Do Felons Deserve a Second Chance, Obama Thinks So [Reader Post]


Should convicted felons be given a second chance? Barack Obama thinks so, and he thinks the tax payers should have to foot the bill. He made his view on this issue more than evident during a town hall meeting in Elyria, Ohio on January 22nd. Here is a excerpt from this Ohio town hall meeting, where a 29 year old felon who has never had a job in his life asks Obama if he will help felons get a job.

Jerome the felon asks Obama:

“I’m 29 years old, and I’ve never had a job in my life. I went to jail when I was younger. It’s like hard to get a job as a felon. Is this — any programs that hire people with felonies like something that — because it’s sad, it’s like — 29 years old, I’m 29.”

Obama Answers Jerome:

“Look, I’m proud of the fact that you’re bringing this up because there are people who’ve made mistakes, particularly when they’re young, and it is in all of our interests to help them redeem themselves and then get on a straight path. Now, I don’t blame employers obviously for being nervous about hiring somebody who has a record. It’s natural if they’ve got a lot of applicants for every single job that that’s a question that they’d have in their minds. On the other hand, I think one of the great things about America is we give people second chances.

And so what we’ve tried to do — and I want to say, this has been a bipartisan effort — when I was in the Senate, working with Sam Brownback; my Vice President, Joe Biden — passing a Second Chance Act that helps to fund programs that help the reintegration of ex-felons.

It’s smart for us to do. You know, sometimes people say, well, that’s just coddling people. No; you reduce the recidivism rate, they pay taxes, it ends up being smart for taxpayers to do.”

Shame on Jerome, if he really wanted a job he could get one. He is playing the victim card. In reality he is only a victim of his own bad decisions. Taxpayers already pay for convicts to be in prison, now Obama wants us to pay to get them a job? Don’t get me wrong, I believe everyone(well, almost everyone) deserves a second chance, but it is not the responsibility of everyone else to provide that second chance.

Now before you start sending me nasty emails saying “you are stupid, and you just don’t understand how hard it is for felons to get a job.” Please allow me to stray from the beaten path for a moment and tell you a bit about my own experience.

I am a convicted felon. Five felonies to be exact. I spent the later part of my teenage years (15-19 years old) as a drug addict. Between ages 18 – 19, I lived out of the back of an Oldsmobile, and skipped around from job to job (i kept getting fired for some odd reason, hmm) to raise money for my heroin habit. I continued this pattern of living until I was finally arrested, charged with 9 felonies, convicted of 5 felonies, and sentenced to 1 year and 2 months in prison. One day, as I was sitting in my cell, I thought to myself, “this isn’t the life I want. I want something better, and I’m going to get.” So I made a plan for what I was going to do when I got out, and I decided to use my time in there wisely by educating myself. I started studying college algebra, then moved on to calculus and finally computer science. I also applied for college while I was in prison, so I could attend as soon as I got out. My release day came, and guess what, I went out and got a job flipping burgers the next day.

I worked the early shift at my new job . Public buses didn’t run that early in the morning(in VA, if you receive a felony conviction you lose your license), so I walked to work, 5 miles, every morning. When my shift was over, I hoped on a bus, and went to the local community college to take a couple of classes. When I got out of class the buses weren’t running so I walked home, 4 miles, every night. This process repeated everyday for 9 months until I finally saved up enough money to pay off all of my court costs, and go through all of the red tape required to get my license back. When I finally got my license and my car back, I went out searching for a new, better job. I found 2 jobs. Who would have thought that a convict could get 2 jobs (Jerome couldn’t seem to find 1 in 29 years). I met a wonderful girl at one of these jobs, and we eventually got hitched! Fast forward 4 years and I am happily married, the proud owner of a brand new home, 6.5 years sober, have a good job, and I am almost done with a bachelors degree in computer science (I pay my own way through school, so I only take as many classes as I can afford).

I told you this story to tell you this. I know it is hard to get a job if you are a felon. I do understand. However, if you are a felon, you are not a victim of society, you are a victim of your actions. It is not the responsibility of tax payers to provide you with a second, it is your responsibility. In the United States there are infinite possibilities for a second chance, but you have to go out and get it. It will not come to you. Don’t let your criminal record hold you back, use it as a lesson in life. If you work hard, pursue your dreams, and strive to be a good citizen, good things will happen. That is the beauty of liberty and freedom, you have every opportunity to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get on the right track in life. How could you not love a country that has allowed a drug addicted, homeless convict to become a sober, homeowner, with a beautiful wife, and lives the American dream everyday. God Bless America!

