“We Have To Pass It To Find Out How Much It Will Cost” [Reader Post]


It appears that Democrats have a new way to implement laws. Not only do we have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it.    Now we have to pass the bill to find out how much it will cost. It’s not a happy thing.

Remember that Obama repeatedly promised that we’d all save about $2500 per year on health care coverage.  Heck, Obama said that we’d see the cost of health care premiums fall by 3000%.

To no one’s surprise, Barack Obama lied. To no one’s surprise (outside of the liberal world) it is learned Obamacare will cost more than advertised. The geniuses at HHS have just discovered some basic laws of economics. If you increase demand for a product, the price goes up. If you artificially supress the price of a commodity, it tends to disappear. Of course, one wonders why only now are we treated to the “first comprehensive look by neutral experts” of this law. It would have been nice to have such a “neutral” evaluation prior to the vote.

The entirely clueless Kathleen Sibelius let fly that the adminstration really hasn’t a clue as to what any of this is going to cost. It is estimated that the high risk pool will be gone within two years. That translates into a huge burden on those who have to make up for that shortfall (that’s us, BTW).

This is just the beginning. Nevermind that this bill was supposed to provide “affordable” coverage for all Americans. Now Democrats tell us that 95% of Americans will be covered. Well, let’s see. 95% of 300 million leaves 15 million without coverage. If we started with- what did we start with?- 46 million without coverage or was it 30 million without coverage? Anyway, the point is that we have blown up the entire health care system to go from 30 million to 15 million without coverage. Fabulous. It would have been a lot cheaper just to pass something to cover those 15 million than it was to impair the best health care system in the world.

But we’re still not done. As many as 15% of hospitals and providers could be driven into failure by projected cuts in Medicare. If those cuts are not enacted, the costs will again be driven significantly upward. If the cuts are enacted, access to care for seniors will be compromised. On this subject Sibelius went into a comedy routine:

In a statement, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius sought to highlight some positive findings for seniors. For example, the report concluded that Medicare monthly premiums would be lower than otherwise expected, due to the spending reductions.

“The Affordable Care Act will improve the health care system for all Americans, and we will continue our work to quickly and carefully implement the new law,” the statement said.

So we’re going to cut your care but at least it will cost you less to get less.

And we’re still not done. This health care law is not supposed to cover illegal aliens- oops, make that “undocumented foreign invaders visitors.” Depending on who you listen to, there are somewhere between 11 million and 20 million illegals in this country. Now Democrats are putting “immigration reform” (i.e. amnesty) on the front burner. Making illegals “legal” will make them eligible for health care coverage and add 11-20 million to the drain on the health care system with little to no additional revenue to offset their cost. Naturally, Democrats are seeing amnesty as a means of bolstering their constituency base on our nickel. They’re going to need it come November.

The cost of this plan are staggering and completely underestimated and falsely presented. There has never been a successful implementation of this kind of health care takeover- not in Oregon, not in Hawaii, not in Massachusetts. Einstein said that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over and hoping for different results. Democrats are hoping.  A lot. This is going to do for health care what the simulus package did for jobs, but even worse.

I for one am shocked.

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This bill that had to be passed so we would know what was in it and how much it would cost, has now been called the most important thing that ever happen to this country by Harry Reid. I think not! Destroying our country is not the right thing to do, even if Obama, Reid, and Pelosi think so. Wake up and vote these traitors out of office.

Shocked, yes. Surprised, no.

Of course this fraud never had ANYTHING to do with either health or care. It is and always was a power and control takeover by the radical left.

“The geniuses at HHS have just discovered some basic laws of economics. If you increase demand for a product, the price goes up. If you artificially supress the price of a commodity, it tends to disappear.”

The point above brings back a painful memory for me. I was debating the health tax bill with some lib idiots at a TEA Party Express gathering (they were counter-protesting … limited government and lower taxes I guess …. idiots). I mentioned your point above, and these idiots told me that an increase in demand would bring prices down. I was gob smacked. How can you have an intelligent discussion with idiots like this!?!.

John @ 4

I constantly ask my wife not to debate with liberals. You basically get nowhere fast. They believe that all Conservatives are hayseeds.

I believe the basic premise of AA is correct. They will need to hit bottom for change will occur. The problem is what do they consider the bottom?

Good one here as “Gee, that Casablanca clip is like every liberal feigning shock that Obama’s Cabal operates more like Chicago’s gangster disciples than elected officials”.

No surprises from this Chicago Obama enemy. One lie after another and I’ve been chronicling them for 3 years now.

With each passing day, my original opinion that Obama was an inept, bumbling, thin skinned, rigid ideologue morphs into the realization that all this just might be following a plan to force a truly national “crisis” on us so that he might bring big government to the rescue.

From the WSJ in November of 2008:

The thing about a crisis — and crisis doesn’t seem too strong a word for the economic mess right now — is that it creates a sense of urgency. Actions that once appeared optional suddenly seem essential. Moves that might have been made at a leisurely pace are desired instantly.

Therein lies the opportunity for President-elect Barack Obama. His plans for an activist government agenda are in many ways being given a boost by this crisis atmosphere and the nearly universal call for the government to do something fast to stimulate the economy.

This opportunity isn’t lost on the new president and his team. “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” Rahm Emanuel, Mr. Obama’s new chief of staff, told a Wall Street Journal conference of top corporate chief executives this week.

He elaborated: “Things that we had postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before.”

It was all just a deliberate scheme to get the camels nose under the tent, public option here we come.

There is absolutely no way the statists can spin this in a positive light and have the majority of americans believe them, although they will try very hard to do it, and the easily led idiots of the left will do their best to shout down the truth. Almost every day there is a new revelation for those undecided in our country(although most of us conservatives have known of them for awhile), from the dolt in Il stating he doesn’t care about the constitution, and the moron in VA stating that until their hands are tied, congress will keep stealing our money. Most of us conservatives have known that this isn’t the “most transparent administration, ever”, but is actually the most insidiously secretive government in our history.

For this one act alone, at the very least, the HHS secretary should be shown the door, but it won’t happen since our watchdog msm is really nothing more than the left’s publicists who do nothing more than put the lipstick on the pig.

I am angry. I vote. And I do my damnedest to influence others with the truth.