieved.

But as we see happening now, increasingly all of those things are under attack. People question whether the current status quo can be sustained.
Unless we address our future energy needs, America is destined for decline. This will lead to class warfare, otherwise known as civil unrest, leading to some measure of Civil War.

We are seeing it happen now in places like Wisconsin and New Jersey. The future for places like Michigan and California looks bleak. “Society” in many isolated regions is breaking down, and it’s spreading.

Unless something is done, and fast, to lower the cost of living, of taxation, to put people back to work and to lower the cost of ENERGY, we are heading for a train-wreck.

Creating totally new Industries by harvesting our abundant Natural Resources (Coal, Oil Shale, Natural Gas, Offshore Oil, Expanding the use of Nuclear Power) is critical to our survival as a people and as a Nation.

The creation of entirely new industries, using technology from major employers like Caterpillar, GE, United Technologies. Georgia Pacific Rail and all the rest.
Lower costs instead of increased costs.
Lower unemployment rates.
Increased revenues.
Less entitlement spending as more become self-sufficient.
Lower taxes.
More discretionary income.
Cheaper ENERGY that results in more manufacturing.
A Stronger Economy as well as National Security.
A complete and total reversal of our current trend toward oblivion.
It can be done. It should be done. And THAT is why we need to get more Conservatives elected.
You future really does depend on it.

“And he loved Big Brother.”

Today, Rham is mayor. The Useful Idiots have their victory.


@joetote, #1:

American Society as a whole has got to look at itself in the mirror and decide now what it is they really want. Freedom or Marxist/Orwellian dictatorship! There are no in betweens.

That isn’t really the choice at all, in my view. It’s an interpretation of the world that is being vigorously promoted to hide the real issues and the real choices. It’s being used in a calculated fashion to divide mainstream America into opposing camps, so that people can be played off against each other and more easily manipulated.

In reality, nearly all of our fellow citizens want and expect personal freedom; virtually none of our fellow citizens would find an Orwellian dictatorship even remotely acceptable.

There is a broad middle ground between self-absorbed, law-of-the-jungle, dog-eat-dog capitalism on one extreme, and the individuality-and-ambition killing control of a souless Marxist state on the other. The greatest good and the greatest freedom for the greatest number lies somewhere in that middle ground. Both totally uncontrolled, predatory corporate capitalism and the extremism of Marxism have a clear potential for turning the average person into a slave.

It only stands to reason that where there’s sacrifice, there’s someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there’s service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master.

That quote is by someone I truly believe knew the difference between servitude and liberty. Today’s liberals speak of liberty and freedom as if it is the endgame goal of every issue they fight for. The problem is that they nearly always tend to ask people for sacrifices in order to attain their goals, or “rights”.

For example: They complain about the widening gaps between the haves and have-nots, claiming the have-nots do not have economic freedom, or, the same economic freedom as the haves. Their solution? Take by force in action, by ask by sacrifice in speech, that the haves give more of their own personal property so that the government may distribute “fairly” amongst the have-nots. Such is the mind of the liberal that they mistake sacrifice of property to the state as freedom and liberty.

What they fail to divulge, either due to ignorance or willful omission, is that true economic freedom allows for both success, and failure. The liberal elite muddy the waters by claiming failures as the fault of “big oil”, or wall street, or evil corporations, or anything but the truth. Many people fail, and fail again, and maybe again, and possibly numerous times before finally gaining success. These people should be applauded, but the liberal mind only seeks to knock them back down by saying their success has come at the expense of the less fortunate. In a liberal’s mind, there is no “self-made man(or woman)”.

Nearly every issue stance a liberal makes is meant to gain their version of “economic freedom” for the people, yet their solutions always take from the haves and give to the have-nots. Economic freedom? Or simply government legalized thievery.

When the liberals do not get their way, they engage in class warfare actions meant to stir up feelings of envy amongst the poor and guilt amongst the well-off. They condescend to the haves to sacrifice for the “good of all” and stand in lockstep with the have-nots leading the crying out against the haves, smearing them with lies about the success the haves have attained.