Crossposted from Liberty and Pride

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If you support a law that would create criminals then cry elsewhere when you are criminalized. And I never called you an idiot just asked if you were one. Good luck with that pardon and do me a favor look at how many people are actually pardoned in your state. If its like most states you would have better luck buying one of those power balls. I live my life fine but I will not live in a fantasy world expecting to be pardoned when the governor does not pardon but a handful a year. And I still think you are BSing everyone here. Actually im quite sure of it.

@Jake: Ok Jake, this is a far as I am going to prove it. If you don’t believe me after this, oh well. Send me an email (, and I’ll give you my last name. I don’t really want to post it in an open forum. Then go to the link below, look in Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, and Norfolk circuit courts.

Virginia Circuit Court Records:

I was just going to say, “oh well, if you don’t believe me there’s nothing I can do about that. It is what it is.” but then I realized I can prove it.

Oh, and by the way, now I want you to prove your record.

@ Jake It was not “some politician” that thought up the rules regarding the permanency of the felon tag. These have been the rules of society for many generations, accepted by all. You say we need to seen our kids to law school before kindergarten for this to work, but you are wrong again. I learned all about this as a child in grade school, but that was back long ago when the public schools actually taught things, not just feel good stuff. There is the problem with much of society right there — the public schools of today are a massive failure because they no longer teach but simply indoctrinate.

@ Kelly Lord No, I don’t think bankruptcy is right at all today. Bankruptcy used to be truly a last resort, with much social stigma attached to it. Those who took bankruptcy subsequently had great difficulty obtaining credit, having any sort of future at all. Their situation was not all that different from that of the felon. That was as it ought to be. Today we have turned the whole world upside down, and that part in particular. I think it is dead wrong for people to be able to simply walk away from their debts as we see happening right and left. I wish I had a way to stop it, but I do not. All I can do, little though it is, is to shun the bankrupt and tell them that I see them for what they are, irresponsible people who have shirked their responsibilities and taken the easy way out.

I do not believe any of us have the right to say, “oh, I only fouled up a little, I’m really a good guy, give me a break,” when we have made a mess of things. Life is about responsibility, responsibility for whatever you get yourself into, whether it be financial trouble, crime, etc. Life is not fair, some have it much easier than others. That is life, and we all have to play the hand we are dealt, not the hand we might wish for. My life has not been all roses either, but I am still here, trying to make things work and no saying that someone owes me.

Sean I dont need you to prove anything to me my mind is made up about you. You see your views on the subject are the same as a gunshot victim saying to the doctor “dont fix me just stick a finger in it, I love the pain” LOL.
And Dr D I didn’t know that they taught the difference between misdemeanor and felony in grade school. Which school was that? And your wrong you see politicians pass laws therefore politicians passed this law. I also believe that everyone should except responsibility for their actions. But where we differ is I also believe that people can change and want to. Have you ever talked to a felon who just got released from prison? Everyone I have known is very optimistic. And when they can not get a job they will usually return to crime as a way to pay their bills. Keeping a felony on someones record for life will and does create crime.

@Jake: I am finding it hard to understand what exactly you think my views are on this subject. The only thing I really said in the original post was that convicted felons are not entitled to tax payer funded second chance, nothing more, nothing less. From what I can tell, you agree. I never said that I think a felon should have a record for life (although some should), but that is the law and I accept it.

You are putting words in my mouth, and then make charges that I am lying because of some views that I don’t even hold.

All this coming from the same individual that has twisted reality so much, that they have used laws themselves as an excuse for recidivism.

My views are not twisted, they are indeed fact. And I make no excuse for returning to crime but come at you with a fact as why people would and do return to crime. And if I did put words in your mouth I am sorry but this blog has turned into people basically saying if you have a felony get over it , there is nothing you can do. But getting over it is not an option, what you can do is fix it. Just because you have a felony does not make you a second class citizen after all I pay just as much taxes as everyone else. At least Obama has mentioned felony rights even though I dont agree with his plan. The republican plan is to do nothing but trash Obama’s plan as usual. Why cant the republicans think of something except doing nothing. LOL Its funny that the republican party actually started by freeing the oppressed and now condemn them for life. Good luck Sean on your quest for nothing : )

I believe that some felons deserve a second chance. Take the pot issue for instance a person is charged with a felony if they have slightly over an ounce of pot. The laws consider them as a dealer. 13 states have decriminalized it. It’s a matter of time when it becomes legal. Just look at a woman who has 3 abortions, these same lawmakers call it her constitutional right. They claim that hey it’s her body, well the person smoking pot it’s their body also. Why is it that some groups of people have more rights than others? Look at sodomy laws, it was a crime in this country, now it is not only legal but it is protected in 38 states. Homosexuals are protected citizens (minorities), and are really yesterday’s criminals. Draft dodging was a crime punishable by jail time, however Jimmy Carter pardon them all. So when you are filling out a job application can you say about your past “Don’t ask and don’t tell”. If you are going to punish people even with misdemeanors for life then why should they pay taxes? Lastly I’m a conservative, and believe in a second chance if given let’s say 10 years of clean living.
If a person breaks a man made law he is called a criminal. What do they call a person who breaks God’s law? A sinner, and everyone is a sinner. Also if you want to split hairs everyone is a criminal only some of them get caught. If you speed in your car you broke the law that makes you a criminal. It’s just my two cents worth.

@ Chill
“If you are going to punish people even with misdemeanors for life then why should they pay taxes?”

Just where does this fit into your argument? Misdemeanors do not make a person a felon. But they pay taxes to avoid falling afoul of the tax man, just the same as everybody else.

You say that you are a conservative, but then you don’t really talk like one. So perhaps you are a “liberal conservative,” a schizophrenic. To be a conservative requires a degree of consistency beyond what you have said.

As to your comparison of the woman with three abortions versus the person smoking pot, and the argument that in each case “it is their own body.” A flawed argument in one case is no reason we have to repeat the mistake a second time.

Roe v. Wade was a bad decision that has resulted in the deaths of countless millions of children in the womb, murdered by their mothers with assistance. This is a national tragedy that has cost our nation dearly and continues to do so every day that it goes forward. As one slogan put it, “an abortion does not make you unpregnant, it simply makes you the mother of a dead child.” The impact on these women is terrible, as it should be because they have elected to murder their children.

Society makes mistakes at times, and at other times it gets things right. Just because we made a mistake on the abortion law does not mean we have to make another on the drug laws. Thus your “equivalence” argument is not worth the “two cents” you put into it.

I know Something is not right with being convicted felon. They told me my felonies would be withheld adjudication upon a 5 year completion of probation and five thousand five hundred dollars paid to department of corrections. 4 AA meetings a month. I sold a 100.00 dollar sale to a SNITCH (adam moniz ) he was caught with A ounce of cocaine, so he got reduced sentencing. one year of probation . so the court told me my adjudication would be withheld upon completion but I have to register as a convicted felon. But when I apply for a JOB that does a background check, they tell me I cannot work. The system is truely a bad system. So even though this was over 2 and a ½ years ago it will always stick with me, i havt violated probation and do not intend to do so. The system Has to be easy on some convicted felons. I was young, unwed , and had no children. But know I’ll probably never get to go on a field trip with my daughter at school. I think certain felons deserve a second chance. How long Do I have to be treated like I committed the crime like it was yesterday your story only could work for very few people.

Dr. D,
Even you admit that the abortion law is wrong. Yet the government makes many mistakes and lives on to see another day with no remorse or punishment. Yet when people do these same mistakes the government throw these repentant criminals under the bus. Why are we the people held to a different standard than the flawed government? The only thing I can think of is that the government will never replace God. God forgives the government won’t.

@ Chill
“The only thing I can think of is that the government will never replace God. God forgives the government won’t.”

You are absolutely right here. Don’t confuse the government with God, and don’t worship the government. God can do much for you that the government could never begin to do for you under the very best of circumstances (even if is never made any errors).

You are confused when you say, that the government lives. The government does not live; the government continues, and it is nothing more or less than we the people of this nation. When it is messed up, it is because we the people of the nation have allowed it to become messed up. To correct it is the job of every American, not just a few. That is why it is so vitally important for people to educate themselves, and to vote (if they have not lost the right to vote). Even those who have lost the right to vote can still campaign for better government, for the candidates they think will give us better government, etc. They can do everything except vote, and they should.

This is why there is no personal remorse or punishment of the government; it is all of us. There is remorse on the part of many when we see our government foul up, and we see it happen time and again. There is punishment in that we all suffer higher taxes, worse foreign relations, etc. but not direct, personal punishment of the sort I think you had in mind.

Dr. D I have to agree with that. We know that people in government can mess up many peoples lives in the private sector much more than the one felon who wrote bad checks for example. People in government can cause much more harm and yet they never pay. This is why I don’t count on the government, even for one small favor. It’s better to handle things for yourself.

It is absolutely foolhardy to count on the government for anything. And yet, they are trying to lull Americans into a sense of dependence upon the government for everything. This is an invitation to national suicide, nothing less.

The only way to live as a free man is to be independent and self sufficient. Few of us can be entirely self sufficient, but we can ally ourselves with others in small groups to make reasonably self sufficient groups. These are the only people who are free. Those who depend on the government are slaves and always have been.

This much has nothing at all to do with being a felon or not. This is just the simple facts of life. Only independent people are free. Dependent people are never free.

The government is a joke. They need to change their laws they made up. This is gods land. But they formed there stupid laws and formed lawmen to protect them from their own laws. They took over free land and called it theirs. They stole from god. Government steals and god heals. Government does not forgive God has given. I Don’t know.

CapGamma@% — No, unfortunately, the government is not a joke, it is not a bad dream, it is a fact. We have outlaws in Washington, DC, right now, and it is up to the people of this nation to take the country back. That is an entirely different issue than the subject of this thread, however.

You speak of “they” and (I think you intended) “their” as though the government was someone other than the people of this nation. Please go get a copy of the Constitution and read it. You really need to do so, other wise you are as ignorant of our founding document as is Obama. The Constitution is still the fundamental law of this nation, even though the Libs despise it. We, the people, are the ones who control the government, and we must rise up and assert that authority.

Do not try to confuse what government does with what God does. The present powers in the government are working to enslave the American people. Good governments are instituted for the well being of men, and they are a gift of God that people might live quiet and peaceable lives. But it is never the role of government to indulge in forgiveness. Governments govern, they set rules and enforce them. Good governments enforce them justly. In any event, God will settle all accounts at the Day of Judgment, but until that time, some inequities will remain.

I believe in second chances. I was charged with a felony 17 years ago. I’m almost 34 now. My crime? Along with a couple of other poor kids we threw a rock through the window of a bicycle shop and stole 3 bicycles. I’m now a felon. Of course I was wrong but I’m paying for this crime for the rest of my life over a broken window and a bicycle. I’ve lost my faith in local and federal governments when it comes to justice. It’s all about making money to them. I can’t have my record expunged because the court waited until I turned 18 to have a hearing. They waited months to try me just so they can get an adult conviction. That is very very sad if you ask me.

Will, it sounds like you probably are getting your second chance. Are you in jail today? If not, you are getting your second chance. As a felon, you are marked as someone who has shown that they are fully capable of committing a felony crime; before you did that, people might hope that you were incapable of such an act. Now they know that is not the case because it has been demonstrated.

So, get on with your life. You marked yourself, by your own actions. This was not something that society did to you, but rather something you did to yourself. If you had cut off a finger, you would not expect that after a period of years the finger would be restored, would you? This is exactly the same thing.

Get the best job you can, which may not be the one you want. Make a life for yourself as well as you can. Start doing something for other people. Try to tell young people not to foul up like you did. You have a valuable story to tell; make it worth something. In so doing, you will help yourself as well as other people.

Dr. D, I was a kid who stole a bicycle. That doesn’t constitute a felony. If I weren’t poor and could afford a decent lawyer I’d have probably gotten a misdemeanor, which I can live with. Yea I marked myself but no one deserves a life time of punishment. I’ve served in the military. I have 2 college degrees. I’m a contributing citizen; albeit a second class citizen. I made a mistake; I don’t deserve this stigma just like many others don’t deserve this stigma. I’ve long since paid for the window and the bicycle. If you justify my life time of punishment you are crazy and on an intellectual level way below me; a felon.

WILL: hi, YES very sad, but at 17th, you could have back out of it, did you learn of the 10th commanments?, and even if you if you did not learn it, well you knew it was wrong: I personly was stolen once, and also had a gun pointed at me in a store to rob the cash, and became too nervous ,
had to leave a good job,and live through the consequences of thoses assaults on me, so because you contributed in someone to live thoses consequences of being rob by 3 young guys ; dont you think that you cannot continue to live with your own consequences of your actions?; I might
add up something to cheer you a bit maybe; think how lucky you are, because the owner could
have shot you all3 of you or beat you to make you physicly disable for the rest of your life:
SO cheer up and do the best you can to help young ones to refuse to do small crimes
thoses crimes are always big for the victim. bye

@ Will
As long as you continue to justify your actions(I was a kid who stole a bicycle), you still have not accepted your guilt. You will continue to see things this way indefinitely until you do recognize that you were the one at fault, just you. The fact that you were a kid makes no difference, the fact that you were poor makes no difference. Stealing is still stealing, no matter what the circumstances (we are not talking here about taking food to feed yourself when you are starving).

I think it is very interesting that you think yourself my intellectual superior simply because you see things differently than I do. You say you have two college degrees, and that is a good thing. It is clear that being a felon has not prevented you from getting a good education. I have three degrees: BS, MS, and PhD in engineering. Are you sure you are my intellectual superior?

@Dr. D.

” If you justify my life time of punishment you are crazy and on an intellectual level way below me; a felon.”

