Say What? 9/16/2010 Edition [Reader Post]



When asked about Democrats running away from the president and running campaign messages in opposition to Washington and to the president’s policies, Tim Kane said, “People ought to be proud to be Democrats.”

Howard Dean: “We thought that Fox [news] worked for the Republican Party, now we know that Fox really runs the Republican Party”

Christina Romer: “The only surefire ways for policymakers to substantially increase aggregate demand in the short run are for the government to spend more and tax less. In my view, we should be moving forward on both fronts.”

Senate majority leader, Harry Reid: “It would take a real stretch to think I caused the problems with the economy…I don’t have any hand in what took place during the Bush administration. I tried to rein that in.”  Reid was senate majority leader during the final 2 years of the Bush administration.

Harry Reid: “I think there is a significant hate wing of the Republican party, including the talk show hosts like Glenn Beck and Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh.”

Rep. Keith Ellison “The people who are leading the anti-mosque effort are people who openly proclaim that Barack Obama is not a citizen. The real organizers of this thing are people who are just proponents of religious bigotry. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Cynthia Tucker, who understands almost everything in life as related to race: “We haven’t talked about the elephant in the room, and I don’t mean the Republicans: race. Changing demographics. Fear of a white minority…That’s what this crazy summer has been all about. Anti-mosque construction. Anti-immigrant ravings. It, that fear is very difficult for Obama to overcome.”

Robert McChesney, founder of the Free Press: “Advertising is the voice of capital. We need to do whatever we can to limit capitalist propaganda, regulate it, minimize it, and perhaps even eliminate it.”

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: “We will also keep track of insurers with a record of unjustified rate increases: those plans may be excluded from health insurance Exchanges in 2014. Simply stated, we will not stand idly by as insurers blame their premium hikes and increased profits on the requirement that they provide consumers with basic protections.”

Fareed Zakaria’s headline to a Newsweek story: “It’s clear we overreacted to 9/11.”


Howard Fineman, Newsweek: Well, sitting there in the press conference today with President Obama, you could almost hear sort of the classical music in the background. You know, I don’t mean to be facetious…

Chris Matthews, Host: No, I get you…

Fineman: But, you know what I mean. It was a stately thing, and a mature discussion, you could agree or disagree, let’s all be reasonable about this…

Matthews: This is an Oxford don, he’s so well turned…

Fineman: Yeah!

Matthews: …he comes in there elegantly, presenting himself elegantly, presenting himself on a very high-level tone…

Fineman: And he gave a very…

Matthews: …against this menagerie…

Fineman: Yeah!

Matthews: …that’s biting at his heals.

Fineman: That’s why I’m saying, those people that you cited, Boehner and Gingrich and Palin, are not playing the same ballgame that Barack Obama is.

Matthews: I shouldn’t them the Three Stooges, they’re a lot smarter than that. I think they know it. They’re not stooges.

Fineman: Sure they know what they’re doing.

Matthews: Stooges are the people that buy their act.


CBS News anchor and co-host Harry Smith: “…[Muslims now] feel like strangers in their own country, Muslims shocked by the growing opposition to new mosques….building a mosque has suddenly become a hot-button issue in many communities.”

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: “Western countries should not support (Israel) so much. The life of this regime has come to an end”

Michael Moore: “I am opposed to the building of the “mosque” two blocks from Ground Zero.  I want it built on Ground Zero. ” and “There is a McDonald’s two blocks from Ground Zero. Trust me, McDonald’s has killed far more people than the terrorists.”

And when a liberal says something intelligent, I will include it:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “[Our national debt] poses a national security threat in two ways: it undermines our capacity to act in our own interest, and it does constrain us where constraint may be undesirable.”

Ed Schultz: “I don’t think this [Koran burning] has been managed properly.  I don’t think they’ve handled this right. I want to know if General Petraeus made all these comments about this nutjob pastor down in Florida before the White House knew about it. Because all that did was inflame the situation! It’s almost as if they want the radical world to start going nuts and helding (sic) all these demonstrations across the world. Does this make sense to you ’cause that’s where I’m at.”


Tim Kane (chairman of the Democratic Party): “We’re the underdog party.”

Jon Stewart: “You own the Senate, the House and the executive branch.  In what universe are you the underdog?”


Alan Colmes: “Every 9/11 it’s become like a national day of remembrance, which I understand from an emotional standpoint, but I wonder if it’s such a good idea that every year we make such a big deal on the media of it being 9/11.”

