Lessons from Nassau County: High taxes don’t cushion the fall of the wealthy mighty

On Jan 26th, the NYTs splashed the headline… “New York State Seizes Finances of Nassau County”. Bloomberg followed suit, but went the extra mile with their headline, New York Seizing Nassau County Finances Shows Limits of Tea Party Promises, to drag the fiscally responsible grassroots movement into Nassau County’s spending failures. Always slow on the uptake came Reuters a day later, with their headline, SPECIAL REPORT: A Long Island Tax Cut Backfires on the Tea Party.

Never bring a Kukri to a Gunfight”

Yup…never bring one; unless you’re a Gurkha. One Kukri-yielding Gurkha against 40 robbers? The would-be robbers found themselves grossly outnumbered…

“Fighting the enemy in battle is my duty as a soldier; taking on the dacoits in the train was my duty as a human being,”

Kucinich Bites Back Hard!

The gloves come off when pacifist U.S. congressman Dennis “the Menace” Kucinich eats his spinach and delivers a punishing knuckle sandwich on behalf of “the little guy”….(Oops! Did I just use violent imagery in my political rhetoric?)