If you justify a lifetime of punishment then yes I feel I am your intellectual superior. You can have all the degrees in the world but if you are so close minded about this issue then you, sir, are a dumbass. Degrees do not make a person intelligent. I accept my guilt and know I was wrong. Felonies were for serious crimes by common law. Crimes like the one I committed were not serious crimes back in the day. Over the course of time the people in power got more money, more everything for their conviction rates. Stealing is stealing yes, but I’ll say it again, I don’t deserve a LIFE TIME of punishment and I don’t deserve to be treated like a 2nd class citizen because I stole a bicycle!

This is my last post. To all you felons out there, keep your heads up and farewell. To the naysayers, one of us felons may save your life one day and you’ll rethink your position. We’re good people to. Not all of us are habitual criminals. I’m a felon by history, not by nature.

No, Will, you are the one with the anger management problem, the denial of just what the situation really is. I am not the dumbass; I am not the felon. I knew enough to stay out of trouble but you did not.

Nobody has said you deserve a life time of punishment, nor are you getting a lifetime of punishment. As I said earlier, if you had cut your finger off in the process of steal those goods, you would have been marked by being short one finger. That would be a permanent mark, but you would get on with your life without the finger. Even so, marked as a felon, you must get on with your life with the mark you have placed upon your life.

Nobody says that you cannot redeem yourself in this life. But you will have to work at it, and you will have to be prepared to deal with this when ever it comes up because the mark is permanent. You put it there, just like a tattoo. Nobody says that you are a habitual criminal, but you will have to show that you are not. Go out and show that you are not. You say that a felon may save someone’s life some day and that is no doubt true. A felon will take someone’s life some day as well, so that is where the rub comes. Be sure that you are in the good group, rather than the bad group, and it will be recognized.

Calling me a dumbass suggests pretty strongly that you still have not come to terms with the fact that YOU SCREWED UP, not somebody else. I have done nothing but carry on a civil conversation with you, even if I have disagreed with your point of view. You have been unable to accept that others do not see you as the righteous, put-upon, mistreated person you think you are. Until you come to realize that it was you who broke the rules of society, and you will have to live with that, you are going to beat your head against the wall over and over. (Its going to hurt.) You can try to get society to change the rules if you think you really have a case, but no one else has had much luck with that yet. Otherwise, you can quit complaining, quite talking about continuing to be punished because you really are not except in your own mind, and get on with your life as you have made it for yourself. Our actions, even at early ages, do have consequences. Sometimes those consequences are painful. That’s where you are.

D. I don’t think anyone gives a shit what a pompous, self-righteous asshole says. Go on about your business. From the looks of your responses to EVERYONE I don’t think anyone cares what you say. I crime isn’t a fucking tattoo moron.

Your outta here Will….buh bye

All you can do is resort to vulgarities and name calling. It looks like you really do have a problem with controlling yourself. You are not even coherent – just look at your last “sentence” such as it is. It does not make sense. Seems your two degrees did not teach you very much after all, and your intellectual superiority is rather doubtful.

Oh, by the way, moron does not fit either. But that gets back to this matter of name calling, rather than dealing with issues. You don’t even know how to be civil. You say that you continue to be punished. Has it occurred to you that your attitude may be the source of your problem more than anything? You do not endear yourself to people when all you can do is call them names. It reflects badly on you. Did you know that? It will cause people to avoid you, to want to not deal with you, to not employ you, etc.

Please think about what I have said and do not reply. You need some time to think before you say something else that will make you look bad.

@ Dr D
Are you British ? You really are a self righteous prick. Its kind of funny that you mentioned the ten commandments in your post as if you are religious and if you are going to claim to be you would be nothing but a Hippocrate. And just because you would place a “D” and a “R” in front of a “D” does not make you a real Doctor. Thats all I’ve got just wanted to insult you.
you little prick. 😀

What a strange question, Jake. Can you hear a British accent? Actually, my family came from England, but they left about 350 years ago, so the connection is pretty dim at this time. Interesting that you can still see it.

There is really nothing funny at all about mentioning the 10 Commandments. They are the fundamental basis for all law in Western society. Did you not know that? They were given by the Lord God to Moses on Mt. Sinai long ago, and all of our Western society is based on our Judeo-Christian heritage which in turn is based on the 10 Commandments.

What pray tell is a “Hippocrate”? Did you mean a hypocrite? I think that is probaby what you had in mind, but you have no basis for making such a judgment at all. To be a hypocrite would be to say one thing and do another. How could you make such a charge against me?

Penultimately, I use the title “Dr.” entirely correctly. It reflects an earned academic degree. You may not understand or appreciate such things, but that is your shortcoming, not mine. I am a very real “Doctor.”