Judith Miller: “The reason you do it is to remember why we have the counter-terrorism policies we have…We need to be reminded why we’re doing this.”

Colmes: “9/11 should not be revered as some kind of national almost holiday.”

Miller: “It’s not revered. It’s commemorated.”


Dana Loesch
: “Well, Matt, perhaps if people like you in the liberal media quit trying to diminish the contributions of Black conservatives in the political sphere, more [Black conservatives] would have the courage to speak out.”

Matt Taibbi: “I just don’t—I mean, this is one of those things like when you see your crazy uncle taking his pants off at Thanksgiving; you don’t know whether to laugh or cry.  It’s so incredibly offensive.”


David Limbaugh: “In that speech, he [Obama] says he’s committed to fiscal responsibility.  What planet migh the be inhabiting right now?”

Sean Hannity (referring to President Obama): “He is so far left, he is out of step with the Democratic party.”

Laura Ingraham, describing liberal philosophy: “It’s a save the whales, abort the babies approach to life.”

Dennis Miller on Obama being treated like a dog: “Who’s been treated with more kid gloves than this cat?”

From Conservative Review #143 (HTML)   (PDF)

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What others have said and the Current Regime will have to confront in November.

I firmly believe that the worm on the hook squirms. They say crazy off the wall things that even they know is crazy and off the wall, but at the same time, they know their lives (professionally) are at stake. To save themselves from the other sharks in their own waters they will say anything, anything at all, as long as their words seem to fit the “mood” of the group to whom they are speaking. They live the “here & now” . . . live for today . . . forget tomorrow. Tomorrow is for damage control and then it is again time to say anything. Each lie they commit must be covered up by lies tomorrow, it is a never ending catch-22 from which there is NO ESCAPE. So the worm squirms . . . until the shark comes to collect. Then they become lobbiests, lol

Republican leaders have to decide if they want the tiny fraction of furious voters who have showed up at the primary polls to steer them into the swamp for years ahead. They have a chance to repudiate the worst of the Tea Party crowd and show that they can govern without appealing to the basest political instincts. So far, they have preferred to greedily capitalize on the nuclear energy in the land without considering its destructive effects.


The only problem with some of the democrats jumping ship at this late a time is that they probably won’t be able to swim far enough away from their sinking ship to get away from the undertow and they will still go down with their ship. I’m not complaining. I’m just imagining it happening.

Howard Dean: “We thought that Fox [news] worked for the Republican Party, now we know that Fox really runs the Republican Party”

Let’s see now, the ships in the propaganda media armada are all sinking, and Fox News’ ship is riding higher all the time. How is it that the propaganda media’s torpedoes are coming back at them? When will they learn that when you have defective torpedos, you quit firing them?


From an ex-submarine sailor let me tell you . . . your analogy of how the LSM has torpedoed it self, certainly brings it very close to home for me. Very clearly to me I see everyday how the media has become the submarine service of the Obamanation of the liberal left and how they keep being hit by their own worst shots. In an actual event in the early 1970’s the boat that I was on, while conduting torpedo exercises, with practice torpedos actually did SHOOT ourselves. It happened and of course once we returned to port from the exercises we were somewhat of a laughing stock through out the flotilla. I was not a member of the torpedo exercise group . . . the group of people who manned the weapons system . . . so i do not know all of the details concerning the ultimate cause of having shot ourselves but the aftermath lasted a significant amount of time and caused a lot of consternation and embarassment to the boat. There are also actual documented cases of US subs that have shot themselves with “LIVE” weapons and paid the price . . . sinking with loss of entire crews . . . most of such incidents occurred during WWII. In actual fact, some such sinkings and loss of entire crews were not documentable with proof, but are highly suspected to be self sinking. Whenever torpedos are in the water . . . believe me . . . the entire crew of the boat is on a high level of self concern and awareness.

The press and politicos of today seems to be totally unaware of the dangers they have propogated on We the People. Everyday I see some idiot at the weapons control console that has know idea that the target he is tracking with the live weapon he has just fired is in actual fact himself! That once the target is hit and his ship has sunk, that ultimately he is a laughing stock and should be embarassed. Nothing seems to bother such idiots, they continuously do such stupid things even at the ultimate cost of all credibility. The most significant thing is that the damage they are doing is catastrophic to OUR GREAT REPUBLIC.

They have manned “Battle Stations Torpedo” and instead of firing test shots they are firing living weapons that make the big circle of death that is taking themselves to the bottom. As that old joke goes . . . What do you call a bunch of politicians on the bottom of the ocean . . . “a good start” . . . that is where they ALL need to be! Right now I have to add it matters not, Republican or Democrat . . . they are sinking themselves . . . and all We the People can do is stand on the Shores of Tripoli and watch it happen. We have warned them, this is NOT a Drill . . . You are firing live shots at YOURSELF (meaning the lala land of politics and press).

@Tallgrass: #6 Many times I have said I want to be on Obama’s hit list because I could use the money and extra attention I would get.

The press and politicos of today seems to be totally unaware of the dangers they have propogated on We the People.

I think they know exactly what they are doing. You are one of the few who call the USA the republic that it is. The propaganda media call it a democracy so that you will think of democrats. If they called it the republic that it is, you would think of republicans.

When I was a kid in high school I wanted to be a submariner when I grew up. I read every book about submarine stories of World War II that the high school library had, then read all of the ones in the town library, then read the fiction stories. I never did learn to swim and I am still afraid to put my head under water.

By the way, I recently read where our navy is smaller now than it was in 1917. I couldn’t find the web page.

I like the way you said “…the media has become the submarine service of the Obamanation….” Their job is to sink the USS America.

The torpedoes that actually turned back and hit the subs that launched them were sabotaged to do that.

“Everyday I see some idiot at the weapons control console that has know idea that the target he is tracking with the live weapon he has just fired is in actual fact himself!”

The voters are at the weapons control console and some of them are firing at themselves.

I call most of the republicans in office “republicrats” because they have taken on so much of the democrat’s agenda. I don’t capitalize republican or democrat any more because I don’t believe either one deserves it, just like I still can’t put the words Obama and president together. It just doesn’t look or sound right.

All I can say to the idiots quoted in this areticle is Monkey See – Monkey Do. All talking points provided by the DNC. Come November I hope they will have even more time to act stupid.


The voters are at the weapons control console and some of them are firing at themselves.

The situation within the citizens of this country is diverse and to a great extent very entropic. We . . . is a term of patriotic intent . . . yet at it’s heart is truly an “I”. No two people in a free society do think the same, we are given this right to come to our own conclusions in our effort to achieve a state of happiness (ultimately of self security). Thus it may appear to each that the other has set course toward distruction. In the end, it matters not that one may shed his blood for goals that are selfishly promlogated, for there in is the tune to which patriotism does march. Demographics of culture does instill in each of us a set of values and within the boarders of these United States the broadest of understandings is based on those documents of our foundation our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. Though we as a single voter may appear to be shooting ourself through the heart, please may it be viewed that the arrow is one of commitment to freedom and equality for all. For it is without malice in OUR hearts that we strive to be a single nation granted by God to a safe haven of retreat and prosperity. So I say . . . rise up my brethern, come forth, your time has come . . . lay not by the road side and allow such corruption to spew forth . . . We . . . I . . . must march to the need and if necessary, with full recognition of cost, lay my life on hallowed ground.

When young, perhaps by my 9th birthday, I was aware of a destiny . . . that I would serve my country as a submariner. Many people have talked to me about being a “bubblehead” and how I should have chosen such. It was my fortune to have a teacher that believed that we should know of current events . . . in so doing she emersed her students in the wonders of the world. One such wonder was the Walter Cronkite deployment with the USS Nautilus and the documentary film which resulted. I am not sure of the title of that documentary, seems like it was “Under the Ice” . . . From the time I saw this documentary in the 4th grade, I was destined to be a submariner.

With respect to sabotage of weapons. I must admit I am not aware of that. Perhaps it did occur, but it would bring a great tear of saddness to my eye. There is a strength of brotherhood amoung the submarine community for those of us who have spent the weeks of boredom that were only interrupted by the horror of facing our own death. Even in times of peace, there is but one intent of the sea for the men who live below its surface . . . that being to take your life. Myself having faced my own mortality, only to be graced a life of borrowed time know the vengence that the seas does possess.

Come what may in November, a time of reckoning is fast approaching. So shall the citizens bring forth the bill and some who ignore the accounting shall forever more be cast asside, adrift on a sea of reflection.

#9 I thank you for choosing to be a submariner and being one of the millions who helped make sure I live in a free USA. I know a submariner’s life was probably the most difficult of any ship deployment.

Even before 9-11 I knew the military was keeping me safe from attack at home and that the police were keeping me safe in my home. I want all of them to get the funding they need to do their job.