Now, more than ever, we conservatives are feeling the effects of the liberal’s willful destruction of the American way of life. Scolded by the international community for our excesses, blamed for non-existent world destruction, and denounced as power hungry imperialists. And the worst part? We hear the echoes of those accusations from within our own borders by those who would see our country diminish to nothing. The class warfare tactics engaged in by the left are meant to pit American against American. To destroy the wealth of our country.

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.

I believe that quote says it all, in regards to the liberals in the US. Those who know true economic freedom, and true liberty of themselves, know who those quotes are by.

Sorry buddy but I’ll have to disagree with you. The Socialist Elite as so well described by Skook are enemies to this country pure and simple.

I repeat. there is no middle ground. The garbage spewed by the so called moderate Progressives is just that.
Garbage! The words and actions of this administration speaks for itself.

I put the below on a post by Dr. John earlier today but I think it also fits in here. As we watch and listen to the morons in D.C. the practice of Newspeak and Doublespeak has never been more blatntly used than it is now. Combine that with that fact that the Socialist Elite look down on anyone who dares to think for themselves! This isn’t a joke anymore. It’s fact. As I indicate below, anyone who abrogates their responsibility to stand up to everything these people are doing pretty basically has my contempt. Skook is correct in every thing he says above.

I have tried to point out more than once the fact that we are headed for a hard left Socialist dictatorship. This president has not only misled the nation as to his intentions, but has surrounded himself with people who openly hate and despise our American way of life and ideals. They openly profess their admiration for the hard core Marxist way of life.

I want it made extremely clear I am, to say the least disgusted with both our Comrade in Chief and the hard left bias of the Democrats and so called “Progressive Republicans” And yes, I openly refer to the President as a hard Core Commie Socialist and Racist. I say it and I believe it to the bottom of my heart. I and others have been taken to task for not only the above, but for also backing up our statements with facts, in most cases using their own words to show one what we are trying to refer to.

In my view, our president does in fact endorse and back Socialists, Communists and every other fringe leftist group bent on destroying our country and her ideals! What you see on display is the Democratic Party at its worse (I guess I should say at its best if you listen to the cry baby propaganda machine). Pat Caddell , whom I’ve referred to in more than once in the past among others has been pointing out for some time now that the Democratic party they knew had been hijacked! Wrong! The Democratic party for all intents and purposes is now dead! In its place now stands the National Democratic Socialist Party! I cannot even remotely express my contempt for people who are so blind to the threat facing our country.

Our country is being destroyed from within! When Kruschev banged his shoe on the table all those years ago, he stated that exact intent. And it’s happening as we speak. Do we as a nation have the love of country to fight this? Or is the President correct and we instead settle for being like the rest of the third world failed countries? Class warfare, Racial Hate and Socialist practices all being espoused by the President and his hard left advisers and Congress. Are we to late to stop this? The world is looking for our leadership. We are not followers!

The lies keep coming and our future generations will suffer. As if that isn’t bad enough, we have the fact that this country is now following the Socialist model that this treasonous President and Congress have chosen for it. The debt owed by our children and grandchildren is staggering! The income redistribution espoused by this President and his Marxist cronies is not only destroying our country as we know it, it is taking away any hope for our children’s and grandchildren’s future.

I for one do not want my children to live under the Marxist dictatorship that is headed our way. I do not say this lightly! History is supposed to teach us yet this country led by this Socialist President and Congress is in the process of yanking our children’s future out from under them. Our education system is in shambles as is evidenced by a study that came out just the other day that 23% or something like that (forgot the exact figure, but it was high) of people enlisting in the armed services cannot pass the simple basic knowledge testing! This is what we’ve done for our children. Basically we have a government that wants the people to be nothing more than servile. Hell, our Leftist leaders do their damndest to make sure the basic ideals this country was founded on are not taught anymore! they revise history as every Marxist regime has done in the past and force feed it to our kids!