Finally, your insult. Did that make you feel good about yourself? Did that make you feel powerful? Did that really accomplish anything at all other than show you for the very small person you really are? The small, inadequate person whose only tools are vulgar words because he cannot adequately express himself. Jake, you don’t look too good here.

JAKE , instead of being angry at someone who give you good advices; JUST get angry at yourself and make a quick about turn and change your negative ATTITUDE to continue a life with new VISION of the future, which will surely bring loving moments that will make your memory to treasure them instead of the negative thoughts you have left behind. LIFE is to precious to waste time in bad feeling, look ahead and never look back. 🙄 bye

BROB: I see you could’nt miss this opportunity to put down the GOPS, I read your comment,
while wondering why the DEMOCRATS in MAJORITY could do every things against
THE CONSTITUTION”s laws, to allowed criminals coming from the open borders,they dont want to close, and if caught get a very low prison term: SO why do they accept the fact that young
AMERICANS can live through a life time of being degraded for a have been declared FELLON, a mark on their life until the end. now where is the injustice to that behavior from the DEMOCRATS
not the REPUBLICANS as someone mentioned dont forget they are an almost absolute power to change things for the AMERICANS; but they prefer to use theirs laws for outsiders and other
muslims countrys to make them FEEL GOOD because they receive their financial supports to get elected. 🙄

Bees, I think the answer to you comment to BROB is that the Dems don’t give a hoot about the American people, felons or nonfelons. The Dems are looking for power, and anyone that can and will contribute to their quest for power is a group that they will pander to for the moment. Once they have secured the support of that group, the group will be treated no better than anyone else.

A classic case in point is the black people of America. The Dems carry on endlessly about how they “care for the black people.” But what do they do for the black people? They create endless welfare programs, affirmative action programs, set aside programs, etc. all of which have totally demoralized the black people of America. They have told black people, and the blacks have believed them, that black people are inferior and cannot compete fairly on their own merit. They have to always have endless “help.” The welfare programs have been designed in such a way as to break apart families because families with a father in the house get far less support than those with no man in the house. Every form of “help” in one way or another, becomes a shackles of dependency, a chain that convinces the blacks that they cannot do without the Dems. Even as the Dems continue to enslave them all the more so. The plight of black Americans has improved little in the last 50 years, despite millions and millions of dollars and much unfairness in their favor.

But it is all about power, getting power and staying in power. It is not in the least bit about helping people.

@ D
Actually it made me smile. What does that mean Dr.D? Please I am so concerned about this. Is there anything I can do to change myself before I become an outcast to society. Ohh thats right, I already am. Should I register as a republican voter? Will that save me? And for your info Jesus preaches forgiveness, you preach condemption therefore you are indeed a hypocrite and will be judged for your actions. And as far as posting the issue at hand, Its obvious that everyones point has been made but your to thick headed to get it. Are all Republicans like this? I am actually a independent just because I have a brain of my own and dont have to look at the political hand booklet to tell me my views. How will you get my vote?
I am so ashamed of myself,

@ ilovebeeswarzone
I’m not angry at all. Actually I think you guys are hilarious.

@ Jake
I don’t know; are you an outcast to society? You need not be, but that is largely up to you.

How you vote is entirely up to you. I certainly do not care.

You are half right about Jesus. Jesus preaches first repentance and then forgiveness. But really neither of those are the issue here. This thread is largely about whether or not to expunge the felony records of ex-cons. That is a matter of the laws of society. Jesus never once challenged the laws of society. When the Pharisees tried to trick Him with the about paying taxes to Caesar, he asked for a coin, saw the head of Caesar on it, and said, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars’ and unto God that which is God’s.” Please go read the Bible a little more closely; it would do a lot of good.

JAKE: HOW can you insult someone and take pleasure of it? I say it’s cinical, and I would not
find you trusthworthy in any job ,because you have a develish part in deep self that would require
some treatment, seriously, you are not funny, and I am not lauphing at what I can see through your comment: in other words ; IF you are challenge by a SUPERIOR at work, you can
display uncontroled anger, that would sink you deeper if not check soon, bye

“Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars’ and unto God that which is God’s” So do you worship Caesar? or do you worship god? That to me means pay your taxes and give your soul to god. Your soul is represented with everything that you do. You really made no point here. Are you saying that he meant a separation of church and state. Are you one of people responsible for removing prayer from public schools? Are you also one that would want to remove “under god” from our Pledge of Allegiance. I thought you were a republican. Its starting to come out not Dr.
Tell us more about yourself.

Goodness, Jake. Your ability to misread is truly amazing! Wrong on all points.

