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Another absolutely brilliant essay. As I am Jewish myself, it has never failed to amaze me how blind the liberal faction of the Jewish community is to the world and events in general. I have expressed my concern as to the Jews here in the states voting over and over for the very leftist people that are only hastening their extermination. and yes, I do mean the word extermination. As you have seen bias in your past as I well know, I have seen and lived the hatred that is there for the Jews.
You never fail to amaze me my friend! You have painted a true picture of what really is. Well done!

I stand with Israel as well. Skook, liberal Jews are liberals first, second, and third. They are Jews fourth and Americans last. .
From what I understand the liberal Jews seem to think if they “defang the cobra” or make nice with it, they will be safe. They don’t understand the only goal of Islamic fascists is to exterminate them. Like most liberals they think they can reason with the enemies of America. They are wrong.
I won’t say I’m some bad *ss, but I associated with some not so nice people in my youth. They enjoyed hurting people. I can assure you, there is no negotiating with such “people”. Liberals don’t seem to learn this until it’s too late.

Israel used to be the only country in the middle east that we could trust, but with this new breed of politicians we have in Washington, I’m sure that Israel does not trust us anymore. They have every right to have that feeling, our politicians support Hamas while telling the world we are against terrorist they are also trying to make deals with the Taliban in the middle of a war and look at what has happened in Egypt. If we cannot stand and support Israel, we have lost our moral conscience.

I stand with Israel as well, they are the only stabile government over there and if we were smart we would let them expand and take over all the contested lands and deport the recent settlers, Lebenese into other countries like Syria, Jordan and Egypt.

Just more ultra-conservative religion-baiting

I believe the basis of most Jew hate, since the beginning of time is spiritually. Most of us can not even logically explain the level that the world has hated Israel. Even some of us Christians will on occasion question our loyalty to the Jewish race if we are honest. I believe you can just look in the Bible and see what the source of the problem is…………satan.

I also believe that Israel will be victorious in the end but there are very dark times ahead for Israel.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Ultra-conservative religion-baiting ? Gosh, I must have missed something in this post. Maybe the ultra-liberal can not read nor comprehend!

Thoughtful post Skook!

I stand with the Jews and Israel.
It has less to do with the ancient Israel and a lot to do with the way Israel is outstanding today among the other lands in the area.

Did you know that thousands of Arab Muslims chose to live in Israel?
They do it because of the freedom from repression.
Did you know that Israel is the only country in that area where gays can live without fear?
I think they can even serve in the military.

Sometimes I wonder about the goal of wiping out Israel and all the Jews as Muslims in many countries want to do.
Then I think back about Abel and Cain.
It wasn’t that Abel’s sacrifice was grains and first fruits while Cain’s was flesh that made the difference.
It was that Abel allowed God to use the sacrifice to cleanse him, thus having a clean conscience.
Cain went through the motions.
Cain’s own conscience condemned him for that.
Instead of trying to clean his own guilt up, Cain became bent on eradicating the one who proved that you could clean your guilt up through a sacrifice.
Cain thus killed Abel.
Of course, it only made Cain feel even worse.

And with murdering Jews and targeting Israel, the Muslims only do the same as Cain.
They know they personally are only going through the motions.
They know their god has NOT helped them.
They only feel worse and worse and worse.
So they try to cover that feeling up with group-think and group-act.
They murder in ”his” name.
But it doesn’t work.

Muslims claim their god is ”the same” as the God of the Jews and Christians.
But the God of the Bible listed the fruits of His Spirit:

Does that list typify Muslims we see in the news?
Not a bit.
Look at that photo essay thread of Egypt’s women and read the comments.
See any self-control among the men?
Absolutely not.
They even sexually abuse women who are fully covered!
So, covering, even completely proves no defense against males inflamed by lust, lacking any self-control.

What did the top mullah, Ayatollah Khomeini, in Iran say about Islam?
There is no joy in Islam.

Are they quick to take offence or do they suffer perceived wrongs (like a cartoon or Teddy Bear named Mohammad) in silence?
You know the answer.

