Professor Flip-Flops On Global Warming, Threatens Lawsuit To Keep Himself Off Documentary


Whats that old saying? The cover up is worse then the actual crime….something along those lines. Well, here’s a new video from the film Not Evil, Just Wrong in which Professor Schneider of Stanford University tries to explain why a few decades ago he was the leading town crier over the coming ice age but now has Al Gore’s back on global warming.

Problem is, after the interview the Professor and Stanford both sent lawyers to the makers to order them to cut his footage out. (h/t The Hope For America)

Why send lawyers to threaten the filmmakers? The only one who is at fault for being so knee deep in leftist propaganda you fall all over yourself for the latest, greatest, climate scaremongering is yourself Professor Schneider.

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Gee, how much is he getting from the likes of al bore?

You know, it’s one thing to claim that we need clean air .. and there is nothing wrong to say that the world’s supply of crude oil will one day run out. Both of these are good reasons to work on alternate fuels that don’t pollute our environment.

But the whole AGW story seems to be design by people who are too lazy to to argue the truth and must resort to distortions and hyperbole. Meanwhile, just like the good intentions of the CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) were hijacked by profiteers to give us the current financial meltdown, the “Cap and Trade” regime seems to be one of the vehicles for the next big scam of “wealth transference” on the public.

Neo, even take the issue of crude running out and measure the impact of sending trillions (over time) of dollars to the Middle East and Venezuela… not only are we wiping out the value of the dollar by this wealth transfer to hostile regimes, but we also spend hundreds of billions of dollars protecting those resources and having it control our foreign policy. Wouldn’t the world be different if our money was not making our enemies rich? How many Russian fighters could Hugo Chavez buy if he did not have our money?

Al Gore has a commercial stake, with his businesses and his consulting firms at the ready, in an attempt to make HUGE profits out of what is NOT scientific fact but rather scare tactics on steroids. It just so happens that lately temperatures are dropping slightly rather than increasing. Oh, well. Perhaps next time — in another 10 years.

Curt, in all fairness, I have often wondered whether a glass was half or half empty. It can be a daunting problem, for the best of us. For buffoons like Gore and Prof. Schneider it can be overwhelming.

To think these nincompoops direct national policy is frightening. To think that the Third World Poor are worried over global warming or that mountain dwellers are worried about dwindling water sources is touching. I doubt that Schneider has ever hiked over a mountain to see the many sources of mountain water. I’ve spent over half my life in the Rockies and I have only seen two glaciers.

Finding water for me and my horses has never been a problem, crossing wild rivers and sinking in muskeg, those are problems I would be glad to experience with Professor Schneider so that he can experience nature up close and personal like. Near death experiences makes you appreciate the life we have so much more and gives you greater appreciation for the variables and extremes of nature that most liberals only admire through National Geographic and propaganda films like Gore makes!

Blast said:

“How many Russian fighters could Hugo Chavez buy if he did not have our money?”

More to the point, how many fighters could the US buy if we still had our money?

I can’t imagine why progressives aren’t talking up how Jimmy Carter’s liberal policies in the late 70’s actually reversed the impending ice age. Carter was apparently so successful that he overshot and started the earth down the path to global warming.

It’s very fortunate that we at last have another liberal in White House to help us escape global warming. And look, Obama’s policies are already working: the Northeast is projected to have the coldest winter on record, snow is piling up in Idaho the earliest in 40 years, and a Colorado ski resort is already open for business. That’s change you can believe in.

We should keep the oil industry here and the jobs and money with it. But noooo. Liberals say, ship all those jobs over seasa and spend our oil dollars on the arab states. I say keep it here. China is drilling right off of Florida but our liberals won’t allow us to drill in the same places. No Offshore, no Onshore, no Alaska, no drilling at all. So the money HAS to go overseas or we have the choice of simply shuttering all manufacturing in this country. I am sure the liberals would just love shuttering all our factories: they make us get our energy abroad. No nuclear. No Wind. No Solar. No Oil. No Coal. What the hell do liberals think we will use? They shut down wind farms in Oklahoma, solar farms in the Nevada desert, wind farms off the east coast. Liberals just don’t think about the consequences of their illogic.

ObamaIsAJugearedDunce, More to the point, how many fighters could the US buy if we still had our money?

Actually we might not need to have build as many if we did not empower our enemies, in which case we would have a smaller government footprint in our lives.

@ Blast

Well Blast, here’s a few ideas. How about WE DRILL FOR OUR OWN DAMN OIL ON OUR OWN DAMN LAND? I know, what about the baby seals that might get oil soaked if we have an accident. Oh, what about this: HOW ‘BOUT WE BUILD A COUPLA NUKE REACTORS?

Funny, the left always brings up the money we send to foreign governments without any ideas to keep from doing it except power everything with sunshine and unicorns. Barney Frank stopped the construction of a clean LNG power plant by claiming the nasty Fall River was a historic place of beauty or some crap. All the left wants to talk about is what we can’t do because of global warming. There is no global warming. It’s been debunked. It’s not the right that is funding Chavez, it’s the people that won’t let us build anything here. It’s you.

Aqua: How about WE DRILL FOR OUR OWN DAMN OIL ON OUR OWN DAMN LAND? I know, what about the baby seals that might get oil soaked if we have an accident.

