Desperate John Kerry plays the fear card….


This is just too rich…. the short and sweet version? Kerry warns that Brown rallies are “…reminiscent of the dangerous atmosphere of Sarah Palin’s 2008 campaign rallies.”

“I’m no stranger to hard fought campaigns, but what we’ve seen in the past few days is way over the line and reminiscent of the dangerous atmosphere of Sarah Palin’s 2008 campaign rallies. This is not how democracy works in Massachusetts,” Kerry said in a written statement Monday.

“Scott Brown needs to speak up and get his out of state tea party supporters under control. In Massachusetts, we fight hard and win elections on the issues and on our differences, not with bullying and threats,” he added.

Well, at least he’s not reminiscing about Ghengis Khan anymore…

Does make you wonder if the now Sr. MA Senator’s handlers, who ought to be keeping him in touch with the doin’s of the common folk, mentioned that the bullying and threats, as well as physical assaults, aren’t coming from the Brown supporters.

But it’s good for a laugh today, eh?

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Or Bull Conner for that matter.

This guy is comedy gold-

Hey John… why the long face?

Hanoi John, Traitor, Kerry should still be tried, convicted and shot. His only defense would be to admit his stupidity.

Lurch Speaks!

Kerry had better watch out. He might be the next one to be cleaning out his office. Mass residents knew Kennedy. Kerry ain’t no Kennedy.


Every time Senator Kerry comes to my attention, I can’t help but think, “Where were the Viet Cong when I really needed them”.

Also reminiscent of Jinges Khan

11B40 now that’s funny. It’s a wonder he wasn’t fragged. And VN was a cluster F when the pols and the media got involved in it. But you know that.11B40. There are 58,000 plus on that “Wall”. “Never Forget”
“Semper Fi”

“not with bullying and threats”

Kerry praised the North Vietnamese, who were guilty of far more than mere bullying. I guess he’s just another “liberal” who is okay with mass-murder as long as it’s done by leftists, but opposes even peaceful opposition by patriotic Americans. It’s a pity he was never prosecuted for his treason.

Sorry, but I just HAD to dig out this “oldy but Goody”: “Veterans’ Day”

How liberals do defy the mind
For nothing in theirs’ can we find,
That willingly will look with reason
At how their man committed treason,
Skulked off to Paris this effete
To grovel at the Madame’s feet,
Betraying his sworn officer’s oath
To become the turncoat we so loathe.

Our law is clear you shall not treat
With America’s foes nor their cadres meet;
Give aid nor comfort to enemy forces
Nor espouse a view from hostile sources.
Without a mandate from the state
Wherefrom your right to negotiate?
Was treason, John, and is treason still
To this very day your unpaid bill.

Don’t try to hide behind your youth.
You knew the law you knew the truth.
You knew your faux negotiation
Would further tear our war-torn nation
And all for what, John, your career
So you can shameless brazen here,
And claim now that you’re fit to lead
The very nation you made bleed?

And yet before us there you stand
With medals blazing you demand
Such treachery we must ignore
Your treason that lost us our war.
But hold on, John, we veterans say,
You had your turn, now comes our day.
You thought we slept, forgot your crime?
Oh no, John boy, it’s come our time.

Some say let you apologize
But that won’t do it in our eyes.
A man astride of each position
Could we believe your true contrition?
The vindication we’ll accept
In settling up this long-held debt,
Is each of us will do his best
To deny you, John, your lifelong quest.

Listen carefully John to what we say,
November 2d is Veterans’ Day.

Russ Vaughn
2d Bn, 327th Parachute Infantry Regiment
101st Airborne Division
Vietnam 65-66

He is going to be selling ketchup very soon! Poor Mr. Heinz, whatever did he do to deserve a Kerry in his life.

@Scrapiron, you’ve just endorsed the shooting of a democratically elected Senator. Who’s the traitor?

It’s unfortunate that mainstream Republicans are not capable of critiquing liberalism from an ideological perspective, and have to rely school yard bullying.

@pst314, your incorrect. American leftists have a long a tradition of anti-communism. But then again, American leftism doesn’t exactly mean what “leftist” means to the rest of the world. No offense, but I really don’t expect you to understand that based on your comment.

, FYI, but it’s actually MLK day, a nationally recognized holiday. Are you anti-American?

Hey Nicky, so you were for it until you changed and voted against it? Kinda like your sugar Daddy Kerry. Where I come from, leftists have a long tradition of communism….A commie, a leftie, a progressive, a liberal, a democrat, a union member, an islamic, a liberal Jew, an environmentalist…they are all the same because you all voted for hope and change. So go back to your commie blogg!

