The Decay Of The Metaphysical Marxist


To Horse, Proletarian-

A recruiting poster for the Bolsheviks, who won control after the revolution in 1917, Leon Trotsky was responsible for building the Red Army.

Our current President and his benefactors have tried a bold experiment: repackaging the European Socialist/Marxist concepts of the Twentieth Century and presenting an image of change that was to transcend all the problems of the past and give America the Utopia that the Free Market and the Constitution could never deliver.

Karl Marx (1818-83) and Friedrich Engels (1820-95) wrote of Marxist theory as it applies to economics, politics, and philosophy. They described and coined the term Capitalism and its modes of production. This was more than enough to serve as a syllabus to condemn hundreds of millions of people to death in the Soviet Union and China.

Until the adoption of semi-market economies, the greatest successes within both these Communist countries was their means of population control.

Since Communism’s abject and repeated failures, there is still the ever present desire to try the experiment again. Unfortunately there seems to be that devious flaw in the human psyche that creates the personality from the huge genetic pool that desires to control people and to appropriate their wealth into the hands of leaders who can then redistribute that money to their whim. The less educated or more naive the people, the easier it is to spring the trap that is Marxism: an aware and analytical population is far less likely to be seduced with the failed political policies of the past.

Marx and Engels described their imperfect system well, but they neglected to describe an ‘aesthetic’ that would make the system seem attractive to a culture that was not struggling with feudalism or tyranny. Their vehicle was ‘class struggle’ and the effort to one day institute the concept of a ‘classless society’. The preliminary phase of a totalitarian regime or Socialism with its dictatorial methods needed to reform a culture until it was ready to accept the Utopian concept of Communism was nearly impossible to impose on a society with freedoms and indistinct class boundaries.

The Czar, Rich Man, and Priest being carried on the shoulders of the workers.

Leon Trotsky (1879-1940) Permanent Revolutionary

In a country economically backward, the proletariat can take power earlier than in countries where capitalism is advanced

Aristotle weighed in on the concept of revolution 2400 years ago, in Politics, Book V; it was surely a foundation for Engels and Marx:

Inferiors revolt in order that they may be equal, and equals that they may be superior. Such is the state of mind which creates revolutions.

The handler or those who manufactured the persona of Obama realized that America was ripe for a new method, a method code named “Hope and Change”. Trotsky described this situation in History Of The Russian Revolution, Pt. III Chapter 6.

The fundamental premise of a revolution is that the existing social structure is incapable of solving the urgent problems of development of the nation.

Of course this idea was nurtured by our Euro-Socialists and perhaps the mortgage debacle was precipitated by our own Progressive Socialists to set the stage for the Obama Phenomenon. Since George Soros, the man who broke The Bank of England appears to be the main benefactor of Obama.

Thus the promotion of a man with an undocumented past became the aesthetic for formulating a Euro-Socialist Revolution on the people of the United States: relying on support from the naive, gullible, radicals, Socialists and the disenfranchised, they made a swift move toward the presidency.

Trotsky realizing the shortcomings of Marx and Engels, wrote in Literature and Revolution (1924) a means of addressing the aesthetic that described a template for our modern day Progressive/Socialists.

Artistic creation is a changing and a transformation of reality in accordance with the peculiar laws of art.

Thus Socialist realism becomes a nebulous and changeable concept that allows and prescribes the creation of an Obama Persona as necessary foment to advance the Socialist Revolution in America. For the first time in perhaps the history of the world, a man with no discernible nor provable history or documentation is skillfully manipulated into the White House and Socialism achieves one of its greatest accomplishments.

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If voting in an intellectual lightweight like Odonkey doesn’t show the world how many useful idiot American’s exist than I don’t know what does. Then again, a lot of other countries other than our own are falling into a similar trap (Iceland, Netherlands, Germany, etc). The problem is that instead of it being a case of unmasked socialism where people were murdered and enslaved to move their agenda forward, it’s now a matter of sugar coating it with promises of grandeur and “feel good” utopian dreams. The useful idiots lap it up as if it’s the Gospel spoken by Jesus himself.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

Albert Einstein

How many countries have tried the socialist experiment only to have it fail miserably? And yet, the people who claim(wrongly, I might add) to be the most intelligent, insist on moving America steadily in that direction. Will it come as a surprise to them then, if their dreams of America come to pass, that we will fail miserably at that experiment as well?

Socialism, statism, communism, or whatever other strain you can think of, just doesn’t work. Never has, and never will for the simple reason that man, individually, strives for freedom. Man does not want to be shackled to a system that limits his ‘choices’ to those preapproved by some distant entity known as government. Man does not wish to be held down by the restraints of a society that prevents ingenuity and invention among it’s peoples. Man wants to be free to make his own choices, good or bad.

The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding. ~Louis D. Brandeis

Man is an end unto himself, and if Man strives for that ideal, we quickly find the beneficiaries are the ones around him. A man chained by silent, tyrannical servitude to the others around him is only another weight on their own chains of slavery.

Obama and his congressional counterparts, and the many progressives before them, have tempted millions with a utopian paradise. They have characterized that deepest yearning in men(freedom) as the ‘extreme’. They have foisted upon this nation trinkets that at first glance look pretty, or cool,yet, when we truly open our eyes, those trinkets turn into chains and shackles about our ankles, and the other end is held by the government.

Nietzsche once wrote, “Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves.” Ask yourself this question: When our responsibility for our own lives is removed from our shoulders, and placed as a burden on someone else’s, are we truly free? Or are we mere dependents of that other person, who can be just as likely cast aside as we can be doted on by him? There may not be a literal, physical chain connecting one man to another, but the shackles are there, nevertheless. We are tied through taxation, we are tied through government charity, we are tied through the decisions of people who are disconnected from the lives we lead.

There is no such thing as part freedom.
Nelson Mandela

Interesting thought, but the socialists wish you to believe that you can have ‘part freedom’. That you may give up some freedom, so that all may prosper. They desire the control over man’s life, and feed the idea to the masses disguised as a utopian dream.

“Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.”

~ Alexis de Tocqueville

How will you live?

Marxism, socialism, Trotsky, et al — they all suffer the same fate … the money runs out. Unless you kill all the peasants, and then what will you eat, EPIC FAIL is the result.

Only the duration changes, not the fate.

Metaphysical means beyond scientific proof or pure bullshit. Kinda like many of the social sciences today. The liberal definition is: I exist therefore I know everything.

In the real world, Stalin picked on Trotsky and executed over 20k officers from the Red Army general staff. Stalin bit on the Heydrich farce and began the murder mill again. Its easy to get soviet reps(carefully selected) on a barge, locking the barge down, and sinking it. Yes, I agree, it is a decay of metaphysical bolsheviks. LOL.

Thank you, for your excellent commentary. Obama’s condescending and arrogant attitude, that is so typical of the pseudo-intellectual of the university, is wearing thin with the American people. Many Americans actually believe in the greatness of the United States and its Constitution and take offense at the thought of a president who sees it as just another country in a greater plan for International Socialism or World Socialism with himself as a part of the ruling Elite of the world.

Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions . . . . Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the ‘new, wonderful good society’ which shall now be Rome’s, interpreted to mean ‘more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.’ Julius was always an ambitious villain, but he is only one man.

~ Cicero

@ Skookum…

So I reckon that us Kulaks should be worried?

Kulak is me according to Lenin and Obama.

Got land, cattle, horses, a few bucks in savings, a business and Lord Help Me, Firearms, Ammunition, training and hate Socialists….

OT, we have the momentum and the balls. Our Marxists have no balls and they have lost their momentum. A strong building can’t be built on a weak foundation.

If the tide ever turns, Big Sky Country is where I will make my stand! The Marxists will pay dearly to take me down. Western MT is my kind of country.

Sitting in a truck stop in Northern CA, been putting together an idea that will explain the political details. Watch for my next post.

Kulaks were the salt of the earth and they were murdered by the millions, but they weren’t trained and they were poorly armed. You can only do so much with black powder weapons.

Soy Sauce: (humor not sarcasm) That is one of my favorite quotes and it is so appropriate for our Marxist on Pennsylvania Ave.

The Daily Kos has a new petition out.

It is merely about changing Senate filibuster rules to allow a simple majority vote for all legislation. Dangerous idea if you ask me.

All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.
Thomas Jefferson

In Republics, the great danger is, that the majority may not sufficiently respect the rights of the minority.
James Madison

Those two historical figures say it better than I can.

“Our current President and his benefactors have tried a bold experiment: repackaging the European Socialist/Marxist concepts of the Twentieth Century and presenting an image of change that was to transcend all the problems of the past and give America the Utopia that the Free Market and the Constitution could never deliver.”

@ Skook,

You are no doubt very familiar with the unusual structure of First Nations Reservations in Canada. All except one which signed itself into an independent government in a remote corner of B.C., are microcosms of the “nanny socialist state.”

Each of over 100 Reservations is funded, supported, and coddled by Canadian taxpayers. Members who commit crimes are even provided a “First Nations” pass which excuses them from receiving sentences consistent with the broader population. The result is a complete disaster for the vast majority of the members of the First Nations.

All motivation has been sucked out of their systems, and most of them sink deeper into despair. People like Obama evidently have little understanding or insight into the human spirit. Along with Freedom, it’s also about being “Challenged” to succeed, to survive, to provide for yourself and your family. The human spirit thrives on challenge, and wants to be free to discover on his or her own the path that stimulates those juices within.

The pathetic perspective of this Administration and its supporters clearly does NOT understand that the road it promotes smothers the spirit. I suspect that the leadership of that thinking comes from a very Lazy mind in the White House.

>>It is merely about changing Senate filibuster rules to allow a simple majority vote for all legislation.>>

How long do you think it would take before they’d want to change it back again if the GOP wins a majority in Congress?? 24 hours…maybe???

I remember the pissing and moaning by the Democrat Minority when they couldn’t control congress and stuff legislation down the throat of America.

JR, I am familiar with the stifling of the human spirit by the Progressive Socialists; unfortunately, Elites like Obama have little or no empathy for the people they destroy and kill slowly, these victims to an elite represent a collective voting block to be given due attention like a brook of chicks that need enough care to keep them alive and voting. If the outlive their usefulness, they serve no purpose and are useless to the state, the revolution, and Elites like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.