ObamaCare Passes But All Is Not Lost


As Mike posted below the king of all entitlement programs has passed, and its a dark day in our history. But all is not lost and John Hinderaker notes a few reasons to be a little less depressed:

But there are many reasons for optimism. Here are a few:

* The health care battle is just beginning. Next, the Senate will try to enact the House’s “fixes” to the original Senate bill. Some Senators say that won’t happen. If not, then President Obama has the option of signing the original Senate bill–now passed by the House–Cornhusker Kickback and all. I assume he would do that, but the resulting blowback from House Democrats, not to mention the American people, would be something to behold.

* The health care bill’s taxes will go into effect promptly, but its substantive provisions are, for the most part, deferred for four years. This means that we have plenty of time to repeal the legislation. Sure, it will take a new Congress and new President. But repealing this disaster of a bill will by a rallying cry for the American people for years to come. Moreover, even if the Republicans only take over the House in November, and not the Senate, won’t it be possible to throw roadblocks in the way of the bill’s implementation? Won’t budget appropriations be necessary to sustain the various federal tentacles the bill seeks to establish? What will happen if the House simply refuses to fund them?

* I’ve never been prouder to be a Republican. The party’s Congressional leaders have fought this battle to the end on behalf of the American people–with intelligence, toughness, persistence and good humor. The contrast between the parties has never been starker than in today’s debate. If any intelligent Democrats were watching–there must be some left–they had to be embarrassed for their party.

* Paul Ryan has emerged as one of the conservative movement’s strongest spokesmen. In the years to come, I think we will hear the words “I’m a Paul Ryan Republican” with increasing frequency.

* The health care debate has energized the conservative movement and awoken the sleeping giant, that is, the American people. The Democrats misinterpreted their electoral victories in 2006 and 2008 as a mandate for socialism. Now a majority of voters are intent on disabusing them of that misapprehension. Just about all of the political energy today is on the right–a remarkable fact, only sixteen months after the Democrats’ high-water mark in November 2008.

* Barack Obama has used his political capital–pretty much all of it–on unpopular legislation that will continue to rile the voters for years to come. As a result, Obama is a remarkably unpopular second-year President. And he hasn’t even experienced any bad luck yet. It is hard to see how he will be able to regain his footing.

And he we have many legal challenges to this come. After you read through those legal challenges there are two must see videos of Rep. Paul Ryan and Mike Pence.

Rep. John Boehner:

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Happy belated Birthday Big Guy! 😉 You must have drawn the short straw, was dreading the original 3-18 date, sorry it happened on your special day. Now I see Nasty Pelosi 😈 was born on my beloved Grandmother’s birthday, 😥 ugh! no two women could be so different.

I take solace in the fact that I share my day with William Shatner.
Plus, because it’s 2 days before my wife’s b-day, I have NEVER forgot hers. 😮

PATVANN you are quick on a draw as an arrow you said it right 🙄 bye

@Smorgasbord: The best answer to restoring fiscal discipline and getting the budget under control is to remove Democrats, including Obama from power.

Republicans may have been big spenders in their time but they are pikers compared to Pelosi, Reid and Obama.

@Wordsmith: What would be ideal is if the country was divided up into sections, each one with their own values and rules and each of us picks the area we want.

@Smorgasbord: You mean like the Balkans where everyone is divided by tribe and family? No thanks.

The great thing about America is the “melting pot” which makes us all Americans.

Or it least it used to be before the multiculturalists decided to celebrate our differences and not our unity.

You can see what a mess that has caused.

@Wordsmith: I don’t have the body to defend my mouth either. I have always been able to talk my way out of disputes. I have learned two ways to disarm someone who might be looking for a fight with me: (1) When they go into calling you names, agree with them. It throws them completely off guard. (2) After they have gone through there long line of names they call you, pick one of them, such as stupid, look right in their face, and forcefully say, “I’m not stupid!!!” They don’t know what to say next because you have only denied being ONE of the names they have called you.

The expression, “Your mother wears combat boots” doesn’t work any more because a lot of mothers DO wear combat boots, and their kids are proud of it. I haven’t heard that one for many years.

@Patvann l’ve got you all beat on birthdays. Mine is on Veteran's Day (I still call it that). As I was growing up I used to tell people, "They were so happy when I was born, they just quit fighting." As I got older I found out that Veteran's Day is for World War I, not World War II, so I quit saying it.

My ex-wife's birthday was 17 days AFTER mine, so I never forgot her’s either.

@Mikeâ��s America: I’m hoping the republicans will go back to their original “less government” mentality. I used to use the upper case “R” when I wrote Republican and the lower case “d” for democrat because I felt they deserved the respect for trying to REDUCE the size of government.