Our children do not deserve this! For the first time in my life, I do not see us being able to leave our children a better country! I look at my grandchildren and wonder. What could I have done better? What can we as a people do to save our country for our children? This might be the most important question of them all. Our children are indeed our future. If we choose to keep going down the path we are now pursuing, I fear their future will be one of Marxist enslavement. I fear for our children as we all should! We need to take our country back now, for their sake if not for ours.


There is a broad middle ground between self-absorbed, law-of-the-jungle, dog-eat-dog capitalism on one extreme, and the individuality-and-ambition killing control of a souless Marxist state on the other.

I counter with this:

There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil.

We have been nowhere near unrestricted capitalism for over 100 years. It is absurd and disingenuous to talk about it as if it is a looming possibility.

The main reason for improvements in working conditions in this country in the last century is not the restrictions placed on capitalism. It is rather, the increase in productivity provided by capitalism.

Well done, Skookum.
Up until a year ago only a few were speaking out against the elites of Europe foisting the desrtuctiveness of multicultualism on their socialist states.
But lately even those elite rulers are starting to see the problem.
For an excellent and quick read about this (from before the leaders began to speak up) is the book, While Europe Slept, by gay, ex-patriot Bruce Bawer.
I read it in less than one afternoon.
Libraries have it.

While Europe is beginning, just beginning, to oust their elitist thinking, the USA seems to be headed exactly for elistist rule!

Bruce pointed out what the elites do in that book.
Here’s a quote:
“To discourage children and grandchildren from identifying with the country of their birth and from bearing allegiance to its values is to encourage them to look elsewhere for something to identify with. Such multicultural conduct isn’t an act of generosity – it’s an act of cultural self – hatred and cultural suicide.”

His web site.
His columns at Pajamas Media.
What he wrote a couple weeks before the US elected Obama:
Who’s Sleeping More Deeply — Europe or America?

Since he is of no use anymore, there is no gain if he lives and no loss if he dies.
-Pol Pot

Its always good to consume another piece on the danger of the lefty agenda, its part of a balanced reading diet.

One more thought on the elitest mindset. As NanG put so well, Europe is finally starting to wean itself from the elitest thinking. What’s interesting about it however is that history teaches us that the bery mindset we are discussing has done nothing but destroy! Time after time this has happened yet man keeps making the same mistakes! In our case, how much of that can be traced to a now destroyed educational system and the propaganda machine that continues to force feed the public lies and deciet?

@johngalt, #7:

For example: They complain about the widening gaps between the haves and have-nots, claiming the have-nots do not have economic freedom, or, the same economic freedom as the haves. Their solution? Take by force in action, by ask by sacrifice in speech, that the haves give more of their own personal property so that the government may distribute “fairly” amongst the have-nots. Such is the mind of the liberal that they mistake sacrifice of property to the state as freedom and liberty.

Well, there’s always the alternative of paying the have-nots a greater share of the profits that are made from the work that they do. Then there’s the arithmetic of exported jobs: 3.3 million offshored jobs equals 3.3 million Americans who no longer have the means to support themselves and their families, who are no longer paying their share of taxes, and who are no longer consuming the goods and services produced by businesses at the former level.

Of course, any organized effort on the part of American workers to bring such changes about is socialism, and to be blamed for the problem.

Joetote, #8

“What could I have done better? What can we as a people do to save our country for our children? This might be the most important question of them all.”


Unfortunately, one of the cornerstones in the gradual degradation of the educational system, is that for 85% of its students, (and carried out by 85% of its teachers,) each has been subjected to the sum of his/her weaknesses, rather than the sum of his/her successes.

If at a very young age you made mistakes in math for example, your teacher, your school, and in turn your peers and most parents, perceived you as being of somewhat less than average intelligence. You might have been a genius, but those early “mistakes” identified you. The impact was and is profound, and each of the majority of us has appropriated that negative.

Those controlling the system through unions were too lazy or too intellectually uninterested to understand Encouragement. They took the easy road and instead made the negative mistake of ridding the system of real tests and grading, pretending that this would solve the “self image” problem.

