Putin Claims The Spies Are Just Red Haired Step-Children [Reader Post]


Anna Chapman, A Russian Spy Has Been Arrested

Putin blames American law enforcement for the arrest of eleven Russian spies, claiming it has all been timed by “Hawks” who are anxious to scuttle Obama’s disarmament plans.  Mr Putin expressed his concern and anger with Bill Clinton:

“Back at your home, the police went out of control [and] are throwing people in jail,” Mr. Putin said. “But that’s the kind of job they have,” he added, drawing a laugh from Mr. Clinton when he heard the translation.

“I hope that all the positive gains that have been achieved in our relationship will not be damaged by the recent event,” Mr. Putin added.

Mr Putin is rightfully concerned that cooler heads in the US realize the advantage the Russians have with our simple-minded president and his efforts to leave the US vulnerable to the Russians.

Many Russian officials and analysts said they presumed that hawkish elements within the U.S. government had engineered and timed the arrests to embarrass President Obama and undermine the “reset.” Mr. Putin echoed that concern during a meeting at his residence outside Moscow with former U.S. President Bill Clinton.

Realizing the political advantage of a president with Obama’s naive Pollyanna view of the Russian threat, the Russians are anxious to minimize the possibility of renewed distrust by Americans who might believe that Russian spies were actually here on a nefarious mission.

Several Russian analysts said the scandal could hinder, or at least delay, Senate ratification of a new treaty between the U.S. and Russia to reduce their nuclear arsenals. The new START accord, signed by Messrs. Obama and Medvedev in April, is the biggest achievement so far in Mr. Obama’s policy toward Moscow, but the treaty faces skepticism among Senate Republicans.

“Whatever the outcome of this case, whatever the evidence, the damage has been done and is likely to linger,” said Viktor Kremenyuk, deputy director of the Institute of USA and Canada, a Moscow think tank.

President Obama being either out of the loop or disinterested in Russia’s spying, maintains his jovial relationship with the Russian leaders.

President Barack Obama last week took Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to his favorite hamburger joint, which turned out to be just blocks from the Arlington, Va., apartment building where one of the alleged Russian secret agents lived.

One of the most interesting parts of the story s that Putin doesn’t deny that the spies, who were posing as American citizens, are Russian nationals and were among the cherished illegal aliens that Obama embraces; but that the timing is likely to mess up the Russian advantage in nuclear disarmament.

Both Mr. Putin and U.S. officials voiced hopes that the brewing scandal would not harm relations between the two countries, and there was no sign in Moscow of the kind of tit-for-tat action that a deeper diplomatic rift would imply.

Both Putin and Obama seem to be embarrassed over the arrest of the Russian spies; although, President Obama is reluctant to even address the issue publicly or privately, presumably hoping the issue will disappear like the Gulf Oil Spill.

“I do not believe this will affect the resetting of our relationship with Russia,” White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said at a briefing in Washington.

He said Mr. Obama was aware of the alleged spy ring, but the president didn’t discuss the topic in face-to-face meetings last week with Mr. Medvedev.

At least we know that our president is sensitive to the feelings of the Russian leaders concerning these delicate issues.  Obama seems to place minimal importance to spying and its effectiveness; consequently, Russian spying is irrelevant and inconsequential in the bigger picture.

Spy Hot Dog

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The frankfurtive is hilarious.

What’s with the Canadian passports, again? 4 of the 11 arrested had Canadian passports.

An ex-Mossad agent in Canada said that their spy agency had over 300 Canadian passports available for spies abroad. It takes over a month to get a legitimate passport. Typical government service.

oil guy from ALBERTA: hi, THATS what happen when the ENTRY to the country is open wide to anyone including terrorist and criminals of all kinds. bye 🙄

Something about this doesn’t pass any kind of a smell test. I am not an expert, but it seems like these were the dumbest spies in the history of espianage. They hid nothing about themselves, they wrote down their secret passwords etc, they communicated openly via the most public forums available, and Heaven knows what else. They were caught during a time when our political leaders have shown zero interest in National Security. I don’t know what it is exactly, but this does not feel right.

These, “spies,” couldn’t have done a worse job than James Bond walking up to every cop in the land with the pattented phrase, “I’m Bond, James Bond, the British secret agent.” What’s worse, it appears as though the only information they passed or were privvy to was public anyhow. meanwhile, the NYT is busy publishing specific military and intelligence tactics being used by our troops in two theaters of war, including detailed instructions on how enemy combatants can avoid being caught or prevented from success.

I know that most of the folks who post here are smarter than myself, so please correct me if I am wrong, but for now, color me SKEPTICAL.

It’s easy to understand really, if they would have simply triple layered their aluminum helmets (like I do), Obama wouldn’t have been able to read their minds. Now their super private/exclusive russian spy club is exposed. Oh well, time for some 8 year olds to start another one. Lesson learned.