One thing ALL republicans can do is start calling the USA a REPUBLIC instead of a democracy. The propaganda media calls it a democracy because republic reminds us of republicans, and the propaganda media doesn’t want to do that.

At last Saturday’s ObamaCare protest I mentioned to a 16-17 year old boy that we need to call the USA the republic that it is. He asked me, “What is a republic?” I had to explain in to him. CALL THE USA A REPUBLIC.

I am reposting some things I posted earlier and sent into the republican party that they should be doing, and doing these things would get people to vote republican. Some are my ideas, some are other’s ideas. If you like ANY of them please pass them along to your Federal representative.

Put it in a separate account that can only go to Social Security retirees and NOBODY ELSE.

A “Political Crimes Tribunal” should be established to catch and punish politicians who use their office for their own purpose. It would be just like the “War Crimes Tribunal.” It would only go after politicians who misuse their office, and there would be no “Statute Of Limitations.” It would have to be non–politicians, and the funding would have to be guaranteed so the politicians can’t vote not to fund it. This would be a good example of how the “Fund it by the numbers” would guarantee them the money.

The Federal budget should be funded by the numbers. Every agency, committee, etc., would have a numerical rating. The military would be #1. It would be the only #1. They are the ones keeping me free. I want them to have whatever they need to keep keeping me free. The Veteran’s Administration would be included as #1. I want the ones who lost a part of themselves keeping me free to live the best life they can under their circumstance.
After #1 is funded they would go to #2, #3, #4, etc., until the money runs out or all are funded. If the money runs out before the higher numbers get funded, that is it. No more money means nobody else gets any. The rest of us have to live this way. Why shouldn’t my government have to live under the same standards? “Don’t spend more than you have.” Any Federal agency that thinks they have been cut short on money will look at any pork barrel add-on the other agencies will get and ask that they be removed.

POLITICIANS (Paid a percentage of the GNP)
They should be paid a percentage of the GNP. If the economy goes up, so does their pay. If it goes down, so does their pay. Then they would have an incentive to keep the economy going.

The way it works now is one person in the House and one person in the Senate decide when a bill comes up for a vote. If that person thinks there are enough votes for the way they want the vote to go, they will introduce it for a vote. If not, they can hold it until they think there are enough votes to go the way that person wants.
Each bill should be put up for a vote in order of introduction. They could vote to delay the bill if they feel more time is needed to review it.

One state or town legislature requires this. I don�t remember which one it was. I heard a radio talk show host read a bill that was introduced in that legislature. Then he read it after it was written in 5th grade english. It was much easier to understand.

There are committees and government agencies created for a certain purpose that the purpose they were created no longer exist, and that funding is still provided for these. Things like this need to stop.
Each federal agency, committee, etc., will have an expiration date. Congress should have to vote to keep or close each one. Whatever the shortest term is in congress, that is how often all of the politicians will have to vote to keep or close each one. They must vote. No excuses not to. They will vote yes, no, or undecided. The items will be spread over the shortest term so they can’t be grouped and voted on all at the same time. Each one will be separate.
Each politician will be given information about the agency, committee, etc., and they must give their yes, no, or undecided vote. This way each politician will learn of all the agencies, committees, etc., in the federal government and how much money each one receives, and then they can decide if it should stay in existence. This would also encourage them to have as few as possible so they don’t have to keep voting on them each term.

Their paycheck would be several million dollars because they will pay all of their own expenses. They will pay the wages of their employees, air flights, and any perks they want. If they can operate efficiently they can keep any money left over.

Pass the Fair Tax which does away with ALL FEDRAL TAXES and replaces it with a Federal sales tax. No IRS or Federal income tax forms to fill out, EVER. You pay your taxes each time you buy something NEW. The receipt will also show you just how much you are paying in Federal taxes on each purchase.
The wealthy will pay their share because they will be buying higher priced items, but they will still be paying the same percent tax. The illegals will be paying taxes this way to. They don’t pay ANY taxes now. The bill is in Congress now.

@Mike’s America: I was just using that as an example. Sometimes, to explain my thoughts, I pretend I am the king of my kingdom and anything I say becomes law.

You always have the people who complain about everything. In my fantasy kingdom I would have it divided up in sections. Each of my subjects would pick their own area, starting with NO rules whatsoever, to almost everything being regulated. That way each person lives in EXACTLY the environment they want, and all the people in that area have the same ideas.

What most of us Americans forget is that most of the USA was built by immigrants who were used to hard work and low pay and came to America for the right to become rich. Look in our history books. A high percentage of our wealthiest citizens came to the USA without any money and couldn’t speak English.