A Liberal’s (Mis)Guide to the (Living, Breathing) U.S. Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and The Articles of Confederation


Check out the disclaimer at the beginning:

©2008 Wilder Publications

This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today. Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work.

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission except for brief quotations for review purposes only.

A & D Publishing
PO Box 3005
Radford VA 24143-3005

As Kevin the Lawyer comments in the Amazon Review section:

Unlike the half-wits who are commenting on the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Articles of Confederation, I will be commenting on the publishers (Wilder Publications & A&D Publishing) compilation of the documents. DO NOT buy this publication. The publisher inserted “notes” all over the place. I don’t know if it was an accident in the copying of the documents from one format to another but it detracts from the text. And, this is absolutely brilliant, it inserted the following disclaimer: “This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today…” Really Wilder! that is your view of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

Just one of a few negative comments there, regarding the publisher.

Hat tip: Michael Medved

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Just which of the communist infiltrators wrote that? We should boycott all publishing by the people who made the Constitution sound like some book from another culture in another country. Besides the fact that it is quite ignorant, the Constitution does (or can be interpreted to) cover discrimination and inequality. I really, really want to see the author of that paragraph pilloried.

Reading the whole list of books published by Wilder Publications reveals a number of the type of book which authors publish for vanity (That is, no publisher expecting to actually sell books will touch it and the author pays to get it published. Then he can say he’s published, cite himself, increase his academic lustre.). Pseudo psychological self-help book, mystical musings, hip history–nothing that appeals to me. The Constitution deserves some vigorous defending, though. It’s the only one that has any relevance and he’s tried to poison it.

We’re reaching the conclusion of Animal Farm, where the animals cannot remember or understand the Seven Commandments they wrote after the revolution, so the pigs in charge rewrite them. In the end, they are entirely replaced with the single law: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”.

The Constitution like the Ten Commandments is not to be messed with. Of course Communists/Marxists have no belief in God anyway. That ideology is not compatable with Judeo/Christian beliefs and principles. Same goes for Islam, which is why the one world boys chose Barry for POTUS. Our first(and last) Marxist/Muslim to occupy the White House. The destruction of the Republic they have planned will fail one way……or another.

Oh man,..I just had to take a look at my copy and YEP,..that filth was there. 👿

It just sickens me to know there are people out there in this nation that think the Constitution is just some old piece of “classic work” that doesn’t reflect modern societal ideals.

The only thing that book is good for is toilet paper, and it’s not even usable for that.

Look on it as an opportunity to inform yourself of the talking points to knock down. Forewarned is forearmed.

Soon, perhaps, the present collection of communazicrats running the nation ( and world) will decide to place strict limits on the first amendment guarantees of speech and expression ( as they already have with religion). I don’t know if the clowns at this sleazy publishing house would understand the danger such a law would place on their 1st amendment rights or not, or even if they would care. I already boycott such anti freedom businesses such as G.E. and AARP. So i’ll just add wilder Publications to my list. GO FREEDOM !!!

“This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today. Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work.”

Pardon me, but isn’t much of the discussion that takes place around here the same sort of discussion they’re suggesting that parents might wish to have with their children?

I don’t see where the publisher is saying that all current views and values are better. The publisher is noting the fact that they many current views and values are different. That’s an invitation to thought and comparison–a good thing, when so many people seem content to leave current views and values totally unexamined.


There is no discussion in this book, it is purely a revisionist tool. The Publisher states unequivocally that the values embedded within the Constitutions do not reflect the values of today. They make an all encompassing one-sided statement with no inclusion of disagreeing commentary. The Constitution is the “law of the land.” By demeaning and dismissing the Constitution in such an offhand way, the publisher shows a closed mind with no thought or inclination towards examination of the subject whatsoever. A one-sided argument is not a debate.

If the disclaimer bothers parents, they can always rip it out and hide it from the kids. We certainly wouldn’t want to risk planting the seed of critical thinking in anyone’s young mind.

There is a difference between new the study of new concepts – versus – political agenda driven revisionism. Just as correcting history on discovery of new facts is different from the politically correct censorship of history based on liberal dogma. The so called ‘new ideas’ and ‘critical thinking’ of today’s socialist “progressives” is not new. Most of their nation changing concepts date back to the 1930’s “Progressive” movements that brought about the twin evils of oppression: communism and socialism. It is the agenda of “Progressives” which we object to and reject.

@kevino: exactly right, George Orwell was a prophet and they are all coming true. We can no longer stand by and allow the few who are more equal than all the rest of us to light their cigars with the founding documents of America (the constitution and the bill of rights) and then have them turn us against our fellow Americans. It’s time to stand up to them and take all the money and lobbyists out of the political process and return it to the hands of the American people. Not corporate and other interest groups that have more money than any avg. citizen could ever put up to get someone in office .