Don’t forget my friends
If you buy a bottle of Heinz
A dime drops in a gigolo’s pocket
And lines the liar’s deep pocket

Oh! John Kerry, he who is so proud
Thumps his chest and screams so loud
While our friends and brothers
Left such sadness among lost lovers

John Kerry cheats and denies it
While our heroes are so cold and quiet
All those brave young men
Yet Kerry lives and breathes in lies and sin
Gone before their time
Think of that before buying Heinz, giving Kerry that dime

How ironic is it that Heinz is red
Red like heroes’ blood
And still the blood is being shed
While Kerry walks over dead Heroes in the mud

@Nicky P:

American leftists have a long a tradition of anti-communism.


Like when Ted “The Swimmer” Kennedy reached out to the Russians offering to help them defeat Reagan?

Or perhaps you mean when they hung a flag with Che Guevera’s picture in their campaign offices?

Maybe you mean their tradition of anti-communism was apparent when they praised Castro?

Or you could be referring to their opposition to Reagan every step of the way when he was attempting to slow the spread of communism in Nicaragua?

Or, could it be that you don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground?

Yeah, it’s pretty obvious what the answer is.


Darn it Mata!

I was just getting ready to have some fun with him/her….them.

Now there won’t be any snarky back and forth exchanges.

Oh well.

N. Ando, I knew from the start you were a leftist moby. Go back to KOS or DUNG. The adults here are busy.
As usual, great work Mata.

You called it HR…and the sock puppet pretend conservative is now banned.”

Ditto, HR… Mata

Aye, Maybe Nicky P is trying to ‘infiltrate’ our blogg as it was suggested by our dear czar of regulation CassSunstein because we think the wrong way and that ‘behavior’ should be punished..we will be taxed or audited by IRS very soon. Behavior modification anyone?

Latest, our dear leader is preparing to became more ‘aggressive’ towards the American people with his progessive policies in response to his defeat in the polls with the HC, MA,VA and Jersey….so my prediction is that the left wants confrontation and they want to fight ’cause they are loosing badly….

Thanks Curt. Blind squirrel and such.

John (magic hat) Kerry plays the “fear” card?


….from his ever shortening deck of jokers.

bury the POW/MIA Kerry?

shot a monster buck in his pajamas Kerry?

Flew an Israeli fighter jet Kerry?

If he weren’t so dangerous, that pathological liar would be great comic relief.

Kerry must be clinging to his ketchup tonight!


Oh, I hope so. But Brown hasn’t won yet, and you know the forces of darkness are going to go all out to see he doesn’t.

UPDATED: Dead MA voters to decide Brown/Coakley race?

and with 116,483 of their 2,078,610 registered voters being zombies who somehow always vote for Dems, we aren’t out of the woods yet.

p.s. – where’s the “edit” function I’ve grown so dependent on?

Hopefully, Brown will inspire the voters in MA to rid themselves of the Heinz Gigolo: he can then enjoy another man’s money in obscurity, money he feels entitled to after enduring his wife for so many years, while the people of MA reclaim their dignity, without the shame of Kerry biting them in the ankles like a rabid Cocker Spaniel.

Darn that missing edit button!!!

That’s 5.6% of the total, btw. No wonder Dems win in MA all the time!

Somehow that edit plugin got turned off, turned it back on.





, are you linking to tell me to read my own posts? LOL!”

LOL. No, just putting the rest of my comment in perspective, Mata.

And thanks for the elaboration. Now I see where you are coming from. That also makes sense of some things about Brown that seemed at odds with the expectations of many Conservatives, as…

this from Debbie Schlussel...
“Brown was critical of President Bush and defended President Obama regarding the current financial crisis.”

…and SEIU support for Brown

We’ll have to take whatever we can get, but even in a best case scenario, we’re not getting anywhere near what we ultimately need. How far we’ve sunk for this to be a “victory.” It’s going to be a long hard fight.

UPDATE – Thanks for the additional info. Looks like a sound analysis to me, and yes, since they are making it an issue, any “defeat” for them is a good thing for us. Especially when we’re talking about it happening in MA.

I’ll have to call my aunt who lives there tomorrow, and hear how she sees it from there. She’s kind of on-the-ball, and no Lefty, so I’m curious to hear what she has to say.

Nicky P: I’m a Vietnam Vet and served at the same base the lying traitor Hanoi John did. Evidently you don’t read too good either. I said arrested, tried, convicted and shot, not assisinated, although I could live with that also. My hope is to live long enough to pi** on his grave since he pi**ed on every Vietnam Vet. Read up on the traitor before you jump in or you look as stupid as he does. Well maybe you don’t just look that way. I was just watching FOX news and though they had slipped and broadcast a closeup of a horses a**, then saw it was Hanoi ‘traitor’ John’s face.

Like Baron Munchausen, John Kerry’s legend looms larger in his own mind every day. When he’s not out there slaying dragons he gets bored and his mind tends to make up imaginary monsters. For pity’s sake John, a Sarah Palin rally?