Confidence is nourished through encouragement of strengths, and not from imposing on children a permanent branding that they are the sum of their failures.


I’m sorry you are too brainwashed to understand simple economics. The reason so many jobs are being exported is because of over regulation by the EPA and others, taxation and A whole host of other problems being lauded by your marijuana smoking U.C. Berkeley friends. FDR pronounced the new deal a total failure, keynes economics has never worked, capitalism made poor into middle\upper class and not the government. The difference between an adult and a child is self sufficiency, I don’t think you have learned to be self sufficient, why else would you want someone to take care of you?

@Greg, #6

“In reality, nearly all of our fellow citizens want and expect personal freedom; virtually none of our fellow citizens would find an Orwellian dictatorship even remotely acceptable.”

1. Your making such an assumption, infers disingenuity on your part, . . . for whatever reason.

“There is a broad middle ground between self-absorbed, law-of-the-jungle, dog-eat-dog capitalism on one extreme, and the individuality-and-ambition killing control of a souless Marxist state on the other. The greatest good and the greatest freedom for the greatest number lies somewhere in that middle ground. Both totally uncontrolled, predatory corporate capitalism and the extremism of Marxism have a clear potential for turning the average person into a slave.”

2. This is hyperbole and a typically poor argument statement that serves little to the discussion, and is evidence of an insecure position. Hyperbole should be left to the President. He’s so accomplished at delivering it.

We will probably witness, in the coming year or so, the disastrous outcome of “happy common ground” reached through negotiation in the political arenas at Federal, State and Municipal levels endeavouring to solve the horrendous deficit and debt problems. Ideologies will battle, each claiming to represent the people, and pretending concern for the common good. Unfortunately, the extreme, inexperienced, and uninformed positions held by Obama and his sycophants who neither understand business, money, the economy, or inflation, will have the Bully Pulpit advantage of the Oval Office.


Politicians in Washington keep telling us that it is the financial system that needs regulation.

You can read the rest and enjoy the graphics…

@Zac, #16:

When you’ve heard that identical collection of memes echoed together so many times by so many different people, you tend to take a somewhat different view about who it is that’s actually been brainwashed.

There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil. The man who is wrong still retains some respect for truth, if only by accepting the responsibility of choice. But the man in the middle is the knave who blanks out the truth in order to pretend that no choice or values exist, who is willing to sit out the course of any battle, willing to cash in on the blood of the innocent or to crawl on his belly to the guilty, who dispenses justice by condemning both the robber and the robbed to jail, who solves conflicts by ordering the thinker and the fool to meet each other halfway. In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit. In that transfusion of blood which drains the good to feed the evil, the compromiser is the transmitting rubber tube . . .

When men reduce their virtues to the approximate, then evil acquires the force of an absolute, when loyalty to an unyielding purpose is dropped by the virtuous, it’s picked up by scoundrels—and you get the indecent spectacle of a cringing, bargaining, traitorous good and a self-righteously uncompromising evil. Ayn Rand

@James Raider:

“In reality, nearly all of our fellow citizens want and expect personal freedom; virtually none of our fellow citizens would find an Orwellian dictatorship even remotely acceptable.”

1. Your making such an assumption, infers disingenuity on your part, . . . for whatever reason.

There’s no disingenuity there at all. I believe both of those things to be true of a majority my fellow citizens, and believe that anyone who seriously puts it to the test will find out that I’m correct.

@Liberty, #20:

In a word, Ms. Rand… Bullsh-t.

Blind, totally inflexible adherence to any absolute principle can lead men into evil action. People who don’t recognize that fact can become very dangerous.


A long, long time ago societies developed governments to control selfish, greedy, egotistical megalomaniacs who would never behave themselves without the fear that something bigger and stronger than they were might grow tired of their crap and kick their asses.

But history shows in most cases the result was that governments were simply another form of the oppression they were designed to stifle and supplant. Governments tend to transform over time from overseers to oppressors, from barriers to bullies, from protectors to parasites.