FLYOVERCOUNTRY: hi, maybe they are just the covers for the real experts. bye 🙄

I’m waiting for Janet’s “the system worked” brilliant statement. It will be a doozy.

Why she is too purdy to be a spy, dismiss her like we did those Black Panthers.

Or they can do what Cypress did and give them the ability to post bail and “hope” they dont run back to Russia.


Purdy’s got nothing to do with it. A complete lack of skills and the fact that they didn’t do any actual spying does. This looks a lot like another Obama Kabuki Theater special. If they are spies than so be it. All I am saying is that this looks like a set up. It looks like the Zero has arrested a couple of nobodies to claim that he is actively engaged in National Security for the express purpose of getting his team re-elected in November.

It is hard to imagine that the same folks who beat us to every espianage punch for nearly a century suddenly are only able to muster up the most incompetent boobs in the world to spy on the world’s lone super power. I refuse to believe that the KGB became the Short Bus Spy Agency in 2009 just because we got drunk as a nation and elected Obama.

I realize that I may be wrong, but my cackles are fully up on this one.


That is a very good point – for some reason, that thought didn’t directly occur to me. When I was reading the headlines about it, I was thinking of the semantics involved in capturing these spies, as they mentioned in the article that they were monitoring their communication (I am a tech programmer and create high security applications). The NSA/homeland security can’t beat (easily or at all) encryptions like two fish or AES, in order to decrypt necessary communications. However I did read that they found the private keys for the communication, but that would neglect the whole ‘counter-spying’/investigation phase. For all the government knows, they are a bunch of immature adults from russia playing ‘spy’ games. The Gov. has the burden of proof in order to make arrests. In order to make the arrests they either needed to decrypt conversations/plans etc or they needed to tap phone lines or conversations to get specifics. Last time I checked, the kgb was rather good at what they did. Amateur mistakes like talking plainly over the phone about your ‘secret’ KGB plans, doesn’t quite add up. And further, I doubt they were using an old or outdated encyption algo to communicate as they have a handful of globally tested encryptions at their fingertips, many of which only have theoretical cracks in existence (i.e. no one has actually come fourth with the ability to break something like AES). I’m curious to see what they initially caught these guys on. I’m no conspiracy theorist, but this one is coming in on a timely manner (new spy director/elections/high distrust in obama’s government)


How do I get them to spy on me?

SMORGASBORD: hi, You just have to call RUSSIA, bye 🙄

What number do I call. Do they take requests?

@ Smorgasbord

That’s what I’m talking about. If she needs secrets, I haz secrets. 😀

Obama’s disarmament plan! sounds more like a surrender plan. We knew that the cold war would start up again with this weak kneed fool in the White House.

I’m a bit on the fence on these Spies, the agendas for each pair of spy/handler had their own agendas and objectives so lumping them all into the same group is a bit hard for me to swallow given the whole chaos that the Intellegence business is. The arrests oddly match in timing with the Russian President seeking to recruit various private sector businesses to either expand or relocate into Russia then it does to do with anything political with Obama and the push to disarm.

The Progressive groups are aflamed that a Russian set of spies were motivated to infiltrate their ranks to shut down their agendas and rework their groups as shells for Russian Federation interests, that alone makes me question why the United States moved to arrest these spies now while we knew of their existance far longer than the media lets on. Did it threaten the political planning of Obama and his cohorts’ personal agendas?

@Aqua: I get to tell her my secrets first!!!

@savage24: If you remember Obama’s campaigning, he is using the “Embarrassment” weapon against our enemies. Remember how he said he would reduce our nuclear weapons and other countries would be “embarrassed” into reducing theirs. Maybe if we reduce our military, all of the other countries would reduce theirs so that eventually there won’t be any armies.

MR.IRONS: hi, maybe HE invited them himself when he went to RUSSIA, and why did he have to go to there to begin with,was it to talk of disarmament, he could have just phone: he’s a big spender, remind me of someone who would borrow money and look as it’s so urgent, that i would lend, and i learn where they spend it foolishly while i had to go without that needed money, he’s exactly the same,when i read how he was trying to get more money from CONGRESS publicly giving a selling pitch. 🙄

AQUA, SMORGASBORD, hi, now dont quarell over secrets, just tell us each one your secrets, I wont tell. bye 🙄

Send picture first. Red heads get the most secrets from me.

She’s not a spy. She’s a target of lies because she is a successful and legal white immigrant.
This is reverse racism. 😐

Definitely could be a feint, where Maxwell Smart agents are recruited and placed while the professional spies are overlooked. (Remember the movie “spies like us?) However it is also possible that there the Russian espionage agency SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service formerly KGB). found out the agents were compromised so they planted evidence of amateurish espionage to misdirect investigators from looking into what was really going on.

Or perhaps the SVR is now in the business of filming a spy based reality show.