Connecting the Insidious Obama and ACORN Nexus


Barack Obama’s ties to ACORN (see Memeorandum) are not incidental nor are they casual. Bill O’Reilly displayed his fundamental ignorance on the matter last night when he pooh-poohed the notion of an Obama tie simply because “ACORN previously worked” for his campaign. O’Reilly acted like this was ancient history. Sorry Bill, but you do not know what the hell you are talking about. The latest saga of ACORN as an enabler of child prostitution, illegal immigration and tax fraud is not new.

The money given to ACORN through one of its front companies–CSI–was not a simple clerical error. The Obama Presidential campaign deliberately tried to hide its relationship to ACORN and funneling almost $1 million dollars to ACORN by using a group with no experience doing the task that it was ostensibly hired to do. The story is pretty simple–it is about Citizen Services Inc., a Nigerian director of CSI living in Minnesota and false campaign financing report.

I first wrote this story last August (see here). We passed this information first to David Brown, a reporter in Pittsburgh, who broke the story publicly in early August. So far the mainstream press has failed to investigate this matter. Here are the key details.

The Obama team gave Citizen Services Inc. more than $800,000 ostensibly for “staging and lighting.” We reported (our own intrepid Eastan MacNeal) the following:

According to Federal Election Commission (FEC) financial disclosure reports filed by the campaign earlier this year, between February 25th and May 17th Obama paid $832,598 to Citizens Services, Inc. (CSI), one of the nearly seventy Not-for-Profit companies registered at the ACORN New Orleans headquarters on 1024 Elysian Fields Avenue [SEE IMAGE OF THE NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS of CSI as well as 20 other businesses.]. CSI now also shares an office with ACORN in Chicago at 209 W. Jackson St., home of the SEIU (Service Employees International Union). . . . According to the director (of CSI), and as found in various disclosure reports from other candidates, CSI specializes in field operations, specifically grass roots organizing for get out the vote efforts. The Obama expense reports list the following payments to CSI: $564,342 for Stage, Sound, Lighting, $138,000 for Advance Work, $18,417 for Polling and $98,451 for Travel/Lodging.

Only one itty, bitty problem. CSI had no track record of performing such services. When the Obama team was confronted with this uncomfortable fact they quickly pivoted and claimed, “Oh, we made a labeling mistake, it was just to get out the vote.” And the media and most of the public swallowed that horseshit without pause.

But that was a lie. How do I know? Because I tracked down one of the Directors of CSI, one Mr. Sunday Oladimeji Alabi. According to one of the documents filed with the State of Louisiana the Directors in 2006 were:

Filing 3
Filed Date: 06/01/2006
Filing Number: 36196988
Comments: ANNUAL REPORT (06)

Officers – As Of – 04/20/2007
Contact Type: OFFICER
Address: 1201 E 22ND ST
MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55404-2969

Contact Type: OFFICER
Address: 621 PROSPECT ST
EL PASO, TX 79902-3745

Contact Type: OFFICER
Address: 3990 DELTA ST
SAN DIEGO, CA 92113-4206

I searched the internet and found Mr. Alabi’s phone number. Mr. Alabi answered the phone and I introduced myself using my real name. But I did tell a white lie–I said I got his name and number from Bob Shrum at the Democratic National Committee. He hesitated. When I repeated that I got his name and number from the DNC he brightened up and became quite chatty. Using the Obama FEC filing as my guide I told Mr. Alabi that I needed to hire Citizen Services to help my campaign with “Staging, Sound, and Lighting.” Without a moments hesitation Mr. Alabi told me, “we don’t do that.” He went on to identify ACORN as the organization that handles those matters and he told me to contact Marc Seiden (he gave me a cell phone number for Mr. Seiden, which is a District of Columbia cell phone). Are there any legit journalists interested in Mr. Seiden’s phone number? It is still working as I write this.

Note that Mr. Alabi did not take time to correct me and tell me that he and his group only did “get out the vote” work. He directed me to a person he says is affiliated with the ACORN office in Washington. So who is Eric Seiden? What was his role with the Obama campaign? Who did he talk to in order to ensure the “get out the vote” effort was effective.

Why did the Obama team select CSI/ACORN for a critical role in getting out the vote? Who on the Obama team recommended that CSI/ACORN had the requisite expertise? Let’s remember that Obama was in a longshot position of winning the election when they turned to CSI and sent them almost $1 million dollars. Given that Barack Obama and David Axelrod are so damn intelligent (Did you know that Barack is the smartest person ever to be President? I heard that on the radio.) are we to believe that they just made a blind choice completely devoid of any research or back up testimonial? I don’t think so.

If you want to understand why ACORN offices across the country are able to give crafty advice on avoiding taxes, fooling the police and setting up child prostitution businesses then you must first understand why the campaign of Barack Obama gave almost $1 million to an organization with no track record in doing the electioneering work they were hired to do.

Anyone out there willing to go get these answers?

Crossposted from No Quarter

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I have been waiting for this to be looked into again….I couldn’t find any FEC follow up

Either O’Reilly is operating under some serious death threats or he has drank the koolaide. He’s became a total wimp or AH depending on the night of the week. I no longer watch more than a few minutes of his show. Like watchin O’Dumbo speak it makes me puke.