Dude, even if we went after EVERY drop of oil we have, it still would not be enough. And… should we use every drop of oil on US land today? There is a finite amount, so do we (the people of today) own every drop? Using up all of our own resources to me is like leaving a huge national debt behind for future generations. So we f-them with debt and use every drop of oil… nice.

@ Blast

I don’t know anyone that doesn’t believe we should seek alternative forms of energy. I find it telling that you said nothing of nuclear power. They actuall have come up with the technology for mini reactors with no moving parts that can be buried in neighborhoods to power up to 20,000 homes. They only have to refuel the reactors every 7 to 10 years. See for yourself here

That would be safe, clean energy that we’ll never see because of liberals. As for the oil, there are theories out there that say Peak Oil is not the fact that everyone says it is. See link here.

Even so, drilling our own oil isn’t going to expend the resource in the next 10 years. We wouldn’t see the results for a few years, so we should start now. In the meantime, we should use incentives to find alternative sources and we should move forward immediately with nuclear power and LNG. Instead, the left only wants to shut down refineries and coal plants with nothing to take their place. In your own words…nice. And we’re supposed to be the party of no. Whatever.

Aqua, I find it telling that you said nothing of nuclear power.

Don’t read my lack of response as a firm opinion one way or another… right now, I would say why not build the reactors far away from people in areas where there is just desolation and use transmission lines to move the energy to places where people were located. The upside for use of nuclear is clear and so is the downside. Waste, and potential accidental release issues are real, as well as being targets for terrorists. Your link did not work about these new reactors, which if such a reactor was available and was reliable, then I would not object.

Even so, drilling our own oil isn’t going to expend the resource in the next 10 years. We wouldn’t see the results for a few years, so we should start now.

Maybe so… but what about 50 years, 100 years from now? We have seen a appreciable drop in production from existing wells… I live in a oil rich state and often wells are not pumping because they do not produce enough to pay for the energy to extract the oil… at one time those wells were gushers. It seems we are very selfish and feel we need to get every drop today, just like our debt spending, not only unsustainable we are following the path to destruction of the future of our country.

@ Blast

Links fixed.

If we haven’t found a permanent alternative to oil in the next 20 years, we aren’t the America I know. Wait, we’re not the America I know. As long as productivity and risk are punished, no one is going to take a chance. Productivity, inspiration and risk have to be rewarded for people to move forward with their ideas. Read Story of Krister Evertson
An inventor working on fuel cell technology prosecuted by the Federal Government. I’m not blaming Obama here, because I think he was prosecuted on Dubya’s watch.

Doing nothing though is stoopid. Doing nothing never solved a single problem, evah, in the history of the world.

Blast said:

“Dude, even if we went after EVERY drop of oil we have, it still would not be enough. And… should we use every drop of oil on US land today? There is a finite amount…”

Was not aware that every area that might produce oil in the US had been explored so that we had a good idea of how much oil was in fact under our control. Oh wait, this is not the case.

Off shore Florida, California, Alaska have not been properly surveyed IIRC, also ANWR and huge areas of Alaska. I’d like to also know how far up the East coast there might be oil, as in north of Florida. Not to mention all the federally held land that the dems are refusing to let be explored.

I don’t disagree that there’s a finite amount, but we aren’t anywhere near knowing what we have.

Rolling forward- agree with you or Aqua that nuclear power has to be a huge factor in energy production for the US in future.

Everything I have read says that we have enough oil and fossil resources so that we actually don’t need to import a drop – that is if it were being pumped right now. There is certainly a finite amount and there is no reason to not build nukes and RECYCLE the fuel – just like the French do with originally American technology. Congress and the envrionmentalists have ruined the nuclear industry in this country, and they are doing great damage to the rest of the energy industry.

We will need 20 to 30 years to re-work our infrastructure to accommodate alternative fuels and electric cars, for example, but that does not mean we have to shoot ourselves in the foot and DENY the use of nautral gas and oil and coal and coal liquefication, etc.

One also has to consider the myriad rules and hurdles the congress has put on natural gas and the like over the years which prevent easier access to LNG, or the ridiculous tax burdens on fossil fuels that never wind up in legitimate energy research but get wasted by the incompetent government. Give tax breaks to industry to develop new fuels and techniques and open up development – stop allowing the minority far-left eco-freaks to dominate what the rest of the country needs. This constant refrain that fossil fuels are terrible, terrible pollution sources is only partly correct – nothing is perfect. We have constantly updated and improved polllution controls and a big part of that is due to the environmentalists – thankfully – but now they are overstepping themselves and trodding on the rest of us.

Fundamentally, the incessant lying or deliberate misrepresentation of facts in this country anymore (and by far, mostly from the progressives/left) – about just about anything – is truly disgusting and absolutely prevents us from having more efficient and timely advancement – as well as a decent debate on the national scene. Their tatcics of personal attack and lawsuits at the drop of a hat are nasty as well.

, thanks for updating the links. I am not sure if you noticed this on the bottom of the article… “Eh, I dunno…I wouldn’t want to be a beta tester, I’ll tell ya that.”

I am all for nuclear… as long as it is safe, and far – very far from populated areas or places that generate a lot of agriculture. Things that man makes break, and often do. Lets put those puppies in the desert and pipe the electricity back to where it is needed.