Media Uses Story of Child Abuse as a Teachable Moment of Bush-Era “Torture” Practices


This story, about a U.S. soldier who abused his child by holding her head under water for not saying her abc’s, is disgusting:

An Army sergeant who served in Iraq for 15 months has been restricted to his Washington military base after being accused of waterboarding his 4-year-old daughter because she refused to recite her ABCs.

But what I’d like to take umbrage with is how the media has decided to take this act of child abuse and water torture to draw an equivalence to the CIA enhanced interrogation program, which included the waterboarding of 3 known high-value terrorists, resistant to standard interrogation methods.

Although I’m linking to ABC News, it’s not just ABC that’s headlining this story as “waterboarding”, drawing equivalence to the CIA program, and featuring a photo of protesters re-enacting their version of CIA waterboarding. See here and here and here.

Emily Friedman of ABC News writes:

The torture technique of waterboarding, which has been used by the CIA during interrogations of al Qaeda suspects, was outlawed in 2009 by President Obama.

Ok, it is disputable whether or not the CIA SERE-inspired technique of waterboarding rises to the definition of torture, both legally and morally. And as far as Obama “outlawing” it, well newsflash: Waterboarding (after just 3 terrorists) was already stricken from the CIA program. Obama’s EO banning torture carried much the same language as the previous 2007 Bush EO that it replaced (newsflash: Bush was against torture as well). What Obama’s EO did do, however, was close down the CIA program that gained us valuable intell (and saved lives), and order all interrogations be limited to what is only permissible from the Army Field Manual.

Leave it to an agenda-driven MSM to slant and push a political perspective to a story of child abuse.

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No president… not even this one… can “outlaw” anything. we still have a legislative branch.

Query: when did the term waterboarding first get attached to this incident?? There are a number of different descriptions of what occurred. can someone in Tacoma area get the actual police report??

Following their train of logic the 9-11 terrorists ought to be sent to their rooms with no cookies.

Let’s see, there’s a soldier, and he abuses his daughter, and there’s water. So it must be waterboarding. Even though it’s not.

Regarding the US Army soldier in the story:

1) here we go again with the “Vietnam vet” syndrome we saw a few decades back (thank you idiotic MSM without an original gray cell inside you lazy/lame/leftist head-matter)

2) yep, the guy should be punished big time and lose his kids … clearly ANY parent doing this, soldier … milkman … dentist … factory worker, has SERIOUS issues that must be addressed

Now, back to the MSM:

1) of the 3 terrorists actually ever “waterboarded” the MSM and anti-Bush harpies like to ‘quote’ number of times in the hundreds for like KSM … well, that is not only wrong, but deliberately and highly criminally irresponsibly a tightly twisted lie. Every time a drop of water was administered to KSM, a DROP, it was counted as a ‘waterboarding’ … I know it’s simplistic, but every time you put your fork in your mouth you don’t count it as an individual meal you’ve eaten. However, this is the way the system was set up and decided upon to account for the amount of water used on the filthy bastards who prefer blood to H2O

2) whenever there is a story in the MSM about a mother drowning her children in the family bathroom tub she is not only treated as some poor victim, but media blame always turns to the father

MAGGIE glad you mention it that soldier need some help probably shellshock or other war related brain disorder is nt there someone to check on them when they are ready to come back home ? bye

ilovebeeswarzone –

Geez. I dunno. I think so … But then, some people are just naturally f*cking a**holes, or else we might be seeing “shellshock” or “related brain disorder” Afghanistan and Iraq War veterans running amuck holding kids’ heads under water like some cheap freaky zombie flick. buh-bye {rolls eyes}

(sorry, FA readers/staff … something about the above comment tickled my spider-senses a bit)