@ Dr. D
You are an undercover Liberal. Dont be ashamed of it. Obama will take you in. 😆

Therapy you might be right. although its not anger its more like a sick since of humor. You see I believe Dr. D’s weakness is his ego. And as far as giving me a job, I’ve held the same job for the past 11 years. So I dont need a job from you anyways.

@ Jake

Shhhh! I’m in deep cover, really deeeeeep cover.

You really need to get out more. Perhaps read a little, learn to spell, read the Bible, learn what it means, and perhaps read a few more of these threads besides this one.

You asked me to tell you about myself. I’ll give you a hint, Jake. I have spent much of the afternoon, sitting here in a black shirt with a high, stiff collar with a white, celluloid insert in the front and a silver chain around my neck with a crucifix on it, writing a sermon. All of my Bible quotes come from the King James version of the Bible.

Oh, and one other thing, when I attend the Tea Parties, I carry a Gadsden flag.

I’m that kind of “liberal,” the very conservative kind.

JAKE: I have to come back to your last comment, and tell you that I am very happy for you
having that job for 11 years, that put you in the lucky ones who have a hard time
finding a job, so when you start counting your blessing and compare with others that are having trouble to find work; YOU realy can thank GOD for your standing and feel better,than you sound to be in your comment, and you dont yet know of what kind of goodys will come your way in
your future, and I truly wish you all the good things coming,
you know thoses goodys come not when we want but in their own times which is the right time, YOU’LL SEE ,when you get there what i mean, bye

@ beeswar
I do consider myself one of the lucky ones. But this topic isn’t about me (although I am a convicted felon) its about whats right and whats wrong. And good things have already come my way. I,ve been married for eight years have 3 wonderful kids and paid off my home last year. I’m not here to cry about my life, I have a good life.

@ father D
You do know that just because you wear priest clothing does not make you a conservative right?
There is one thing I cant grasp about you. How can a preacher side on a position against what Jesus taught. Jesus taught compassion and forgiveness. My god tells me to show compassion and forgiveness what does your god tell you? I suspect that you have separated your religious beliefs with your political beliefs. You sir are indeed a hypocrite and need not use anything in the bible as a crutch for your political views. You say the government is corrupt, they are against us all “trying to enslave us”, now that sounds like a liberal. you separate your religion from politics, that sounds like a liberal. I just need one more for confirmation Dr, father, astronaut, or who ever else you decide to be. Oh your right I cant spell for crap.

JAKE: ONE more thing you have to do: GET off THAT ANGER, it’s a poison and you dont realize it:
I was hoping that you would let this one go, and pick up the best of it and carry on your life
BUT I underestimated your anger that you direct at opposite oppinions which try to help you face the problem:
SO there is no usefull way to continiue,this argument, let’s say ,I wish the best for you
and your loved ones, and, dont never hurt their feelings. bye 🙄

@ beeswar
I’m not angry just calling people out for what they are. My cross has the name felon. What name will dr.d’s cross bare. It’s obvious that our positions on this are set so farewell and best wishes.

What is wrong with people, casting judgment on other’s I have a felony, but it’s not from a rape case or a child molestation case but still I’m not one to judge, who are you to say that somebody shouldn’t have a shoulder to lean on, so a felon is just supposed to sit here and rot away, have nothing out of life? You don’t know what people go through on a day to day basis. These are trying times, people do things that they never would believe they would have done. People change, nobody is better than anybody else. Watch your words and choose your mindset wisely, you never know, you may just catch a felony and have to live with it in the future. Now days it’s so easy to catch a felony, no matter what color you are.
People deserve a second chance and if they mess that up then you can say all that, but you can’t limit people to they’re past. Life is so much bigger than all that. That’s basically underestimating the possibilities of GOD. Through GOD all things are possible. I’m no saint but I sure have seen GOD work through me and others. I haven’t found a job, but I know my time is coming. I know that this isn’t the end for me. I am not angry with your views but please, please, think outside of the box, the world isn’t flat. The same people who you judge and say are this and that may be the person who saves your life. God Bless you and yours

@JQUEST: I’m not sure if you are responding to the original post or not. If so, the point of the post is not to judge, but merely to make the point that felons should not be given tax payer funded assistance. Tax payers spend enough money on felons during their convictions/sentences. They shouldn’t be required to pick up the tab for felons once they are released from their sentences as well.

Read the original post in its entirety. You’ll find that I too am a recipient of a second chance. I am ever grateful for that chance, and I have made the most of it.