An old joke in France says that if government didn’t exist, the people would have nothing to laugh at. Churchill is credited as saying that talk is cheap until Parliament does it. Will Rogers said that being a humorist in America is easy, because all one has to do is watch Congress and then report on it.

But cute as those cheap shots are, they mask the truth about what government truly is. The US Congress often looks like the screen of a computer system that has gone into lockup, split down the middle with identical messages on both sides, each blaming the other. And when it does get down to work, it more often than not looks as if the entire zoo is being operated from the monkey house.

Reagan once said that the best people never wind up in government service because even if they did, business would lure them away. He was right in that assessment, of course, on so many levels. Basically the people who wind up in government at the highest levels have only one goal and one skill: acquiring power and holding office.

Even the best of governments is merely a necessary evil. If men were good, no government would be needed. But since men are flawed, and greedy, and corrupt, and selfish, and narrow-minded . . . and governments are created by and staffed with men, what should we expect?

Many members of Congress have been arrested for various crimes. Some for drunk driving. Some for debt. Some for property fraud. Some for even more heinous acts. One US president resigned for conduct unbecoming, and another was impeached for sexual dalliance in The People’s House while in office and lying about it.

If ordinary people acted like some of our leaders, somebody would call the law and they’d be put away. An ordinary citizen lying to the police or in court faces heavy fines and/or imprisonment. An ordinary citizen failing to pay his taxes, or taking unfair advantage of his position, or defrauding customers or business associates would do hard time. Campaigning politicians, however, knowingly and consistently lie, often contradicting statements they have themselves made, and do it with impunity.

Sometimes the actions of our government remind me of Mafia tactics. Sometimes the actions of our government demonstrate such weak reasoning, such apparently low I.Q.s, that were they performing that way in grade school, they’d be locked up as mentally deficient or brain damaged.

They vote on legislation they have not read,

“We have to pass this bill so we can see what’s in it.” -Fmr. Speaker Pelosi

they support mismanaged and corrupt systems, and they obligate money they don’t have to fund organizations in the final stages of collapse. Some cannot even pass a standard high-school quiz on the documents which created this nation. Government, as Reagan once said, is not the solution to our problem; government IS the problem. It produces legislation of thousands of pages which no one reads or could completely understand if he did. Remember the things many of us learned in school?

The Pythagorean Theorem: 24 words

The Lord’s Prayer: 66 words

Archimedes’ Principle: 67 words

The Ten Commandments: 179 words

The Gettysburg Address: 286 words

The Declaration of Independence: 1300 words

compared to US Government regulations on the sale of cabbage: 26,911 words.

Congress is indeed a parasite with the personality of the schoolyard bully. My question is why so many people keep asking the bully to kick their asses and steal their lunch money. Congress is a tapeworm devouring the sustenance this nation needs to continue breathing and going to the schoolyard in the first place. Congress, along with the “czars” and all the “experts” in Washington, are vermin eating the grain in the national storage bins.


@Greg: well Greg I have heard many times by many people that the world is round, so does that mean they are brainwashed and I should believe it is flat?

I have also heard many people try to push this communist agenda on me, but I won’t listen to a bunch of demoralized, whiners who would give up their values for a welfare check. I’m happy my parents never aborted me, so I don’t ask for much from them, I’m happy I am becoming a citizen of the greatest country on the planet so I don’t ask for much from it, aside from adherence to their values. What do you think were the founding fathers principals Greg?

@ Zac, Be careful here, Greg will quote from Marx, Lenin and Alinsky.

He still does not understand this…

@Old Trooper2:
OT2, thanks for the lesson, replete with jokes.
We were talking about the main problem with liberals the other day.
It seems that believers in God understand that humans are imperfect and thus prone to mistakes, whether individually or collectively.
Liberals and atheists, however seem to believe that individuals can be perfected via a manmade thing: government.
What utter fools.

@ Nan G, Government is a necessary evil. The Founding Fathers knew that and tried to place limits on Authority and Power as best they could but the concept of Career Politicians was foreign to them. They would have never believed that a Free People would fall for such a thing. I reckon that their foresight had a few limits.

That’s a great movie!

If Greg decides to quote those guys I will win the argument for sure. As is he has not won one since I’ve been here.

Hey I can’t find col. Hackworths books in stores however have been on his websites, wow…

@Greg: Is that an absolute fact? I think you better re-read. I believe you have a comprehension problem or are you one of them that believes there is no such thing as absolute truth.

@ Zac, A little further amusement with a point.

The Government Can… Tim Hawkins.

Ha! Thanks Trooper!

@ Zac, I’m a little tired of the vitriol that We see here every day. A little humor gets the point across better than name calling and questioning anyone’s education, values and soiling reputations on the interweb.

A little fun never hurt anyone. It is Monday Morning for me. I am Time Zone Challenged. It is early here and I have had that first cuppa Joe. Next a 3 mile run, pushups, situps, pullups and a trip into NATO Compound to get a Briefing, read messages and take a few calls. Staff Duty is lacking in the things I need.

No Unit runs or Guidons whipping in the breeze, no cadence called, just Staffer/Slacker duty and ankle deep protocol that comes with the assignment. Calling a Fool a Jackass with skill requires that You leave them smiling and wondering what hit them. Civility and Decorum does not change much at this level.
You just use $5.00 words and try not to be too insulting.

Your right Old Trooper… I can be a hot head if I don’t watch myself. From now on I will just have good clean fun with these guys. I’m just having an evening run right now at 6:20. Knee deep in snow.

Greg: I’m sorry your probably a good guy..

@Old Trooper2, #25:

“Be careful here, Greg will quote from Marx, Lenin and Alinsky.”

I’ll happily provide a perinent Marx quote:

“A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.”

@Zac #33:

I’m sure opinions vary. At least I function as a fairly servicable FA piñata. And I do enjoy a good debate.

@ Greg,

“A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.”

Nope. We don’t have to ‘fetch’ one. We have grown Folks here that exercise that “Take care of me” mindset
in Congress and You seem to buy off on it so We don’t have to look too far. Besides a pinata is the center of attention and Some Folks come here for that attention.

Very good. Useful Idiot. There is no more succinct description. It is a perfect definition. It can be applied easily, accurately and without apprehension. The useful idiots pigeon hole themselves into the category. It requires no one to label them. They are willing to claim the title as a badge of homer, a star on their certificate of importance. They deny the horrors of communism, they extol the virtues of a sharing socialism and never never see the repetitive failures of both forms of deadly oppression.

the article is rich and vibrates with ideas and concepts of management both macor/micro economics are explored and evaluated, Read the article and have trasitioned it into myFlopping Aces’s note book. This article will be reads and used at future presentations..Congradulatons on a great article.


Well, there’s always the alternative of paying the have-nots a greater share of the profits that are made from the work that they do. Then there’s the arithmetic of exported jobs: 3.3 million offshored jobs equals 3.3 million Americans who no longer have the means to support themselves and their families, who are no longer paying their share of taxes, and who are no longer consuming the goods and services produced by businesses at the former level.

You fail to list the reasons behind jobs being shipped overseas, Greg. Sure, there are some who do it solely for greed, but I contend that those are much fewer in number than you would have us believe. It really is a question of economics. Many jobs are shipped there so that the parent company can actually survive. Government regulation, union greed and rising energy costs all contribute to higher product prices. Would you have those companies continue to increase their prices, even to the eventual situation where they’ve priced themselves out of the market? Companies close because of that, and leave fewer jobs for our citizens than they would by shipping some jobs overseas. Of course, since reason and logic escaped you long ago, the liberal view that ANY company that ships jobs overseas is evil and greedy prevails.

Of course, any organized effort on the part of American workers to bring such changes about is socialism, and to be blamed for the problem.

As stated above, unions are a big cause of rising prices. One needs only look at the difference in labor costs between producing vehicles at domestic(union) and foreign autos.

The Associated Press reported that, for example, the average United Auto Workers member makes $29.78 per hour at GM, while Toyota pays its workers (most of whom are non-union) about $30 per hour. However, when total benefits (including pensions and health care for workers, retirees and their spouses) is factored in, GM’s total hourly labor costs is about $69, while Toyota’s is about $48.

Any wonder, then, why Ford, GM and Chrysler all experienced economic disaster just a couple years ago, while Toyota, Honda and other foreign makes built in the US were doing well?

As for the relation of unions to socialism, there is much evidence to the link between them.

The trades unions will not disappear along with the capitalist mode of production like the journeymen’s organizations vanished with the guilds. On the contrary, they will constitute the most energetic factors in surmounting the present mode of production and they will be the pillars on which the edifice of the socialist commonwealth will be erected.

The above statement was made by a Marxist theoritician. He basically stated that unionism is a primary building block of the socialist foundation. Is there any wonder, then, why we conservatives are wary of union activities, particularly when they involve themselves in political discussion?

Then we have this, from Greg:

In a word, Ms. Rand… Bullsh-t.

Really!? What your statement shows is an inability to comprehend the basic instruction given by her words. Instead of arguing against the ideas presented in her words, you use vulgar, demeaning language towards the author of those words. You attack the author of those words and not the content. Typical liberal tactic derived from Alinsky’s tactic of “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” You have shown, yet again, that you would stand with the people intent on destroying our republic, rather than with those desiring to make it better.

Fascinating debate.

Jobs are being shipped overseas for the reasons mentioned: high taxes, environmental and trade regulations and lower labor costs overseas. US consumers don’t want to pay for home-grown goods if they can save money.

We are moving rapidly towards a Totalitarian state (forget the terms “Marxist,” “Socialist,” “Communist,” etc. Actually, it is a very Argentina problem. The Perons sided with labor, demolished the economy, and have massive inflation to pay the bills. Sound familiar? Its the USA. The Wisconsin teachers (which is a part-time job) are demanding that taxpayers pay for everything – eventually, you get no one working.

I refuse to be a slave to unions. I will NOT buy a union product. I am forced to use union gov’t services because I have no choice. THAT is the problem.

Arnold Toynsbee allegedly said it best: (and I may be paraphrasing) “sixteen out of the nineteen of the great civilizations that have existed since the dawn of history have collapsed FROM WITHIN.” It’s very interesting to note that as the moral/spiritual subversion of the masses continues apace, with a few positive modifications, i.e., a recent poll of Americans now finds that roughly 52% consider themselves PRO-LIFE (meaning anti-abortion in a legalized sense, ala Roe V. Wade), and this has been going on for at least a generation, the U.S. electorate increasingly finds itself putting into the presidency MORE LEFTIST/SOCIALIST IDEOLOGUES like Clinton and Obama, & BOTH came from candidates put forth by the increasingly LEFTIST EGALITARIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY. So there is a cause and effect syndrome at work here; the ONGOING UNDERMINING OF AMERICAN SOCIETY from false notions like NO-FAULT DIVORCE, MASSIVE USE OF CONTRACEPTION across the spectrum of U.S. SOCIETY, including Catholics who should know better, and LEGALIZED ABORTION THROUGH MAINLY ROE V. WADE IN 1973, AND ITS EFFECT THROUGH THE CANDIDACIES of noxious uber-leftists like Clinton & Obama, inchoate symbols of COMING MASSIVE REPRESSION of the WORST KIND, i.e., possible labor re-education camps, brainwashing, MAYBE evil notions of population control ala COMMUNIST CHINA, A ONE-CHILD POLICY USING FORCED ABORTIONS TO COMBAT SO-CALLED “OVER-POPULATION,” and it can all be laid at the feet of too many Americans who ABANDONED their JUDEO-CHRISTIAN heritage. GOD HELP US ALL–MARKRITE


Bravo. I read every bit of your post, every line ringing truth.