Their own books, the Koran, Sura, Hadith encourage, not kindness toward the unbeliever, but worse, not even kindness toward their own poor!
Women who outlive sons and husband are to starve in their homes.
”Charity” the Zagat, that is ordered from every Muslim to their Mosque goes to the imam who pimps out poor women, the militants associated with the area and even to overseas terrorists, not to the local poor!

How can one even claim to be ”from god,” when one’s religion looks more like it was created by the Marquis de Sade?

Another gem Skookum! I read this article this morning:

Senior US Marine Says “Multiple Platoons” Are Headed To Egypt
Nicholas Carlson

Read more:

Then I usually peruse the commentary. It was stunning to see how quick those fools got from a discussion of the U.S. sending troops to Egypt to hatred of Israel and the Jewish people. Of course I also stand with Israel and the Jews, they’ve lived under centuries of hatred, abuse and murder. Wish it would end somehow, this administration is proving to be a threat to Israel.

Liberal @ #5: Your comment reflects on you as being nothing more than a frustrated ideologue tossing epithets, who resorts to throwing manure because he lacks the imagination and wit to challenge us in meaningful discourse.

The formula is simple, it was described by the ancient Greeks; in those days to offer insults as discussion often invited a knife between the ribs. The ancient Greeks had a sense of decorum and did not suffer fools and idiots gracefully.

Their formula for meaningful rhetoric required at least one, but preferably more, of three factors:

Logos- An understanding of order and knowledge concerning the subject, without comprehension of the subject, an argument is reduced to little more than gibberish.

Pathos- An appeal to the complex sympathies and emotions of your audience, this is often accomplished with devices such as the metaphor or a story that compels the audience to understand your position and to listen to your argument. In the simpleminded language of Hollywood, it is called the ‘hook’.

Ethos- An understanding of the guiding beliefs that characterize a group, a community, a nation, or an ideology. Without an understanding of the complex belief system within a group, an argument has no direction and serves no purpose.

Commentary that misses the mark will be lacking in all of these terms or a pathetic attempt to emulate one or more of these requirements and thus falls short of qualifying for intellectual argument. Your childish rant seems all the more pathetic, when compared to the requirements for successful discourse. Like the adolescent who is envious of the new vehicle and walks by with a sharp object to scratch the paint, that is the nature and image you portray of you and your anemic contribution.

While you pride yourself on some self-perceived moment of glory that has shown the evil Conservative the power of the Liberal mind with your heroic toss of the Molotov Manure Cocktail; in reality, you have only confirmed the Conservative view of the Liberal sycophant as a non-erudite phony with limited cerebral capability and comprehension.

There are those among us who may say, why arm the silly Liberal ideologue with the keys to successful argument, but you and I both know you are incapable of employing the formula for intelligent argument; besides, there is no glory or satisfaction to defeat a totally unarmed and clueless opponent on the bloody sands of the arena of public debate; after a while, it becomes humiliating not to pity such unworthy and pathetic adversaries.

Either use the weapons I have provided or go back to the fetid swamps of moronic Liberal diatribe; they appreciate the cretins who stand and sling manure, here in your present form, you are no more than an embarrassment.

Skook unloads with the Greek fire…

I stand with Israel and the G-D of Israel. Things are starting to heat up! That muslim traitor in the White House is going to be responsible for the deaths of many people. Say your prayers!!!

Missy, as Alice said, this is curiouser and curiouser.

If we are concerned over the plight of Americans in Israel, why don’t we order them to leave now, before Obama’s beloved Muslim Brotherhood has the chance to start their extermination policy?

Why do we try to topple a regime that has kept the peace in Israel for 30 years and then rush to send in troops to strengthen the Israelis? Just in case Obama isn’t being completely honest. ROTFL

Do we anticipate trouble in the next few weeks and send in our beloved Marines to head off the trouble we have conspired to create?

Why do we anticipate war in Israel?

Why do we create disasters and ask our young Marines to put their lives on the line to make up for Obama’s and Hillary’s incompetence and stupidity?

May G-d watch over our Marines in their mission, whatever the f— it is.

To the former military men who have been ruined by the Obama depression and his efforts to sustain and worsen the effects, this is a composition written by a student in the mid-19th century portraying Spartacus as he addresses his gladiators. It was read to me by my librarian grandmother, when I was a boy.

To the former military men who have been destroyed economically by Obama’s depression and his unceasing efforts to worsen and extend its effects: Israel does not consider men over 60 as being too old to carry a rife and a pack. I don’t want to die with the chains of Marxism on my wrists and the yoke of Obama’s Socialism on my shoulders; I’d rather die fighting as a free man than live as a slave to the Elites, even if I need to travel half way around the world to die in a free country.

Jew haters can’t face up to their own failures and need a scapegoat. People who incite anti-Jewish hatred want power at the expense of the scapegoat. The Arab world is full of fail. The failure comes from an innate fatalism; that, plus the usual comfort amongst Third World elites of success being achieved purely by access, connections, and exclusion of those ‘not in the club,’ rather than personal effort.

The Wikipedia document leaks indicate that the Arab leaders don’t really give a crap about Israel one way or the other. The dusty little strip of land called Israel serves as a distraction from the daily robbery of the people outside the elite who actually make the society operate. Heaven forbid you should let them keep what they earn. No, rob them and talk about the illusory enemies Out There. Iran shows what an Egyptian theocracy would look like: the kleptocracy would continue, but a different group of people would be doing the stealing and killing.

To buy time from the West, the Iranians say their nuclear program is for electricity. To buy time from the Arabs, the Iranians imply that their program is intended to make a bomb to destroy Israel. Both of these are lies. The bombs they are developing are to drive expansion of a Greater Persian Empire into Arab lands. The Iranian leaders have already robbed thier own country blind. Now they look for loot elsewhere.

SKOOKUM, yes I’m with you on the side of our neighbords THE JEWISH PEOPLE of ISRAEL, so brave;
surounded by hate neighbords and still capable of healing the WORLD , with their high class studys and intelligence to not hate but instead study the movement of those who want to hurt them,
because of their jelousy and greed ,and they better ignore their wishes to kill the JEWS,
because ISRAEL will provide his might again to defend itself, and many muslims will be killed,
if the wish to attack ISRAEL is started, they better review their wish and help their own people
and stop teaching them to hate other, but teach them to find ways to become prosperous not
to depend on their oil but on their own creativity for goodness and prideof themself.


We also have some big warships heading over. Note the first link, the Connecticut National Guard left on January 15th for training at Ft. Benning, the protests didn’t start until January 25.

The unit left Connecticut Jan. 15 for Fort Benning, Ga., for further training and validation. The unit operates C-23C Sherpa aircraft and has deployed three times in the last seven years in support of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The unit will provide an on-demand aviation asset to the Multinational Force and Observers commander to support its mission of supervising the security provisions of the Egypt/ Israel Peace Treaty.

and this:

The Pentagon is moving U.S. warships and other military assets to make sure it is prepared in case evacuation of U.S. citizens from Egypt becomes necessary, officials said Friday.

The Kearsarge, an amphibious assault ship carrying 700 to 800 troops from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, and the Ponce have arrived in the Red Sea, putting them off Egypt’s shores in case the situation worsens.
In addition, the aircraft carrier Enterprise is in the eastern Mediterranean. The Pentagon originally announced that the carrier was heading through the Suez Canal for the Arabian Gulf, but the crisis in Egypt appears to have prompted a decision to keep it in the Mediterranean at least temporarily.

You have to scroll down a bit, they posted information about the ships:

In America, I often get the reply that the Jews killed Jesus.

Which of course ignores the fact that the Romans actually killed Jesus, and the even more pertinent fact that Jesus himself was a Jew. As were all the first Christians. Blind hatred, as always, is bereft of logic.

For my part, my respect for Israel and my desire to see America stand with Israel is rooted in Genesis 12:1-3 (bolding mine),

The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people, and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

Cursing Israel–hating the Jewish people and making them a target–seems to me to be a very toxic, ugly, and dangerous thing indeed.

When I was in Iraq, I explored bringing seedless grape plants in from Israel. They would have flourished in the area north of Baghdad. When I proposed bringing in those plants, my Arab friends shook their heads no! Here were some well educated men that understood the importance of a seedless grape to their farm income.