Screamed at TV and wanted to smack O’Reilly for regurgitating the 75,000 figure for the 912 event four nights in a row. I was there at the awesome event. He likes playing devils advocate but goes out of his way to be a namby pamby middle of the roader for ratings.

ICanCopyAndPasteToo, the FEC is not an Agency that has any real power, otherwise half of Congress, Obama, Hillary and Bill would be on trial or convicted by now. Al Gore would be in prison for taking money from China and I would not have to be posting this.

I like O’Reilly but I think he has given Obama the benefit of the doubt so often that it is becoming something of a joke among conservatives. I think he is holding out hope that he can lure Obama in for that pivotal interview. He wants to be the one at Fox to land the big fish and appears, at times, to be bending over backward to bait the hook.

I don’t want O’Reilly to take cheap shots at the President but I want him to pursue the people that Obama has surrounded himself with when they’ve crossed the legal or ethical line. Right now I’m not seeing enough of that and I believe O’Reilly should be very vocal about pushing for a Justice Department inquiry into Charles Rangel and ACORN. The IRS should be engaged in both cases by now and O’Reilly should be following it closely with an eye on the White House for any effort it may make to prevent DOJ and IRS from following through to the end.

There is also a part of me that believes that since Beck scooped this story and developed it, O’Reilly does not want to climb onboard when the ride is in the back seat. Still, as long as he keeps trotting out Dennis Miller every Wednesday, O’Reilly will have me watching at least once a week.

To anyone who paid the slightest attention to Obama’s campaign and his bio, the suggestion that he doesn’t have any ties to ACORN is laughable.

But remember, we are dealing with the general public, most of whom were totally unaware of who Bill Ayers was and were ready to give Obama a pass when he claimed he never heard Rev. Wright say those awful things in church.

I do think the veil of willful ignorance surrounding Obama is starting to slip from the faces of Indepedents and others who don’t follow these issues as closely as most of us here. Whether that means they connect all the dots between Obama and ACORN/SEIU remains to be seen.

I just wish these corruption cases would go to court. The discovery process would destroy this administration and the leftist organizations that have been trying to destroy America.

O’Reilly has sooo jumped the shark. I, too, yell at the screen when he quotes that 75,000 figure. It was never an official figure, never intended to be. An email to his show is useless. Someone should email or tweet one of his regular guests to correct him.

Another recent thing that bothered me was when Marc Lamont Hill said that O’Keefe and Giles went into “hundreds” of ACORN offices and were turned away. O’Reilly asked how he knew, and Hill said they “admitted” it. And even though Breitbart said he contacted The Factor to set the record straight, I have not seen any on-air correction by O’Reilly. He must have the most lazy-ass fact checkers ever and/or he’s still hoping to suck up enough to the left to score another Obama interview.

By his recent actions, Bill sure is keeping the rumors flying about how he is ready to cash in to a better paying network. If his show is going to be like this from now on, more power to him. Maybe someone will make effective use of his time slot at Fox. Glen, this could be the break you’ve been waiting on. Keep being the only man willing to step on toes and you may end up being rewarded with a much larger boot.

This sucker (I never refer to him as President ) is a Liar, a Fraud and an Impostor. Pure and simple! Fresh out of the corrupt Chicago Political Machine. I knew it from the beginning. Hand picked and sold to Boobus Americanus by radicals to undermine the foundation of our Constitution.


The net works should play the video at the top of the page everyday , all day , it says all that needs to be said. ACORN is the Obummer machine. I saw this video before he was elected and it burned me up no one paid any attention to it.

the other video is obummer saying the constitution is a great doc. but flawed and needed some change also. He said it limited what the gov. could do for the people. What a nightmare.

O’reilly is an arrogant, self absorbed, self righteous ass. Beck is trouncing his ratings right now and deservedly so.

I used to listen to O’Reilly all the time because I felt I was getting straight talk. Lately he has been doing a lot of waffling. I think he is spinning his own stories sometimes. Sometimes listening to him is almost like listening to MSNBC…..

Great work as always Larry. I wish more people had listened to you and read No Quarter last year. This organization needs its own wiki!

I can’t stand the Oreilly. He is a moderate Obama kiss ass. He talks a tough talk, but he sucks.

Breitbart has something dropping this coming week that they say is big. Ace has a small thread on it.

Larry’s work back then underlines and reminds that Obamas corruption is not, as the lefties think, OK because he’s just screwing righties. Larry’s ignored work shows that before they screwed us, they screwed Hillary and the Democrats. Very Stallinist, as well as Alinsky, tactics.
Frankly, Larry, I think they gonna send their Beria to purge you before they come for the Tea partiers.

I too am one of the screamers at my TV when O’reilly is on. Something has happened to him in the last three months that has turned him into a sceptic on anything having to do negatively with Obama. And the obvious slam on the 912 march shows that he made no serious effort to report on it fairly. Who the hell is Lamont Hill? This machine gun mouthed idiot is liking listening to a rabid left wing nut. What is the purpose of his appearances? O’reilly has also become such a bully to polite center/right guests that it is becoming a point of concern. Watch him when Juan Williams and MKH are on. Williams will get to finish his thoughts and will not be interrupted but MKH never gets through her thoughts or gets to finish her “Equal” time. I usually last about 10-15 minutes before I bail on this blowhard.