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Before we tape it to the TV screen, we should tape it to the back windows of our cars and drive around a bit before the state of the union, kind of like doing your civic duty.

Hopefully, we won’t watch it, but we probably will, it’s going to be like watching paint dry.

I probably won’t watch the sad spectacle tonight but if I change my mind, I’ll probably make it a drinking game much like we did way back when with the Love Boat. I’d pick the word “I” just so I could make it through the entire speech with the least amount of pain and best chance of not remembering any of the few words interspersed between each drink opportunity.

For alternate TV programming there is this:

The Ramirez cartoon is patently unfair.

Joe Biden’s hair plugs are way more unnatural than that.

@tfhr: Great cartoon! Thanks!

HE IS NOT GOING TO RESIGN…and even if he admits that he went to college as a foreign student using an Indonisian passport(that’s probably why we don’t have records of his college degree) and even if he admits he is a Muslim….Is America going to impeach the First Black President of the United States? We are going to have those 30% supporters of his rioting in the streets and bombing these country! These radicals who are now in power knew that the mask was going to come down just not as fast as it did and they were prepared for every eventuality.

My take is that we have three more years of him and his thugs! but resign? He will never do that..he said once that he was not going to be a footnote in the history book.

@URI: Where did the resign thing come from?

Were you responding to another thread where someone said he should be impeached?

Of course none of that is going to happen. And if it did we’d have Bumblin’ Joe Biden as President. If we tossed him out too, we’d have Nancy Pelosi as President.

Does anyone think either of those two would be an improvement?

There’s only one way to get rid of this guy and it has two steps:

1. Clip his wings with a GOP takeover of Congress in 2010 and

2. Vote Obama out of office in 2012.

That way we get rid of Obama, Biden AND Pelosi!

Mike, no, there is no mistake. This forum insinuates to me what other newspapers are directly asking today: “what do you expect from Obama’s State of the Union address”.
I would say that 1 out of 3 comments by bloggers in Fox and in ABC news wants him to resign. That is the current sentiment of so many Americans. By the way, when Nixon resigned, he got ride of Spyros Agnew before his resignation and assigned Gerald Ford who was not the Majority Leader of the Congress. So, we don’t have to have Biden or Pelosi.
When we open a discussion about the State of the Union addressed by a President that has lie to all Americans, is it not fair to mention all of our sentiments?

@URI: I have no problem with you bringing up that subject Uri. But it’s not going to happen so why speculate?

Mike, a few weeks ago people did not think that Scott Brown could win in MA. Chaos Theory shows how things can happen in a moment. I can still dream, cannot?

Yes all this is comical, but will Obama’s State of the Union explain why he has refuses to allow C-Span to televise hearings – despite his repeated promises of transparency? Will Obama explain why his coattails are gone – the magic is lost? Will Obama explain why in the heck, given the fact that politicians watch polls very carefully, he and Reid and Pelosi insist on even mentioning Obamacare anymore? Obamacare is DEAD. It joins Obama’s leadership skills – they’re dead.

Obama the Anti-Christ can say or do what he wants; he has lied about so much so often everyone can be CERTAIN that Obama will lie and lie again; lies to begin with, lies to fill his speech and lies to end his blabbering State-Of-Obama-Dis-Union.

Vintage mantra: DOWN WITH BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, alien monster, and his socialist-democrat bottom feeders.

Now this is a fun family tool to use tonight.

Somebody PLEASE tell me there’s an interactive Wii attachment/control for this circus sideshow tonight?

I’ll need to get to Wally-mart quick to buy it before the sitcom starts.


I’m still waiting for the Wii stimulus package that will allow me to purchase one. I’ve heard it’s embedded in the Obamacare legislation. 🙂

@Aleric: Thanks! I forgot about O-Bingo: