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Klye Anne Shiver has done and excellent job of explaining the Obama/Soros relationship. This might explain part of the reason the homicidal maniacs are treated so well by the Obama Administraton.

I would think by now most conservative bloggers would know that Obama wants to be king, not president. He can’t be king in a republic (we are not a democracy). He has to bring down the USA before he can become king.

The only way he surprises me is when he does something that is GOOD for the country, which is very seldom. Think about it, and make a list of the GOOD things he has done for the USA compared to the Bad things and I am sure the BAD list will be much longer than the GOOD one.

He took Hamas off of the terrorist list, he is closing Guantanamo, he wants terrorists tried in the USA, he bows to dictators, he shut down the investigation of the Fort Hood shooter, he belonged to an anti-USA church for 20 years, he wouldn’t wear a US flag pin, he wouldn’t say the pledge of allegience, he wouldn’t hold his hand over his heart when others said it, and he didn’t even know how to salute while he was a senator.

All of these things put together add up to a person who doesn’t like the USA the way it is and is doing all he can to change it to what he wants.

Have you noticed how mad he gets when he doesn’t get what he wants. He even scolded the US Supreme Court at the State Of The Union address for their decision that wasn’t even what Obama said it was. Think how his temper has to fly when the cameras aren’t there!


If Katyal, Daskal and other conflicted Justice lawyers had worked for corporations, they’d almost certainly be subject to these regulations.

Not in this administration, he has waivers at the ready.


He took Hamas off of the terrorist list

He also had campaign offices in Gaza and accepted a large amount of sheckels.