I explored their reasoning over the months. It turned out that these Arab men were concerned that others in Iraq would cause them and their families harm if these farmers profited from Israeli seedless grapes. When I discovered this, I tried to get a Jordanian NGO to purchase the grape plants for me so I could say the grapes came from Jordan. Everyone knew where the plants came from, but they had deniability.

I do not think it is the people who practice Islam who hate the Jews. I think the Islamic religion forces them to profess hatred for the Jews as well as other non-believers. I remember calling back home after being in College for a few months. My parents asked if I was dating anyone. I mentioned I had been going to movies with Laura Silver. I heard a gasp on the phone I didn’t understand. Turns out she was Jewish. Didn’t matter to me, but my parents had this ingrained issue they couldn’t deal with. I think they recognized that in themselves for they never tried to indoctrinate me.

During my military career, I raised my sons to respect people no matter their race or sex. I did develop deep prejudices against people who use others to get ahead, those who shirk their duties and those who sabotage my country. My sons seem to think much the same way. The Jews have always had to work harder and be a little smarter than their neighbors to achieve. Hitler succeeded in getting a whole population to think that the success of the Jews was at the expense of everyone else. This is similar to the thinking that some liberals post on FA. They preach that the economy is a closed system and that when the rich get richer, it is at the expense of everyone else. That is exactly the same strategy that Hitler used as an excuse to kill Jews.

Random Thought, it seems that GOD has curse the haters as HE said, because we see them still hating
te JEWS and the CHRISTIANS, IT has even become more obvious now, as we see them display what look like a desperate effort to get other nations on their side! by going and emigrating into diffrent countrys and trying desperatly to prove their point in building so many MOSQUES all over even against the people’s will: IS IN IT STRANGE to acknowledge.

Randy, another one of your most smart comment here, as they are piling up, you should write a book,

A little R and R from Randy and Random, you guys are throwing overhand rights that land like hydraulic rams between the running lights. They don’t see them coming, but then they see stars; they’re like gravy on the potatoes, makes a meal that much better.

21 Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? 22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. 23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. 24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. 25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. 26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. 27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband. 28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. 29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.
Gal 4:21-29 (KJV)

Missy, it is quite a turn of events. I just hope the fiasco in Somalia isn’t forgotten. The concept of using our troops to compensate for the ineptness of our administration is disheartening, but there is nothing novel about the concept. Unfortunately, a few of our most gallant will suffer the results of electing this incompetent diletante into office.

We can only wait and pray for our troops. Let’s hope the most brilliant man to ever hold the office doesn’t screw it up too much or hasn’t already thrown the baby out with the bath water.


If this is true, I’m thinking he’s not looking so brilliant right now, or, Obama will say it was his show of force that got both sides talking even though one side, MB, imho, had no business in it at all:

As the veteran president regained some of the initiative lost during nearly a fortnight of street protests, the Brotherhood, Egypt’s popular but banned opposition, dropped its opposition to talks.

Mr Mubarak was also boosted by a return to relative normality in the city, which was clogged by familiar traffic jams for the first time in days.

Tens of thousands of protesters again thronged Cairo’s Tahrir Square, but for the first time there was serious tension with the army, whose role in tightening security in the city and in arresting activists has dashed hopes that it was turning against the regime.

Omar Suleiman, the vice-president overseeing talks for the regime, offered leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and other opposition parties a string of often vague concessions.
Ahmed Saif al-Islam Hafez, a prominent lawyer, was one of 30 people rounded up at the Hisham Mubarak Legal Centre, a group that has played a key role in documenting the protests.

He said during his arrest he was told by a senior officer that Hosni Mubarak was seen as having “made mistakes” but that the army would never let a former leader face “this kind of end”.

Seems to me that the Egyptian Army, friend of our military, might just have had enough and decided to give Mubarak some breathing room to get things set up, hopefully for free and fair elections and hopefully, the Muslim Brotherhood really only represents 20%.

Charles Griffee , yes those words are very appropriate with this POST indeed,
I must admit that the number 27 had me coming back and forth to understand it;
thank you

I pray for our troops also & that they take orders from a true General Officer not a WH waiter. Ultimately who ever fights the Jewish People will fight against God himself (not wise) and the Arab world with all its talk of Allah does not realize that Allah is God (after the leaven of the ages is removed). Their promissed paradise will be a pit of fire. So how come all the Muslim leaders don’t blow themselves up to attain martyrdom as if they really believed their own BS. No let the children be sacrificed for Baal, not the elders.

MISSY, you are so precious with what you bring, It even come with more to understand the situation.
every little minute may them be, are part of the pusel,
THAT’s good so far, but the trouble formenters are not to be trusted,
there might be danger of a sneaky under the rugs coup.

Amen to all of you.

Charles Griffee, yes, that’s why they force their wife and youngs to be kept ignorant
of any other thoughts, enslaving them in their own hate doctrine.
thank you

@Missy: The Potential Danger here is the Closure of the Suez Canal during this period of Unrest. That gives leverage to Folks that are Not our Friends or Allies in the Region. The Suez Canal is a MAJOR Oil Tanker Route. Economic Recovery among Nations that are dependent on Foreign (Middle Eastern) Oil will be placed at risk as Oil Prices will skyrocket.

That is a Strategic Issue.

@Skookum: My Somalia Deployment was a DIRECT result of Failed US Diplomacy and Our joined at the Hip Relationship with the UN that was a Clinton Administration SNAFU that continues to this day.

Insufficient Forces were sent to assure any remote degree of success of a “Humanitarian Aid” mission in the face of the situation on the ground. Def Sec Les Aspin was responsible for the size of that Force and his failure to reinforce the Units on the ground there was almost Criminal in Nature. I was sent there with the 10th Mountain Division as a break from Ranger assignments as a Scout Platoon Leader with a Light Infantry Battalion. Odd assignment for an O-3 as normally o-2 types led Scout Platoons.

We ALL know the results from that.

How convenient that our oil drilling rigs have been shut down at this critical phase of potential conflict within the Middle East and the interruption of crude from the Middle East. Guess what, if we go to war in a big way, all the oil will be needed by our military. We will be forced to rely on Obama’s fantasies of Green Energy sources that don’t exist along with the Green Energy jobs that don’t exist. Do you have a windmill? Try running your freezer with it or try running your refrigerator or your air conditioner; isn’t it great to be led by a man who has never done a thing in his entire life but organize communities and dream of Socialism.

Somalia will look like a well orchestrated and brilliant operation if this moron continues with his strategic planning for our military and our national security using his clueless grasp of foreign policy, the Middle East was impressed with his apology tour. This situation is a potential powder keg that has been mishandled by a buffoon and a SOS whose only qualifications consist of being married to a womanizing occupant of the White house and being a devotee of Alynsky; what should we expect from this ship of fools.

Now…If Push comes to shove against Israel, Tactical considerations…

*Israel is Surrounded by Opportunistic Neighbors that do have a history of attacking without warning
*Israel HAS Nukes
*Any Opposing Nation in the Region at this time does NOT…

The Inept and Incompetent US Dept. of State will not be able to restrain Israel if it is attacked and determines that IT MUST Strike Back to preserve it’s Sovereignty and Survival.

Previously Military Deterrence was due to some degree of US Support regarding Arms, Materials, Fuel, Munitions, Spare Parts, etc…

Soon Israel will need all the friends it can get as Obama is intent on proping up the Muslim Brotherhood and seeing that they are the next rulers in Egypt. The liberal Jews in the US have betrayed Israel and should be ashamed. To the muslim world you are no different than Jews who reside in Israel and will be dealt with accordingly. Hope BiBi is ready to kick ass and take names when the time comes. That time is near. Israel will survive.

I have asked myself that same question for a long time. Like Skookum I have always admired their resolve. I also look at Israel and see a Country who in spite of all the intolerance and hate that surrounds them, are quite structured and cohesive. I look at some of the oppressed countries that surround them and I can see the envy. Except for the United States.

Why do so many people seem to hate Jews and Israel?
In: Judaism, Israel
The End-Time is Now
2008 was God’s last warning. 2011 is global economic collapse.


There is no satisfactory answer to this question. But certainly, there are factors we can consider in trying to understand it. Here is a fab piece on this topic from

“Historians have classified six explanations as to why people hate the Jews:
1. Economic — “We hate Jews because they possess too much wealth and power.”
2. Chosen People — “We hate Jews because they arrogantly claim that they are the chosen people.”
3. Scapegoat — “Jews are a convenient group to single out and blame for our troubles.”
4. Deicide — “We hate Jews because they killed Jesus.”
5. Outsiders, — “We hate Jews because they are different than us.” (The dislike of the unlike.)
6. Racial Theory — “We hate Jews because they are an inferior race.”
As we examine the explanations, we must ask — Are they the causes for anti-Semitism or excuses for Anti-Semitism? The difference? If one takes away the cause, then anti-Semitism should no longer exist. If one can show a contradiction to the explanation, it demonstrates that the “cause” is not a reason, it is just an excuse. Let’s look at some contradictions:

1. Economic — The Jews of 17th- 20th century Poland and Russia were dirt poor, had no influence and yet they were hated.
2. Chosen People — a) In the late 19th century, the Jews of Germany denied “Choseness.” And then they worked on assimilation. Yet, the holocaust started there. b) Christians and Moslems profess to being the “Chosen people,” yet, the world and the anti-Semites tolerate them.
3. Scapegoat — Any group must already be hated to be an effective scapegoat. The Scapegoat Theory does not then cause anti-Semitism. Rather, anti-Semitism is what makes the Jews a convenient scapegoat target. Hitler’s ranting and ravings would not be taken seriously if he said, “It’s the bicycle riders and the midgets who are destroying our society.”
4. Deicide — a) the Christian Bible says the Romans killed Jesus, though Jews are mentioned as accomplices (claims that Jews killed Jesus came several hundred years later). How come the accomplices are persecuted and there isn’t an anti-Roman movement through history? b) Jesus himself said, “Forgive them [i.e., the Jews], for they know not what they do.” The Second Vatican Council in 1963 officially exonerated the Jews as the killers of Jesus. Neither statement of Christian belief lessened anti-Semitism.
5. Outsiders — With the Enlightenment in the late 18th century, many Jews rushed to assimilate. Anti-Semitism should have stopped. Instead, for example, with the Nazis came the cry, in essence: “We hate you, not because you’re different, but because you’re trying to become like us! We cannot allow you to infect the Aryan race with your inferior genes.”
6. Racial Theory — The overriding problem with this theory is that it is self-contradictory: Jews are not a race. Anyone can become a Jew – and members of every race, creed and color in the world have done so at one time or another.
Every other hated group is hated for a relatively defined reason. Jews, however, are hated in paradoxes: Jews are hated for “dominating the economy and taking over the world”. Jews are hated for ‘stubbornly maintaining our separateness’ – Yet when we do assimilate – Jews are hated for posing a threat to racial purity through intermarriages. We are seen as pacifists and as warmongers; as capitalist exploiters and as revolutionary communists; possessed of a Chosen-People mentality, as well as of an inferiority complex. It seems that Jews just can’t win.

America is often called the greatest social, political, and economic experiment in human history. I mention this only to point to the state of Israel and to place its unique formation, evolution and success in the broader context of history, alongside of America.

Israel is much smaller than the United States, but its achievements, against all odds, amidst enemies, on a small stretch of sand and arid land on the Eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, should be pointed to as an awe inspiring achievement.

Israel should be held up as a positive demonstration of what the human spirit is capable of. This small country is an oasis of entrepreneurialism, innovation, creativity, determination, and fruitful lush plantations on newly arable soil, feeding a population evermore hungry for knowledge. The Muslim world surrounding Israel should attempt to replicate its blueprint for nation building. Instead, practically the all of the Middle East is stifled in jealousy, resentment and hate, which has been a useful weapon for its obscene kleptocratic dictators and kings.

. . . And the Obama Administration should observe and acknowledge that Israel is not a dysfunctional socialist dystopia. Israel is a democratic human “experiment” worthy of praise. Instead, the White House houses a President who is uninterested in the broader world, and is evidently owner of an uninquisitive intellect, and an indecisive mind.

If you will take the time to compare the Liberal’s version of racism portrayed in Aye’s post today,

NAACP Mute Following Calls for Torture and Murder of Black Justice

and compare it to the Conservative commentary and views on racial discrimination espoused in the comments of this article, you can’t help but to feel pride in our small group of Conservatives. Well done my friends, well done indeed.

I am late to this discussion, but wanted to weigh in.

First of all Skook, you brought forth another brilliant piece that is not only direct, but thought provoking as well. I agree with you in that the appeasement mentality that some Jews have is frustrating – not only in Israel, but also in America. Just look at the percentage of Jewish votes Obama got in ’08.

Their is only one way to deal with a bully. Head on and don’t back down.

The Muslim Brotherhood was an ally of Adolph Hitler!
God says: “If you stand with Israel, I will reward you; if you go against my people in Israel, I WILL condemn you”!

Further, as revelation has taught us: ‘The king of the South-which we currently witness in Eqypt”, is making it’s move.

It will not end well thoughout the world, and the current occupant in the White House will usher in WWIII, as the Twelfers in Iran want, and work towards getting their nukes to cause worldwide chaos to usher in their ‘mahdi’.
Obama is well aware what he’s doing; but it’s his intention all along to help destroy Israel. Remember during the 2008 campaign, the LA Times refused to release the tape in which Obama, and his friend Rashid Khalidi made some devestaing comments.
Now, we reap the fruit of our labor!


I’m a Christian, and I would like to bring a much overlooked fact to all Christians the world over about the Jewish state and the muslim growth.

As a Christian there are certain Theological Historical sites that are of great importance to me and other Christians. These sites pretty much all fall in what is the state of Israel and thank full to the state of Israel these sites have been protected, have been open to Christian pilgrims who want to travel to the Holy Land to visit these sites of great importance.

Now to my point. If the state of Israel is destroyed and Jerusalem, Bethlehem etc. etc. taken over by muslims we WILL be not only denied access to these Holy Shrines but as is the muslim practice these sites will be destroyed. Remember in the eyes of islam there is nothing other than islam, all else needs to be destroyed.

I’m a Afrikaner Boer from South Africa. The Boers have a long history of partisipation with the Jewish state, from military, to trade, to minerals, to mutual economic growth and there are many Boers in South Africa that stand completely behind the Jewish state, even while we are being victimized as the Jewish people are.

We have a great respect for a people who have stood strong in the face of immense oppression, a great respect for a state that once was South Africa’s greatest friend.

So I stand with the Jew. As a Christian I stand by the Jewish people because it is our duty I believe. As a Boer I stand by the Jewish people because of our history. As an individual I stand by the Jewish people out of Respect and Honour.

All my best. Eric

@Nan G: You know that I love you Nan, but let me correct your theology:

Then I think back about Abel and Cain.
It wasn’t that Abel’s sacrifice was grains and first fruits while Cain’s was flesh that made the difference.
It was that Abel allowed God to use the sacrifice to cleanse him, thus having a clean conscience.
Cain went through the motions.

The blood sacrifice of Abel represents Jesus dying for our sins.

Hebrews 9:22

Under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.

Although the writer of Hebrews was speaking about the Mosaic Law, this principle holds true throughout the Bible.

What Cain brought to God were the works of his hands; what Abel brought to God was the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Titus 3:5a

Not by works of righteousness, which we did ourselves, but according to his mercy, he saved us

1Peter 1:18-19

Know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold from your empty manner of life handed down from your fathers, but by the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot

This is the consistent message of the Bible, from cover to cover. Cain approached God with the works of his hands and Abel stood upon the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

I believe what is going on is, Muslims recognize that they can get away with doing a whole lot of crap to Israel, since Obama is the President. They have 2 years to destroy Israel, so I believe we will see the Middle East actually get more violent and insane than it is right now.

Obviously, the United States needs to stand with the Jews, as God told Abraham in Gen. 12:3

“And I will bless those that bless you and curse the one who curses you. And in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

The reason that there is so much hatred is engendered against the Jews is Satanic in nature (I will admit to believing in a literal Satan). The Jews are God’s people, and they play a pivotal role in the Tribulation (the End Times); therefore, great inexplicable hatred has been directed against them for centuries.

When speaking of the end times, Jesus said (Mark 13:30):

“Truly I say to you that this race [the Jews] shall not pass away until all these things occur.”

[“race” is a legitimate translation of the Greek word found in that verse].

I did not mean to get all theological on you all, but this is my actual area of expertise. I get involved in political commentary mostly to blow off steam. 🙂

I realy appreciate the knowledge that is being given to FA, we are very fortunate to receive
such views, I thank you all for enlighting me on all the ancients history that we can be reminded
more often that GOD has display his desire over humanity,to follow so we can be victorious on
our quest to apply HIS wish into sending our ennemies the message to never start to attack our friends
In ISRAEL, like one said before here. THAT would be UNWISE.

I will “Stand with Them” because their Right to National Sovereignty was granted by a UN Charter, back when the UN had Honest Brokers, Statesmen , Folks of Principle and a Sense of Purpose.

Now the UN is an International Forum for Tin Pot Dictators , those Who do not wish My Nation well and those that desire the downfall of the US, the loss of it’s Sovereignty and despise Us for our record of standing up to Tyrants, World Wide.

The Current Regime can easily be lumped in with Those who are the Latter, not the Former. I can Stand with the Jew, not for Religious Reasons, but because their Sovereignty and Right to Exist is valid despite any claims to the contrary from those in the Region.

Liberal1 [objectivity], , dont stop there talk about a direct verbal public on
the WORLD’S ears and eyes to start war with the ISRAEL people, which are known to seek peace with other NATIONS by contributing their help and knowledge to the world of science also,
and you have the nerve to call it religion baiting? how low in brain matter can you be.

Kukis #42

Gary – Great Insight. You know I never even connected this. This world gets more Evil everyday. If all that Evil energy was put to positive good use …. WOW what a world we could have!

Army Chief Ashkenazi: Prepare for all-out war

In his final days on the job, Chief of Staff Ashkenazi warns about growing radicalization in region; given recent changes across Middle East, Israel must prepare for a battle in several theaters, he says…,7340,L-4025266,00.html

( As If Most Professional Military Officers and Scholars did not already know this…)

@Eric #40: Thank you for your words and insight. I had not thought about the Muslims possibly taking Israel to destroy our sacred lands.

Please stop by again.

This from Thomas Sowell …
Thomas Sowell : Undermining Allies

It is also a very short time in the life of the United States of America. To alienate our allies and embolden our enemies because of one administration is a dangerous gamble in an international jungle where nuclear bombs may soon be in the hands of some of the most reckless nations on the planet.

The Obama administration’s response to the current crisis in Egypt likewise threatens to make being an ally of the United States less attractive.

Whatever the merits or demerits of the advice that Barack Obama has been giving Hosni Mubarak, for the President of the United States to be publicly lecturing the president of another sovereign nation on almost a daily basis insults that nation, not just its leader.

Even in the worst days of the dictatorship in the Soviet Union, neither Stalin nor his successors publicly told the leaders of the satellite nations in Eastern Europe what to do. There is no question that Eastern European leaders were puppets of the Soviet Union, but Soviet leaders had the good sense not to say so to the whole world. Yet Obama makes allies look like they are puppets.

Countries like Egypt, that have once lived under colonial rule, are especially resentful of being publicly lectured by Western nations. Nor will the Obama administration’s lecturing of Egypt endear us to other nations contemplating the down side of being an ally of the United States.

So it continues. The Amateur Regime and the Amateur US State Department continues on it’s merry way, flapping in the breeze like a Windsock, while our Allies scratch their heads and ponder the Value of being a Friend of the US and question the net worth of past Agreements, Treaties and Commitments…and BTW, there is No Reset Button.

US Foreign Policy must be firm to be believed. It must be Consistent to be trusted. Folks that were never Statesmen but only Community Organizers can’t be expected to know that. Carpet Bagger Politicians from Arkansas with no real Foreign Policy experience would not know it either.

“Qaradawi also called on Muslims to boycott Starbucks”

Whoa!? I don’t know of any liberal who wouldn’t go to war if they didn’t get there fat-free-grande-mocha-late-frappa-whatever in the morning.