As for you, it sounds like you are receiving your second chance right now, and from what I can tell, you have the right attitude. Keep your head up, and keep looking for that job. If you’re determined, you won’t fail. You may have to work harder than others to succeed, but make no mistake, you can be successful. Good luck, God Bless, and never give up!

I believe Will should be pardoned and should be able to move on. One thing this evil government likes to do is to keep people enslaved and dependant. It’s a sad day when this evil government says that it’s OK to suck the brains out of a living baby, and it’s their constitutional right, yet a man who is repentant has to live with the scars. Everyone and their grandmothers are getting some kind of amnesty. Look at the illegals I hear the cries of Amnesty, and they are breaking the laws. Gays in the military say don’t ask and don’t tell, well how would they like it if the repentant criminal don’t volunteer information about their past? Look at the draft dodgers it was a felony and Jimmy Carter pardoned them, but Mohamed Ali had to spend 3 years in jail. Bill Clinton became president because he was pardoned. It used to be a crime to commit sodomy now it’s out of the closet and praised. In the old testament is was punishable by death.
So for those who want to throw Will under the bus you are wrong. How about if everyone who made a mistake would die instantly, well guess what no one would live. Jesus came down from heaven and died on the cross for our mistakes. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus. So people on this board who want to throw the repentant criminal under the bus, just remember that your day is approaching soon.
I believe Will could get a governors pardon with no trouble. Just remember George Bush had a criminal record, and he became President. Will the government may reject you but Christ won’t don’t give up man there are some out here that believe in you.

Chill: hi, you gave a powerfull boosting to WILL and all others thank you. bye

Its always going to vary on how hard it is to get a job based on your conviction and record. While some felons have a fighting chance others are straight screwed.

Little T,
The only reason why some drugs are illegal in this country is because it is not taxed. Alcohol a drug, was legal then it was illegal only to be legal again. Those who sold alcohol when it was illegal became lifetime criminals. I was glad to see Ronald Reagan pardon one of them.

I received a Second Chance when I became a Sovereign Citizen!

Its a win-win situation for everybody. There’s no taxes to pay and there is Morphine all over the streets!

Well its been a few months since I have posted on here and I thought I would give an update. I’m still unwillingly unemployed. You think that it is a rough time to get a job with the economy in it’s current state is hard. This shit is nothing new to me. I’ve been to half a dozen interviews in the past months many times being called back for a second time and even a third just to hear we do not hire felons at this time……. In order to try to get my felony expunged I need to job to afford it… I’m losing my patience with it all.. To think something I did almost ten years ago is preventing me from moving forward in life. How am I to survive in this day in age with no hope of finding a job. The news reporters says it’s going to get worse before it gets better with the economy. Well for me and anyone else in my shoes it can’t get much worse. A felon cannot get any financial help from any agency.. Am I doomed to be homeless with no hope of a full life? I love the saying IT’S NOT WHERE YOU BEEN, BUT WHERE YOUR GOING. Well it seems I’m not going anywhere because of where I’ve been or should I say what I did nearly a decade ago. I’m only 26, do I just need to except the fact that my life will never consist of a steady job because of a mistake I made when I was still in high school. I’ve lived my life completely straight and narrow since I was convicted of a felony at age 17. I have stayed on the path of the righteous and honest for 9 years now and I’m not asking for a hand out from anyone, I just want a chance to prove that I am model citizen. I feel that I’m on the verge of losing it… There is only so much a person can take of put downs and shortcomings before it’s just too much. I would never do anything illegal again, but I am starting to understand why there are so many repeat felons, now yes majority never looked for a job or tried to become a productive member of society, but there are those that tried so hard to live correct and couldn’t take not providing for oneself or even their family and went and relapsed.

I have even gone as far as writing my congressmen in Illinois on my dilemma and got back a automated response that lead to nothing. I am at my wits end here…. If anyone has advice please share…

Ryan: hi, you’r so young to feel like giving up, of course you’r having a hard time,
BUT you’r not in prison, and being free does’nt mean easy life, and many young without
the name felon are also having a hard time, it’s what this down economy is doing to all ages
citizens and familys, it’s hard on all of them,
Harder on you to find a job? yes you’r right but not alone in this.
did you try to change living in another STATE? might be more understanding to your situation,and efforts to normalyse your future with beginning of having a job, where you could lower your standing and take any decent job just to put your feets in the market.
I would think that the felons should be classified in diffrent categorys, meaning degree of offences,
Where some who dont pose a danger could have a chance to be reenstate and in front of
the pervert and violent ones. I read that each states have a diffrent degree of compassion on the subject.
just dont give up that’s the trick, and in waiting time, make it a learning time. bye SR.
HEADS up the MOUNTAIN is high but ATTAINABLE to reach on top. your treasure is your youth