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Additionally, the threat-level has been upped to orange from yellow.

My son just asked how it’s possible for the POS to still be alive…Because if HE was on the plane, the POS would be missing a voice-box.

“Detroit is a hotbed of Muslim violence with reportings of shootouts with police a not uncommon occurrence.”

[citation needed] 🙂

I’m not familiar with any reports of shootouts between Detroit police and muslims.

Shootouts with ghetto scum yes, with Muslims no. (Not to minimize the constant incitements to evil in Detroit mosques….)

If I’m wrong please educate me.

Uh, fella, read some Detroit news back issues.. there is a LARGE contingent of Muslems in Detroit.. and like London or elsewhere, there have been issues….. that said….

Now to call this act “Terrorism”…. that’s such an UGLY word!!! We’ll just call it, um, uh, 278 cases of attempted MURDER!! THAT’S IT!!! Sounds SO much better!!! THAT way WE won’t have to answer those pesky reporters asking about TWO terror attacks in less than a year!! That’s the ticket!! Signed, the Prez.

(Dripping Sarcasm meant!!)

The relgion of peace strikes again.

Nice comments, fellas. I’d like to know the condition of the muslim terrorist, and if the passengers that “subdued” him are being arrested and held for trial. Of course, there are plenty of lawyers in Detroit that could handle a extortion/personal injury law suit against the big bad old airline (gotta go for the money!) and we should see this soon.

I’m also reasonably sure that the 80 year old swedish grandma was stripped searched prior to boarding this flight; along with the 4 year old white male leaving the airlines and TSA to fill their quota and let this piece of human excrement board with all his goodies.

Pecans will get you on a no-fly list.

Significant al-Qaeda connections? They just wave you through…no big deal.

I’m to the assumption that this guy was on the “no entry list” , if so it looks like DHS has dropped the ball again. I’ll bet the stricter screening measures do not include profiling. No matter how many might be killed we must maintain the proper political correctness. Heaven help us because the fools in government are trying to destroy us.

Like a 911 call when a cop in needed now and they’re 15 minutes away, quick action was needed and the POTUS was allowed three hours of additional sleep. Makes me wonder which aide he was sleeping with, maybe, god forbid that he’s blind, aand it was the leader of the department of homeland insecurity. If 50 terrorists had been on different planes a lot of people would be dead today and O’Dumbo officials would be trying to figure out how to blame the attacks on the American citizens. No way it would be the fault of the POTUS’s Islamic family.

Does anyone else think that perhaps some of the airline employees in Amsterdam ought to be looked at as accomplices? There are quite a few hajibed workers – including some TSA workers – there.

We fly through Amsterdam on NWA/Delta flights and get pulled aside each and every time for additional questioning. Profiled [both DH and I – blonde, fair skinned]. We’ll get our chapstick taken away from us if it doesn’t fit in our little quart sized baggie, but this guy makes it through with explosives strapped to his leg? There is an accomplice there, at the airport.

#9: What is supposed to be surprising about a hijab wearer in airport security?? Saw them in Spokane WA last winter and spring — thanks alot Bush you fool — ROPMA >>> now we have a genuine rep of ROP in WH — good going BUSH

Ever since 9-11 the assholes have been wearing them – as an “in your face” we are here and taking over message — hell the damn US government and all the a$$kissing local polititions have made them more equal than any real american

Also note first paragraph in article quoted in next FA post where the POS is referred to as an “alleged” terrorist — the ‘hero’ may be arrested and prosecuted for interfering with POS’ legitimate – typical, ordinary expression of his religious obligations

Just realized that there is at least one aspect of the current admin that is definitely Bush’s fault — the fact that we now have a POS ROP in WH (or is that ROP POS??)

LOOK carefully and completely behind the teleprompter screens folks —

Boosch I – famous as liar for “read my lips – no new taxes”

Boosch II — will go down in history as not only stupid but a damn liar also — anyone who says islam is ROP is not only ignorant of 1600 years of history but just plain stupid — nazism, communism, fascism, Jim Jonesism, comet chasers — etc — all are ENFORCED mind control belief systems that are peaceful for the adherents and the dead victoms – who now have eternal peace — no martter what it is called — IT IS SLAVERY

@Budvarakbar: I have absolutely NO CLUE why you think this story has ANYTHING to do about Bush.

Layoff the holiday Egg Nog and after you sober up, try again.

It is about Bush, and overall I like him, for not setting the tone on the true face of the “War on Terrorism.” it is not your Jew or Methodist, it is Islam and Muslims and he should have called a spade a spade instead of the bullshit “Islam is a Religion of Peace” crap he handed out. Islam teaches domination and subjugation, even though some of them don’t care to blow himself and others up, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t what the Koran tells them they should do. The Koran teaches world domination of Islam over Dhimmis and just because some don’t overtly practice it daily, this doesn’t make it a book of love and peace.

Repeat and Repeat again: Islam is not a ROP, it is a political doctrine that uses its terror, intimidation and a cult like following as tools in its unceasing desire to rule the world! And that is what Bush should have said.

Bud – “What is supposed to be surprising about a hijab wearer in airport security??” Where did I say that it was surprising? I’m saying that there are too many of them and that they should be looked at as accomplices.

Do what Mike says. Sober up and then try again.

bozoakbarwhattheheckisthat! read the history of the chain of events behind “read my lips” and the tax increase… read who was actually RESPONSIBLE for the “tax increases” being FORCED through…. wasn’t Bush 1…. so pull your head out and get some fresh air, it’ll clear your mind…
the same bunch who sat on the info about the coming crash, let it happen, so they could blame someone else….. yeah read your history…. you are so far off base… you’re in the bleachers!

Mike, did you get a moonbat magnet implant or sumpthin’??

@ MataHarley… 😉 LOL!

I’m hearing word that a couple of the guys we let go from Gitmo into Saudi Arabia were the planners…

(edit/added) Here we are: