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I cannot understand why our photo op president would miss this opportunity. Of course he couldn’t take credit for the wall coming down could he?


He misses photo-ops when he’s not the focus-point of the lenses…

As I promised dirtbag Chavez (or whatever his nom de plume is), I looked for what he was doing yesterday, today, and tomorrow that was a supposed “scheduling conflict” that he had Gibbsey recite for his reason not to go…

Just as I suspected, there is no scheduling conflict. He’s just a narcissistic dick. He’s hangin at Camp David.

(Bibi was penciled in only last Friday.)

Have a look at this column…

Ronald Reagan: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
Barack Obama: “Mr Geithner, tear down Wal-Mart!”

C’mon, he did send a video of himself reading another speech. Whats the difference!

There is no representative from the country that worked hardest and longest to bring down the wall. Thanks for nothing, Obama.

Obama did not go because Silvio wasn’t there

Actualy in his next book, by bill ayres, BO will have been at the wall and gave Reagan the idea for the speech.

*sigh* Keep burning them bridges Obamao… keep burning them.

Putin wasn’t there. Communists find it difficult to celebrate the loss of power and prestige in Western Europe. MMMM MMMM

Remember Fort Hood! And the Commie policies that allowed it to happen!

Guess who wasn’t there?

President Obama wasn’t there. Although it would’ve been nice to see him walk through the Brandenburg Gate, the event was still just as humbling without him. It’s not like his absence meant someone important was missing out on the festivities.

Anyway, happy November 9th, this is certainly a day worth remembering.

The title of this post explains why Obama was not present – this gathering was for world leaders

O’Bama – 11 months in and already a disgrace.

Heckuva job, Barry!

Find this rather odd- there were a number of styrofoam constructs in Berlin, something like 1,000 dominoes.

Perfect for preznit mcspendypants to stand in front of and read from teleprompters.

What gives, nero 2.0?

Nakita Kruschev said many years ago while trying to get a pebble out of his shoe, “We will bury you”. Now, many years after his death his words seem to be coming true. While we looked to the sky for hoards of Soviet ICBM’s coming over the horizon the seeds of a new revolution were being planted. in our own back yard The fields of American socialist academia were wide open and ready for planting in the hearts and minds of American youth. Now the time of the cultivation of that crop is coming to a close. Soon the time of harvest will arrive. To quote a great and good man, ” Your enemies will be the members of your own house”. It seems as though Nakita was right and Obama may be our undertaker.
For those of you who haven’t read “Destructive Generation” by Horowitz and Collier, I highly recommend it as a primer as to where we were and how we got where we are.

Watch, its obvious to see that Europe is unifying. Already go the ball rolling on one economic standard. Once they get there shit together they are gonna kick us in the b@lls with taxes, tarefs and so forth.

Good job Obi i bet once that happens they thank you for all your help and then turn on you. Remember Obi, ur american too.

He didn’t go ‘cuz he’s still upset that his side LOST.

Richard, that was a kick, right to the cobbygocks; too funny for words!

Well, thank you Skookum. I think there might be a bumpersticker in
there somewhere… hmm.

do ya find it weird that the Ruskie President was there?

The fall of the Berlin Wall was the inspiration for his parents to conceive Barack Obama, just like the March on Selma, Alabama. And the parting of the Red Sea. His parents got around. Oh, and they were noted time travelers. In fact, they were there when H.G. Wells thought up and wrote The Time Machine. Barack Obama may, in fact, be the most fascinating and remarkable person to have ever lived on the face of the Earth. It is a true privilege to be alive during any of his several incredible lives. I feel that I should bow my head when hearing him speak, so as not to cast my unworthy eyes upon him.

[If I keep going, I’m going to make myself ill, no matter how funny I think it is. So, that’s it.]

Did you hear the story about O’Bama when he first came to D.C.? He kept trying to walk on water in the reflecting pool at the National Mall but he just couldn’t do it because the water kept parting.